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JOAKO: Hey, how's your day going so far?

YO: It's going okay. I have a lot of things I have to do today.

JOAKO: Oh really? What do you have to do?

YO: Well, I have to go to my biology lecture this morning, and then I have to meet with my group
for our group project. After that, I have to do some chores.

JOAKO: What kind of chores do you have to do?

YO: I have to do the laundry, clean the bathroom, and vacuum the living room. It shouldn't take
too long though.

JOAKO: That sounds busy. Do you have to work on your project all day?

YO: No, I don't have to work on it all day. After the meeting, I'll probably take a break and then
work on it for a few hours. Then I'll do my chores.

JOAKO: That sounds like a good plan. What about after that?

YO: After that, I don't have to do anything else. I'll probably just relax and watch some TV.

JOAKO: Lucky you! I have to go to my job after class.

YO: Oh, that's too bad. What do you have to do at work?

JOAKO: I work as a cashier at a grocery store, so I have to ring people up and help bag their
groceries. It can be tiring, but I don't mind it too much.

YO: Do you have to work every day?

JOAKO: No, I don't have to work every day, but I do have to work a lot of hours to pay for school
and cover my bills.

YO: Yeah, I understand. Well, good luck with work today!

JOAKO: Thanks, I'll need it!

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