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12/20/21, 11:45 AM Stress Analysis Report

Stress Analysis Report

Analyzed File: AS.ipt

Autodesk Inventor Version: 2016 (Build 200138000, 138)
Creation Date: 12/20/2021, 11:44 AM
Simulation Author: USER

 Project Info (iProperties)

Author Joko Kuawanto

Part Number AS
Designer Bintang
Cost $0.00
Date Created 12/15/2021

Design Status WorkInProgress

Material Steel, Carbon
Density 7.85 g/cm^3
Mass 0.308269 kg
Area 7264.93 mm^2
Volume 39269.9 mm^3
x=0.0000000026142 mm
Center of Gravity y=0 mm

z=40 mm

Note: Physical values could be different from Physical values used by FEA reported below.

General objective and settings:
Design Objective Single Point
Simulation Type Static Analysis
Last Modification Date 12/20/2021, 11:38 AM
Detect and Eliminate Rigid Body Modes No

Mesh settings:
Avg. Element Size (fraction of model diameter) 0.1
Min. Element Size (fraction of avg. size) 0.2
Grading Factor 1.5
Max. Turn Angle 60 deg
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Create Curved Mesh Elements Yes

Name Steel, Carbon
Mass Density 7.85 g/cm^3
General Yield Strength 350 MPa
Ultimate Tensile Strength 420 MPa
Young's Modulus 200 GPa
Stress Poisson's Ratio 0.29 ul
Shear Modulus 77.5194 GPa
Part Name(s) AS

 Operating conditions
Load Type Moment
Magnitude 98500.000 N mm
Vector X 0.000 N mm
Vector Y 0.000 N mm
Vector Z -98500.000 N mm

 Selected Face(s)

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 Fixed Constraint:1
Constraint Type Fixed Constraint

 Selected Face(s)

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  Reaction Force and Moment on Constraints
Reaction Force Reaction Moment
Constraint Name
Magnitude Component (X,Y,Z) Magnitude Component (X,Y,Z)
0N 0Nm
Fixed Constraint:1 0N 0N 98.4371 N m 0 N m
0N 98.4371 N m

 Result Summary
Name Minimum Maximum
Volume 39269.9 mm^3
Mass 0.308269 kg
Von Mises Stress 0.240938 MPa 59.4782 MPa
1st Principal Stress 0.179308 MPa 34.3104 MPa
3rd Principal Stress -34.4691 MPa 0.056637 MPa
Displacement 0 mm 0.0165903 mm
Safety Factor 5.88451 ul 15 ul
Stress XX -2.61892 MPa 2.53525 MPa
Stress XY -1.60479 MPa 1.60898 MPa
Stress XZ -32.7218 MPa 32.5935 MPa
Stress YY -2.44068 MPa 2.52045 MPa
Stress YZ -34.3383 MPa 33.5139 MPa
Stress ZZ -0.943301 MPa 0.868549 MPa
X Displacement -0.0165743 mm 0.0165846 mm
Y Displacement -0.0165849 mm 0.0165903 mm
Z Displacement -0.0000080127 mm 0.00000842407 mm
Equivalent Strain 0.00000114035 ul 0.000255757 ul
1st Principal Strain 0.00000135639 ul 0.000221744 ul
3rd Principal Strain -0.000221236 ul -0.000000332595 ul
Strain XX -0.0000129103 ul 0.0000114157 ul
Strain XY -0.0000103509 ul 0.0000103779 ul
Strain XZ -0.000211055 ul 0.000210228 ul
Strain YY -0.0000105882 ul 0.0000114248 ul
Strain YZ -0.000221482 ul 0.000216165 ul
Strain ZZ -0.00000198414 ul 0.00000190983 ul

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 Von Mises Stress

 1st Principal Stress

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 3rd Principal Stress

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 Safety Factor

 Stress XX

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 Stress XY

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 Stress XZ

 Stress YY

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 Stress YZ

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 Stress ZZ

 X Displacement

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 Y Displacement

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 Z Displacement

 Equivalent Strain

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 1st Principal Strain

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 3rd Principal Strain

 Strain XX

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 Strain XY

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 Strain XZ

 Strain YY

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 Strain YZ

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 Strain ZZ

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