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News: Outrage over BJP promise to 'remove every single infiltrator' from India

Critics have accused India's ruling party of promoting communal tensions after a top official
promised to rid the country of all "infiltrators" in an apparent swipe at Muslims and other
religious minorities.
"We will remove every single infiltrator from the country, except Buddha, Hindus and Sikhs,"
Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) president Amit Shah told supporters in West Bengal on
He promised to do so by implementing the National Registry of Citizens nationwide. The
NRC is a hugely controversial policy mooted last year in Assam, a region of India which
shares a porous border with Bangladesh.
Proponents of the registry say it will help root out illegal Bangladeshi immigrants, but the
move has prompted fears of possible deportation among Assam's hundreds of thousands of
Bengali-speaking Muslims, with an estimated 4 million people's citizenship at risk.
Implementation of the registry has been long delayed, but Shah's comments have put the issue
front and center in the country's weeks-long general election, which kicked off on Thursday.
In his speech, Shah said the government "won't send the Hindus, Jains, Sikhs, Parsis,
Christians and Buddhists coming in from Bangladesh or Pakistan because they are our
brothers and they've come here because they've faced persecution in those countries."
"To a refugee in West Bengal, I want to say, you don't have to be afraid of anyone. We treat a
refugee here as a son and daughter of India and they will be given citizenship," he added.
"The BJP's pledge is to get rid of the infiltrators."
Anti-Islam rhetoric
A Hindu nationalist party, the BJP has long faced accusations of anti-Muslim rhetoric.
As chief minister of Gujarat, Modi faced local and international criticism for violent rioting
along communal lines in 2002 in which more 1,000 people were killed, most of them
Muslims. He has never faced charges in connection with violence.
And since he became Prime Minister in 2014, critics have pointed to a rise in high-profile
anti-Muslim rhetoric
The BJP and its supporters have also sought to label their critics as "anti-nationals" --
effectively, as anti-Indian -- or as in league with Pakistan, the country's main geopolitical foe.
A spokesman for the BJP did not respond to a request for comment Friday.
Shocked and appalled
Shah's comments came in for widespread criticism Thursday.
Tony Joseph, a journalist and author of "Early Indians," said the BJP was the "true inheritor of
"Since the ruling party is campaigning purely on hate (and) vitriol, the results of 2019 will
show clearly how much of the 2014 votes it received was on account of bigotry (and) how
much on account of people being taken in by its promise of 'development, development,
development'," he added in a later tweet.
Model and actress Gauhar Khan said she was "shocked at how blatantly divisive" the BJP's
statement was.
Historian Ramachandra Guha said Shah's words would be warmly received by some in India's
neighboring country, however.
"Amit Shah's insinuation, that Muslims shall not and cannot be safe and secure in India, will
be widely acclaimed in one country: Pakistan," he said. "Shah's majoritarian bigotry is music
to the ears of those who rule that country."
BJP's political rivals also weighed in. Preeti Sharma Menon, spokeswoman for the Aam
Aadmi Party, accused the BJP and Shah of "threatening large scale persecution, or maybe
they will resort to their favorite method -- genocide?"
"You may have all departments dancing to your tunes now, but soon India will respond back
to this threat," she added.
In a statement on its official Twitter account, Congress said the BJP "has made it clear that
they have no respect for our Constitution (and) no remorse in dividing our nation on
communal lines."


