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"Critique Paper 8"

The given Topic was all about execution and business plan in this topic you will learned about having the
employees required to support a company's strategy and making sure they are doing what the company
needs them to do to achieve its strategic goals. Therefore, In the subtopic I will choose about budget
and timeline because in starting a business you won't execute without planning ans by this It allows you
to oversee and better understand whether your business has enough revenue (incoming money) to pay
its expenses. Using a budget can help you make more informed financial decisions.

I would like to insert that I wish to discuss is all about " this topic you will learn about the responsible for
leading team of professionals who are involved in the sales and marketing activities of the company.
They track market developments, create strategies, set up sales plans, and maintain customer relations.
Without marketing, sales may crash and companies may have to close. The unique and important role of
sales is to bridge the gap between the potential customer's needs and the products/services that the
organisation offers that can fulfil their needs.

A lean organizational structure is a structure that is designed to create more customer value using
fewer resources than a traditional organizational structure. Members of an organization that utilizes a
lean structure focus on the value stream the organization uses to deliver goods and services to their
customers. Lean manufacturing improves efficiency, reduces waste, and increases productivity. The
benefits, therefore, are manifold: Increased product quality: Improved efficiency frees up employees
and resources for innovation and quality control that would have previously been wasted.

The execution plan describes the transition of your team and your company from where it is today to
the at-scale company you envision in the future. With the growth and ownership plan, the at-scale
profile and the execution plan, you will have the core building blocks for the growth-to-scale plan for
your company. As an Industrial Engineer soon in the workplace as part on my learnings I will use the
Execution planning in this way I can help project managers improve overall efficiency. An execution plan
includes a cost budget, staff plan and communication strategy. These tools can help teams reduce costs
and improve their collaboration techniques, which can increase productivity.

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