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No.9chapter run IS550Series Servo Driver User Manual

No.9chapter run

9.1Inspection before trial operation

In order to ensure safe and correct trial operation, please check and confirm the following items before trial operation. If any bad condition is found, please

contact the service department of our company.

(1) The state of the servo motor

- Check the fixed parts of the servo motor to ensure that the connection is tight;

- Check the servo motor shaft to ensure smooth rotation (it is normal for the servo motor shaft with oil seal to be tight);

- Check the servo motor encoder connector and power connector to make sure the wiring is correct and the connection is tight.

(2) The state of the servo drive

- Check the terminals of the servo drive to ensure that the wiring is correct and the connection is tight;

- Check the external power supply provided to the servo drive to ensure that the voltage is normal.

- Connect the servo drive and servo motor encoder cables and power cables.

(3) to confirm the connection and status of the input signal

Connect the servo drive input and output (CN1)Connector.

step project operate

Connect the input signal circuit required for trial operation to the control terminal (CN1)superior. The following conditions

need to be met when connecting:

servoONinput signal(/S-ON) is available for input;

1 CN1Terminal Confirmation
Prohibit forward drive (P-OT), Prohibition of reverse drive (N-OT)input signalOFFstate (forward and
reverse driving), after the trial run, please restore the standard setting;
When entering the command, please confirm0Vinstruction or0Pulse command.

Turn on the power supply of the servo drive, and the panel will display "rdy"It is in the correct state, otherwise check whether the connection is

2 Power on confirmation correct. If there is an alarm phenomenon, please handle it properly according to the servo alarm diagnosis and its countermeasures. If the

cause of the alarm is not eliminated, it will not be able to run.

9 holding brake
To keep the action of the brake, the brake interlock output signal (/BK)control. In order to prevent
malfunction caused by gravity (or external force), please confirm the operation of the holding brake

3 with the servo motor and the machine separated. After the action is normal, connect the servo
signal confirmation
motor to the machine and continue the trial run.
For the wiring diagram of the servo motor with brake, please refer to the relevant chapters.


Please make sure that the servo motor model parameter group (H00)The parameters set in are matched or compatible with the actual connected servo motor.

9.2Jog test run example

9.2.1By function code andDIInput terminal realize jog test run

step project operate

1 set running speed By function code (H06-04) to set the running speed of the motor, it is recommended to set it to a lower speed first.

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IS550Series Servo Driver User Manual No.9chapter run

By function code (H06-02) to set the source of the speed command.

set speed command
2 H06-02=0:Ainstruction group
H06-02=1:Binstruction group

AInstruction group: through function codeH06-00=4Select jog command B

3 Select jog command
Instruction group: through function codeH06-01=4Select the jog command.

Through the function code group (H03) to set the jog input terminal (DI).

Set jog input example:

terminal (DI) H03-18=18:DI5=Jog forward (/JOGCMD+)
H03-18=19:DI6=reverse jog (/JOGCMD-)
Position/S-ONSwitch to enable the servo drive. (Factory settingsDI5for/S-ON)
5 jog run
passDI9andDI10Realize jog operation

9.2.2Jog test run directly through the panel

CN1ofIOThe terminals do not need to be connected, only after the motor is connected, the panel will display "rdy"status, keyboardH0d-11
Enter jog mode, byUP, DOWNAdjust the running speed of jog, the default100rpm. according tosetEnter the jog state, the panel displays "
Jog",according toUP,DOWNRealize jog forward and reverse.

9.2.3Jog trial operation is realized through the background control software

step project operate

1 connect Connecting the computer connection cable

2 Open the jog interface Open: background control software - auxiliary function menu - jog trial run function

3 jog run Set the jog speed, and control the forward and reverse jog operation of the motor through the button

9.3Speed control test run example

9.3.1continue to operate

■ Test purposes:
The motor runs smoothly at any speed within a safe range.

■ Steps: 9
1) to select the control modeH0200=0, speed mode;

2) to select the speed commandH0602=0,Asource;

3) to select the speed commandAsourceH0600=0, the digital quantity is given;

4) to specify the magnitude of the velocityH0603=2000,2000rpm;

5) to specify the acceleration timeH0605=1000,1000ms;

6) to specify the deceleration timeH0606=1000,1000ms;

7) to specify the maximum speed limit valueH0607=3000,3000rpm;

8) specifies the forward maximum speed limit valueH0608=1000,1000rpm;

9) Specify the reverse maximum speed limit valueH0609=800,800rpm;

10)Open/S-ON, the motor rotates, but byH0b00It was found that the speed was limited to1000rpm;

11)ChangeH0608=3000,Depend onH0b00Discovery speed changes to set speed2000rpm;

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■ Test purposes:
The motors are50,100,300rpmContinuous operation at three speeds, each speed5seconds, the cycle repeats. It is required to change speed smoothly and

reduce shock.

