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Pelangi Representation of
the Speech Acts
of the Characters
in the Novel
Laskar Pelangi
Adi Suparman


Communication in the form of speech is carried out in various ways to attract

people's attention. A speaker has the freedom to use the language that exists in
society. In addition, a speaker must be able to choose the language to be used in the
conversation. The choice of speech form also plays an important role in novel literary
works, the quality of the speech used as a dialogue of the characters is the main
attraction of the novel itself.
The speech comes in many forms and functions. Novels also have a variety of
narrative styles and serve a variety of pragmatic purposes. When pragmatic studies
are used for speech, there are many different forms of speech. One of the novels that
have many unique stories is Laskar Pelangi. Researchers found many interesting things
in the novel. on the conversational language used by the main characters in expressing
their sentiments well and smoothly into the plot of the story.

This book earned a record as the best-selling Indonesian literary work of all time. The
publisher has published this book in more than 130 countries and has been translated
into 34 languages. Through Laskar Pelangi, Andrea Hirata has collected three
international literary awards during his ten-year career as a writer. Laskar Pelangi was
previously the first recipient of the 2013 Buchaward in Germany for the book 'Die
Regenbogen Truppe,' published by Hanser Berlin. The novel "The Rainbow Troops," was
the inaugural winner of the 2013 New York Book Festival general fiction category
(American edition of Laskar Pelangi, published by Farrar, Straus and Giroux, New York).
In general, this novel tells the story of the lives of several children in Belitong. This
novel tells the sad life of education in Indonesia.
Researchers are interested in researching speech acts in Laskar Pelangi's novel,
firstly because Laskar Pelangi's novel uses a unique language, secondly to find out the
forms and types of speech acts contained in Laskar Pelangi's novel. In this study, the
forms and types of speech used by the characters in the novel Laskar Pelangi become
the focus and purpose of the research.

Literature Review
01 02

Understanding Definition of
Pragmatics Speech Acts
Understanding Pragmatics
Pragmatics is a relatively new discipline of
linguistics. Pragmatics is a linguistic discipline that
investigates the meaning desired by speakers, or
more commonly known, examines language from
the point of view of its users. Deixis,
presuppositions, conversational implicatures,
linguistic actions, and discourse analysis are among
the many studies of pragmatics. The hidden
meaning underlying speech is called implicature.
Meanwhile, conversational implicature is an
implicature that is only known by a few people who
are familiar with the context of the speech.
Pragmatics is the study of the way
the meaning of speech is related to
the environment that surrounds it
with the relationship between
language and context that serves
as the basis for understanding
pragmatics. Experts' ideas about
pragmatics often differ from these
three concepts by taking
advantage of their different views.
Suggests that speech acts are individual
symptoms, psychological in nature, and
their continuity is determined by the
speaker's language ability in dealing with
certain situations. A speech act is a
pragmatic analysis, which is a branch of
linguistics that examines language from the
aspect of its actual use. Pragmatics studies
the meaning of utterances, namely what the
utterances are for; asking what someone
means by a speech act; and associating
meaning with who speaks to whom, where,
when, and how.
Definition of Speech Acts
Speech acts According to (Austin, 1955) there are three types of actions related to speech,
the three types are locutionary, illocutionary, and perlocutionary speech acts. Locutionary
is simply an act of speaking, the act of saying a sentence according to the meaning of the
word or the meaning of the sentence. In this case, we do not question the intent or purpose
of the utterance. Illocutionary is the act of doing something. Here we are talking about the
intended meaning, function, and power of speech. Perlocutionary is the effect that is
produced when the speaker says something. While the device used to indicate
illocutionary power is referred to as (Illocutionary Force Indicating Device, or IFID /
illocutionary power device) is the presence of a verb (verb), the verb is called a
performative verb (performative verbs).
Furthermore, Austin's understanding was continued by J.R. Searle who later published the
book Speech Acts. Moving on from Austin's thinking about performative speech (Searle,
1969) he developed the hypothesis that every utterance implies action. Illocutionary action
is a central part of the study of speech acts.
Research Types and Approach
This study is a qualitative descriptive study. This research presents the
facts exactly as it is. The facts presented through the characters' speech
acts in Andrea Hirata's book Laskar Pelangi are described via descriptive
research. The research's methodology is theoretical and descriptive.
in line with (Sofaer, 1999) claiming that qualitative research tends to
investigate and uncover the meaning-making process. Rich descriptions of
occurrences are aided by qualitative research approaches. Qualitative
research serves more than only the researcher's need or desire to have a
more complete understanding of justification.
For this study's words or writings on the audible human voice, researchers
employed qualitative descriptive research methodologies. Reading,
describing, and doing research
Data are facts or objects that are analyzed in the research. Mahsun (2014)
limits the data as research material, namely finished materials (as opposed
to raw materials), which exist due to the selection of various kinds of speech
(raw materials). The data in this study are sentences in the form of
conversations containing speech acts in the novel Laskar Pelangi by Andrea
Data Source
Moleong (2013) said, the main data sources in qualitative research are
words, and actions, the rest is additional data such as documents and
others. In this regard, the source of data in this study is a written data
source. The sources are novels. So, the source of the data taken is the
speech of the characters in the novel Laskar Pelangi. Data sources are
adjusted to the research objectives. The purpose of this research to be
sought includes the form and meaning of the use of speech acts. In this
study, the data sought in the form of speech. The speech data is the speech
in the novel Laskar Pelangi by Andrea Hirata.
Data collection technique

