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Landscape Ecol (2021) 36:973–987 (0123456789().,-volV)
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The scale of effect depends on operational definition of forest

cover—evidence from terrestrial mammals of the Brazilian
Christophe Amiot . Cyntia Cavalcante Santos . Damien Arvor .
Beatriz Bellón . Hervé Fritz . Clément Harmange . Jeffrey D. Holland .
Isabel Melo . Jean-Paul Metzger . Pierre-Cyril Renaud . Fabio de Oliveira Roque .
Franco Leandro Souza . Olivier Pays

Received: 16 July 2020 / Accepted: 18 January 2021 / Published online: 1 February 2021
 The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature B.V. part of Springer Nature 2021

Abstract Methods Using maps of forest cover, camera trap-

Context Determining the appropriate scale at which ping and occupancy modelling, we determined the
to study species’ interactions with their environment is relations between three landscape metrics (percentage
a great challenge. of forest cover, patch density and edge density) and the
Objective We investigated the spatial extent at occurrence of four species. To determine the optimal
which landscape structure affects the occurrence of scale of effect for each species, we computed
four species of terrestrial mammalian herbivores in the landscape metrics at different spatial extents (from
Brazilian savannas and examined whether those scales 0.5 to 10 km radius) from camera trap locations and
could be explained by species ecological traits and for three forest maps, each using different operational
how forest habitat was operationally defined. definitions of a forest pixel: minimum of tree cover of
25, 50 or 75%.
Results The occupancy models revealed scales of
Supplementary Information The online version contains
supplementary material available at effect of 0.5 to 2 km with the scale of effect being

C. Amiot  C. C. Santos  B. Bellón  C. C. Santos

C. Harmange  P.-C. Renaud  O. Pays (&) Wetlands International—Brazil, Campo Grande,
LETG-Angers, UMR 6554 CNRS, Université D’Angers, Mato Grosso Do Sul, Brazil
Campus Belle Beille, 2 Bd Lavoisier, 49045 Angers,
France D. Arvor
e-mail: LETG-Rennes, UMR 6554 CNRS, Université de Rennes
2, 35043 Rennes, France
C. Amiot  B. Bellón  H. Fritz  C. Harmange 
P.-C. Renaud  O. Pays B. Bellón
REHABS International Research Laboratory, Department of Environmental Science, Rhodes
CNRSUniversité Lyon 1Nelson Mandela University, University, Makhanda 6140, South Africa
George Campus, Madiba drive, George 6531, South
Africa H. Fritz
Laboratoire de Biométrie et Biologie Evolutive, UMR
C. C. Santos  I. Melo  Fabio de Oliveira Roque  5558, CNRS, Université Lyon, Université Lyon 1,
F. L. Souza 69622 Villeurbanne, France
Bioscience Institute, Federal University of Mato Grosso
Do Sul, Cidade Universitária, Campo Grande, H. Fritz
MS 79060-300, Brazil Sustainability Research Unit, Nelson Mandela University,
Port Elizabeth, South Africa

