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This module explains the vital role of soil nutrient management in the goal of the
farmers in attaining optimum productivity in producing crop. It also discusses, the
sources of plant nutrients, the methods of fertilizer application, soil
management practices, and the computation of fertilizer recommendation for a
specific crop. This topic is essential since proper soil management is one of the
keys to sustainable and optimum crop production.


At the end of this chapter, you are expected to:

1. explain soil nutrient management

2. identify the sources of plant nutrients
3. identify the methods of fertilizer application
4. compute fertilizer recommendation for the specific crop 5.
identify the different soil management practices

1.0 Soil Nutrient Management

What are nutrients?

Plant nutrients are elements that are essential for plant growth and
reproduction that are available in the soil example are nitrogen, phosphorus, and
potassium, or from air or water (carbon, hydrogen, oxygen). When existing soil
nutrients cannot produce good crop yields, additional nutrients must be added.
Nutrients are added to the soil from commercial fertilizers or organic sources such
as manure and composts.

Figures shows the plant nutrients needed by the plant

What is nutrient management?

Nutrient management involves using crop nutrients as efficiently as possible to

improve productivity while protecting the environment. The key principle behind
nutrient management is balancing soil nutrient inputs with crop requirements.
When applied in proper quantities and at the right times, added nutrients help
achieve optimum crop yields; applying too little will limit yield, and applying too
much will not give maximum profit and can harm the environment. Nutrients that
are not effectively utilized by crops can potentially leach into groundwater or enter
nearby surface waters. Too much nitrogen or phosphorus for example can impair
water quality.

What is nutrient management planning?

A major focus of nutrient management planning is to prevent the over-

application of nutrients to protect water quality and minimize the impact on the
environment while still providing optimum yield for economic benefit. It involves
accounting for and recording all the nutrients you have, determining what nutrients
you will need, and planning how, how much, when, and where to apply them to
your cropland. This involves first determining what nutrients are in the soil (soil-
testing) and what’s available in a growing or harvested crop and then determining
what has to be added to meet the needs of crops. This plan will lay out how
nutrients are managed according to land base characteristics, crops being grown,
type of nutrient, proximity to water, and application methods. Records of nutrient
application rates, methods, and timing help with future planning.

This figure shows the system of soil nutrient

Why is nutrient management necessary?

Nutrient management planning helps to reduce contamination to waterways by

plant nutrients. Without proper management, nutrients can dissolve in soil water
and go into surface or groundwater through leaching or runoff. This could
contaminate surface and groundwater, and on-farm drinking water, community
wells, and other drinking water sources can be affected. Valuable nutrients could
be lost, resulting in reduced crop yields or additional costs for commercial fertilizers

Definition of Terms

Soil Fertility- refers to the inherent capacity of the soil to supply nutrients to plants
in the adequate amount and suitable proportion.

Productivity- refers to the capacity of the soil to produce crops under a specified
system of management. It is expressed in terms of yield.

Fertilizer- Any organic or inorganic substance that supply essential elements

needed by the plants for their growth and development.

Plant Nutrients - the required nutrient or element such as macro and

micronutrient needed by the plant to complete their life cycle

Fertilizer Grade- the guaranteed percentage of total nitrogen (N), available

Phosphorus (P2O5), and water-soluble potassium (K2O), in a fertilizer

Total Plant Food- the total percentage of nutrients (usually N, P, K, and S) in

fertilizer material.

Carrier- a material that is necessary to hold the fertilizer element in a form

suitable for use.

Fertilizer Recommendation- the amount of (kg) N, P2O5, and K20

recommended per hectare.

Biofertilizers- are microbial inoculants or group of microorganisms which in one

way or another makes nutrients available to the plants from sources which those
plants cannot tap themselves.

