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Rivero 1

Faith Rivero

Emily Litle

Eng 1021-001

22 January 2023


I have taken tests like this in the past and from the questions being asked, I was already

aware of the results I was going to receive. From taking tests like this, they have consistently

been logisticians which makes complete sense to me. Logisticians typically make high

commitments towards things and are particularly good at following through with those

commitments. They are exceptionally reliable and use logic over emotions most of the time. I

would say these qualities do fit very well with how I think of myself. I found it interesting to

read about myself and connect the dots with my behavior. From romantic relationships all the

way to friendships and career paths the test was mostly spot on.

The aspects I found the most interesting of the results were strengths and weaknesses.

Some of the strengths that were mentioned include honest and direct, very responsible, calm and

practical, jacks-of-all-trades, and more. I would agree with these traits. I think the one that does

not fit with me out of these qualities would be calm. I usually feel very anxious, stressed, and on

edge all the time to the point where any type of calming feeling is impossible to feel. I am

responsible and feel like I take on many things from day to day. I am incredibly good at juggling

these things and take pride in being the most responsible I can be. Some weaknesses mentioned

include being stubborn, insensitive, always by the book, judgmental, and more. These qualities I

also agree with besides the judgmental aspect. I have always felt like I am being judged so I

make sure I am never judging anybody else. I do feel insensitive at times though, but I am not an
Rivero 2

emotional person. I am also extremely stubborn, and I hate being wrong. I have been told that I

come off as self-centered and harsh. I think it is beneficial to know my strengths and weaknesses

in the classroom so that I am self-aware of how I communicate with others. I think it is also

beneficial to know my strengths with how I further approach assignments. Overall, this test was

interesting to take and reflect on and I am excited to see how I further assess myself in the


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