974 Landscape Ecol (2021) 36:973–987

similar among three of the species. However, the operate for the studied organisms. Huais (2018) argues
probability of a scale of effect being detected that ecologists do not usually know a priori which are
depended upon how forest is operationally defined, those optimal spatial extents, mainly due to a lack of a
being greater when forest was defined with greater tree full understanding of the underlying biological pro-
cover, particularly for forest-specialist species. cesses (Jackson and Fahrig 2015). However, several
Conclusions Besides biological traits, the way habi- studies have clarified the link between spatial scale
tat is operationally defined shapes our ability to detect and the ecological responses of species under inves-
the scale of effects. Thus, it is necessary not to adopt a tigation (Levin 1992; Saab 1999; Crawley and Harral
multi-scale approach, but also to use multiple opera- 2001; Chase and Leibold 2002; Leibold et al. 2004;
tional definitions of habitat, considering particularities Rahbek 2005; Mayor et al. 2009; Gabriel et al. 2010;
of how each species interact with their environment. Delsol et al. 2018). The effect of spatial extent has
been particularly investigated in habitat selection
Keywords Scale of response  Tree cover  Spatial (Fortin et al. 2008) and animal movement (Fryxell
scale  Multi-scale model  Mammal  Herbivore  et al. 2008). These previous studies have shown that
Brazil analysing the activities of animals including herbi-
vores at fine scales (e.g., 1–100 m for some) is
appropriate for investigations on feeding behaviour
and feeding site and patch selection, while studies at
Introduction extents of 100 m–10 km may allow the understanding
of habitat selection and home range, and finally,
Identifying the spatial scale at which species respond research at broader, regional scales (e.g., [ 10 km for
to landscape structure, or the scale of effect (Jackson some) is relevant for migration and (meta)population
and Fahrig 2012) has become an important scientific dynamics comprehension (Johnson 1980; Danell et al.
challenge when investigating species-environment 2006).
relationships (Fahrig et al. 2011; Redon et al. 2014; Without knowing a priori what is the appropriate
Miguet et al. 2016, 2017). As species might respond to scale of study, landscape ecologists commonly inves-
a specific landscape variable at a particular scale, tigate the spatial extent within which a landscape
studies have pointed out the importance to consider variable has its strongest effect on species’ responses
multiple spatial scales when investigating the effects (e.g. Brennan et al. 2002; Holland et al. 2004; Holland
of habitat change on species (Levin 1992) particularly and Yang 2016; Melo et al. 2017; Huais 2018).
in the context of land use and land cover changes Different methods or statistical analyses have been
(Newbold et al. 2015; Püttker et al. 2020). Knowing proposed in the literature to test for the effect of
the scale at which species respond to landscapes landscape variables on, e.g., species richness, abun-
should help decision-makers in designing manage- dance or composition at different spatial scales and to
ment plan to maintain and restore biodiversity and extract measures of the strength of the relationship
their habitats (Haines-Young 2009). (e.g., correlation or determination coefficient) (see
Optimal spatial extents are mainly determined by Stuber & Gruber 2020 for a review). Spatial scales are
the scale at which ecological processes are expected to usually tested by varying spatial extent (e.g., the size
of a buffer zone) over which the habitat predictor
Jeffrey D. Holland variable (i.e., a landscape metric) is measured (Jack-
Department of Entomology, Purdue University, son and Fahrig 2012). The scale of effect is commonly
West Lafayette, IN 47907, USA derived by plotting the spatial scale (e.g., buffer size)
against goodness of fit (Jackson and Fahrig 2015).
J.-P. Metzger
Departamento de Ecologia, Universidade de São Paulo, This is sometimes challenging because the probability
São Paulo, SP, Brazil of a scale of effect being detected might depend on
resolution of maps that are available. Indeed,
Fabio de Oliveira Roque
researchers frequently must rely on low-resolution
Centre for Tropical Environmental and Sustainability
Science (TESS), College of Science and Engineering, maps because high-resolution ones are not available.
James Cook University, Cairns, QLD, Australia While the resolution of the underlying map is likely to