■ Steps:
1) to select the control modeH0200=0, speed mode;

2) to select the speed commandH0602=1,Bsource;

3) to select the speed commandBsourceH0601=5, multi-stage speed;

4) Select the multi-speed operation modeH1200=1, run in a loop;

5) specify the number of segmentsH1201=3,3part;

6) to select the runtime unitH1202=0,Second;

7) to set the acceleration time1model,H1203=3000,3000ms,deceleration time1model,H1204=3000,3000ms;

8) to set the1Segment speed parameters: speed sizeH1220=50,50rpm;

9) The period of running timeH1221=5.0,5.0Second;

10) Speed up and down time modeH1222=1, acceleration and deceleration time1model;

11) to set the first2Segment speed parameters, modeled after (8)set upH1223,H1224,H1225;

12) to set the first3Segment speed parameters, modeled after (8)set upH1226,H1227,H1228;

13) to turn on the servo, byH0b00It is found that the motor runs in sequence at three speeds;

14) to change the number of segmentsH1201=2,2segment, byH0b00The motor was found to cycle at two speeds;

15) and then change the operating modeH1200=0, a single run, byH0b00It is found that the motor stops after experiencing two speeds;

16) can also modify the speed parameters of each segment, byH0b00Watch for changes.

9.3.3Analog control

9 ■ Test purposes:
byAin the instructionAI1is the source of the speed command, when the voltage is0~10VWhen changing, the speed can be in0~+1000rpmcontinuous change within.

■ Steps:
1) First prepare a DC power supply, connect it correctly, and connectIOterminalAI1The port is connected to the positive pole of the power supply, and theGNDwith power supply negative


2) to select the control modeH0200=0, speed mode;

3) to select the speed commandH0602=0,Asource;

4) to select the speed commandAsourceH0600=1,AI1Analog control;

5) to set the analogAI1The relevant parameters:

a) minimum input voltageH0350=0,0V;

b) minimum input voltage corresponding toH0351=0,0%;

c) Maximum input voltageH0352=10, +10V;

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d) maximum input voltage corresponding toH0353=100.0, +100%;

6) of the specified analog100%The represented speed valueH0380=1000,1000rpm;

7) to adjust the supply voltage to0, if it is found that the motor is rotating, it should be setAI1Zero offsetH0354=300,300mV, the value size
Depending on the speed of the motor at this time, adjustH0354until the motor stops;

8) Turn on the servo, turn the power knob, byH0b00It is found that the speed of the motor changes with the magnitude of the voltage, when the voltage exceeds the set input voltage

When the pressure is pressed, the speed does not change any more. Note: Do not exceed the voltage12V;

9) If you want to achieve the speed at0~-1000rpmContinuous change within, can changeH0353=–100.0, –100%, turn on the servo again,
It is found that the motor rotates in reverse, and the speed changes with the voltage. When the voltage exceeds the set input voltage, the speed will no longer change.

Note: Do not exceed the voltage12V.

9.4Example of position control test run

9.4.1Step setting method

■ Test purposes:
Turn on the switch, the motor speed48rpmStop after one revolution.

■ Steps:
1) to select the control modeH0200=1, position pattern;

2) to select the position commandAsourceH0500=1, the method of setting the step amount;

3) to set the step sizeH0503=5000,5000command unit;

4) to specify the electronic gear ratioH0507/H0509=2,2;

5) WillFun IN.20:/POS STEPsignal is assigned such that pressingDI4The switch motor can rotate,H0308=20;

6) Restart the power, turn on the servo, pressDI4,Depend onH0b00Find the motor at speed48rpmStop after one rotation;

7) If you want to change the speed, you can change the gear ratio, there is a relationship: speed =twenty four*gear ratio (rpm)

8) If you want to change the motor stroke, you can change the step amount and gear ratio, there is a relationship: the number of turns = step amount × gear ratio /10000(r)

9.4.2Pulse command method

■ Test purposes:
byPLCThe pulse output is used as the command source, the motor rotates when the pulse is input, and the motor stops when the pulse stops, and it can also control forward and reverse rotation. Rotating

speed6rpm, each rotation1week stop.

