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Dearer then I?

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of
Category: M/M
Fandom: Overwatch (Video Game)
Relationship: Ramattra/Tekhartha Zenyatta, Ramyatta - Relationship, Ramattra &
Tekhartha Zenyatta
Character: Ramattra (Overwatch), Tekhartha Zenyatta, Tekhartha Mondatta, Genji
Shimada, Hanzo Shimada
Additional Tags: Masterbation, Gentle Kissing, Gentle Sex, Anal Sex,
Implied/Referenced Abuse, mondatta is an asshole, Post-Coital
Cuddling, interruption during masterbation, Anger, Rage, Punishment,
Implied/Referenced Torture, Fluff and Smut, Eventual Smut, Accidental
Slow Burn, Slow Burn
Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Choosing love
Stats: Published: 2023-05-04 Words: 2,255 Chapters: 2/?

Dearer then I?
by Okami_Hanzo_Art


Zenyatta is tasked by Mondatta with watching over the traveling monk Ramattra. However
this proves difficult when they don't always see eye to eye. As zen continues to work alone
side Ramattra. After a missionary outing they have a misunderstanding that leads contact.
Zenyatta starts to have feeling for him. Feeling that are dangerous but is he willing to risk it
for this feeling?


Dear readers thank you for choosing my work to read. I appreciate you all I hop you enjoy

also quick aside they are not robots in this story they are humans and have human...

See the end of the work for more notes


“BUT why me? Master Mondatta your can’t be serious.” Zenyatta whines a little he looks at his
master. Mondatta chuckled lightly
“My friend I need to make sure that Ramattra stays in line thats all. Nothing more it’ll be fun
traveling that world saving more lives.”

They walk to Ramattra’s quarters. Zen was young no more than 23 years old. He didn’t think he
needed to keep tabs on Ramattra who was 33. Ten years his senior. Zen sighs. “I’m only doing this
because you ask this of me…” Mondatta pats Zen’s back and he chuckles gently he walks Zen into
Ramattra’s room.

“Ramattra, Ive brought Zenyatta he is the volunteer I have procured for you. Do be gently with this
one. I leave you both to it.” The high monk leaves them both alone. Ramattra had been packing the
whole time and only now moves toward Zen. “Hmmm… you know you don’t have to go if you
don’t want to. Well I suppose you might have to. Well we’ll so how it goes. Do you have a
passport?” Zen raised is eyebrow gently “Yes?” He wasn’t aware that they were going out of
Nepal. “I didn’t know that we were going anywhere that far…” he sighs and shrugged and looks to
him waiting for orders. Ramattra puts his hand on Zen’s shoulder and smiles “Don’t worry we’re
not going that far we’ll only go into India I just didn’t want there to be any issues on the way
back.” He walks around him to the doorway. “Come.” Zen sighs and follows him close are they

They had Many trips to India offer the span of a couple years and they often found more wayward
young monks to added to their masses. On one of these regularly scheduled trips they were again
going to India. The trip was about 21 out of 22 days through they were leaving the next morning to
go back to the Shambali Monastery. Even though their efforts in recruiting was unfruitful, their
bond of trust was becoming stronger. Zen on many occasions had to trust in Ramattra. Ramattra
was much nicer then people made him out to be. Zenyatta was actually enjoying himself he wanted
it to last longer. They were eating their last meal together before their trip back. They were eating
some chicken Korma over rice. The stars were out, the air was cold but gentle.

“Do you remember? When you found me 5 years ago… why did you help me then?” He pauses
and then continues “I have been thinking about you for a while now. I know, that you’re 10 years
older at 35, but I don’t feel like we’re that far apart. Zen’s voice was soft. And he looks to
Ramattra waiting for an answer. Ramattra smiles and chuckles lightly. “Yes I do remember… I
helped because, think you needed what I had. A family, a home, a purpose.” Ramattra gently
places the necklace he was wearing around Zen’s neck. Zen looks at him and tries to refuse it. “No
I want you to have this, a little token of the time we’ve shared”
He looks away as they sit huddled close, “You’ve grown much since I’ve seen you.” He gently
places a hand on his on Zenyatta’s face tilts his chin to look at him. They both blush and
simultaneously lean in for a gentle kiss. Ramattra runs is hands up and done Zen’s body as they
continue to kiss. He leans the younger back breaking the kiss. Ramattra looks down and Zen and
leans in for more kisses. They were desperate now as Zen feels Ramattra’s tongue touch his own.
Their gentle moans were quiet but passionate. Zen places his hands on the small of Ramattra’s
back. He was pulling Ramattra’s pants down. Ramattra’s lips ease back.