Landscape Ecol (2021) 36:973–987 975

have an effect on the operational definition of the scale forests, sparse tree cover) may have low thematic
of effect, the relation between resolution and strength resolution, e.g., a small number of classes (Hansen
of this effect is unknown. et al. 2013). This over-simplification of vegetation
Biological and ecological traits of species including cover may not be adequate for detecting how species
for instance body size, dispersal distance, home range respond to their environment (Comber et al. 2005;
and habitat specialisation may affect the scale of effect Rocchini et al. 2013). Moreover, the operational
(Miguet et al 2016). Those traits are particularly definition of what is a ‘‘forest,’’ for instance, is vague,
relevant when they are indicators of animal mobility, a ambiguous and highly subjective (Bennett 2002)
key biological feature which determines the relation- where gradients in tree cover exist. Indeed, hundreds
ship between species attributes and their surrounding of different definitions of ‘‘forest’’ coexist (Chazdon
space (Bowman et al. 2002; Pires et al. 2002; Cardillo et al. 2016) and none of these use a species perspec-
et al. 2005). Different biological processes require tive. While Hansen et al. (2010) used 25% of tree
animals to interact with their environment at different cover to map and compare forest cover loss among
scales or different ranges of scales. The simplification biomes, continents, and countries from 2000 to 2005,
of these interactions to a ‘‘scale of effect’’ is one way Defries et al. (2001) considered forest cover as greater
of making the investigation of organism—environ- than 60% canopy cover to perform their prototype
ment interactions tractable. We might expect a general worldwide map. Using different thresholds of percent
trend of the scale of effect being larger for larger- tree cover for pixels to be classified as forest will likely
bodied species because they are more mobile with alter the measured relationship between forest habitat
higher dispersal distance and home range than and an animal species’ response. This will occur
smaller-bodied species (Jackson and Fahrig 2012; because altering which pixels are considered forest
Miguet et al 2016). Indeed, Thornton and Fletcher will alter landscape metrics such as percent forest,
(2014) in their meta-analysis on birds reported a patch density and edge density will be altered. The
positive correlation between body size and the spatial relationship between the landscape metrics and
scale at which species responded to landscape vari- species’ response will be stronger and more likely
ables. Finally, the scale of effect may differ between peak at the correct scale when the operational
specialist and generalist species of similar body-size definition of forest used most closely aligns with the
although this literature is sparse and not in agreement species’ perception of forest habitat. In tropical and
on whether habitat specialists would exhibit a larger or subtropical zones of Africa, Australia and South
smaller scale of effect (Boscolo and Metzger 2009; America, Hirota et al. (2011) reported that percent
Chaplin-Kramer et al. 2013). Different responses to tree cover in savannas was about 20% and contrasted
habitat of habitat generalists and specialists have the with 80% in forested areas. While mammal species
added difficulty in consistently defining habitat for the might respond differently to forest cover (Royo and
different groups. Compared to generalists, we pre- Carson 2005; Young et al. 2013; Chamaillé-Jammes
dicted that forest-specialist species would show a et al. 2016; Ferreguetti et al. 2017; Zimbres et al.
stronger relationship to forest cover at the scale of 2018), the question of whether the percent tree cover
effect to forest. used to map forest cover affects the scale of effect of
Different features, such as different land covers, landscape metrics on the occurrence of species has
may elicit different scales of effect by relating to never been studied. We investigated the change in the
different biological needs of the study organism, e.g., detected scale of response of forest dwelling species in
landscape composition for selecting a home range and Brazil’s Cerrado, which contains a complex mosaic of
immediate vegetation height for selecting a resting vegetation types including forests, savannas and
place. The characteristics of the map of land use and grasslands (Bonanomi et al. 2019).
land cover that are used as an input to derive patch- The aim of this study was to investigate potential
based landscape metrics may influence the assess- changes to the scale of effect when different thresholds
ments of scale of effect. For example, maps in some of tree cover are used to classify map pixels as forest in
tropical areas that are dominated by vegetation four common species of terrestrial mammal herbi-
gradients including many different tree densities and vores, the Azara’s agouti Dasyprocta azarae, the
forest types (e.g., degraded forests, regenerating collared peccary Pecari tajacu, the brown brocket deer

976 Landscape Ecol (2021) 36:973–987

Mazama gouazoubira, and the South American tapir forest cover (i.e., the threshold in tree cover required
Tapirus terrestris, in the Brazilian Cerrado. First, we for a pixel to be considered forest), we predicted that
studied how the occurrence of those species responded the strength of the relationship between landscape
to three landscape metrics commonly used to describe forest metrics and species’ occurrence would be
landscape composition (FC: percent of forest cover) stronger at the scale of effect for the two forest-
and configuration (PD: patch density and ED: edge specialist species, the Azara’s agouti and collared
density) (Lidicker 1999; Bastian et al. 2006; Bennett peccary, when considering high tree cover (e.g., 75%)
et al. 2006; Lu et al. 2013; Lowicki 2017). These compared to medium–low tree cover (50–25%) as the
metrics have also been useful to explain mammal former would quantify their ‘habitat’ more accurately.
community distribution in Brazil (Mares et al. 1986; We predicted that these relationships would be
Arévalo-Sandi et al. 2018; Bovendorp et al. 2019; stronger in the forest-specialist species than in the
Püttker et al. 2020). We explored how the scale of species with more general habitat requirements.
effect differed among species and whether it can be
affected by their biological and ecological traits
(Table 1). Although we investigated whether the scale Methodology
of effect differ among the three landscapes metrics,
these measurements were considered likely to change Study site
when different thresholds of tree cover were used to
operationally define forest pixels. The Bodoquena Plateau region (20250 29.2800 to
We hypothesized that mobility largely determines 21440 19.7200 S and 56520 24.4600 56 to 170 23.3600
the relationship between landscape variables and W) is located in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil
occurrence of the studied species. We therefore (Fig. 1a). It is characterized by a mountain chain
predicted that larger species with greater dispersal (altitude 450–800 m) with a tropical climate (annual
and larger home range would exhibit a greater scale of mean temperature varies between 20 and 22 C and
effect than smaller, less mobile, species. In this rainfall between 1300 and 1700 mm). The study area
context, the scale of effect of the South American is within the range of the Cerrado biome (Brazilian
tapir should be greater than the brown brocket deer and savanna) in the region inside and around the Serra da
the collared peccary, with the smallest scale of effect Bodoquena National Park (SBNP). The vegetation
in the Azara’s agouti. We also predicted that species comprises a mix of alluvial semi-deciduous and
that mainly use forest edges, the Azara’s agouti and submontane deciduous forest (dry forest), wetlands,
the collared peccary, would exhibit a scale of effect on regenerating areas and agriculture including pastures
metrics associated to landscape configuration such as and crops (Oliveira and Marquis 2002; Klink and
ED and PD. Regarding the operational definition of Machado 2005). SBNP represented an important