■ Steps:
1) First prepare aPLC, requires internally programmed, achievable100KHzPulse intermittent output, each output10seconds;

2) WillPLCofY00andIOon the terminalPULS-connected,PLCofCOM1andIOon the terminalCOMconnected,IOon the terminal


3) to select the control modeH0200=1, position pattern;

4) to select the position commandAsourceH0500=0, pulse command mode;

5) to specify the electronic gear ratioH0507/H0509=1/100,1/100;

6) first turn on the servo, then turn on thePLCOutput, note: the order cannot be reversed, otherwise an error will be reported. Depend onH0b00can be found,

to speed6rpm, each rotation1week stop;

7) ChangeSIGN-Connect the wires to make it suspended in the air, and find that the motor reverses immediately, and the speed remains unchanged.1week stop;

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8) The speed and stroke can be changed by changing the electronic gear ratio. The relationship exists as follows:

RPM=0.006*f*gear ratio (rpm), where:f—Pulse frequency (Hz);

Number of laps = rotational speed * time (r)

9.5Example of torque control test run

9.5.1Digital quantity given way

■ Test purposes:
The torque set by the given digital quantity is the rated torque10%, and for safety, limit the motor speed to1200rpmwithin, while
the torque is limited to20%within.

■ Steps:
1) to select the control modeH0200=2, torque mode;

2) to select the torque commandH0702=0,Asource;

3) to select the torque commandAsourceH0700=0, the digital quantity is given;

4) to specify the size of the torqueH0703=10.0,10.0%;

5) specifies the source of the speed limitH0717=0, the inner limit;

6) specifies the speed limit sizeH0719=1200,1200rpm;

7) to select the torque limit sourceH0707=0, the inner limit;

8) Set the forward torque limit sizeH0709=20.0,20.0%;

9) Set the size of the reverse torque limitH07010=20.0,20.0%;

10) After setting, turn on the servo and find that the motor accelerates to rotate, but it is finally limited to1200rpmLeft and right fluctuations (different inertia

motors, which have different speeds and therefore may not be speed-limited);

11) by replacing the magnitude of the speed limit and torque limit, byH0b00andH0b02Different situations can be found.

9.5.2Analog control

9 ■ Test purposes:
byAin the instructionAI1is the source of the speed command, when the voltage is0~10VWhen changing, the torque can be within the rated torque0~+10%

changes continuously within , and for safety reasons, the motor speed is limited to1200rpmwithin, while the torque is limited to20%within.

■ Steps:
1) First prepare a DC power supply, connect it correctly, and connectIOterminalAI1The port is connected to the positive pole of the power supply, and theGNDwith power supply negative


2) to select the control modeH0200=2, torque mode;

3) to select the speed commandH0702=0,Asource;

4) to select the torque commandAsourceH0700=1, analogAI1enter;

5) to set the analogAI1The relevant parameters:

a) minimum input voltageH0350=0,0V;

b) minimum input voltage corresponding toH0351=0,0%;

c) Maximum input voltageH0352=10, +10V;

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d) maximum input voltage corresponding toH0353=10.0, +10%;

6) of the specified analog100%Represented torque valueH0381=100,1times the rated torque;

7) specifies the source of the speed limitH0717=0, the inner limit;

8) specifies the speed limit sizeH0719=1200,1200rpm;

9) to select the torque limit sourceH0707=0, the inner limit;

10) to set the size of forward torque limitH0709=20.0,20.0%;

11) to set the size of the reverse torque limitH07010=20.0,20.0%;

12) to adjust the supply voltage to0, if it is found that the motor is rotating, it should be setAI1Zero offsetH0354=300,300mV, the value size
It should depend on the speed of the motor at this time, adjustH0354until the motor stops;

13) Turn on the servo, turn the power knob, byH0b02It is found that the motor torque varies with the magnitude of the voltage, when the voltage exceeds the set input voltage

When pressed, the torque no longer changes and is finally limited to10%. Note: Do not exceed the voltage12V;

14) can also be found to spin up the motor, but is ultimately limited to1200rpmLeft and right fluctuations (motors with different inertias have different speeds

the same, and therefore may not be speed-restricted);

15) by replacing the magnitude of the speed limit and torque limit, byH0b00andH0b02Different situations can be found;

16) If you want to achieve torque at0~-10%Continuous change within, can changeH0353=–10.0, –10%,, turn on the servo again, send
Now the motor rotates in reverse, and the torque varies with the voltage. When the voltage exceeds the set input voltage, theH0b02It is found that the

torque no longer changes. Note: Do not exceed the voltage12V.

