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Leader: Name of the leader (section)

Name of Member 1 (Section)
Name of Member 2 (Section)
Name of Member 3 (Section)
Name of Member 4 (Section)

Submitted to the research teacher of Bukidnon National High School,

Division of Malaybalay City, In partial fulfilment of
the requirements for the subject
Practical Research 2

June 2023

Background of the Study

Type here…

Statement of the Problem

Type here….

Significance of the study

Type here…

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

Type here…

Definition of Terms

Type here…
Review of Literature

Legal Bases

Type here….

Theories and Concepts

Type here….

Studies Conducted

Type here….

Framework of the Study

Type the framework of your study here….

Research Design

Type here….

Research Locale

Type here….

Research Respondents/Participants of the Study

Type here….

Sampling Procedure

Type here….

Data Collection Method

Type here….

Validation and Instrument

Type here….

Research Ethics

Type here….

Data Analysis/ Treatment of Data

Type here….
Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

Type here

 Present the result of your study.

 Include the table of the result.

 Discuss what does the table presents

 Provide analysis of the data that you have gathered.

 Interpret the data that you have gathered.

 For qualitative studies, provide a “quote and quote” statement

coming from your participants and discuss why they mentioned


 Cite studies that have similar/opposite results to the result of

your study. (you can choose studies from your review of the


 You can also mention the theories that support your study.

Note: Present your result in the same order as your research


Provide at least one table per research question.

Summary of Findings, Conclusion, and Recommendation

Summary of Findings

Type here…

 Provide a summary of your findings

 Provide a summary of your findings per research question.


Type here…

 One conclusion per research question

 A conclusion is a direct answer to your research question.


Type here…

 One recommendation per conclusion


Type here….


Ambady, N., & Rosenthal, R. (1993). Half a minute: Predicting teacher

evaluations from thin slices of nonverbal behavior and physical
attractiveness. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,
64(3), 431–441.

Attiyeh, R., & Lumsden, K. G. (1972). Some modern myths in teaching

economics: The U.K. experience. American Economic Review,
62(1), 429–443.

 Arrange it in alphabetical order

Type here…

 Attach a copy of your instrument here

 Attach the letters that you used for your study

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