Mixed Abilities

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Trish’s Mixed Abilities

Teacher Name ___Alora Duran_________________ Target Grade Level____K-1________

Musical Concept of Focus:

Steady beat
Taking turns
Call and Response

Special Considerations:
 Only see this class once a week. Mostly students with varying levels of ASD. Almost
exclusively learning through playing music games per Mr Bishop’s decision
 My first time fully leading for this group, they may be resistant to that change
 Class size: about 6, varies based on how good or rough of a day individual students are
 Malachi and John - have an especially hard time taking turns and prone to emotional
outbursts with Malachi also prone to violence (to be handled by his para when it happens)
 Kyler – always wants the color red. If possible, try to make that happen
 Sensory toy time at the end: Standard procedure for the mixed abilities classes, helps
keep them regulated. If dropping an activity is necessary to make sure they get sensory
toy time, that’s alright

Standards Being Addressed:

MU:Cr1.1.Ka With guidance, explore and experience music concepts (such as beat and melodic
MU:Cr1.1.Kb With guidance, generate musical ideas (such as movements or motives).
MU:Cr2.1.Ka With guidance, demonstrate and choose favorite musical ideas.

Materials of Instruction:
Lesson Sequence:

Entry Activity/Transition:
“Won’t You Come and Follow Me”
Students grab a color on the bungie and follow the teacher around while doing the activities
the song tells them (clap your hands, robot walk, jump, etc.)

Activity #1 The More We Get Together

Musical Concept: Taking Turns
Objective: Given teacher and para guidance, students will play The More We Get
Together with correct moves at least 70% of the time.
1. Have students form a circle holding on to the bungie.
2. “Remember, we start out going side to side”
a. Sing through the song with the students. On the A Section do a chosen
movement to the steady beat. On the B section always move the bungie in and
out to the steady beat
3. Do a few rounds with movements that students are familiar with
a. Call out the movements as you go along
b. A section movements students are familiar with: side to side, up and down,
stretching, over our heads
4. Play a few more rounds and go around the circle having each student pick a
movement to do

Assessment: As students play the game, watch their movements and see if they are
moving correctly during the right portions of the song. If students are not moving
along, provide them with reminders and encouragement.

Transition: Have students sit down in the circle they’re already in

Activity #2 Bow Wow Wow

Musical Concept: Steady Beat
Objective: Students will tap a steady beat to Bow Wow Wow with at least 70%
participation and with gentle hands
1. Bring out the parachute. Remind students of the rules for the parachute before
unwrapping it. (Grabbing on the sides not the handles and don’t flop it around or pull
on it too hard)
2. Have students sit with the edge of the parachute in their lap. “Join me on the steady
beat. Steady beat, steady beat, steady beat”
a. Will probably have to remind someone to be gentle
3. Teacher sings the song over the steady beat. At the end of the song: “I’ll pick
someone who’s waiting patiently to be our first puppy dog”
a. When a student is picked “crawl under the parachute across to the other side
and then go back to your home”
4. Play through rounds of the game.
a. Each round: “Steady beat”, Sing the song, pick a puppy dog

Assessment: While students play the game watch and listen to see and hear if they
are keeping the steady beat. If students fall off the beat, help them by saying “steady
beat” and encouraging them to follow the teacher

Transition: Have students stand up keeping ahold of the parachute

Activity #3 Charlie Over The Ocean

Musical Concept: Call and Response
Objective: Students will respond at the appropriate time at least 70% of the time
1. Grab a stuffed bird from the collection of “animal friends” and put it in the center of
the parachute
2. “I’m going to sing a line from the music and I want you guys to repeat it back to me.
Every time it’s your guys’ turn we’re going to raise the parachute up so the bird does
a little flying. We have to make sure he stays in the parachute boat though and
doesn’t fall off into the ocean”
3. “Repeat after me:” Play through the first round of the game
a. “Now every round someone’s going to get a turn to pick out an animal friend
to add to our boat”
4. Keep playing through rounds until everyone has had a turn
a. Students will need a lot of coaxing to sing
Assessment: While playing the game listen to hear if students are singing and doing
so at the appropriate time. If students are not singing, encourage them to join and
having the paras singing with them may help.

Transition: Have students stand in a circle on the center rug and hold hands

Activity #4 Blue Bird

Musical Concept: Taking Turns
Objective: Students will take turns without going when they aren’t supposed to and
without being upset at least 70% of the time
1. “As we sing the song, one person is going to have this bird. They are going to fly in
and out of the windows between people. Everyone go ahead and raise your arms up
so our friends can fit under them. When the song ends, the person who is the bird gets
to choose a new person”
2. Play the first round with the teacher being the bird and then continue from there with
each person getting a turn to be the bird
a. If/when student’s arms get tired they can lower them but have to raise them
back up when someone tries to go through their window.

Assessment: As students play the game, watch their behavior. If they begin to have
difficulties remind them that they’ll get their own turn and if they interrupt
someone’s turn to imagine how they would feel if someone interrupted their turn

No later than 10 minutes before class ends, dismiss students to the story time rug for
sensory toy time. During this time monitor student behavior and play with students who
might approach you to join them

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