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On behalf of the Labyrinth Made Goods we want to thank the wonderful YWCA, who

have supported this business wholeheartedly from the beginning. The McLean County

YWCA have devoted their mission to eliminating racism and empowering women.

Through their mission we are striving to accomplish the same thing by trying to diminish

stigmas that go along with incarcerated women.

As mothers day is approaching, mother’s day is a time to reflect and appreciate all the

beautiful women that made you who you are today.

Labyrinth Made Goods is a company that supports other women but not only supports

women but uplifts them at the same time. This company was founded on the principles

of rehabilitation for women that had spent time in prison. At Labyrinth Made Goods, we

are working to reimagine systems that hold back women who have experienced


Throughout the mission statement we carry out a line of candles that stand for

something because they mean something. Similar to the line of candles that promote

solidarity and the extension of candles named; visualize, tranquility, and revitalize.

This month we are featuring deals and donating half the proceeds to mothers who are

incarcerated. We want to empower these women especially, so they feel loved and
understood. Most of the founders and our staff are mothers, so by doing this promotion

we are thanking them too.

Buying our candles you stand with the women that are working on their immediate

future. We stand with every woman, because every candle we produce stands for


Every person should have the opportunity to meet their needs, define what success

means to them, and achieve their dreams.

As the month concludes we want to encourage everyone to buy our exclusive solidarity

candles to support mothers and especially incarcerated mothers.

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