Fixation (nitrogen)- The conversion of atmospheric nitrogen by soil micro-

organisms, such as rhizobia, into organic forms, which can be
released into a form plant can use.
Goals of Nutrient Management
The overall objectives in soil nutrient management
are to improve soil health and to meet the nutrient
requirements of the crops. Particularly, these are the
following goals:

1. Cost-effective production of high-quality

2. Efficient- use of conservation of nutrient
3. Maintenance or enhancement of soil quality
4. Protection of the environment beyond the soil

Four Rs in approaching nutrient management

1. Right amount - the proper rate of application.

2. Right source - applying the proper kind
of fertilizer.
3.Right placement - using the appropriate
method for application.
4.Right timing - applying at the correct time in the
lifecycle of the system

Soil Nutrient Management Technology

1. INM- Integrated Nutrient Management

- is a practice that has much significantly shown impacts by decreasing the
chemical application through a combination of inorganic and organic fertilizers
either with or without biofertilizers that could minimize the nutrient applications
and then lessen their nutrient requirements, reduce food contamination.

2. SSNM- Site-Specific Nutrient Management

- site-specific nutrient management (SSNM) is a plant-based approach that
provides principles that can be used everywhere. SSNM also gives guidelines for
effective N, P, and K management so that rice farmers give their crop the right
amount of essential nutrients.
1.1 Sources of Plant Nutrients

Fertilizer is any organic or inorganic material of natural or synthetic origin that is

added to a soil to upgrade its fertility to a level required by a crop. There are 16
essential elements needed for the growth and development of the plant. These
are the macronutrients and micronutrients. Macronutrients is composed of N, P, K,
Ca, Magnesium and Sulfur while micronutrients are the following, Cu, Iron, Mn,
Zn, Boron, Cl, and Molybdenum.

Figure shows the sample of inorganic and organic

The soil is the agent in supplying either wholly or in part, all the essential nutrient
elements for crop growth and development. These nutrients are made available
from the soil through the following sources:

1. Organic matter- organic fertilizers are either commercially prepared or in the

form of farm and green manures and composts. Organic fertilizers generally,
contain a low amount of major plant nutrients; promote good soil physical condition
if used in large quantities; if applied when not fully decomposed, they tend to
induce nutritional deficiency in plants.

a. Farm Manures- mixtures of animal excreta and solid beddings that

accumulate in stables and barns. If applied in large quantities, farm
manures improve soil structure, stimulate that microorganism
decomposing organic residues, and aid in the extraction of plant
nutrients from minerals in the soil.
b. Composts- made from animal manures, crop residues, tree leaves,
wood residues, coconut husk, ash, human excreta, garbage, kitchen
refuses, sawdust, wood shaving, and grasses.
c. Crop residues- plant parts left after harvest such as rice straw, corn
stovers, hay, and other crop remains.
d. Green Manures- are leguminous crops plowed under as fertilizer. They
contain nitrogen from the atmosphere through the nodules.
e. Guano-dropping of bats and seabirds. Guano is rich in phosphorus.
2. Mineral Matter
a. Nitrogen carriers- Ammonium sulfate (21-0-0), Urea (46-0-0),
anhydrous ammonia (82-0-0), Ammonium chloride (26-0-0). Biuret from
urea could be toxic to some plants if present in large amounts. Safe
ranges from 0.3-0.5%.
b. Phosphate or Phosphorus Carriers-Ordinary superphosphate (18-20
P205), triple superphosphate (45-46% P205)
c. Potassium carriers- Muriate of Potash (0-0-60), sulfate of Potash (0-0-
d. Ammonium Phosphate Fertilizers- Diammonium phosphate (18-46-
10); ammonium phosphate (16-20-0)
e. Chemically or Physically combined fertilizer
3. Rain or irrigation water- carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and sodium.
4. Atmosphere through N-Fixation- legumes fixed Nitrogen from the
atmosphere through the root nodules where the nitrogen-fixing bacteria reside.

Kinds of Fertilizers
Fertilizers that are being applied in the field can be classified into these three
kinds of fertilizers, it could be inorganic fertilizer, organic fertilizers, and liquid
foliar fertilizer.

