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St. Paul’s College
Integrated Humanities (Form 1)
Hist.-L&S Components – Topic 3: Growth and Development of Hong Kong up to the Late 19 th century

3.1 The Establishment of British colonial rule

Curtis Chan
Name: ___________________ C Class No.: ____
Class: Form 1 ____ 4 Date: ____/____/____ (DD/MM/YY)

I. Multiple Choice Questions (5 marks)

Pick the best option and put your answers in the boxes provided.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

1. When did Britain start to rule Hong Kong?

A. After the First Hong Kong-British War
B. After the Second Hong Kong-British War
C. After the First Opium War
D. After the Second Opium War

2. Which of the following descriptions of the Treaty of Nanjing is correct?

A. China leased Hong Kong Island to Britain.
B. China ceded Hong Kong Island to Britain.
C. China leased the Kowloon Peninsula to Britain.
D. China ceded the Kowloon Peninsula to Britain.

3. Which area was ceded by China to Britain under the Convention of Beijing?
A. The area north of Boundary Street and islands south of the Shenzhen River
B. The area north of Boundary Street and Stonecutters Island
C. The area south of Boundary Street and islands south of the Shenzhen River
D. The area south of Boundary Street and Stonecutters Island

4. Who was the first Governor of Hong Kong?

A. Wu Tingfang
B. Pottinger
C. Chow Shouson
D. Hennessy

5. Which of the following descriptions of the Executive Council of Hong Kong under British colonial rule is
A. It first appointed unofficial members in 1850.
B. In early years, all members were appointed by the Governor.
C. It was set up according to the Royal Instructions.
D. It advised the Governor on policy-making and drafted bills.

II. Data-response questions (11 marks)

1. Study Source A and answer the following questions. (4 marks)

Source A: The following documents are about British colonial rule in Hong Kong.

According to this document, Britain leased

the area north of Boundary Street and
south of the Shenzhen River and the
surrounding islands for 99 years.
Document A

According to this document, China ceded

Hong Kong Island to Britain.

Document B

According to this document, the Executive

Council and Legislative Council were set up
in Hong Kong. They were advisory bodies to
the Governor.
Document C

(a) Identify Documents A-C. (3 marks)

Document A: Convention Respecting an Extension of Hong Kong Territory
Treaty of Nanjing
Document B: _____________________________
Royal Instructions
Document C: _____________________________
(b) Arrange the above documents chronologically, beginning with the earliest. (1 marks)
A. Document A
B. Document B
C. Document C

Chronological order: ( B )→( C )→( A )

2. Study the source below and answer the questions that follow. (7 marks)

Source A: A cartoon showing a war that happened in 1840-1842

Source B
In the 19th century, foreign trade with China was limited to Canton, modern-day Guangzhou. Foreigners
were confined to towns outside of Canton, known as the '13 Factories', or Hongs (not really factories).
British trade was run by the East India Trading Company; Chinese trade was dominated by the Hongs.
China is willing to provide Britain with tea and other luxury goods, but is unwilling to accept anything but
silver as payment. The British have to import silver from Europe or Mexico. They run into a trade deficit
and seek ways to counter-trade. They find opium a solution. In the next few years, the amount of opium
imported to China increases dramatically.
However, in China, opium was banned as a recreational drug for more than 100 years. In view of the opium
addiction of Qing official after the influx of opium, the Qing government official Lin Zexu destroyed 20,000
chests of opium finally. The British government, in view of the continuous harming of trading interest,
narrowly passes a motion for war against China. The war is funded by the government and seeks to force
China to open up trade along the eastern coast.

(a) Which war does Source A show? Explain your answer with reference to two clues form the
source. (1+2 marks)
First Opium
Source A shows the _________________________war.

The first clue is There is a box of opium in source

It reflects that The British government started a
war because the Chinese won’t let
them to sold the opium in China
The second clue is There is many British soldiers in the background and there is a
people wearing the Chinese clothes on the left hand side of the
It reflects that It is a war between the British and the Qing government.

(b) With reference to Source B, identify and explain two causes of the war shown in Source A. (2+2 marks)

The first cause is opium have been banned as a recreational drug for more than 100 years.

With reference to source B,

the Qing government official Lin Zexu destroyed 20000 chests
of opium.

The second cause is The British government, in view to the continuous harming of trading
interest, narrowly passes a motion for war against China
With reference to source B,

The opium is funded by the government and seeks to force

China to open up trade along the eastern coast.

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