9.6Trial run after the servo motor is connected to the mechanical structure

Before the test run after the servo motor is connected to the mechanical structure, please follow the above instructions to first carry out the corresponding servo motor no-load

test run.


In the state where the mechanical load is connected to the servo motor, if an operation error occurs, it will not only cause mechanical damage, but may

also cause personal injury accidents.

During the no-load test run of the servo motor, the overtravel protection signal (P-OT,N-OT) is not a designated terminal, at this time please connect the

overtravel protection signal (P-OT,N-OT)Assigned toDIterminal to enable the protection function.

step operate refer to

Turn on the control power supply and the main circuit power supply, and make settings related to protection functions such as overtravel, braking resistor, and


Consider the selection of braking resistor according to the load condition;

Enable the overtravel protection function, and correctly set the overtravel stop setting parameters; When using a servo motor with a brake, before confirming

the brake action, please implement measures to prevent the machine from falling naturally or vibrating due to external forces, and confirm that the servo The

action of the motor and the action of the brake work normally.

2 Set the operating mode and its command source in this mode;

3 in powerOFFIn the state, connect the servo motor and the mechanical load through a coupling or other device.

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step operate refer to

After confirming that the servo drive is the servo enable signalOFFAfter the status, turn on the power of the upper computer device. and confirm the steps here

4 1Check whether the protection function setting in is normal.

In order to prevent abnormalities in the next operation, please make the equipment in the state of emergency stop.

Perform a trial run according to "No-load test run of the servo motor according to the command of the host computer device", confirm that the running result is
the same as the no-load run of the servo motor, and confirm that the command unit and direction are consistent with the mechanical motion state.

Confirm again whether the parameter setting is consistent with each control mode, and then confirm whether the operation of the servo motor meets the
mechanical action specifications.

Adjust the servo gain parameters as needed to improve the control performance of the servo motor with load.

7 Notice:

During the test run, the servo motor and the machine may not be suitable for each other, so please fully implement the running-in operation.

At this point, the test run is over. For future maintenance work, please record the set parameters in the parameter setting

8 records.

Supplement: Parameters can also be managed as files through the background software provided by our company.

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communication function
No.10Chapter Communication Function IS550Series Servo Driver User Manual

No.10Chapter Communication Function

10.1hardware connection

The servo drive hasRS-232,RS-485The communication function can be realized with the communication software of the upper computer, such as modification of working parameters, query of working

parameters and monitoring of the status of the servo drive system, etc. useRS-485The communication protocol can support the networking of multiple servo drives, and adopts a single-master and multi-

slave communication method.RS-232The communication protocol does not support networking of multiple servo drives.

1,RS-232Connection Diagram


7 4
2 PC
8 5

2,RS-485Connection Diagram


1 RS-485
7 4
2 PC
8 5

3, Network connection of multiple servo drives


1 RS-485
7 4
2 PC
8 5


7 4
8 5

10 J4

6 3
7 4


1) In an environment with low noise, the length of the communication line is15m, if the communication rate38400bpsAbove, it is recommended to use15The line length within one meter

ensures the transmission accuracy.

2)RS485Can be connected at the same time32A servo drive. If you want to connect more servo drives, you must install amplifiers,
multi-scalable247A servo drive.

3) If adoptedRS-485Communication, if the host computer only supportsRS-232,accessibleRS-232/RS-485The converter is connected.

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IS550Series Servo Driver User Manual No.10Chapter Communication Function

10.2Communication parameter setting

the smallest factory take effect relevant

function code name Predetermined area category
unit set up time model

immediately run
H0C 00 Servo axis address 1~247,0broadcast address 1 1 -
take effect set up

accessibleH0C-00The function code specifies the axis address of the drive. When multiple servo drives are networked, each drive can only have a unique address, otherwise it will

cause communication abnormalities and communication failure. Broadcast address, the host computer can write to all drives through the broadcast address, and the drive will

perform corresponding operations after receiving the frame of the broadcast address, but will not respond.

the smallest factory take effect relevant

function code name Predetermined area category
unit set up time model

2-9600 immediately run
H0C 02 Serial port baud rate setting 1 5
3-19200 take effect set up



The communication rate of the servo drive must be consistent with the communication rate of the upper computer, otherwise it cannot communicate.

the smallest factory take effect relevant

function code name Predetermined area category
unit set up time model

0-no parity
immediately run
H0C 03 Data Format 1-even parity 1 0 -
take effect set up
2-Odd parity

When the even parity or odd parity is selected, the actual number of bits transmitted in each byte is11bits, of which1bit start bit,8bit data bit,1
check digit,1bit end bit. When no parity is selected, the actual number of bits transmitted in each byte is11bits, of which1bit start bit,8bit data
bit,2bit end bit.