1. Inorganic Fertilizer
a. Natural Inorganic- these are the natural deposits of minerals found in
the soil, in the sea bed, or below the earth's surface. Examples are rock
phosphate, lime, and potassium nitrate or salt.

b. Synthetic Inorganic fertilizer- are products of chemicals reactions of

raw materials like acid as well as carbon dioxide ex. Ammonium
sulfate, ammonium nitrate, ammonium chloride, urea, and ordinary
super Phosphate. Synthetic inorganic fertilizers contain a high amount of
nutrients and are readily soluble in water. Hence, the availability of
nutrients is immediate.

Inorganic fertilizers
2. Organic fertilizers- are materials derived from the plant. Cattle, carabao, swine
manures as well as chicken manure are good examples. Together with crop
residues or city/town wastes when composted are good fertilizers. Organic
fertilizers have generally low nutrient content but supply almost all essential
elements and enhance granulation, aeration, and increase the water-holding
capacity of the soil. The low nutrient content of the compost requires a large
quantity of the material to meet a fertilizer recommendation.

Organic fertilizers

3. Liquid foliar fertilizers- These are solutions of nutrients. It is applied directly to

the leaves of the plants with the use of a sprayer. The principle of foliar feeding of
nutrients is that the nutrient is applied to the plant to get rid of adverse reactions
when the nutrient is applied to the soil. This was initially practiced for orchids as
these plants have only aerial roots but now it is practiced for almost all crops. The
nutrient enters the stomates and any imperfection on the leaves of the plant.
Analysis grade is the minimum guarantee of the nutrient content of the material
expressed as % nitrogen (%N ), % phosphorus as P2Os (% P2Os), % potassium
as K2O (% K20).

Sample of foliar fertilizers

Classification of Fertilizer Materials according to Fertilizer Element present
Commercial fertilizer particularly inorganic fertilizer can be classified into the
numbers of nutrients present.

1. Single Fertilizer- contain one of three major fertilizer elements.

Example: Urea (46-0-0), ordinary superphosphate (0-20-0), muriate of potash (0-
0-60), and solophos (0-18-0).

2. Incomplete or Double Fertilizer- contains two of the major three elements.

Example: Ammonium phosphate (16-20-0) and urea superphosphate

3. Triple Fertilizer- contain all the three major fertilizer elements. Example:
complete (14-14-14)

1.2 Fertilizer Computation

The amount of fertilizer needed by the plant depends on the amount absorb
with the climate, age of the plant, stage of plant development, soil fertility, method
of growing the plant, and yield. To determine the amount of fertilizer needed for
one hectare this is the formula to be used:

In determining the amount of particular fertilizer to be applied to the soil,

nutrient recommendation, or popularly known as fertilizer recommendation must
be known. The nutrient recommendation is provided by soil testing laboratories
that have analytical data on the farm. In the absence of STK or laboratory
analysis results, a general recommendation for a specific crop can be used. After
this, you will decide on what kind of fertilizer to apply. The fertilizer you need is the
one that will supply the given fertilizer recommendation for a specific location
such as the need of the soil in terms of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium.
You need to determine how many kilograms of fertilizer is needed in the area.
The grade for fertilizer or analysis refers to the minimum guarantee of
nutrient content in terms of percent total N, percent available P205, and percent
available K20 in fertilizer material.

For example, as shown in the figure, the three bags of fertilizers (complete
fertilizer, ammonium phosphate & Urea). It contains a fertilizer grade analysis of
14-14-14 or 14% Nitrogen, 14% Phosphorus, and 14% Potassium, the second one
has a grade analysis of 16-20-0 or 16% Nitrogen, 20% Phosphorus, and zero
Potassium and the last one has a grade analysis of 46-0-0 or 46% nitrogen and
zero Phosphorus and Potassium.