Table 1 Ecological traits of the studied mammal species

Studied Adult body Home Dispersal Habitat use References
species mass (kg) range (ha) range (m)

Azara’s 2.9 1.34–2.45 100–500 Forest specialist (Aliaga-Rossel et al. 2008; Jansen et al. 2012;
agouti including edges Cid et al. 2013)
Brown 21 2.7–348 750–1000 Generalist: forest (Duarte et al. 2012; Pires et al. 2002)
brocket and open area
Collared 22 24–800 500–1000 Forest specialist (Bodmer 1991; Fragoso 1998; Judas and Henry
peccary including edges 1999; Keuroghlian et al 2004)
South 225 0.1–100 [ 3000 Generalist: forest (Bodmer 1989; Emmons and Feer 1997; Pires
American and open area et al. 2002)

Landscape Ecol (2021) 36:973–987 977

Fig. 1 Map of the study site, Bodoquena, state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil (a) and forest cover including the location of camera traps
(b). Camera traps selected to run occupancy models (see methods) are highlighted in red

protected area due to acting as an ecological corridor thresholds of percent tree cover (25, 50, and 75%;
of biodiversity and by maintaining remnants of Fig. 2).
Atlantic Forest in the area. During recent decades, Each of the three forest maps was used to derive
the Cerrado has been experiencing a rapid agricultural three landscape metrics: one metric of landscape
expansion (Rausch et al. 2019) leading to fragmenta- composition, forest cover (FC), and two additional
tion of natural land cover (Strassburg et al. 2017). metrics of landscape configuration, patch density (PD)
and edge density (ED). FC is the proportion of pixels
Forest cover, landscape metrics and spatial extent classified as forest in a given area. PD measures the
number of forest patches per km2 and ED is the total
Landscape metrics were computed using forest maps length of all edges of forest patches divided by the
derived from the Global Forest Change project’s buffer area. These three metrics were calculated using
products (Hansen et al. 2013). We used the ‘‘2000 the ClassStat function from the SDMTools package
percent tree cover’’ (TC) product, which corresponds (VanDerWal et al. 2014) in R 3.6.2 (R Development
to the proportion of trees per pixel, i.e., the canopy Core Team 2019). Although a large range of landscape
closure for all vegetation taller than 5 m in height. metrics could have been explored, we limited this to
This global product is derived from the analysis of three variables in our study as (1) they are commonly
time series of Landsat images with a 30 m spatial used in the literature and (2) we judged that they
resolution. We additionally used the ‘‘Forest loss allowed an assessment of the forest cover and
year’’ product from the Global Forest Change project fragmentation in the Cerrado that we witnessed in
to remove all deforested areas between 2001 and 2017 2017 when we collected data in the field (Bonanomi
(year of field collection; see below) from the forest et al. 2019). A matrix of correlation coefficients with
class in the TC, i.e., TC was set to 0 for deforested visual estimation of plots indicated that these three
areas. Based on this updated TC map, we then metrics were not significantly correlated.
produced three forest maps for 2017 applying three We calculated ED, PD and FC at different extents,
here considered as radii from the sampling points: 500,

978 Landscape Ecol (2021) 36:973–987

Fig. 2 Example of forest cover assessed for different threshold of ‘‘forest’’ operational definition (minimum tree cover per pixel of 25,
50 and 75%) around one camera trap at two buffers sizes, 3000 m (blue disc) and 500 m (red disc). Forest pixels are represented in green