The data format of the servo drive must be consistent with that of the host computer, otherwise the communication cannot be carried out. 10
10.3 MODBUSletter of agreement

Servo Drive SupportMODBUS RTUprotocol, capable of reading function codes (0x03),Write16bit function code (0x06)and write32bit function
code (0x10)operate.

10.3.1read function code (0x03)

Request frame format:

START greater than or equal to3.5character idle time, indicating the start of a frame

ADDR Servo axis address1~247. Note: here1~247is a decimal number, fill inADDRconverted to hexadecimal.

cmd command code,0x03

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Starting function code group number, such as function codeH06-11,06It is the group number. Note: here06is a hexadecimal
number, fill in DATA[0]no base conversion

Start function code offset, such as function codeH06-11,11That is bias. Note: here11is a decimal number, fill in
DATA[1]convert to hexadecimal0x0B

DATA[2] Number of read function codes (high8bits), hexadecimal

DATA[3] Number of read function codes (low8bits), hexadecimal

CRCL CRCCheck low significant byte

CRCH CRCCheck high significant byte

END greater than or equal to3.5character idle time, end of one frame

Response frame format:

START greater than or equal to3.5character idle time, indicating the start of a frame

ADDR Servo axis address, hexadecimal

cmd command code,0x03

DATALENGTH The number of function code bytes is equal to the number of read function codesN*2

DATA[0] Initial function code value, high8bit

DATA[1] Initial function code value, low8bit

DATA[N*2-1] Last function code value, low8bit

CRCL CRCCheck low significant byte

CRCH CRCCheck high significant byte

END greater than or equal to3.5character idle time, end of one frame

Note: read32Bit function code, in the response frame, the value of the function code follows the high16first, lower16The principle behind.

10.3.2Write16bit function code (0x06)

Request frame format:

START greater than or equal to3.5character idle time, indicating the start of a frame

ADDR Servo axis address1~247. Note: here1~247is a decimal number, fill inADDRconverted to hexadecimal.

10 cmd command code,0x06

The group number of the written function code, such as writing the function codeH06-11,06It is the group number. Note: here06is a hexadecimal
number, fill inDATA[0]no base conversion

Biased by writing function codes, such as writing function codesH06-11,11That is bias. Note: here11is a decimal number, fill in
DATA[1]should be converted to hex when0x0B

DATA[2] Write data high byte, hexadecimal

DATA[3] Write data low byte, hexadecimal

CRCL CRCCheck low significant byte

CRCH CRCCheck high significant byte

END greater than or equal to3.5character idle time, end of one frame

Response frame format:

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IS550Series Servo Driver User Manual No.10Chapter Communication Function

START greater than or equal to3.5character idle time, indicating the start of a frame

ADDR Servo axis address, hexadecimal

cmd command code,0x06

DATA[0] The group number of the written function code, such as writing the function codeH06-11, then0x06

DATA[1] Biased by writing function codes, such as writing function codesH06-11, then0x0B

DATA[2] Write data high byte, hexadecimal

DATA[3] Write data low byte, hexadecimal

CRCL CRCCheck low significant byte

CRCH CRCCheck high significant byte

END greater than or equal to3.5character idle time, end of one frame

10.3.3Write32bit function code (0x10)

Request frame format:

START greater than or equal to3.5character idle time, indicating the start of a frame

ADDR Servo axis address1~247. Note: here1~247is a decimal number, fill inADDRconverted to hexadecimal.

cmd command code,0x10

The group number of the initial function code to be written, such as writing the function codeH11-12,11It is the function code group. Note: here
11is a hexadecimal number, fill inDATA[0]no base conversion

It is biased by writing the initial function code, such as writing the function codeH11-12,12That is bias. Note: here12is a decimal
number, fill inDATA[1]convert to hexadecimal0x0C

High number of function codes8bitM(H), 32Bit function code press2calculations, such as single writeH0507,
DATA[2]for00, DATA[3]for02,M=H0002.

DATA[3] The number of function codes is low8bitM(L)

DATA[4] The number of function codes corresponds to the number of bytesM*2, such as a single writeH0507,DATA[4]forH04.