A literature study approach was used to obtain data in this study. In the
investigation, the researcher will look for the form of speech used by the
characters in the novel Laskar Pelangi. The data collection method used is
not directly in the form of a documentary study approach. The documentary
study approach is a data collection technique that uses personal
documents and government documents as sources of research data. In this
study, a documentary study research approach is used in the text
conversation of Laskar Pelangi's novel which is part of the speech act. The
researcher who functions as the main instrument in the research serves as a
data collection tool. After the data is collected, the data will be checked by
the validator to get more valid results before the data is analyzed.
According to Sugiyono (2011), analysis in
Data analysis any type of research is a way of thinking.
technique This is agreed by Bogdan (2012) who
says data analysis is done by organizing
data, breaking it down into units,
synthesizing, arranging it into patterns,
choosing what is important and what will
be studied, and making conclusions that
can be told to people. other. Based on
the two expert opinions, it can be
concluded that the data analysis
technique was carried out in a group
and stated the same data and
differentiated the data.
The main principle of the qualitative
analysis technique is to process and
analyze the collected data into
systematic, orderly, structured, and
meaningful data using Nvivo 12 software.
Data analysis was carried out after data
collection was carried out by the
objectives to be achieved. In this study,
researchers used qualitative
techniques. The collected data will be
analyzed through steps, such as 1) data
reduction, 2) data presentation, and 3)
Data Reduction, Sugiyono (2015) said
that reducing data means summarizing,
choosing the main things, focusing on
the important things, and looking for
themes and patterns. The data that has
been condensed will give a better
picture and make it simpler for
researchers to gather more data in the
future and locate it when necessary.
Data reduction can be assisted with
electronic equipment such as mini
computers, by providing codes on
certain aspects.
According to Prastowo (2012) said
the data reduction process is to make
choices about which parts of the data
are coded, which are discarded,
which patterns are summarized by
several scattered parts, and what
stories are developing. Meanwhile,
qualitative data can be simplified and
transformed in various ways, such as
through strict selection, a summary
or brief description, classifying it in a
broader pattern, and so on.
Data Presentation, according to Miles
et al., (1992) said once the data has
been reduced then the next step is to
present the data. Data is presented
as a collection of organized facts,
allowing users to make decisions and
take action. Data presentation is used
to help clarify the case's knowledge
and as a guide for taking action based
on comprehension and analysis of the
presentation of the data
In line with this opinion Prastowo (2012)
says that the presentation of the data
here is a structured collection of
information that gives the possibility of
drawing conclusions and taking action. By
looking at the presentations, we will be
able to understand what is going on and
what to do based on the understanding
we get from these presentations. Several
types of presentation forms are matrices,
graphs, networks, charts, and so on. , we
(as analysts) can see what is going on and
determine whether to draw the right
conclusions or move on to do useful
In conclusion, the third step in
qualitative data analysis, according
to (Miles et al., 1992) qualitative
data analysis is drawing
conclusions and verification.
Drawing conclusions from research
that addresses the study question
and is based on data analysis
findings. Gunawan (2013) explains
that the conclusions are presented
in the form of descriptive research
objects based on research studies.
What are the forms of speech acts used
by the characters in the novel Laskar
Pelangi so that the novel is very
interesting and achieves a record as an
all-time Indonesian literary work
published by leading publishers in more Fig.1 Research Findings
than 130 countries and translated in 34 The results of coding using Nvivo12 software show that
there are 3 types of speech acts used by the characters
countries? Illocutionary speech act. The
results of the study are shown in Fig 1 "
in Laskar Pelangi's novel, namely locutionary speech acts,
illocutionary speech acts, and perlocutionary speech
and Table 1. acts. The results showed that the illocutionary form of
speech was the dominant speech used.
Based on the coding results, it was found 3 types of speech acts from 136 data
consisting of 44 locutionary speech acts, 72 illocutionary speech acts, and 20
perlocutionary speech acts. The results showed that the most influential form of
speech in Laskar Pelangi's novel was the illocutionary form of speech. The
illocutionary speech act is the act of doing something with a specific purpose and
function in actual speaking activities. "
This research was conducted for 2 months, namely from March 5 to April 12.
The object of this research is the novel Laskar Pelangi by Andrea Hirata with a

total of 362 pages published by Bentang in 2008. The data source of this
research is the stories of the characters in the novel Laskar Pelangi. This study
will describe the forms of speech acts and pragmatic meanings contained in
the speeches of the characters in the novel Laskar Pelangi. This novel earned a
record as the best-selling Indonesian literary work of all time. Leading
publishers have published this book in more than 130 countries and translated
it into 34 languages. Through Laskar Pelangi, Andrea Hirata has collected three
international literary awards during his ten-year career as a writer. Laskar