“W-What..?” Zen asked desperately. He looks up to him. He searched his face wondering. “Zen,
I’ll only continue if you’re sure. The last thing In want is to force you to do anything.” Zen shakes
his head. “Your right.. I-I want you but not like this. I’m not, ready for sex.” They sit up and kiss
once more Zen places Ramattra’s arms around them as they kiss. “Maybe next time.” Ramattra
says picking Zenyatta up and placing him in bed. Ramattra turns to leave to get into his own bed.
But Zen stops his and whines. “Ramma… please.. stay… I don’t want to be alone again.” Ramma
was a Pet seemingly a pet name that Zen had given him. Ram lays himself down next to the
smaller man under the sheets spooning him. They then share the same bed for the first time.

They however didn’t tell Mondatta of their ever growing connection for each other. Fornication,
and Homosexuality were strictly forbidden at Shambali Monastery. So they kept their feeling from
each other and their brotherhood. They continued to kiss in secret when no one was around they
had almost been caught a few times. But they never talked about what they were doing. It made
Zenyatta confused he needed answers. And he was going to ask.

It last really late Zenyatta was walking the halls that night. He couldn’t sleep. Some of his
insomnia was caused by distractions and distress. He and Mondatta were talking about the
possibility of Ramattra’s most perplexing thoughts and actions. The monks here at Shambali
monastery try to do no harm. And yet Ramattra seemed most self destructive than ever lately.

Mondatta had entrusted Zen the younger of the three with the task of watching over the aggressive
Ram. Zenyatta was a natural leader and teacher. Ramattra while older was also a leader but not a sit
back and watch the inefficiencies of the world happen. Zenyatta and Ramattra were brothers . No
closer they were closer. Or at least that’s what he thought to himself. He knew Ramattra ‘s
intentions of leaving but he hoped this ultimately wouldn’t happen. Zen would miss him dearly.

Zen was going to talk to him tomorrow. They had been working with each other for years. But,
Zen's feelings were getting in the way of his work. It was so bad even Mondatta was staring to
notice. He couldn't tell Mondatta so he was alone with his feeling. so he needed to talk to Ramattra.
But he hear something coming from ram’s room. It was sounds of desperation and destress he
thought for sure he heard his name. Zen ran quietly and quickly to the entrance way of the room.
He gently peers into the room. He can hear ram much clearer. His back was to Zen but he was
lying down in bed there were candles lit for warmth? Or for effect. Either way Zenyatta realizes
what exactly Ramattra was doing.

Ramattra had no way of knowing whom was behind him as he lay there. He thought he was alone.
Ramattra had needed to be alone first to meditate on his feelings then it was to blow off some
steam. Now he found himself struggling to not cum at the thought of Zenyatta in his strong arms.
He was stroking his member ruthlessly not with love. He just needed to get off. He knew he was
close precum dribbling down his tip, as he struggled to not moan. He bit his fingers and imagined
what he really wanted. He moans gently.

“Z- Zenyatta.” He was desperate. His eyes closed. He wasn’t close enough though but the tension
was unbearable he stroked feebly then heard something. It sounds like someone knocked over his
metal change bowl of coins. Ramattra covers himself with a blanket and stands up.

“Is someone there?? Come out. “ he looks around and sees nothing. He sees an eye peering at him
from the door way. And then they dart away.

Zenyatta had been watching Ramattra for what seemed like hours. Zen too had become
increasingly indecent and had begun his own version of Ramattra’s “methods” zen was less quiet
and more clumsy and accidentally knocked over a metal dish. It clattered for what felt like hours.
He hid behind the door holding Ram would finish. But he heard footsteps. He peered at Ramattra
and their eyes met. Then he hid again gasping pulling his pants back up. Before long Ramattra was
before him. Both men acted as if nothing prior had happened. Ramattra said greetings, Zenyatta
said hello.

“What brings you to my neck of the woods this late?” Ramattra’s hand was on the doorway and his
blanket that was covered him.

“Im sorry for the inconvenience I was just passing through when I heard the metal clink.” Zen says

“That’s fine I appreciate the sentiment.”

Ramattra was much taller than zen. He was towering over him smiling.
“I can help you pick up the coins if you like…”

“Zen…” Ramattra was grinning

“You never mentioned what fell did you…”

Zen realized then that he admitted to spying on Ramattra.

