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2-9. Evaluate each of the three sequences that you selected in question
2-9. Identify which sequence you think is best.

According to the three sequences the best is Salesperson due to a

meticulous study and personalized attention is made with each client in
addition, it is of great importance for any company since from there it
depends on the effectiveness and efficiency to attend to the orders,
purchases and sales of the clients, that is, it is decisive for much of the
success of the company because at the same time this area, process
relates to the others to reach the objectives of the company.

2-10. State the criteria that you used for making your selections in
questions 2-8 and 2-9.

Among the three promising sequences for approval, knowing if there are
enough products in inventory is the most relevant to me since through this we
can confirm the availability of the product to make the sale of it, therefore it is
important to know the state of production and management that is granted.

2-11. In the case of simultaneous orders, is it desirable for a company to

build a feature that gives priority to orders that ensures a better profit

Any order is of great relevance and priority in the company, the best
thing is that companies regardless of the amount and how much benefit
they receive is to give the same attention to each order, for this it must
be completely prepared and systematized or standardized to comply
with all Likewise, guarantee these products with quality and / or rely on
platforms, software that allows to sell in order of entry and exit of the
products as well as the order of arrival of the orders or requirement by
the client.

2-12. Optional extension. Download the Visio diagram version of Figure

2-9 from this book’s: Web site,
Modify the diagram to illustrate the sequence of tasks you chose as best
in your answer to question 2-9.

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