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Kinetic Molecular

Marielle T. Olivares
Kinetic Molecular Theory

Gas is made up of particles that

continuously move in random and
straight-line motion.
Kinetic Molecular Theory
The spaces between these particles
are so wide that the force of
attraction is negligible, thus, they
diffuse easily and mix readily with
other gases.
Kinetic Molecular Theory
The collision of particles to each
other and to the walls of its
container is perfectly elastic. This
means that they don’t lose or gain
energy as they collide
Kinetic Molecular Theory
The average kinetic energy of a gas
is directly proportional to its
absolute temperature
Learning Task 1. Why Oh Why?
Identify the part of Kinetic Molecular Theory that
explains the following observations:
1. You smell the food being cooked by your mother
2. Party balloons burst when exposed to sunlight
3. LPG tanks should be stored in cool areas
Guide Questions
1. What happened to the balloon as it is placed in
hot water? In cold water?
2. What is the relationship of volume and
temperature based from the activity?

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