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Speaker 1 (00:00):

For the adoption of my committee report. There is motion any second. Jolie seconded any objection discussion
hearing, none motion to approve. Thank you, mr. Chair. I move for the immediate audience of Barranca gave to
be recently returned to barangay cognitive for their Corrections. Researchers assumed ordinances to be returned
for further

Speaker 1 (00:31):
furnished. So let us proceed with the measure. S committee reports, okay? Okay, I have another committee
report. With theauthority vested in Me by the chairman of the committee on rules honorable, Casella. So as our
cone, I will be discussing this this referral to our

Speaker 1 (01:01):
body. This is truly the girls to the NASA. Team are requesting for Authority for him to enter into a contract of
service with 25 new Is inthe different offices of in the city government of Saudi go for the period of January 3
2023 to June 30 2023. I've given copies to everyone with the list of the 25, new Personnel to be hired by the city

Speaker 1 (01:31):
in various Departments of the city. Attached therein is the certificate from thebudget office prettifying, that there
is an appropriate appropriate. There is a appropriated budget for there. Hiring with that. With the Assurance of

Speaker 1 (02:02):
our city budget officer attorney Jeffrey be Khalid. Oh yes, a showed us that there is enough appropriation or
budget for the for this 25, new contract of service employees. I've given at least already. So, I think Iwill
dispense in Reading their names, and their function, and assignments, and their rates, So with that shi move for
the adoption of my committee report.

Speaker 1 (02:32):
So motion, any second. Julie seconded any objection discussion hearing emotions approved. Thank you, mr.
Chair, I now move for a resolution authorizing. The city mayor Pablo is the below the second to enter into a
contract of service with twenty five new contracts of service personnel. To be hired by the city government or
surrogacy, the detail

Speaker 1 (03:01):
with the dating June, from from January 3 2023 to June 30 2023. I so move mr. Chair. There is a motion for the
25 contract of service employees in a second, Julie, seconded any discussion objection, hearing none. The
motion is the proof. Thank you, mr. Chair. That is all

Speaker 1 (03:32):
another committee report by honorable Balthazar Sia, bien Okay. And to make College a committee report, mr.
Chairman Hilton's did application of renewal in the world find spell when you amendment to in thework plan,
Sparrow Amendment

Speaker 1 (04:01):
principle, principle of amendment and amendment of brain size. Eyes. Mr. Chairman the total application is 372.
eight, and every application we examine, Mr. Chairman and it was found out that its application is complete
with the required reporting papers including the required certificate of brood worthiness.

Speaker 1 (04:32):
out of 372 277 Alvey Newell and pan size 16 renewal principle of franchise 22 renewal amendment of
franchise 23 when you are perspiring amendment to franchise Saban perspective franchise,

Speaker 1 (05:02):
They in Pleasantville Amendment, open size and 17 amendments, open size in this consists of the committee
and mr. Chairman that this application be approved by this August body. Mr. Chairman I move for approval of
the 372 application for Renewal. Renewal principal renewal Amendment.

Speaker 1 (05:32):
You know what principle Amendment transfer Amendment, a transparent Amendment an amendment of plant
size so I move mr. Chairman there is amotion for the 372 applications for the

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