DATA[5] Write the high of the initial function code8bits, hexadecimal

DATA[6] Write the low of the initial function code8bits, hexadecimal

DATA[7] Write start function code+1height of8bits, hexadecimal

DATA[8] Write start function code+1the low8bits, hexadecimal

Write start function code+2height of8bits, hexadecimal

Write start function code+2the low8bits, hexadecimal

… …
CRCL CRCCheck low significant byte

CRCH CRCCheck high significant byte

END greater than or equal to3.5character idle time, end of one frame

Response frame format:

START greater than or equal to3.5character idle time, indicating the start of a frame

ADDR Servo axis address, hexadecimal.

cmd command code,0x10

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DATA[0] The group number of the initial function code to be written, such as writing the function codeH11-12, then0x11

DATA[1] It is biased by writing the initial function code, such as writing the function codeH11-12, then0x0C

DATA[2] The number of written function codes is high8bitM(H)

DATA[3] The number of written function codes is low8bitM(L)

CRCL CRCCheck low significant byte

CRCH CRCCheck high significant byte

END greater than or equal to3.5character idle time, end of one frame

Note:V2.80Future versions containV2.80,can use0x10right16bit function code for write operation, however,V2.80Previous versions, please do
not use0x10right16Bit function code for write operation, otherwise unpredictable errors will occur.

10.3.4error response frame

Error response frame format:

START greater than or equal to3.5character idle time, indicating the start of a frame

ADDR Servo axis address, hexadecimal.

cmd command code,0x03/0x06/0x10.

DATA[0] 0x80
DATA[1] 0x01
DATA[2] error code high8bit

DATA[3] error code low8bit

CRCL CRCCheck low significant byte

CRCH CRCCheck high significant byte

END greater than or equal to3.5character idle time, end of one frame

Error code:

wrong code Coding instructions

0x0002 command code is not0x03/0x06/0x10

0x0004 The servo calculates the data frame received by theCRCThe check code is not equal to the check code in the data frame

Write factory password error

0x0008 The accessed function code does not exist

0x0010 The value written in the function code exceeds the upper and lower limits of the function code

0x0020 The function code to be written is a read-only function code

0x0030 0x10Write16bit function code

0x0040 The access function code is locked by password

0x0060 The read data length is0

0x0080 The written function code can only be modified when the servo is stopped, and the servo is currently running

10.3.5communication example

1) The host sends a request frame:

01 03 02 02 00 02 CRCL CRCH

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The request frame indicates: the address of the slave axis is01Driver's function codeH02-02register for the initial read0x0002word-length data.

Slave response frame:

01 03 04 00 01 00 00 CRCL CRCH

The response frame means: the slave returns2word length (4bytes) of data, the data content is0x0001,0x0000.

If the slave response frame is:

01 03 80 01 00 02 CRCL CRCH

The response frame indicates: communication error occurs, the error code is0x0002;0x8001Indicates an error.

2) The host sends a request frame:

01 06 02 02 00 01 CRCL CRCH

The request frame indicates: the axis address is01Driver's function codeH02-02to write0x0001.

Slave response frame:

01 06 02 02 00 01 CRCL CRCH

The response frame means: the host writes the function code successfully.

If the slave response frame is:

01 06 80 01 00 02 CRCL CRCH

The response frame indicates: communication error occurs, the error code is0x0002;8001Indicates an error.

3)read32bit function codeH05-07:

Host request frame:

01 03 05 07 00 02 CRCL CRCH

Slave response frame:

01 03 04 00 00 00 01 CRCL CRCH 10
This response frame means:H05-07The value of the function code is0x00000001.

4) Write32bit function codeH05-07

Write32There are two kinds of request frames for bit function codes, namely0x06and0x10.

use0x06Writing requires two write instructions, respectively writeH05-07andH05-08:

01 06 05 07 00 02 CRCL CRCH

01 06 05 08 00 01 CRCL CRCH

Note: The request frame puts0x00010002Right now65538Write to function codeH05-07.

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No.10Chapter Communication Function IS550Series Servo Driver User Manual

use0x10Writing requires only one write instruction:

01 10 05 07 00 02 04 00 01 00 02 CRCL CRCH

Note: high0x0001front, low0002is behind.

