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Gutierrez 1

Jorge Gutierrez

Dr. Cynthia Aradillas

ENGL 1301-205

15 February 2023

More than a Sport

According to the USTA, it is estimated that approximately 87 million people play the

famous sport known as tennis. On a page on Instagram,There is an average of 19 thousand likes

per post and 598 comments.This post is based on a question about which professional will win

the ATP finals. There are hundreds if not thousands of people on an instagram page called the

US open, and it is a page of just passion for the sport and watching professionals play very big

points. Just like in any other community, it is vital that what is offered is explored to know what

is being offered on the table. Joining a community is a very rewarding task, for there is an

infinite amount of possibilities waiting to be taken by a contributor. By joining the tennis

community there will be benefits not just in a healthier lifestyle overall but by meeting new

people worldwide while also having the support needed without judgment.

Not knowing who or what is outside of your hometown is very exciting and terrifying,

but because of this community countless players gather up and play against each other. This

brings many ethnicities together to play tennis, and because they desire to know more about

different towns the interaction is more than likely respectful and competitive at the same time.

For instance, tournaments are a very common way to fundraise for more events and it also brings

players together to play for their convenience and to meet new people just to have fun. As of

right now, there are very few ways to encounter someone who is not from your hometown, so

having the opportunity to meet people by playing the sport you love brings joy to both parties.
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Constantly playing will lead to learning how to interact with more people and becoming more

confident in communication skills and in overall performance in the sport. While being able to

meet new players, it is also essential to keep a healthy lifestyle.

Being able to play includes having healthier habits, and in order to keep associating with

the community it is key to keep a better diet and to stay active. Without a good diet it is

impossible to get in shape, and in this sport it is essential to be able to play for hours a day. As an

illustration, a very well known professional player named John Isner played the longest match in

history and his time was eleven hours with five minutes. It takes a lot of the human body to keep

up with the sport, but it is very rewarding all in all. Nonetheless, being healthy is very rewarding

and feels amazing if kept in a consistent manner. Overall, as a community, it is essential to look

after one another, and this community helps maintain a healthy lifestyle without judgment.

Being judged is not the best feeling in the world, for it makes the receiving end to be

unmotivated and will not want to participate in any future events. Therefore, doing what you

please is what makes this community so amazing since it provides so much freedom to do as

pleased. In a personal example, as a former tennis player, it was very crucial for my progress that

I was never judged even when I did not play well at all. Clashing into a very poor sport that just

wants to say things about other players will cause a negative effect on both receiving ends. The

community overall made it possible for countless people worldwide to continue growing as not

only a player but an individual. Another example, I coached middle school tennis for a year and

in the beginning of the season they were not confident at all. However, everyday I encouraged

them to keep trying their best and they ended up getting the first place medal in every

tournament. It only takes one person in the community to leave a long lasting impression on an

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To put it concisely, joining the tennis community is beneficial in many more ways than

those that are listed. Is it possible for anyone to join? The answer is very simple, and it is of

course because all ages and all ethnicities are welcome to play a sport for the love of just

playing. Finding your own way of playing is also a very common result of joining. Overall,

being able to not be judged, be able to play lifelong, and meeting new people as you go on makes

it much more than a great community but a very fascinating and fun one. Eighty-seven million

people are only the beginning of a brand new and improved tennis community that brings smiles

across all nations.

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Work Cited

US Open, Official page. “Who will win the ATP Finals?” Instagram post, November 19, 2022,

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