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Oral de Inglês

MAFALDA: Hello everyone!

Today we are going to talk about a bipolar and extremely magical word, better known
as success!
MARGARIDA: Please Mafalda, be more honest with them! Today, we are going to tell
you the secrets to finding success.
MAFALDA: Hmmm, are you sure?!

(mudar diapositivo)

ANA: So, tell me Mafalda, what is success for you?

MAFALDA: Oh, I think success is when you completely complete your goals, or at least
some goal you set.
ANA: Really?! For me, success is when we are doing well economically, socially and
personally. That is, when we feel fulfilled and happy.
And to you Margarida?
MARGARIDA: I think we are successful when we are able to do what makes us happy,
even help other people, for example.
But let them tell us what success means to them. Someone want to talk?
(publico fala)
Ok, great! Let’s start!

(mudar diapositivo)

In a more technical way, success is a favorable event, an happy result. Is something or

someone who succeeded.
But as you know and as we have just proved, success can vary. Can be the definition of
being fulfilled, happy, safe, healthy and loved. But also, the ability to achieve your
goals in life, whatever those goals are.
MAFALDA: Success is also a positive result after much effort and useful experience.
It's about perception. It might be a defeat, but if you think it's a good result, you'll be

(mudar diapositivo)

You only know you've achieved success if you've worked for it. Goals were set and
met. If you were strong and able to fight. Never Forget that “success is a journey, not a

(mudar diapositivo)

ANA: After all this conversation about success, you've already noticed that we started
our presentation by deciphering this wonderful word.
Next, we will talk about the importance of success in our life, about what makes a
person successful and we will also give you some tips for you to be successful.

(mudar diapositivo)

So, why is success important in life?

Success provides confidence, security, a sense of well-being, hope and leadership.
Without success, you, your group, your company, your goals, dreams and even entire
civilizations would not be able to survive.
MARGARIDA: Regardless of culture, race, religion, economic background or social
group, most would agree that success is important and vital for the well-being of the
individual, the family, and certainly for the survival of these things in the future.
MAFALDA: Of course girls! Those who downplay the importance of success are either
confused or have given up on their own chances of success.
Success isn’t just important. It’s vital, and must never be reduced to anything less than
vital. Success is valuable, important and necessary for survival.
How can anyone live happily without a sense of accomplishment? Without happy

(mudar diapositivo)
MARGARIDA: It’s impossible Mafalda! And just because of that, let's tell them what
makes a successful person!
MAFALDA: Let’s do it!
MARGARIDA: To show you what makes a successful person, we've put together some
aspects that all successful people have in common.
First of all, you need to know who you are and know yourself. You need to know that
you will be the one to make your own luck. Hence the importance of setting real goals
that you can accomplish.
Another important aspect is being willing to fail. Don't think that achieving goals is
easy. You have to be prepared for defeat. If you aren't, you are subject to some
troubles, mainly related to self-confidence, for example.
ANA: Don't forget that successful people are lifelong learners who strive to step out of
their comfort zones. They are not afraid to think outside the box.
MARGARIDA: Once again, success is the journey and not just the pay out!

(mudar diapositivo)

ANA: To be able to become people with all those characteristics that Margarida
mentioned, you have to be brave. Communication is also the key to success. It is
necessary to act with courage and integrity. Accept, speak and take action for what
you believe.

(mudar diapositivo)

MAFALDA: So, to sum up everything we said today, here are the 5 keys to success.

MARGARIDA: Are you seeing? I told you at the beginning that what we were going to tell you
were the secrets of success!

MAFALDA: Shut up Margarida, let's continue please!

So, first of all, build high self-esteem. Believe in yourself, have confidence, like and feel good
about yourself, be proud of what you do.

Then focus with a positive attitude. Always expect the best possible result for what you do.
Your thoughts are like magnets, you attract what you think about.

MARGARIDA: The third place is the importance of setting powerful and attainable goals.
Lastly, and also very important, don't forget to never give up and keep your body and mind
healthy. As Mafalda said, you attract what you think about and that's why you're capable of

(mudar diapositivo)

MAFALDA- I- Why aren't Ms. Gruwell's students motivated to succeed in school?

First, why do you think Ms. Gruwell’s students aren’t motivated to succeed in school?

MARGARIDA- Students are discouraged because they don't believe they will live long. In this
context, external factors such as poverty, crime, and lack of resources are what affect people's
ability to learn.

People in this environment end up getting involved with criminal gangs to survive but end up
dying at a very young age. This scenario discourages teenagers from the region to study, as
they believe that the study will not be useful for them. they believe they will be forced to join
criminal gangs and will die young since they have seen people around them being killed their
whole. (like we see in the exercise with the line almost everyone knew someone personally
who had been killed)

ANA: In this case, we can say that violence, poverty, and criminality are external factors that
impact society in a very imposing way, in addition to leaving young people with no prospects
for the future.

This brings us to the second point

II- What did Ms. Gruwell's do to get around this problem?

Why do you think Ms. Gruwell makes the effort to take her students to museums, meet
holocaust survivors, new books?

She does this to show the kids that she cares. That she cares about their education, about
them. So they don't will feel left out and think like “one cares anyway so why am I even
here”and then drop out of school.

MAFALDA - III- What was the outcome?

Well, the conclusion of The Freedom Writers Diary is filled with hope, as the Freedom Writers
all graduate from high school. These students, even with all of their problems, thanks to Ms.
Gruwell’s, managed to achieve something, because someone believed in them. Finding their

(mudar diapositivo)

MARGARIDA: And we finished our presentation, I hope you enjoyed it, and on to success!

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