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NAME_______________________________________GRADE________ DATE_________________

Speaking vs Listening
It often appears that we have more to gain by speaking than by listening. One big advantage of speaking is
that it gives you a chance to control others' thoughts and actions. Whatever your goal is, the key to
success seems to be the ability to speak well. Another apparent advantage of speaking is the chance it
provides to gain the admiration, respect, or liking of others. Finally, talking gives you the chance to release
energy in a way that listening can't. In the same way, you can often lessen your anger by letting it out

1. According to the passage, speaking can result in ----.

A) decreasing anger
B) increasing stress
c) losing admiration of others
D) decreasing excitement
E) losing respect of others

2. As it is stated in the passage, speaking ----.

A) has advantages over listening
B) doesn't help one to release harmful emotions
C) like listening has many advantages
D) is as equally important as listening is
E) can sometimes be really exhausting unlike listening

3. The article is mainly about ----.

A) why keeping quiet cannot help others solve their problems
B) how to let your anger out by speaking
c) the advantages and disadvantages of both speaking and listening
D) why a good listener is always appreciated
E) the advantages of speaking

Princess Diana
Diana, Princess of Wales, became famous when she decided to marry Prince Charles. She became the
most photographed person in the world. Everywhere she went, there were photographers taking pictures
of her and people were very interested in her clothes, where she went on holiday and who she was with.
They were also interested in the problems between her and her husband. When they divorced she
remained very popular. In addition to her image as a 'star', Princess Diana used her influence to attract
attention to some charities. She was very sympathetic to all people who were ill and unhappy and
dedicated time to helping them and drawing public attention to their problems. She used to visit
homeless people regularly and did a lot of work for the National AIDS Trust; she visited people suffering
from AIDS.

1. It is implied in the passage that before her marriage to Prince Charles, Diana was ----.
A) widowed by another Prince of Wales
B) an unknown figure to public
C) one of the relatives to his family
D) followed by an army of photographers
E) was one of the victims of the epidemic AIDS

2. It can be understood from the passage that Diana and Charles ----.
A) got on well due to her sympathy with children
B) were expected to get divorced soon after the wedding
C) had children before their marriage
D) ended up in a marriage failure
E) visited the hospitals in poor regions

3. It is easy to infer from the passage that ----.

A) Prince Charles married someone else after separation
B) the Royal Family never approved Diana's marriage to Prince Charles
C) the National AIDS Trust was one of the clubs which Diana was a
member of
D) one photographer caused Diana to die in a car accident
E) Diana wasn't indifferent to suffering people
National Health Service
The National Health Service of the country was set up in 1948 shortly after the end of the Second World
War. Its aim is to provide free medical treatment for all patients who wish to take advantage of the
service. However, it is still possible to obtain private medical treatment and in this case the doctor charges
a fee. To say that the National Health Service is free is not entirely true. Every employed or self-employed
person over sixteen years of age must put a stamp on an insurance card every week. This card is issued by
a government department called the Department of Health and Social Security. The stamp costs money
and the amount is constantly changing. Part of the cost of this stamp, in fact the greater part, is borne by
the employer and it finances the National Health Service together with many other social security

1. The National Health Service ----.

A) aims to provide free and private medical treatment without paying any money
B) is said to be completely free, however, it is not
C) pays the money of the stamps that patients should fit on the card
D) and Department of Health and Social Security are the same foundations
E) finances the fees the doctors' charge

2. It is stated in the passage that ----.

A) only the Department of Health aims to provide free medical treatment
B) self-employed people's expenses are paid by the National Health Service
C) people over sixteen can obtain benefit from the National Health Service on condition that they stick the
stamp on insurance card
D) free medical treatment is valid for the families of people of over sixteen years old as well
E) people should pay extra money if they want to obtain advantages other than medical treatment

3. One can infer from the passage that ----.

A) social security benefits need to be paid fees
B) the stamp is financed greatly by the person as well as the employer
C) government is issued by the National Health Service
D) every employed person needs private medical treatment
E) the stamped cards are accepted only by the governments

Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein was born in 1879 in the German city of Ulm. He was no prodigy as infant. In fact he was so
late to speak that his parents were concerned he was a fool. In school, his teachers saw no special talent
in him though the signs of his intelligence were there. He taught himself calculus for example, and it is
said that his teachers seemed a little afraid of him because he asked questions they could not answer. His
gift was no secret. At the age of 16, he asked himself whether a light wave would seem stationary if one
ran with it. It may seem like a strange question, but it shows that Einstein was digging deep to the heart of
a problem. Ten years later would arise his theory of relativity.

1. Albert Einstein ----.

A) is the most genius scientist of all
B) was born in the 18th century
C) was spoiled by his teachers in school
D) worried his parents of lacking intelligence
E) seemed special as early as at his infancy

2. When he was in school, Einstein ----.

A) showed no signals about his genius
B) was afraid of his teachers due to their innocent questions
C) asked difficult questions to his teachers
D) was understood as genius by public when he was a teenager
E) couldn't learn science

3. It's obvious in the passage, Einstein's ----.

A) genius was a gift
B) character was perfect to most of his teachers
C) life encouraged most of the scientist in the world
D) theory of relativity couldn't have been found without him
E) question was the origin of his theory of relativity

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