750, 1000, 1500, 2000, 3000, 5000 and 10,000 m. The Data from mammal species
range of spatial extents allowed the investigation of
occupation resulting from interactions with the imme- We deployed a set of 193 camera traps (Reconyx-
diate surroundings (local) and dispersal movements of hyperfire HC500 and Bushnel-trophy Cam HD) in a
species (landscape; Miguet et al. 2016) and have been gradient of forest cover loss in the study area (Fig. 1b,
used to explain habitat selection in terrestrial herbiv- see Appendix Fig. S2 for details in sites selection).
orous mammals (Johnson 1980; Danell et al. 2006). Each camera trap was in the same location on two
We chose to exclude two smaller buffer sizes, 100 and different periods of 20 consecutive days between May
250 m, as the small number of pixels from Landsat 2016 and December 2017. They were positioned
images (30 m spatial resolution) did not provide 40 cm above the ground on the nearest tree of a
enough variation to assess accurately PD, ED and computer-generated random point with a 10 inclina-
FC. Finally, landscape variables showed scaling tion towards the ground. To increase detection of
relations suggesting that they could be predicted over animal movement and maximise identification of
a wide range of spatial extents in our study area and species, frame rate interval was set at 3 s with 3
remained quite constant beyond a buffer radius of pictures per event. At the end of the sampling period,
3 km (Appendices Table S1 and Fig. S1). SD cards were extracted and photographs were
analysed visually using Wild.ID (TEAM Network
2019). Each sampled picture was checked by two
observers to reduce misidentification. In this study, we

Landscape Ecol (2021) 36:973–987 979

focused on four species of terrestrial mammals typical absence of detection of a focal species over one period
from Cerrado: Azara’s agouti, collared peccary, brown indicated that sites were truly unoccupied during the
brocket and South American tapir. Their ecological sampling period or species were very scarce at the
traits including body size, home range, habitat use, sampled sites during the survey.
diet and dispersal distance are presented in Table 1. We used the species detection information to
investigate the effects of spatial extent of habitat
Occupancy models covariates on the probability of species occupancy.
We ran occupancy models for which occupancy
We used the Focus-2.0 program (Holland et al. 2004) probability W at each camera trap location and the
to conduct a plot-buffer related sampling using 10,000 detection probability p were modelled as a linear
iterations on the 193 camera trap locations to select a function of covariates xi using logit link functions (see
set of spatially independent locations. Based on the Niedballa et al. 2015 for details). We ran models for
retrials, Focus-2.0 randomly selected a combination of each buffer size and species. First, we determined for
57 independent locations allowing to increase buffer each species how the probability of detection p should
size up to 2 km (Fig. 1b). As the aim of our study was be implemented in null models. We used a stepwise
to understand the response of the occurrence of approach starting with a model W(.)p(.) where both
mammal species to the landscape metrics at wide occupancy and detection probabilities were constant.
range of different scales, we chose to use this As density of understory and weather could affect
combination to investigate scaling relations beyond detection probability around the camera traps, we
2 km, i.e., 3, 5 and 10 km although some overlapping created two covariates called visibility (contrasting
existed between several neighbouring buffers. Indeed, open vs. dense understory) and weather (contrasting
beyond 2 km, the three landscape metrics did not show rainy vs. dry season). Then we ran three other models
much variation (Fig. S1) and Focus-2.0 would have W(.)p(xi) to test whether covariates xi including
reduced the set of combinations to 30 camera traps for visibility around camera trap and weather, or both,
which occupancy models failed to converge. More- affected detection probability p with occupancy prob-
over, Zuckerberg et al. (2012) demonstrated that there ability W constant. We compared these four models of
was no evidence that increasing overlap among detection (W(.)p(.), W(.)p(visibility), W(.)p(weather),
buffers landscapes increased spatial autocorrelation W(.)p(visibility, weather) using AIC and selected the
in model residuals. Thus, we kept the set of 57 selected model with the lowest AIC and DAIC higher than 2
locations and we then assessed occupancy models with with the closest competing model. Finally, from this
each landscape metric. selected null model of detection, we tested the effects
To investigate the effect of the landscape variables of landscape metrics on occupancy probability W at
(measured for the 8 buffer sizes and 3 thresholds of each of the 8 buffer sizes and three landscape metrics
percent tree cover) on the occurrence of the four calculated from the three forest cover maps (25, 50 and
mammal species, we ran occupancy models using the 75% tree cover). Thus, for each landscape metric, we
unmarked R package (Fiske and Chandler 2011). For ran 8 models that we compared using AIC and null
each of the 57 camera traps and focal species, we models. All models showing DAIC \ 2 from the best
implemented a data set of 40 sampled days in which fitted models had similar statistical supports. To
we indicated when the studied species was detected vs. investigate effect size, estimates (± SE) of the effects
non-detected. Then, from the 40 sampled days, we of landscape metrics on occupancy probability and
built a matrix of 8 sampling occasions of 5 consecutive their P-values were extracted from all candidate
days each (as in Niedballa et al. 2015). Following this models. Statistical analyses were performed using R
method, 13 camera traps (i.e., 23%) detected the 3.6.2 (R Development Core Team 2019).
presence of Azara’s agouti, 15 (26%) detected collared
peccary, 13 (23%) detected brown brocket deer and 25
(44%) detected South American tapir. Thus, over the Results
combination of 57 camera traps, there was a reason-
able chance to detect the selected species. Our study The performance of forest metric—occupancy models
assumed that we did not have false detections and the run at different spatial extents revealed scales of effect