The recommended rate of fertilizer recommendation is expressed in a kilogram of

N, P205, and K20 per hectare, respectively. It is usually written as 90- 60-30, meaning
the application should involve 90kgs N, 60kgs P205, and 30kgs K20 per hectare,


Fertilizer Recommendations/ Recommended Rate – it is the nutrient

element needed (kgs/ha)

Fertilizer/ Available Fertilizers – is the percent (%) grade analysis found

in the available fertilizer
Ex. Urea (46-0-0) we have 46% of N
Solophos (0-18-0) we have 18% of P
Muriate of Potash (0-0-60) we have 60% K

No. of bags fertilizer material/ha. – 1 bag is equal to 50 kilograms

Example computations
Example 1. Fertilizer Recommendation/ Recommended Rate: 40-40-0
Available Fertilizer: (Single Fertilizers: 46-0-0 and 0-18-0)

 Compute the amount of Urea (46-0-0) and Solophos (0-18-0)

Amount of Fertilizer (kgs/ha) = Recommended Rate (kg nutrient/ha) x Area (ha)

Percent Nutrient in Fertilizer Material

Amount of 46-0-0 (kgs) = 40 kg N/ha x 1 ha


= 86.9 kg N/ ha or 1.7 bags (Urea 46-0-0)

Amount of 0-18-0 (kgs) = 40 kg N/ha x 1 ha


= 222 kg P2O5/ ha or 4.4 bags (Solophos 0-18-0)

 So, to satisfy the fertilizer recommendation (40-40-0) you need to apply

86.9kg/ha or 1.7 bags (Urea 46-0-0) and 222kg/ha or 4.4 bags of (Solophos 0-
18-0) on a one-hectare area.

Example 2. Fertilizer Recommendation/ Recommended Rate: 80-40-0

Available Fertilizer:
Incomplete Fertilizer: 16-20-0 Di-ammonium Phosphate (D.A.P)
46-0-0 Urea

Compute first for the material containing more than one nutrient element then
satisfy first the least amount required nutrient element which is contained in the said
double element fertilizer material.

In the example compute first the ammonium phosphate and satisfy P 2O5 first.

Amount of Fertilizer (kgs/ha) = Recommended Rate (kg nutrient/ha) x Area (ha)

Percent Nutrient in Fertilizer Material

= 40 kg NP x 1 ha

= 200 kgs/ha NP or 4 bags of Di-ammonium Phosphate

x 0.16
32 kg of N

With the application of 200kg/ha ammonium phosphate, 40kg P 2O5 (20% OF

200kg) and 32 kg N (16% of 200kg), subtracting this from the required rate of 80-40-0,
the balance is 48-0-0. This will be satisfied the application of ammonium phosphate. To
suffice the remaining N, we will compute the amount of urea needed.

Amount of Fertilizer (kgs/ha) = Recommended Rate (kg nutrient/ha) x Area (ha)

Percent Nutrient in Fertilizer Material

= 48 kg N x 1 ha

= 104 kgs/ha N or 2.08 bags of Urea

 So, to satisfy the fertilizer recommendation of 80-40-0 you need to apply 200
kgs/ha or 4 bags of Di-ammonium phosphate (16-20-0) and 104 kgs/ha or 2.08
bags of urea.

Example 3. Fertilizer Recommendation / Recommended Rate: 60-40-20

Available Fertilizer: Complete 14-14-14
Urea 46-0-0
Solophos 0-18-0

 Compute for the amount of fertilizer needed using complete (14-14-14), (0-18-0)

Satisfy the K20 first, since it is the lowest amount of required nutrient. Complete 14-14-
14 is used since it is the only given fertilizer containing K20.

Amount of Fertilizer (kgs/ha) = Recommended Rate (kg nutrient/ha) x Area (ha)

Percent Nutrient in Fertilizer Material

= 20 kg x 1 ha

= 143 kgs/ha or 2.8 bags of Complete

With the application of 143 kgs complete 14-14-14, 20 kgs N, 20kgs P205 and 20kgs
K20 (14% of 143 kg). Subtracting this from the required rate will leave a balance of 40-

To satisfy 40 kg N will use 46-0-0

Amount of Fertilizer (kgs/ha) = Recommended Rate (kg nutrient/ha) x Area (ha)

Percent Nutrient in Fertilizer Material

= 40 kg x 1 ha

= 87 kgs/ha or 1.74 bags of Urea

To satisfy the remaining 20 kg P will use 0-18-0

Amount of Fertilizer (kgs/ha) = Recommended Rate (kg nutrient/ha) x Area (ha)

Percent Nutrient in Fertilizer Material

= 20 kg x 1 ha

= 111 kgs/ha or 2.2 bags of 0-18-0

 So, to satisfy the fertilizer recommendation (60-40-0) you need to apply 143
kgs/ha or 2.8 bags of complete, 87 kgs/ha or 1.74 bags of 46-0-0 and 111 kgs/ha
or 2.2 bags of 0-18-0
1.3 Methods of Fertilizer Application

Fertilizers should be applied as close as possible to but not touching the roots or
seeds so as not to physically adversely affect root growth or germination.

