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Before we proceed sa section na ito ano ba ang appropriation bill?

Appropriation bill is a bill that

authorizes the government to withdraw funds for them to used pag may gusto silang program na
gawin na it needs funds to be implemented they create this bill.

(1) The Congress may not increase the appropriations recommended by the President
for the operation of the Government as specified in the budget. The form, content,
and manner of preparation of the budget shall be order by law.

When it comes to the budget, hindi allowed yung Congress na baguhin or taasan yung
appropriations na recommended by the president. So the form, content, and manner of
preparation ng budget must be prescribed by law.


Budget: the financial program of the national government for a designated calendar year,
consisting of statements of estimated receipts from revenues and expenditures for the
calendar on which it is intended to be effective based on the results of operations during the
preceding calendar year.

The budget is the financial program of the national government for a designated calendar year.


Calendar year meaning from the first day of the year up until the last day of the same year.

Meaning niyan is kung ano yung budget na need nila/ na gastos nila while implementing a
program from the first day of the year up until the last day of the same year.

Those used budget, kailangan ma document kasi yung documented na budget na yun is pwede
nilang gawing basihan para sa next year kung gaano kalaki yung nagastos nila sa program na yun
for the whole year. And makikita nila doon if this kind of money is worth it ba para sa program
na yun or not. Or If worth ba siya ipag pa tuloy pa.

(2) No provision or enactment shall be embraced in the general appropriations bill

unless it relates specifically to some particular appropriation therein. Any such
provision or enactment shall be limited in its operation to the appropriation to
which it relates.

This provision is aimed at ensuring that budget bills is na ka allocated lang mismong reason niya
or the budgetary matters and not sa mga hindi related na political issues or program.

any provision or enactment na hindi related the budget item cannot be included in the general
appropriations bill. This is to ensure na all spending is measures clearly and it is allocated
directly para sa political issues or program.
(3) The procedure in approving appropriations for the Congress shall strictly follow the
procedure for approving appropriations for other departments and agencies.

So, when it comes to proving the appropriations, it shall follow the same procedure of approval
like sa ibang departments

So paano nga ba yung procedure?


1. Drafting the budget: In the first step, Is to organize yung budget na need according doon
sa organization’s goal.

2. Budget review: Next will be the budget is being review by the executive leadership team.
And this time pwede nilang i-edit or do some changes if may nakikita sila i-need i-revise.

3. Budget presentation: In this time, the budget is being presented to the governing body
(such as a board of directors, city council, or state legislature) for further review and

4. Budget hearings: Public hearing can be implemented para malaman nila kung ano yung
opinion ng public about doon sa budget if it is reasonable ba.

5. Budget approval: This time the government body will going to conduct voting na. If
approved ba sila doon sa budget or not.

6. Budget implementation: Once the budget is approved, the organizations can implement
na yung program within the year base the sa naka proposed nila.

7. Budget monitoring: Throughout the fiscal year,


Ang pag kaka iba nila with calendar year is, fiscal year it doesn't need to start sa January 1, it can start sa
kahit anong date as well as end in random date.

So ayun, throughout the fiscal year yung budget na na approved is imomonitor para ma
allocate nila saan ba na pupunta yung fund and if reasonable ba yung fund na binigay and
if naging effective ba yung program na inimplement.

(4) A special appropriations bill shall specify the purpose for which it is intended, and
shall be supported by funds actually available as certified by the National
Treasurer, or to be raised by a corresponding revenue proposed therein.

any special appropriations bill is kailangan malinaw kung saan ba ito gagamitin and if the funds
is really necessary para sa successful na implementation nito. The funds necessary to support it
are either ready na or available na or will be raised through the legislation itself.
It is to ensure na yung spending na mangyayari is necessary and practical or financially feasible.
Kung kaya ba.

(5) No law shall be passed authorizing any transfer of appropriations; however, the
President, the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives,
the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, and the heads of Constitutional
Commissions may, by law, be authorized to augment any item in the general
appropriations law for their respective offices from savings in other items of their
respective appropriations.

No law shall be passed allowing na ma transfer yung appropriations sa iba however, the
president, president of senate, and the speaker of HOR, as well as the chief justice, and heads of
constitutional commissions are allowed by law na dagdagan yung ipapasang batas.

(6) Discretionary funds appropriated for particular officials shall be disbursed only for
public purposes to be supported by appropriate vouchers and subject to such
guidelines as may be prescribed by law.

any discretionary funds appropriated for particular officials must be disbursed or allocated only
for public purposes. So dapat lang silang gamitin for public purposes.


discretionary funds are an amount of money that is already available for spending on things na
useful para sa taong bayan.

however, sa pag gamit ng discretionary funds it requires documentation, reporting, and oversight
para ma ensure na yung funds na kinukuha ay hindi nabubulsa rather na gagamit talaga for the
people in the community.

