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Transcript of Records

Sigmund Freud University Vienna

Given name(s) and Family name(s) Student identification
Nina Delikladic 61814360
Date of birth Substitute social Citizenship Status
insurance number
13.01.1998 TFRL130198 Serbia außerordentliche
Degree programme code and degree programme Assignment
002 Master of Psychotherapy Science in der Vertiefungsrichtung 2020 MPTW W_EN
Systemische Familientherapie

Course ECTS Semester Date Grade

Total number of credits 0/120

excellent (1), good (2), satisfactory (3), sufficient (4), fail (5),
successfully completed (s.c.), failed to complete (f),
credit transfer from prior learning (c.t.p.l.)

ECTS = European Credit Transfer System

Information on the official website of the European Union

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jutta Fiegl, Vice-rector Date

Dean of the Faculty of Psychotherapy Science Valid without signature and stamp 15.09.2022

Transcript of Records Sigmund Freud University Vienna Freudplatz 1, 1020 Vienna AT Page 1/1

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