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Place, Price, Product, Promotion

2. I think Product, without knowing your product you can’t determine what price it should be sold
for, how it should be promoted or what place to sell it at.
3. A retailer could make an online review system of there food for customers to rate after they ate
so the owner could determine which food sells the most and which food is the most liked and
which food is not ordered or taste bad so they can either switch the food on the menu or figure
out how to make it taste better.
4. If a school is trying to figure out how to fit students to sit 2m apart from each other the principal
could visit other schools to see how they have there classroom laid out.
5. You get to ask for advice on the problems you have, you will learn how other retailers solve the
problems that come up and you may learn about concerns or problems that you have not
experienced that you can avoid later on.
6. Because without the sources it is hard for retailers to make adjustments to better there business
if they don’t know what will benefit the customers. Having the sources helps them make the
correct decisions

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