Cover Letter - Materials - Special Issue - Initial Sub - v1

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February 20, 2023

The Editor

Dear Sir,

I wish to submit the research article for publication titled “An experimental six-layered Tissue
based Human Head Phan-tom Material for Brain Tumor diagnosis using Electromagnetic
signals’ in your renowned journal. The paper is co-authored by Amran Hossain, Ahasanul
Hoque , Sharul Kamal Abdul Rahim, Gan Kok Beng, Ahmed S. Alshammari, Muhammad E.H.
Chowdhury, Mohamed S. Soliman and Md. Shabiul Islam.

The paper presents the preparation and the measurement of six-layered human head phantoms
for sensor-based microwave brain imaging system (SMBIS) for diagnosis tumor in the head. The
head phantom has been constructed based upon three-dimensional arrangements filled-up with
nu-merous biochemical combinations that imitate the six brain tissues: DURA, CSF, White
Matter, Gray Matter, Fat, and Skin regarding permittivity within the wideband frequency band
(1GHz to 4GHz). For imaging purposes, the malignant and benign tumor(s) are also fabricated
and placed in different locations in 3D skull model to validate the performance of the phantom.
After formulated, the di-electric properties are measured by utilizing a dielectric kit linked with a
vector network analyzer. The measured dielectric properties are compared to real human head
tissue’s dielectric properties. After that, the human phantom model, including tumors, is
validated by using a SMBIS. The investigational dielectric characteristics of the brain tissues
show go1od agreement with reference dielectric properties of the real brain tissues of the head.
The experimental imaging outcomes show the legitimacy of the proposed six-layered tissue
mimicking phantoms that can be used as an al-ternate to the actual human brain tissue for
diagnosis the brain tumors in SMBIS.

This manuscript has not been published or presented elsewhere in part or entirety and is not
under consideration by another journal. There are no conflicts of interest to declare.

Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you.


Mohammad Tariqul Islam

Centre for Advanced Electronic and Communication Engineering, Department of Electrical,
Electronic and Systems Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
43600, Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia

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