980 Landscape Ecol (2021) 36:973–987

and supported most of our predictions. When land- other(s) (see Peccary 75%, Table 2). Our prediction of
scape metrics were based upon forest pixels hav- a stronger relationship between species’ occurrence
ing C 75% tree cover (Appendix Table S2) the and forest features for forest specialists than for
strongest statistical supports (i.e., DAIC \ 2) occurred generalists that use forest among other areas was
at spatial extents from 500 to 1500 m for ED (Fig. 3a) supported. The two forest specialist species both
and 500 to 2000 m for FC (Fig. 3i) in Azara’s agouti, a showed significant responses to forest cover above the
small forest-specialist species, and from 500 to 750 m null model (Fig. 3i, j) while the generalists did not
in FC for collared peccary, a medium sized species, (Fig. 3k, l). Our prediction of a larger scale of effect
(Fig. 3j) and 750 m for PD in brown brocket deer, a for larger species was not supported. The largest
medium sized generalist species, (Fig. 3g). For the species, the South American tapir, did not show a scale
other models with these three species, we did not of response. The other three species had similar scales
detect a scale of effects as null models of detection had of response despite their different body sizes (Fig. 3).
similar support (Appendix Table S2). The South With regard to the investigation of the effect of the
American tapir, the largest and generalist species, threshold of the percent tree cover used to map forest
did not exhibit any scale of effect for the three on the scale of effect, the results showed that when this
landscape metrics (Fig. 3d, h, l). Our results showed threshold decreased from 75 to 50% and from 50 to
that the probability of a scale of effect being detected 25% we observed 3 different patterns from the
in the studied species could vary with the landscape performance of models at the different extents (Ap-
metric applied (see Agouti 50%, Table 2), or was only pendices Table S2-4). The range of selected buffer
detected using a particular metric while absent using sizes (i.e., the scale of effect) (1) remained similar as

Fig. 3 Comparison of model performance for the effect of probability is fixed as 1. The scale of effect is detected from
landscape metric for forests defined with a 75% of tree cover per spatial extent (i.e. the range of buffer sizes) for which DAIC B 2
pixel. The grey triangle is the null model in which occupancy included the smallest AIC without the null model (black dots)

Table 2 Results of occupancy models predicting the occurrence of four species of terrestrial mammals across buffer size (from 500 to 10,000 m) considering three threshold of
percent tree cover per pixel (25, 50 and 75%)
Landscape Model structure Species Percent of tree cover per pixel
25% 50% 75%
Buffer b ± SE P Buffer size b ± SE P Buffer size b ± SE P

ED p (weather ? visibility) Azara’s agouti 500 0.325 ± 0.185 0.079 500*–1500 0.517 ± 0.267 0.053
W (ED)
p (visibility) W (ED) Brown brocket
Landscape Ecol (2021) 36:973–987

