Task 3 Connections

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Stage 1 Spiritualities, Religion & Meaning

Task 2: Connections

Background (from the SACE Subject Outline)

BIG IDEA: Community, justice, and diversity

Human societies are culturally rich, complex, and interdependent. While they foster
identity and belonging, they also often contain inequalities, power imbalances, violence,
extremism, and injustices. As cornerstones of civilisation, spiritualities and religions can
play an important role in nurturing fairer societies.

How do spiritualities and religions shape an understanding of community; how do they

foster mutual respect, service, and advocacy for justice and the common good?

Introduction (from the SACE Subject Outline)

In this task, you collaborate with others to develop, apply, and reflect on your
understanding of some spiritual and/or religious principles that underpin social-justice
actions in the school or broader community.

You make connections to the big idea in focus, and research and engage in dialogue
with teachers, peers, and others.

You engage in reflective practice to evaluate your collaboration and the impact of your
engagement in these actions.

Task Description

Working in a small group, you will

 focus on a social justice issue of interest (from Issues Investigation) and
 undertake a social justice action
On the basis of this collaboration, you will individually
 reflect on the process & collaboration towards your action
 produce a final task documenting this reflection 

Examples of action tasks include, but are not limited to:

 organising a social justice event or program at school

 developing an educational resource exploring a social-justice issue or principle for a
specific audience within the school, and reflecting on feedback to determine the effect
on the audience
 other ideas may be discussed with teacher

Examples of final tasks include, but are not limited to:

 report (written or oral)

 folio of annotated data documenting the collaboration process, action & reflection
(photos, action plan, notes from planning meetings)
 poster
 reflective journal documenting the stages & collaboration
 powerpoint/multimodal presentation

You will need to:
1. collaboratively engage in some research to understand the issue, with particular attention
to at least one principle of CST
2. collaboratively design a social justice action, considering:
 what you would like to achieve – promoting awareness, raising funds, contributing to the
work of a group
 intended audience
 intended outcome
 risk analysis/potential issues & how to resolve them
 means of evaluating of success of the action
3. collaboratively implement the social justice action
4. individually produce a final task evaluating your collaboration and the impact of your
work towards the action, including a bibliography
Assessment Criteria: Action & Reflective Practice
ARP 1: Design social-justice actions, drawing on the principles of one or more spiritual
or religious traditions
ARP 2: Collaborate with others
ARP 3: Evaluate the impact of personal and/or shared action using reflective practice.

Performance standards for Spiritualities, Religion, and Meaning
Stage 1
- Exploration and Analysis Action and Reflective Practice

A Development and sharing of a perceptive understanding of Well-considered design of social-justice actions, drawing on
spiritual and/or religious perspectives, using a range of the principles of one or more spiritual or religious traditions.
highly appropriate inquiry and communication skills.
Sustained and productive collaboration with others.
Insightful analysis of ways in which spiritual and/or religious
Perceptive evaluation of the impact of personal and shared
perspectives influence communities.
actions, using reflective practice.
Perceptive evaluation of how personal and shared meaning is
influenced by spiritual and/or religious concepts,
experiences, and beliefs.

B Development and sharing of a considered understanding of Considered design of social-justice actions, drawing on the
spiritual and/or religious perspectives, using a range of principles of one or more spiritual or religious traditions.
appropriate inquiry and communication skills.
Focused collaboration with others.
Considered analysis of ways in which spiritual and/or
Thoughtful evaluation of the impact of personal and shared
religious perspectives influence communities.
actions, using reflective practice.
Thoughtful evaluation of how personal and shared meaning
is influenced by spiritual and/or religious concepts,
experiences, and beliefs.

C Development and sharing of a competent understanding of Competent design of social-justice actions, drawing on the
spiritual and/or religious perspectives, using inquiry and principles of one or more spiritual or religious traditions.
communication skills.
Some collaboration with others.
Competent analysis of ways in which spiritual and/or
Some evaluation of the impact of personal and shared
religious perspectives influence communities.
actions, using reflective practice.
Reflection, with some evaluation, of how personal and shared
meaning is influenced by spiritual and/or religious concepts,
experiences, and beliefs.

D Demonstration of some understanding of a spiritual and/or Partial design of social-justice actions, drawing on the
religious perspective. principles of a spiritual or religious tradition.
Description of one or more ways in which spiritual and/or Occasional collaboration with others.
religious perspectives influence communities.
Description of the impact of personal and/or shared actions.
Some reflection of how personal and/or shared meaning is
influenced by spiritual/religious concepts, experiences, and

E Demonstration of a limited understanding of a spiritual Attempted design of a social-justice action.

and/or religious perspective.
Attempted collaboration with others.

Limited description of a way in which a spiritual and/or Limited description of personal actions.
religious perspective influences communities.
Limited description of how personal and/or shared meaning
is influenced by a spiritual or religious concept, experience,
or belief.

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