Ethnic Studies

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Girls rights to

Gianna Gonzalez, Emmanuel
Chapa, Diego Valladolid
Which community does this movement feature?

Girls From all over the world Who

are not being given education
Who is part of this
Girls in pakistan
Malala Yousafzai

Mary Wollstonecraft

Frances Wright

Margaret Fuller
Who is one of the main figures of this movement?
- Malala Yousafzai
- She would travel to many countries to meet girls
fighting poverty, wars, child marriage and gender
discrimination to go to school.
- She fights for the freedom of women and their
rights to have a good education.
- Ended up getting shot in a bus
What is the reason for this moment
Women being treated unfairly in the
concept of education. These women
or girls were often given stereotypes
that women should stay at home
and not attend school. But they want
the opportunity to getting a job and
pursue a career and not to be told
by men what they cant and cant do.
1848. First Women's This was the first convention
to women's rights and was
Rights Convention the first place where women
Link stood up for themselves.
-In Seneca Fall in 1848

-These women lamented men’s domination

Declaration of Sentiments over women and their denial -They insisted that women be given full access

- Today more girls than ever before attend

- Still face stereotypes
Girls rights to This is important because
education is the foundation for

education improving people lives.

Progress has been made for

Link allowing education for more people
Which level of Maslow’s This movement is addressing
Hierarchy of Needs is this Love and belonging/Self
community addressing in this actualization needs.
social movement? The Self-actualization need that is
not being met is education.
The Love and belonging need that
is not being met is friendship and
sense of connection with a
Physiological needs because
education is what is being taken
Which needs are not away from them.

being met Also without education it

becomes hard to make smart
Physiological needs
An example of this is that there
are no women in schools.
What does the goal of this movement This movement can help provide
help to provide for the needs of this equal rights to women to have the
same opportunities as men.
This is also to help women make
This movement can help women go to smarter decisions in life so history
schools and have more women teachers doesn't repeat itself.
Who are the “victims” of this movement?

Girls in Pakistan
- Who were demanded by the militant group
the taliban not to attend school
- Group claimed educating women goes against
islam (became a law)

Girls from different areas in the world

- That weren’t given a chance to get educated
Who are the “perpetrators” of this movement

The perpetrators who don't

allow the women to have
the same education as
them are men. A huge
percentage of men are
sexist and don’t want
women to have the same
rights as them.
Who are the “bystanders” of this movement?

The bystanders who

are aware of this but
decide to not do
anything are not just
men but also women
who chose not to do
anything about the
problem at hand.
Who are the “upstanders” of this movement?

The upstanders are

the people fighting
for the rights of
women because
they’re are not just
making a change but
are also inspiring
other women to do
the same.

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