p (visibility) W (ED) Collared
p (weather ? visibility) South
W (ED) American
PD p (weather ? visibility) Azara’s agouti 1500–2000*– - 1.030 ± 0.675 0.128
W (PD) 3000
p (visibility) W (PD) Brown brocket 750 0.643 ± 0.305 0.035
p (visibility) W (PD) Collared
p (weather ? visibility) South
W (PD) American
FC p (weather ? visibility) Azara’s agouti 500*– 4.540 ± 2.500 0.070 500*–2000 5.050 ± 2.890 0.081 500–1500*– 9.000 ± 4.450 0.043
W (FC) 1500 2000
p (visibility) W (FC) Brown brocket
p (visibility) W (FC) Collared 500*– 2.690 ± 1.400 0.029 500*–1000 3.190 ± 1.540 0.039 500*–750 4.030 ± 1.890 0.033
peccary 1000
p (weather ? visibility) South
W (FC) American
This table addressed the selected range of models (and thus buffer size) that have been selected from AIC model selection (See Appendix Table S1 for details). Model structure
refers to how occupancy probability W at the camera trap i and the detection probability p were implemented. Analyses were carried out separately for each species and landscape
metric including edge density, ED, patch density, PD, and the percentage of forest cover, FC. When several models showed similar statistical support (i.e. DAIC \ 2), estimate
(b) ± SE was extracted for the model with the lowest AIC indicated by the * near the buffer size
Significant effects are indicated in bold

982 Landscape Ecol (2021) 36:973–987

for instance in FC in collared peccary, (2) decreased as Based upon the hypothesis that the scale of effect is
in Azara’s agouti in ED, or (3) was no longer detected largely determined by animal mobility, we predicted
in PD in brown brocket deer since the null model was that scale of effect would be larger for larger-bodied
included in the selected models (Table 2). Although a species because they are more mobile, tend to be move
range of selected models emerged at 50% tree cover in farther and their home range are higher than smaller-
PD in Azara’s agouti, we did not detect any significant bodied species (Bowman et al. 2002; Jackson and
effect of this variable (i.e., P [ 0.05, Table 2). Thus, Fahrig 2015). Thus, body-size as a proxy for animal
we did not consider this last result as robust. mobility may not be the main predictor to explain the
Altogether, our analyses suggest that the probability variation of the scale of effect among species when
of a scale of effect being detected in the studied they differ in their habitat dependence (e.g., forest
species varies with the threshold of forest tree cover, specialist vs. generalist). The effect of the dispersal
being higher when considering high tree cover (e.g., distance on the scale of effect needs to be tested on a
75%) compared to medium–low tree cover (50–25%) wide range of species including micromammals to
especially for forest-specialists. address overall conclusions. The predicted body
Finally, regarding the effect (b estimates) of each size—scale of effect relationship should ideally be
landscape metric measures at the scale of effect tested with species that vary in body size but not in
(indicated with * in Table 2), the occurrence of their level of forest habitat specialization. This may
Azara’s agouti and collared peccary increased with help to control for many other factors or traits that
FC, brown brocket deer with PD, and Azara’s agouti correlate with ‘‘habitat specialization’’ and that influ-
with ED when the threshold on percent tree cover was ence scales of interaction with the environment. The
75%. Compared to 75% tree cover, the trend did not level of specialization may admittedly be difficult to
change in FC using 25–50% as in collared peccary quantify.
although the it was no longer significant in Azara’s The probability to detect a scale of effect for our
agouti (Table 2). study species depended mainly on their level of
dependence they were on forest. Contrary to the two
studied generalist species, the South American tapir
Discussion and brown brocket deer, the two forest-specialist
species, the Azara’s agouti and collared peccary,
Effect of ecological and biological traits of species exhibited a scale of effect on FC. Habitat generalist at
on the scale of effect species are not limited by forest cover and use
agricultural and open areas to achieve their ecological
The range of spatial extents at which the four requirements such as food. A previous study in the
mammals showed scales of effect (500–2000 m in Brazilian Amazon reported that the lowland tapir was
this study) suggest that mechanisms associated with one of the species with a high ability to survive in more
habitat selection and home range might explain the altered environments including regeneration areas
occurrence of our studied species, as has been reported with food opportunities (Teixeira-Santos et al. 2020).
in medium and large-body-sized herbivore species The lack of scale of effect, like the one we observed in
(Johnson 1980; Danell et al. 2006). Our results also the South American tapir, might also be observed if
suggest that a range of spatial extents should be the response is not scale dependent (Martin and Fahrig
considered rather than a particular buffer size in the 2012) or there may not have been enough heterogene-
scale of effect of landscape metrics on species ity among landscapes and thus variation in metrics to
occurrence (Moraga et al. 2019). Even within a single detect responses at a larger scale in species with high
species, variation in the individual interactions with dispersal range ([ 3 km for this species, Table 1). As
the environment will exist. Studies that parse the in our study area, landscape variables remain quite
variation in relevant extents into within and among fixed beyond a buffer radius of 3 km (Appendices
species variation could help guide the future use of Table S1 and Fig. S1), the opportunity to detect scale
scales of effect. Understanding from such studies of effect beyond this distance might be limited. Other
would also benefit the correlation of species’ traits studies have reported that the scale of effects was not
with these scales of effect. strongly affected by species traits (Galán-Acedo et al.