10.3.6 CRCscheck

The communication between the upper computer and the servo drive must adopt the sameCRCAlgorithm is checked, otherwise yieldsCRCValidation error. The servo driver adopts16

bitCRC, the low byte comes first, the high byte follows,CRCThe function is as follows:

Uint16 COMM_CrcValueCalc(const Uint16 *data, Uint16 length)

Uint16 crcValue = 0xffff;

int16 i;

while (length--)

crcValue ^= *data++;

for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)

if (crcValue & 0x0001)

crcValue = (crcValue >> 1) ^ 0xA001;

crcValue = crcValue >> 1;

10 }
return (crcValue);}

10.3.7signed16Hexadecimal representation

in pair of signed16When the bit function code is written, the written data needs to be16Expressed in two's complement form. When the data is greater than or equal to0When the

value of the complement code is equal to the original code, no conversion is required; when the data is negative, the complement code is equal to0xFFFFsubtract the complement

of its absolute value1.

in pair of signed32When the bit function code is written, the written data also needs to be16Expressed in two's complement form. When the data is greater than or equal to0When

the value of the complement code is equal to the original code, no conversion is required; when the data is negative, the complement code is equal to0xFFFFFFFFsubtract the

complement of its absolute value1.

For example16number of digits100,That16The base complement is:0x0064;16number of digits -100,That16The two's complement calculation is:

0xFFFF – 0x0064 + 0x0001 = FF9C.

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IS550Series Servo Driver User Manual No.10Chapter Communication Function

For example32number of digits100,That16The base complement is:0x00000064;32number of digits -100,That16The two's

complement calculation is: 0xFFFFFFFF – 0x00000064 + 0x00000001 = FFFFFF9C.

10.3.8 32Bit function code addressing

If the setting range of the function code exceeds -65535~+65535, belongs to32Bit function codes, such asH05-07,H05-09,H11-12wait,32The bit
function code occupies two consecutive function code numbers, for exampleH11-12andH11-13jointly express "the1Segment Shift Offset", where
the lower numbered address stores the lower value of the function code16bit, the address with the higher number stores the high value of the
function code16bit, such as "No.1Segment Movement Displacement" is0x40000000 (Decimal is1073741824)command units,H11-12The value is
0x0000,H11-13The value is0x4000.

useMODBUSinstruction read32When the bit function code is used, the address with a lower number is used as the base address, and the length of one read is2. For example

read "No.1Segment Movement Displacement"H11-12ofMODBUSThe command is:

Servo axis address 03 11 0C 00 02 CRCL CRCH

useMODBUSinstruction(0x06)Write32Bit function code, according to the order of writing the high address first, then write the low address, a total of2instructions completed 32Bit

function code writing, such as writing "0x12345678"to "No.1Segment Movement Displacement"H11-12ofMODBUSThe command is:

Servo axis address 06 11 0D 12 34 CRCL CRCH

Servo axis address 06 11 0C 56 78 CRCL CRCH

useMODBUSinstruction(0x10)Write32bit function code,1command to complete32Writing of bit function codes, such as writing

"0x12345678"to "No.1Segment Movement Displacement"H11-12ofMODBUSThe command is:

Servo axis address 10 11 0C 00 02 04 12 34 56 78 CRCL CRCH

10.3.9Function code communication address definition

The function code communication address is composed of function code group number + offset, for exampleH11-12The corresponding mailing address is0x110C. When using communication to modify the

function code, you need to pay attention to the setting range, unit, effective time, setting category, positive and negative hexadecimal conversion of the function code, etc. For details, please refer to the

description of the function code.


Some manufacturersPLC/touch screenMODBUSThe register address during instruction programming is not equal to the actual register address, but equal to

the actual register address plus1, this is because the standardMODBUSThe starting address of the instruction register is1, and the actual register addresses

of many devices are from0At the beginning (such as this servo driver), consider compatibility,PLC/The touch screen manufacturer subtracts the address of

the programming register during actual physical transmission.1deal with. this kindPLC/touch screen and servo driveMODBUSWhen communicating,

programmers need to be clear about this point in order to read and write the function codes of the servo driver correctly. For example, when programming,

the read (write) register address is0x0201, the actual read (write) function code isH02-00instead ofH02-01.
if not surePLC/touch screenMODBUSWhether the register address during instruction programming is equal to the actual register address, you can select two adjacent function

codes with different values, and use0x03(Read) instruction reads a function code with a larger code, if the value of the read function code is equal to the value of a function code

with a smaller code, it means that the register address during programming is equal to the actual register address plus1.

10.3.10communication virtualVDI/VDO

VDIable to act likeDIterminal, configured asFun IN.X. when enabledVDI, which is equivalent to extending theDIthe number ofVDIThe number
is 16, respectively calledVDI1…VDI16, at this time, ifVDIandDIterminal configuration to the sameFun IN.X, an error will be reportedEr.130.