1. Basal application- the initial application of fertilizer for crops like corn, paddy
rice and vegetables whether band placement or broadcast.

2. Broadcast application. - fertilizer is applied uniformly over the surface of the

land. Ideal for rice, pastures and lawns. Top dressing is the term used when
land. Top dressing is the term used when fertilizer is broadcast over the
growing plant.

3. Side dressing - method of placing fertilizer to or between the rows of crops

such as vegetables and corn, or placed around the plants or trees. The purpose of
which is to insure availability of plant food, particularly nitrogen
during the critical growth period when plants are feeding on nutrients rapidly.
4. Foliar application- involves dissolving the fertilizer material in water and then
applying it as spray to the plant.

Time of application
a. early vegetative
b. maximum tillering (rice) crops)
d. onset of fruiting (fruit trees/plantation
c. panicle initiation (rice) e. early whorl (corn)
1.4 Soil Management Practices

Soil conservation means more than preventing erosion, checking run-of, and
stopping the depletion of soil nutrients, it actually means using the land in such a
way that it remains productive indefinitely at a maximum level. The harvesting of
crops from the land involves removing some of the nutrients stored in the soil. Also,
exposure of the soil during cultivation leads to leaching, and in some cases, erosion
of nutrients and change in soil structure. The soil fertility can be maintained or
preserved through: crop rotation, contour farming, strip cropping, cover cropping,
mulching, application of fertilizer (organic or inorganic).


Lime requirement refers to the quantity of lime applied to neutralize the

acidity of a given soil. It also refers to the quantity of lime needed to bring a soil to
a pH which is considered practical to the system of cropping being followed. Lime
or agricultural lime is defined as any calcium or magnesium compound which is
capable of neutralizing soil acidity.
Limestone is the main liming material used. Liming material should be
mixed uniformly with the surface layer or plow layer (15- 30 cm deep). It should be
applied at least a month before planting. Sandy soils should be limed frequently
but in lighter amounts. Fine textured soils should be limed less often.

How plant nutrients can be lost from the soil.

I. crop removal
2. through surface run-off and erosion
3. nutrient elements are fixed and precipitated in the soil
4. losses through volatilization
5. losses through leaching
6. denitrification

Learning Resources eproduction/IV.2_Organic_fertilizer.htm
nagement_10_26_2016.pdf$department/deptdocs.nsf/all/epw11920/$FILE/2 -
Study Questions

1. What is the role of soil nutrient management in producing crop?

2. What are the different sources of plant nutrients?
3. What are the different soil management practices?
4. How to compute the amount of needed fertilizer needed by the crop?


Nutrient management involves using crop nutrients as efficiently as possible to

improve productivity while protecting the environment. The key principle behind
nutrient management is balancing soil nutrient inputs with crop requirements.
When applied in proper quantities and at the right times, added nutrients help
achieve optimum crop yields; applying too little will limit yield and applying too
much does not make economic sense and can harm the environment.

Fertilizer is any organic or inorganic material of natural or synthetic origin which is

added to a soil to upgrade its fertility to a level required by a crop. There are 16
essential elements needed for the growth and development of the plant. The macro
nutrients and micro nutrients. Macronutrients is composed of N,P,K, Ca,
Magnesium and Sulfur while micronutrients are the Cu, Iron, Mn, Zn, Boron, Cl
and Molybdenum.

The amount of fertilizer needed by the plant depends on the amount absorb with
the climate, age of the plant, stage of plant development, soil fertility, method of
growing the plant and yield.


OSEA, J.A. Compilation of Lectures in Crop Science 2. Practices in Crop


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