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Data Interpretation

Table 1
Number of students who are using Facebook

Table 1 shows that 32 or 100% of the students used Facebook.

Table 2
Number of hours that the students spent in using Facebook

Table 2 shows that most of the students spent 1 to 3 hours in using Facebook gained 65.5 %
responses. 5 to 7hours comes second which gained 12.5% responses followed by 4hours below
with 12.5 responses and lastly 3.16 % each answered the following, minutes lang po , if
messenger only counts then 5 to 7 hours and 1 to 2 hours.
Table 3
Reasons why students used Facebook

Table 3 shows that the reasons why students used Facebook. For past time as it gained 84.4%
responses which is the highest among the choices. Second to communicate as it gained 78.1%
responses. Third I want to remain connected with family and friends as it gained65.6%. Fourth to
look for news as it gained 31.3% responses. Fifth to post and share inspirational video with 25%
responses. Sixth to follow brands with 15.6% and last gained 3.1 % for entertainment, memes,
and for messenger.
Table 4
Advantages of Using Facebook

Table 4.1

Table 4.2
Table 4.3

Table 4 shows the advantages of using Facebook to the students. Easy to communicate with
others gained 100% responses answered yes. Table 4.1 gained 50% yes and 50 % no in finding
information. Table 4.2 gained 81.3% with a yes answered and 18.8% with no in improving their
knowledge and understanding and lastly table 4.3 answered 90.6% with yes students motivates to
participate in class and 9.4 % answered no.
Table 5
Dis advantages of using Facebook

Table 5.1

Table 5.2
Table 5.3

able 5 shows the dis advantages of using Facebook. Becomes an addiction gained 65.5 %
answered with yes and 34.4 % no. Table 5.1 as distraction of studies gained 71.9 % answered yes
and 28.1 % answered no. Table 5.2 poor sleep gained 62.5 % with yes and 37.5 answered no and
last table 5.3 cyberbullying gained 59.5 % answered yes and 40.6 % answered no.

As what the table has demonstrated, 32 students of Grade 10- Einstein are using Facebook. The
majority of them use Facebook for socializing and entertainment purposes. Most of them also
spend 1 to 3 hours a day using Facebook. The data shown above also reveals the reasons why
students use Facebook, for pastime, communication, and to stay connected with their family and
friends with garnered the most responses among the choices. And it has also advantages to the
students for easy communication and to improve their knowledge retention and understanding.
Although, it also shows that the students are negatively affected by Facebook as it causes them
distraction and addiction which also gained the most responses among the choices. To conclude
the usage of Facebook has advantages and dis advantages to the students.

Students- The researcher suggest that students should learn time management and spend less
time using Facebook as it can cause distractions to their academic performances as well as use
Facebook responsibly so that it can be beneficial for them rather than it being a distraction.
Teachers- The researcher advise teachers to encourage their students to use Facebook
responsibly and to educate their students about the possible effects of Facebook usage.
Parents- The researcher recommend parents to guide and monitor their child’s usage of
Facebook as it can affect their child’s academic performance.
Academe- The researcher suggests the academe to raise awareness among their students as to
how Facebook can affect their academic performance and launch some programs to inform their
students on how they can benefit from using Facebook and possibly prevent its negative effects.
Future researchers- The researcher advise future researchers to use this study to gain
information and to use this study to improve their future works. This may serve as their guide
and may assist them while doing their study.

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