VDOable to act likedoterminal, configured asFun OUT.X. when enabledVDO, which is equivalent to extending thedothe number ofVDOThe
number is16, respectively calledVDO1…VDO16, at this time, ifVDOanddoterminal configuration to the sameFun OUT.X, an error will be reported

VDIxThe value ofH31.00Decide,H31.00It is a readable and writable function code;VDOThe value ofH17.32Decide,H17.32read-only

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No.10Chapter Communication Function IS550Series Servo Driver User Manual

Can code.

the smallest factory take effect relevant

function code name Predetermined area category
unit set up time model

Bit0-VDI1virtual level
H31 00 VDIvirtual level ... - - - - PST
Bit15-VDI16virtual level

the smallest factory take effect relevant

function code name Predetermined area category
unit set up time model

Bit0:VDO1virtual level
H17 32 VDOvirtual level … - - - - -
Bit15:VDO16virtual level

Note that communication modificationsVDIxThe value of can not be bit manipulated, theH31.00A write action affects allVDI.

VDIRefer to the following steps for the configuration ofFun IN.1configured toVDI1on, and throughMODBUScommand to enable the servo.

1)H0C.09place1, enabling communication with virtualVDI.

2) SureFun IN.1not configured to anyDIterminal orVDIon (factory,Fun IN.1configured inDI5superior,H03.10for1).

3)H17.00place1,WillFun IN.1map toVDI1.

4) set upVDI1A logical choice for , which defaults to0,expressVDI1to write1valid.

5) WriteH31.00,Bit0to write1, to complete the servo enable; ifBit0to write0, cancel the servo enable.

Suppose the axis address is1, to enable the servo'sMODBUSThe command is as follows:

01 06 31 00 00 01 CRCL CRCH


VDIxThe terminal logic is selected as0when, equivalent toDITerminal logic selection is active low or active high;VDIxThe terminal logic is selected as1when,

equivalent toDIThe terminal logic selection is valid along the edge.

VDORefer to the following steps for the configuration ofFun OUT.5configured toVDO1superior.

1)H0C.11place1, enabling communication with virtualVDO.

2) SureFun OUT.5not configured to anydoterminal orVDOsuperior.

3)H17.33place5,WillFun OUT.5map toVDO1.

4) set upVDO1Terminal logic level selection, the default is0, which means output when valid1.

5) readH17.32, when the position is reached,H17.32 Bit0equal1, the position is not reachedH17.32 Bit0equal0.

Suppose the axis address is1,readH17.32ofMODBUSThe command is as follows,

01 03 17 20 00 01 CRCL CRCH

10.3.11Communication is not performed when writing function codesEEPROMsave

When using the communication operation function code, sometimes the value of the function code will be changed frequently, and many function codes will be updated at the

same time after the value of the function code is changed.EEPROMSave value in . if yesEEPROMFrequent erasing and writing will reduce theEEPROMservice life. If the

communication writes the new function code value, it is not necessary to update itsEEPROMvalue in , you can set theH0C-13=0to fulfill,

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IS550Series Servo Driver User Manual No.10Chapter Communication Function

thereby reducing the need forEEPROMerasing times.

10.3.12Servo response added delay

function codeH0C-25, add a delay to the servo response, and the servo will delay after receiving the commandH0C-25Respond to the host after the set


the smallest factory take effect relevant

function code name Predetermined area category
unit set up time model

MODBUSinstruction immediately
H0C 25 0~5000ms 1 0 middle set -
response delay take effect

10.3.13 32Bit function code high and low16order of transmission of bits

the smallest factory take effect relevant

function code name Predetermined area category
unit set up time model

0-high16first, lower16After the bit (use the

background to modify the function code or read run

MODBUS32bit function code immediately
H0C 26 When the function code is set to0) 1 0 middle set -
order of transmission take effect
1-Low16first, high16in the back Certainly

For example:H0C-26=0when, toH0507to writeH00010002ofMODBUSThe transmission instruction is (the following instructions are all16Hexadecimal


Host write command:01 10 05 07 00 02 04 00 01 00 02 5D 18

Slave feedback:01 10 05 07 00 02 F0 C5

H0C-26=1when, toH0507to writeH00010002ofMODBUSThe transfer instructions are:

Host write command:01 10 05 07 00 02 04 00 02 00 01 ED 19

Slave feedback:01 10 05 07 00 02 F0 C5

H0C-26=0hour,H0507The current value isH00010002, the host reads the command:01 03 05 07 00 02 75 06

Slave feedback:01 03 04 00 01 00 02 2A 32

H0C-26=1hour,H0507The current value isH00010002, the host reads the command:01 03 05 07 00 02 75 06

Slave feedback:01 03 04 00 02 00 01 9A 33 10

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