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Little Red Riding Riding Hood Little Red Riding Hood: Hello, Mr. Wolf.

Scene I

Narrator 1: This is the story of a little girl. Wolf: Good Morning! What`s your name?

Her name is Little Red Riding Hood.

She lives in the forest with her family. Little Red Riding Hood: Little Red Riding Hood.

I go to my granny`s house. She`s ill.

Narrator 2: There are lots of animals in that

Forest. And there is a dangerous wolf, too.

Wolf: what`s in your basket?

Mother: Grandmother is ill in bed.

Little Red Riding Hood: Apples, oranges,
Go to her house and take Granny
sandwiches and cupcakes.
some apples, please.

Wolf: Delicious!
Little Red Riding Hood: OK, mum. Put the apples
And… Where`s your granny`s house?
in my basket.

Little Red Riding Hood: On the other side of

Narrator 1: Little Red Riding Hood is very happy.
the forest.
She loves grandmother.

Wolf: Mmm… Look at this flowers.

Mother: Here is the basket. Apples, oranges, a
You can pick some flowers for your granny.
cheese sandwich and some cupcakes.

Now, listen, go straight to granny`s house.

Little Red Riding Hood: Good idea, Mr Wolf.
Don`t speak to strangers.
Granny loves flowers.

Mr. Wolf?... Mr. Wolf?

Little Red Riding Hood: Yes, mum. See you later.

Mother: Good bye sweetheart. Be careful,

Scene III
Narrator 1: The wolf runs fast and gets to

granny`s house first.

Scene II

Narrator 2: The little girl goes into the forest.

Granny: Who is it?
Suddenly, she sees the wolf. But little Red

Riding Hood isn`t afraid.

Wolf: Little Red Riding Hood, Granny.
Granny: Oh, come in sweety. Little Red Riding Hood: And granny, you`ve got

The door is open. very big ears!

Wolf: Hello granny! … Surprise! Wolf: So I can hear you better, dear.

Granny: Oh no! Help! Don`t eat me, please! Little Red Riding Hood: But granny, you`ve got a

very big mouth!

Wolf: Later! Later! Now, get into the wordrobe!

Wolf: Yes! And I can eat you better!

Narrator 2: The wolf puts on granny`s nightcap,

her glasses and he goes to bed. Little Red Riding Hood: Oh, no! Help! Help!

Scene IV Narrator 2: Little Red Riding Hood runs into the

Narrator 1: Little Red Riding Hood gets to forest. And the wolf runs after the little girl.

granny`s house.

Scene V

Wolf: Who is it? Narrator 1: At granny`s house the door is open.

A woodcutter passing by thinks it is strange.

Little Red Riding Hood: It`s me, your

Granddaughter. Woodcutter: The door is open. It`s strange.

Let`s see. Hello? Hello?

Wolf: Come in, sweety. The door is open.

Granny: Help! Help! Here! In the wardrobe!

Little Red Riding Hood: Granny?

Woodcutter: Oh, are you ok?

Wolf: Here! In my bedroom.

Granny: Yes, I`m OK. But go and help my

Little Red Riding Hood: Oh granny you`ve got granddaughter. She`s in the forest.

very big eyes!

Woodcutter: Ok, wait here. I`ll be back soon.

Wolf: So I can see you better, dear.

Scene VI Woodcutter: Yes, I do. Thanks granny.

Narrator 2: The woodcutter runs into the forest

and finds the wolf sleeping under a tree. Mother: Remember sweetheart, Never speak

to strangers again!

Woodcutter: There you are wolf!

Let`s open your stomach and take out Little Red Little Red Riding Hood: I promise mum.

Riding Hood.

Little Red Riding Hood: Oh, thank you,

Mr. Woodcutter. The End

Woodcutter: Give me those stones, please.

Now, Let`s go to your granny`s house.

Little Red Riding Hood: How is granny?

Woodcutter: She`s fine. Don`t worry.

Scene VII

Narrator 1: The wolf wakes up. He feels terrible!

He can`t walk. The stones are too heavy!

And …splash! The wolf falls into the river.

Narrator 2: At granny`s house everybody is


Granny: Let`s have some tea.

Do you like bread and butter, Mr. Woodcutter?

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