Clinical Case First Week

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clinical case
Patient of 3-year-old boy, who presents a 10-mm
interatrial communication, presenting few
clinical symptoms, only a few such as agitation
when performing activities, difficulty breathing.
The diagnosis of interatrial septal defect can
unnoticed in patients with small defects, since
they do not
imply the appearance of clinical manifestations.
Alergic at flumancenil

Leucocityes: 8930
Glicemy: 81
3 years old creatinine: 0,6
weight: 15 kg Plaq: 295000
CIA of 10 mm HTO: 39,9

TPT: 24,7
INR: 1,2
HEP: Niega

Analysis and plan

Interatrial communication (CIA) represents 10-15% of
congenital heart disease, therefore it is necessary to close this interatrial
communication by means of surgery, due to its size since it is 10 mm
A closure of the atrial septal defect will be performed with a clip, or a synthetic or
autologous patch of the pericardium, depending on the size found.Atrial septal defect is a
birth defect in the heart in which there is a hole in the wall (septum or septum) that
separates the upper chambers of the heart (atria). Surgery involves closing the hole,
either by cardiac catheterization or open-heart surgery.
Atrial septal defect is an opening in the atrial septum. The
atrial septum is the wall that divides the two upper chambers
of the heart (right and left atria). ASD may be a congenital
(present at birth) cardiac abnormality, or it may result in
failure of normal postnatal closure of a hole present in each
fetal heart.
Normally, oxygen-poor (blue) blood flows from the body into
the right atrium, passes through the right ventricle, and is then
pumped to the lungs where it receives oxygen. Oxygen-rich
(red) blood returns to the left atrium from the lungs, passes
through the left ventricle, and then through the aorta, is
pumped out to the body.
Atrial septal defect allows oxygen-rich (red) blood to pass
from the left atrium, through the septal opening, and then mix
with oxygen-poor (blue) blood in the right atrium.
Surgical technic
1. Preparation time
2. Openinig time
Incisión and diseection
axillary opening
3.Vascular time
4.Correction time
- right atriotomy
-repair of the auricle with silk and vein separator
- defect closure with synthetic pericardial patch
- auriculotomy closure with monofilament suture
-pump output, heating and filtration
-closing time
- end time



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