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Apresentação de inglês


Hello everyone!

Today we are going to talk about the country: Bahamas!

Mudança de Diapositivo

Ana: During this presentation we will cover some topics, such as: location, capital, flag,

Oficial language, political System, traditions, cuisine and also some curiosities.

Margarida: Bahamas is a country that is located in Central America, and is an Island. This
country is located between Cuba and Florida, as you can see… And is surrounded by the
Atlantic Ocean.

The Bahamas is made up of 700 tropical islands, but only about 30 are inhabited by people.

The Capital of Bahamas is Nassau.

Mafalda: The city of Nassau is known for its wonderful beaches and coral reefs. Nassau is
home to 70% of the population and is also the largest city in the country.

The capital is the country’s centre of commerce, education, law, administration and media.

Ana: That is the flag of Bahamas:

The flag consists of 3 horizontal bands and a black triangle. Yellow symbolizes the sand and
beaches of the nation, and the blue represents the waters that surrounded it. The black
triangle is based on the mesh, and symbolizes the unity.

Margarida: The main motto of the country is: Forward Upwoard Onward Together, that
means, in portuguese, para a frente, para cima, em frente, juntos.


Mafalda: The country has 2 anthems: the National anthem and the Royal anthem.

The Royal anthem was adopted as the National anthem in 1973, when the country became
independent from the united Kingdom. The name of the National anthem is “March On,
Bahamaland”, and, at the end of the presentation, we will show you these anthem.
(mesh- tralha, region of the flag where it connects to the pole)

Ana: English is the only native language of the Bahamians. However, due to the flow of Haitian
immigrants, French and Haitian Creole have been spoken since the mid-20th century.

Despite this, we emphasize that English is the official language of Bahamians.

(British English)

Margarida: In the country, Queen Elizabeth II is the official commander of the state, but there
are governors general, who represent her in decision-making.

In terms of currency, the official currency is the Bahamian Dollar: BSD.

Mafalda: Now we are going to talk about some traditions of the country.

The most popular celebration in Bahamas is Junkanoo that is a three-night festival and is
similar to our Carnival.

The most typical of the Bahamians cuisine is the “bahamian snail”, cooked in a wide variety of
ways, such as: snail stew, snail salad and snail pastries, for example. For dessert, they usually
eat coconut pie and guava cake.

Ana: First of all, in Bahamas live about only 390 000 people.

92% of this population follows Christianity, 5.6% is atheist and 2.4% follows other religions.

Margarida: After introducing you to the bahamas, we will tell you some interesting facts

 The most practiced sport in the Bahamas is cricket. (Ana)

 Bahamas is the third richest country in the West. 60% of the country's revenue comes
from tourism.(Guida)

 The Bahamas is one of the many kingdoms of the British Commonwealth, and Queen
Elizabeth II serves as the country’s head of state. (Mafalda)

 It is Big Major Cay, an islet better known as “island of pigs”. The reason is clear: Big
Major Cay is inhabited only by pigs. (Ana)

Mafalda: Finally, and as we said before, let's show a video that summarizes everything we've
talked about so far with the National Anthem at the same time.


Margarida: Thanks! We hope you enjoyed it.

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