“No” Ramattra chuckled he leans down to kiss Zen. Zen gasps but eventually relaxes into the kiss.
It went on for a while ram pushed zen into the door frame his kisses became deeper more
aggressive. Ramattra’s knee had buried itself into Zen’s crotch. Zen was giving adding friction to
this. His hands moved down zen’s body caressing every inch on him. Ramattra moved Zenyatta
into the bed.

“You’re not a good liar zen.”

“I could be you don’t kno-ahh!”

Ramattra had bit the crook of Zenyatta’s neck and sucked on it.

“Stop…” zen protested “I don’t want a hiccie

“Hmmm…” Ramattra instead goes for the nipples, running his tongue over Zenyatta’s sensitive
skin. Ramattra finds zen’s hard one. He takes advantage and starts stroking. Zen’s hands shoot
down to stop ram’s advances. Zen can’t free his cock from Ramattra. Zen whimpering and holds
onto Ramattra’s back. He was beginning to wet.

“I want you to beg me…” Ramattra says while keeping a steady rhythm. He knows what he
wanted. Zen didn’t respond. Ramattra presses a finger into Zen’s mouth. When it was wet he
pushes it into zen. He was smiling. Ram kissed Zen’s tip while looking at him.

Zen bites his finger. “ please…. Please Rama…. I can’t wait much m-more…” Zen knew exactly
what he wanted know. he was so desperate was spreading his legs a little hoping this would be
more inviting

Ramattra chuckles if a single finger and stroking were enough to break his resolve. What would his
member do. Ramattra pulls his blanket off and touches Zen’s knees. Pulling him closer as he gently
pokes at zen’s entrance. He positions himself she his arms are close to Zenyatta’s shoulders he
leaned down for a kiss and he thrusts. He kisses Zen’s neck as well. Zen gasps and cries out.
“Hush now, we don’t want to wake Mondatta now do we…” Ramattra cautions as he looks down
at zen. He was just inside unmoving giving him the chance to adjust…. He then begins to thrust
gently… holding one of Zenyatta’s hands. Ramattra was so powerful and big. But this gentle
moment was a surprise to Zenyatta. He’d been so ruff earlier.

“Rama-… ahh… we-we can’t- it’s against the rules-ahh!” Zen wasn’t really wanting him to stop he
just felt guilty for sullying him.

“My dear… ugh… hush now. In the iris all is forgotten…. I’ve chosen you, won’t you share your
love with me…” Ramattra’s thrusts begin to be faster and he pulls Zenyatta’s legs over his body
for a better angle… Ramattra was deeper now then he’d been earlier. Zen’s voice is strained he
holds Ramattra’s hand tightly. Their chests and belly’s were covered in sweat as the writhed
together. Ramattra all over the sudden pinches his eyes closed. And gasps.

“I’m-I’m cumming… in-inside… I’m sorry….” Ram looks desperate. He’s lost all rhythm and
instincts have taken over. Zenyatta kissed his cheek and he look’s into his eyes.

“Cum inside, I wish to be full…” Zenyatta giggled gently… that was enough for Ramattra to cum.
He kisses zen as he thrusts once more and stops. His cock twitches as it spills his essence into zen.
Zen had also cum all over the two of them. They both have gasped as they came. Ramattra lays his
head down on zen’s head Gasping. He gently pulls himself free from Zenyatta’s clenched hold. He
wraps his arms around Zenyatta’s torso tightly forcing him to spoon.

“Shouldn’t we… clean… and I go to bed…?” Zen says quietly, he barely stirs as he says it.
Ramattra kisses his neck.

“Are you prepared to leave me so suddenly… I can’t let you leave I’m afraid….” Ramattra’s voice
was gentle but firm.

Zen was staying. But they could still freshen up. He picked zen up and carried him to the bath. He
lays him in the tub and wets a cloth washing him down with soap… he was so gentle… and
detailed. Zenyatta was looking at him and pulled him into the tub. “What?” Ramattra asks. Zen
takes the cloth and washes him down as well.

“Nothing..” zen says as he sits on Ramattra’s lap.

Ramattra chuckles and then smiles. “Your thorough. I’ll give the that..” he lifts zen up and replaces
him on the bed once more. He spoons him once again and puts the sheets over them. No need to
put their clothes on ram wanted to feel Zen’s skin on him. As they slept. He just hoped in the
morning that all would be right in the world.

End Notes

I wrote chapter 2 first so forgive me if its a little bit slow to get to the juicey. (the smut)

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