Rodriguez 1

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Rodriguez 1

Monse Rodríguez

Ms. Wright

English 9 4th period

March 4, 2023


Nursing is all based on taking care of sick, disabled, and injured people.On the

other hand, I chose to explore this career because it's my dream career of becoming a

nurse. Also, to learn a lot more about it and to make my parents and family proud of me.

Since, you become someone “important” and a great example and family member for

your family. Some examples of nursing that are important to know are like performing

the physical exams, checking vitals and recording results. As a result, you have to study

for about 4 years to become a nurse, since you will have a lot of responsibilities.

To become a professional Nurse you have to have 4 to more years of study

depending on your specialty of school. Also, it would be 4 years for training, so maybe 8

years in total around that number. As a result they have to perform physical activities.

For example, health histories and exams before making critical decisions. Their major

responsibilities of being a nurse are to take care of injured, sick, disabled people. As a

result, some schools that are really known and better for nursing are not really much

here in California. For example, Duke University, University of Pennsylvania, University

of Washington, University of California - San Francisco. Overall, the top University that

is more known for and with better nursing now days in 2023 is “Johns Hopkins

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On the other hand, nursing impacts millions of others in our society in a really

good way. Well, because they help us have better health, save us from injuries,

sickness, coronavirus, heart attacks, and mostly keep us and save our lives. Overall,

nursing can benefit others in society because they can promote healthy lifestyles, health

education, etc. Nursing makes the world better by making people healthier, get better,

recover from injuries and stuff, a better and happier environment. As a result, nursing

really connects to the 4 pillars for example Community Engagement because you're

helping your community to be healthier. Also, Dual Language because there will be

different patients that are not always going to talk your language or maybe yes but have

to interact with them. But, Nursing has some of its own pillars. For example,

clinical/direct care, developing self and others, Leadership and collaborative practice,

and Improving quality and developing practice.

I think in the way of how my life would look like in Nursing is in a lot of ways. For

example, maybe stressful, tiring without much sleep, a lot of work to do for the patients,

exciting because it's what I've been wanting to be, hard working and over working, etc.

Overall, just good but a lot of responsibilities. An average “day in my life” in Joyce

University looks in a lot of ways. First, is waking up early like around 4 am, but normally

depending at what time you start your shift. So, when you start your morning shift you

check each patient and record their status. On the other hand, on a night shift you

would begin by conferring with your colleagues on your night shift. Also, the night staff

would update them on any change in patient status. Secondly, nurses would try to take

a lunch break if they can and have time, etc. As a result, what a nurse receives

annually(every year) in California is $124,000 and per hour $59.62. Overall, nurses do
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have vacation and stuff like that. As a result, nurses receive an average of 26 vacation

days, while all of the workers also get an average, but of 23 vacation days. Some most

desirable parts of being a nurse are that they have 23-26 vacation days. Also, get paid,

sick time, holidays, childcare, vacation, family leave to visit. Also, because you get to

take care of men, women, and adorable kids, etc. On the other hand, some of the most

difficult parts of being a nurse are that they have a significant level of risk of “workplace”

stress". Also, in their job safety, since there's patients and their family/friends that are

really violent or aggressive for a certain reason. How nursing would impact my desired

life quality is in being really busy. Since, my shifts wouldn’t coordinate really well

because I would have shifts maybe sometimes in the morning, afternoon, night, or even

all day. So, you I wouldn't really have a coordinated daily life that we say in a certain


In conclusion, you have to study for about 4 years to become a nurse, since you

will have a lot of responsibilities and stuff. Nursing, though, has a lot of stress while

working. For example, of their shifts, of how they can help their patients, and stuff. But,

it's a great advantage of being a nurse because you get to help other people. As a

result, though nurses sometimes face an issue in this career, which is work-related

assault. Which patients, or patients' family members get mad and start assaulting the

nurse for some reason. I am really inspired by this profession. Since, I like helping

people and love working. I am really concerned about the amount of schooling because

it is a lot to learn and study to become a nurse, since it's a lot of responsibility. I will

pursue this career because of everything i've learned i love and it's my dream to

become a nurse.
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Work cited:

American nursing: An introduction to the past by Jean C. Whelan(no date).

Nursing|History, Education, and Practices by Karen Buhler Wjkerson and Patricia D’Antonio

posted on February 6,2023, 7:41 am ET (AP)

What to expect in medical school by princeton university(doesn't have a date)

5 issues nurses face in their career by Waden university (does not have a date)


10 benefits to pursuing a career in nursing by Gayle Morris on March 17,2022
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