Landscape Ecol (2021) 36:973–987 983

2018). Indeed, in their study Martı́nez-Ruiz et al. 2020 Effect of the threshold of the percent tree cover
investigating the occurrence of 19 species of diurnal used to map forest on the scale of effect
raptors in a tropical dry forest from western Mexico,
they concluded that the scale of effects did not depend The question whether the percent tree cover has been
on their level of dependence to forest (forest, edge or appropriately selected to investigate the effect of
open-area raptors). As several ecological traits may landscape metrics on the occurrence of species might
interact to explain the scale of effect of forest cover on appear to be the first main concern. Indeed, the
species occurrence (as for instance the studied smaller existing variation in operational definitions of forest
bodied size species were the forest-specialist ones), classification used to map potential habitat and the
more studies are needed to clarify the role of obvious importance of this habitat to mammal species
uncorrelated traits in a larger range of species. (e.g., Chiarello 2000; Michalski and Peres 2007;
Chamaillé-Jammes et al. 2016; Zimbres et al. 2018)
Difference of scale of effect among landscape motivated the current study. Overall, our analyses
metrics showed that our ability to detect the scale of effects is
affected by the threshold selected to map forest cover.
Different landscape attributes that are measured by Indeed, the probability of a scale of effect being
different variables may elicit different scales of effect detected in the studied species was higher when
on species occurrence. Indeed, our analyses showed considering high tree cover (e.g., 75%) compared to
that species that mainly use forest edges, the Azara’s medium–low tree cover (50–25%). In forest specialist
agouti and the collared peccary, exhibited a scale of species which are by definition highly dependent upon
effect on metrics associated to landscape configuration forest habitat, we might expect that our landscape
such as ED and PD. In their study investigating how metrics would better predict their occurrence when
primates responded to landscape structure in the applying a more restrictive threshold (e.g., 75%). Our
rainforest regions in Mexico, Galán-Acedo et al. findings supporting this prediction around the impor-
(2018) reported that the probability to detect a scale of tance of the operational definition of forest cover is an
effect dependent on the type of landscape variables important result as the percent tree cover used to map
(composition vs. configuration), being lower with forest cover shapes patch-based landscape metrics and
forest connectivity than forest cover and forest edge thus the assessment of land use and land cover
density particularly in disturbed region. Although composition and spatial configuration. Our study
Miguet et al. (2016) did not detect any clear evidence shows that before using multiple sizes of buffers to
from the literature, they questioned whether the scale test the scale of effects, researchers should ensure that
of effect may differ among landscape variables the map used correctly reflects habitat requirements of
because breeding, foraging and dispersal success of the study species. Determining the proportion of tree
species are affected by those landscape attributes. cover per pixel considered for classification as forest
Here, as the studied species exhibited different (e.g., 25, 50 or 75% of tree cover in our case) that
patterns of scale of effect with the landscape metrics, should be used to predict species occurrence might be
our results supported previous studies showing that challenging, as (1) researchers work with maps that are
landscape composition and configuration are both available and (2) the resolution of images (i.e. pixel
important drivers in shaping occurrence of terrestrial size) is sometimes fixed, determining the appropriate
mammals in native forests (Ochoa-Quintero et al. threshold for species living in complex mosaic of
2015; Bogoni et al. 2017; Regolin et al. 2017; San-José vegetation types including forests, savannas and
et al. 2019). Unfortunately, we do not have among the grasslands (Bonanomi et al. 2019) showing for
four study species a mammal species that does not instance environment gradients.
require forest at all. Thus, as suggested in Galán-
Acedo et al. (2018), the scale of effect should be Implications of the scale of effect for conservation
examined cautiously when attempting to generalize and land planning
scale of effect to different explanatory variables.
The spatial extent at which landscape variables are
measured has a substantial impact on inferred species–

984 Landscape Ecol (2021) 36:973–987

landscape relationships. In the Cerrado, we recom- institutional supports and Jacques Baudry for his helpful
mend that initiatives examining spatial arrangement of comments. Finally, we thank two anonymous referees and
Marisela Martı́nez-Ruiz for their helpful comments.
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Teixeira-Santos J, Ribeiro ACdC, Wiig Ø, Pinto NS, Can-
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