Questions 1-5: Choose the best answer

1. What has India’s ruling party been accused of?
A. creating more tensed atmosphere
B. ridding the country of all “infiltrators”
C. swiping at Muslims and other religion minorities (India's ruling party has been accused of
promoting communal tensions after a top official promised to rid the country of all
"infiltrators" in an apparent swipe at Muslims and other religious minorities.)
D. removing every single infiltrator from the country
2. Which does the president Amit Shah do to realize his promise?
A. Treat all people well
B. Ask all people in the country to register for citizenship
C. Take care the region of India which shares a porous border with Bangladesh.
D. root out illegal Bangladeshi immigrants. (the president Amit Shah promises to root out
illegal Bangladeshi immigrants to realize his promise)
3. What will the registry do?
A. They will deport all the illegal Hindus from Bangladesh.
B. They will deport all illegal Sikhs from Bangladesh.
C. They will deport all illegal Muslims from Bangladesh. (Proponents of the registry say it
will help root out illegal Bangladeshi immigrants, but the move has prompted fears of
possible deportation among Assam's hundreds of thousands of Bengali-speaking Muslims)
D. They will deport all illegal Christians from Bangladesh.
4. What did the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) president Shah say to refugees in West
A. They shouldn’t be afraid of anyone.
B. They will be treated as family members.
C. They would be given citizenship. (the refugees in West Bengal will be treated as sons and
daughters of India and will be given citizenship)
D. All are correct.
5. Which one does the ruling party in India belong to?
A. Hindu (The ruling party in India is the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), which is a Hindu
nationalist party)
B. Buddha
C. Christain
D. Sikhs
Questions 6-10: Matching information
6. A Hindu nationalist Party A.the BJP was the “true inheritor of Nazism”.
Answer: G
7.Tony Joseph said B.a journalist and author of “Early Indians”
Answer: A
8.Gauhar Khan thought C.has long faced accusations of anti-Muslim rhetoric
Answer: E
9.Amit Shah insinuated D. model and actress
Answer: H
10. Preeti Sharma Menon E.the BJP’s statement was clearly divisive among
accused race and religion
Answer: F
F.BJP and Shah would have to use genocide
G.has made clear that they have no respect for our
H.Muslims will not and cannot be safe and secure in

Questions 11-15: Decide if the statements are True/False/Not Given

11. Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) president Amit Shah told supporters that they would remove
every single infiltrator from India, except Buddha and Hindus
=> T (Amit Shah, the president of Bharatiya Janata Party, said, "We will remove every single
infiltrator from the country, except Buddha, Hindus and Sikhs)
12. Shah said the government wouldn’t send the Hindus, Jains, Sikhs, Parsis, Christains and
Buddhists coming in from Bangladesh or Pakistan.
=> T (Shah said, "We won't send the Hindus, Jains, Sikhs, Parsis, Christians and Buddhists
coming in from Bangladesh or Pakistan because they are our brothers and they've come here
because they've faced persecution in those countries.")
13. Bharatiya Janata Party has faced accusations of anti-Muslim rhetoric for three years.
=> F (The BJP has faced accusations of anti-Muslim rhetoric for longer than three years)
14. Tony Joseph, a journalist working at CNN and author of "Early Indians," said the BJP was
the "true inheritor of Nazism."
=> NG (The journalist's affiliation with CNN không dduwwocj đề cập đến trong đoạn)
15. Aam Aadmi Party is a rival of Bharatiya janata Party)
=> T (Preeti Sharma Menon, spokeswoman for the Aam Aadmi Party, accusing the BJP and

Questions 16-20: Answer the questions with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS
16. How many illegal Bangladeshi immigrants may be deported out of India?
=> 4 million (the move has prompted fears of possible deportation among Assam's hundreds
of thousands of Bengali-speaking Muslims, with an estimated 4 million people's citizenship at
17. What is the promise of the ruling party electoral campaign in 2014?
=> Development (Since the ruling party is campaigning purely on hate (and) vitriol, the
results of 2019 will show clearly how much of the 2014 votes it received was on account of
bigotry (and) how much on account of people being taken in by its promise of 'development,
development, development')
18. How is music to the ears of the people who rule India described as?
=> Majoritarian bigotry ( Shah's majoritarian bigotry is music to the ears of those who rule
that country )
19. Which method that Preeti Sharma Menon thought BJP would use?
=> Genocide (threatening large scale persecution, or maybe they will resort to their favorite
method -- genocide?)
20. Who felt no remorse in dividing India on communal lines?
=> BJP (Congress said the BJP "has made it clear that they have no respect for our
Constitution (and) no remorse in dividing our nation on communal lines.)

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