(7) If, by the end of any fiscal year, the Congress shall have failed to pass the general
appropriations bill for the ensuing fiscal year, the general appropriations law for
the preceding fiscal year shall be deemed reenacted and shall remain in force and
effect until the general appropriations bill is passed by the Congress.

If by the end of fiscal year, the congress failed to pass the general appropriation bill, yung law for the
fiscal year is deemed reenacted or gagawin siya in the same process up until maka pasa yung Congress ng
general appropriation bill.
 (1) When it comes to the budget, hindi allowed yung Congress na baguhin or taasan yung
appropriations na recommended by the president. So the form, content, and manner of
preparation ng budget must be prescribed by law.
 Ano ba ang budget? Alam kong meron nang nasa isip niyo kung ano ang budget and tama kayo
if your knowledge regarding this term is similar to an allowance, but government version. Ito yung
financial program ng national government for a designated calendar year. How long do you think
is a calendar year? Simple lang, it runs from the first day of the year up until the last day of the
same year. Meaning niyan is kung ano yung budget na need nila/ na gastos nila while
implementing a program from january 1 up until december 31. Those used budget, kailangan ma
document kasi yung documented na budget na yun is pwede nilang gawing basihan para sa next
year kung gaano kalaki yung nagastos nila sa program na yun for the whole year. And makikita
nila doon if this kind of money is worth it ba para sa program na yun or not. Or If worth ba siya
ipag pa tuloy pa.
 (2) This provision is aimed at ensuring that budget bills is na ka allocated langsa mismong reason
niya or the budgetary matters and not sa mga hindi related na political issues or program. Any
provision or enactment na hindi related sa budget item cannot be included in the general
appropriations bill. This is to ensure na all spending is measures clearly and it is allocated directly
para sa political issues or program.
 (3) So when it comes to proving the appropriations it shall follow the same procedure of approval
like sa ibang departments
 (PROCEDURE) So paano nga ba yung procedure? In the first step, Is to organize yung budget
na need according doon sa organization’s goal. Next will be the budget is being review by the
executive leadership team. And this time pwede nilang i-edit or do some changes if may nakikita
sila i-need i-revise. In this time, the budget is being presented to the governing body (such as a
board of directors, city council, or state legislature) for further review and approval. Public hearing
can be implemented para malaman nila kung ano yung opinion ng public about doon sa budget if
it is reasonable ba. This time the government body will going to conduct voting na. If approved ba
sila doon sa budget or not. Once the budget is approved, the organizations can implement na
yung program within the year base the sa naka proposed nila. Throughout the fiscal year, ANO
NGA BA MUNA ANG FISCAL YEAR? Ang pag kaka iba nila with calendar year is, fiscal year it
doesn't need to start sa January 1, it can start sa kahit anong date as well as end in random date.
So ayun, throughout the fiscal year yung budget na na approved is imomonitor para ma allocate
nila saan ba na pupunta yung fund and if reasonable ba yung fund na binigay and if naging
effective ba yung program na inimplement.
 (4) Any special appropriations bill is kailangan malinaw kung saan ba ito gagamitin and if the
funds are really necessary para sa successful na implementation nito. The funds necessary to
support it are either ready na or available na or will be raised through the legislation itself. It is to
ensure na yung spending na mangyayari is necessary and practical or financially feasible. Kung
kaya ba.
 (5) No law shall be passed allowing na ma transfer yung appropriations sa iba however, the
president, president of senate, and the speaker of HOR, as well as the chief justice, and heads of
constitutional commissions are allowed by law na dagdagan yung ipapasang batas.
 (6) Any discretionary funds appropriated for particular officials must be disbursed or allocated
only for public purposes. So dapat lang silang gamitin for public purposes. ANO NGA BA ANG
DISCRETIONARY FUNDS? Discretionary funds are an amount of money that is already available
for spending on things na useful para sa taong bayan although it is noncompulsory. However, sa
pag gamit ng discretionary funds it requires documentation, reporting, and oversight para ma
ensure na yung funds na kinukuha ay hindi nabubulsa rather na gagamit talaga for the people in
the community.
 (7) If by the end of fiscal year, the congress failed to pass the general appropriation bill, yung law
for the fiscal year is deemed reenacted or gagawin siya in the same process up until maka pasa
yung Congress ng general appropriation bill. 

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