Pelangi was previously the first recipient of the 2013 Buchaward in Germany
for his work 'Die Regenbogen Truppe,' published by Hanser Berlin. The novel
"The Rainbow Troops," was the inaugural winner of the 2013 New York Book
Festival general fiction category (American edition of Laskar Pelangi, published
by Farrar, Straus and Giroux, New York). In general, this novel tells the story of
the lives of several children in Belitong. Andrea Hirata begins this novel with a
sad story about the world of education in Indonesia when a school with a
shortage of students was almost closed. The name of the school is
Muhammadiyah Elementary School in Hanging, East Belitung.
The research data was obtained from March 5, 2022, to April 12, 2022. The

research data was obtained through Document Review, Archives, and
Recording techniques which were carried out directly by the researcher.
In this study, researchers obtained speech data as much as 136 data. The data
found are divided into 3 forms of speech acts. The three forms of speech acts
are, locutionary speech acts, illocutionary speech acts, and perlocutionary
speech acts. The results of this research data analysis describe locutionary
speech acts, illocutionary speech acts, perlocutionary speech acts, and
describe the intent of the utterances. The distribution of locutionary,

illocutionary, and perlocutionary speech acts in this study is based on the
classification proposed by Austin. Speech actions are unique psychological
symptoms whose continuance is influenced by the speaker's verbal prowess
in coping with certain circumstances. (Austin, 1962) Speech acts consist of
several forms, namely locutionary, illocutionary, and perlocutionary speech
acts. Locutionary speech acts are speech acts to express something.
Illocutionary speech is a speech act that in addition to functioning to inform
something, can also be used to do something. Meanwhile, perlocutionary
speech acts are speech acts that often have the power of influence or effect
on the listener.
Every utterance that occurs between the characters always has a specific
purpose to be conveyed to the speech partner. The meaning of the speech
can be known based on the context of the speech situation to avoid
misinterpretation in communication. In this data analysis, the researcher will
classify the form and pragmatic meaning of each utterance that has been
obtained from the observations and has been approved by the validator using
Nvivo12 according to the context of the speech. The following is an explanation
of the results of research on the form of speech acts and the pragmatic

meaning of the speech of the characters in the novel Laskar Pelangi.
According to the discussion that has been presented, the results show that
the forms of speech acts used by the characters in the novel Laskar Pelangi
are locutionary, illocutionary, and perlocutionary. In these three forms, it turns
out that the most frequently spoken speech act is the illocutionary form of
speech act which amounts to 72 utterances. Meanwhile, the rest are 44
utterances of locution and 20 perlocutionary utterances. Based on this, the
utterances used by the characters in the novel Laskar Pelangi are mostly
utterances to state or inform something and are needed to do something.

In the following, the researcher will briefly explain the conclusions

from these findings. Based on the results of the discussion on
"Representation of speech acts of the characters in the novel
Lascar Pelangi", it can be concluded as follows.
The researcher found three forms of speech acts used by the
characters in Laskar Pelangi's novel, namely locutionary speech
acts, illocutionary speech acts, and perlocutionary speech acts.
The form of illocutionary speech acts is the dominant finding

The following are suggestions for appreciating literary works. This literary work in the form of
the novel Laskar Pelangi by Andrea Hirata can be used as one of the teaching materials for
literature in schools because it has many mandates and motivational stories in it, so it is very
good if used as teaching material in literary learning. This learning can be in the form of students
being given the task of reading a fragment or synopsis of the Laskar Pelangi novel then
appreciating the intrinsic and extrinsic elements as well as the educational value in this novel
and then discussing and discussing it together.
For researchers, this research can still be said to have a lot of scopes that can be used as
material and for further research development. This speech act research can be implemented
not only in novels but can be implemented in other data sources or using novels with different
genres. Considering that pragmatics does not only study speech acts, but also deixis,
implicatures, presuppositions, and the principle of cooperation. This research can be used as a
bridge for connecting literary works with the audience itself. Through this research, it is hoped
that literary works will no longer be a foreign thing in the eyes of readers and readers can better
absorb, appreciate and enjoy a literary work.

The author thanks Dr. Muhammad Hanafi

(Muhammadiyah University Sidenreng Rappang)
who has guided and provided motivation, and Dr.
Nuraini Kasman (Muhammadiyah University
Sidenreng Rappang) for her guidance and support.
Thank you

Adi Suparman

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