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Cabading, Vya Lyane E.


1. Give 5 customer service concepts learned from the uploaded lesson
(elaborate on how amazon does it).
 Customers should indeed be understood, not just listened to.
Listening to customers is simple. But still, to effectively enhance the
business, each employee must understand customers and their demands.
 Don't be scared to say sorry. Expressing your sincere apologies is
uncomfortable and unpleasant since you admit that you made a mistake.
We intend to utilize the clots from this horrible mistake to assist us in
making smarter decisions moving beyond, ones that meet our objective.
But, a strong, emotional apology is a good indicator that the organization
cares about the customer's needs.
 Trust your customers as they'll return your trust. Trust your
employees to act responsibly. The organization enables its employees
from prescribed scripts and equips them to apply excellent judgment to
assist in solving consumer issues.
 Work to build a customer-focused business. You concentrate on what
will be helpful to customers rather than the looks of the upcoming
months. This part of the mindset is uncommon, in the viewpoint.
 Respect always the Customers. Regardless of how frustrated you are
with a customer for taking their complaint on, you should always respond
by admiring and respecting them.

2. Synthesize the YouTube video with an emphasis on the importance of

customer service.
- Investing in customer service is important since it may assist you in creating
stronger bonds with your clientele, which eventually results in happy and
successful customers that are more inclined to stay with and highly suggest
your enterprise. Customer service is essential since it is the primary interface
between your clients and your organization. It keeps clients and obtains
more revenue from them. Organizations can recover their expenses related to
customer acquisitions by giving excellent customer service. This contributes
to creating a strong following that promotes new clients, operates as studies,
and makes recommendations and feedback.

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