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Ecosystems (2007) 10: 790–796

DOI: 10.1007/s10021-007-9055-6

Cross–Scale Interactions and

Changing Pattern–Process
Relationships: Consequences for
System Dynamics
Debra P. C. Peters,1,* Brandon T. Bestelmeyer,1 and Monica G. Turner2

USDA ARS, Jornada Experimental Range, MSC 3JER, NMSU, Las Cruces, New Mexico 88003-0003, USA
Department of Zoology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin 53706, USA

Cross–scale interactions refer to processes at one consequences of cross–scale interactions. Our
spatial or temporal scale interacting with processes framework focuses on the importance of transfer
at another scale to result in nonlinear dynamics processes and spatial heterogeneity at intermediate
with thresholds. These interactions change the scales in linking fine- and broad-scale patterns and
pattern–process relationships across scales such processes. Transfer processes and spatial heteroge-
that fine-scale processes can influence a broad neity can either amplify or attenuate system
spatial extent or a long time period, or broad-scale response to broad-scale drivers. Providing a
drivers can interact with fine-scale processes to framework to explain cross–scale interactions is an
determine system dynamics. Cross–scale interac- important step in improving our understanding
tions are increasing recognized as having important and ability to predict the impacts of propagating
influences on ecosystem processes, yet they pose events and to ameliorate these impacts through
formidable challenges for understanding and fore- proactive measures.
casting ecosystem dynamics. In this introduction to
the special feature, ‘‘Cross–scale interactions and Key words: ecological surprises; landscape ecol-
pattern–process relationships‘‘, we provide a syn- ogy; propagating events; spatial heterogeneity;
thetic framework for understanding the causes and transfer processes.

INTRODUCTION (Carpenter and Turner 2000; Gunderson and Hol-

ling 2002; Peters and others 2004a). These inter-
Cross–scale interactions are increasingly recognized actions generate emergent behavior that cannot be
as important features of ecological systems that predicted based on observations at single or mul-
challenge our ability to understand and forecast tiple, independent scales (Michener and others
dynamics (Holling 1992; Levin 1992; Thompson 2001). Cross–scale interactions can be important
and others 2001). Cross–scale interactions (CSI) both for extrapolating information about fine-scale
refer to processes at one spatial or temporal scale processes to broad-scales or for down-scaling the
interacting with processes at another scale that of- effects of broad-scale drivers on fine-scale patterns
ten result in nonlinear dynamics with thresholds (Ludwig and others 2000; Diffenbaugh and others
2005). The relative importance of fine- or broad-
Received 2 October 2007; accepted 20 October 2007; published online 22
June 2007. scale pattern–process relationships can vary
*Corresponding author; e-mail: through time, and compete as the dominant factors

Cross–scale Interactions and Pattern–Process Relationships 791

controlling system dynamics (for example, Rodó produce broad-scale responses (Gunderson and
and others 2002; King and others 2004; Yao and Holling 2002; Redman and Kinzig 2003). In these
others 2006). cases, fine-scale processes interact with processes at
Although CSI are recognized as important, a broader scales to determine system dynamics. A
critical challenge in ecology is how fine-scale pat- series of cascading thresholds can be recognized
tern–process relationships are connected to broader such that crossing one pattern–process threshold
patterns and drivers to result in ecosystem change induces the crossing of additional thresholds as
(Thompson and others 2001; Turner 2005). In processes interact (Kinzig and others 2006). For
addition, the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment example, a series of thresholds defined by increases
indicated that CSI are an urgent research priority in the rate of fire spread occur in wildfire as the
for ecologists (Carpenter and others 2006). Our dominant processes and scales change over time
goal is to provide a framework for explaining how (Peters and others 2004a). Wildfires are often ini-
domains of scale are connected to generate non- tiated with a single lightning strike that ignites a
linear dynamics. We focus on transport processes tree or patch of herbaceous vegetation. Initially, the
and spatial heterogeneity at intermediate scales as rate and extent of fire spread is related to individual
the key to linking fine- and broad-scale processes. tree properties, such as the density and spatial
We start this special feature with a description of arrangement of green versus brown leaves or
the framework and its development from existing needles. Fire spread to another tree within a patch
bodies of theory. The following papers in the spe- of trees depends on fuel characteristics of the patch
cial feature provide support for the framework from interacting with individual tree properties. Some
a diverse array of ecosystem types and observer trees will ignite easily whereas other trees with
perspectives. The CSI concept provides a powerful similar characteristics may not burn or will burn
tool for improving our understanding of ecosystem slowly because of low connectivity with adjacent
dynamics and their often surprising and far- trees. As the fire continues to spread, additional
reaching consequences. patches of trees will ignite depending on interac-
tions among fuel load characteristics connecting
patches, fuel load within the patch, and individual
Related Frameworks
tree properties. The dominant process changes
Most frameworks for nonlinear ecosystem behavior through time from the scale of individual trees to
are hierarchical such that a small number of within-patch variation to among-patch connectiv-
structuring processes control ecosystem dynamics; ity. For very large fires, land–atmosphere interac-
each process operates at its own temporal and tions can become operative to create fire-generated
spatial scale (Allen and Starr 1982; O‘Neill and weather that results in a rapid increase in the rate
others 1986). Finer scales provide the mechanistic of fire spread. At this point in time, broad-scale
understanding for behavior at a particular scale, processes drive system dynamics by overwhelming
and broader scales provide the constraints or processes at tree and patch scales. Thus, wildfire
boundaries on that behavior. Functional relation- behavior can only be explained by considering
ships between pattern and process are consistent interactions among pattern–process relationships
within each domain of scale such that linear occurring at each spatial and temporal scale.
extrapolation is possible within a domain (Wiens Recent theories and ideas about system behavior
1989). Thresholds occur when pattern–process have used hierarchy theory as a basis for describing
relationships change rapidly with a small or large interactions among processes at different scales.
change in a pattern or environmental driver Such theories include complex systems (Milne
(Groffman and others 2006; Bestelmeyer 2006), 1998; Allen and Holling 2002), self-organization
although both external stochastic events and (Rietkerk and others 2004), panarchy (Gunderson
internal dynamics can drive systems across and Holling 2002), and resilience (Holling 1992;
thresholds (Scheffer and others 2001). Crossing a Walker and others 2006). CSI are an integral part of
threshold can result in a regime shift where there is all of these ideas. However, these frameworks do
a change in the direction of the system and the not explain how patterns and processes at different
creation of an alternative stable state (Allen and scales interact to create nonlinear dynamics. Be-
Breshears 1998; Davenport and others 1998; cause CSI-driven dynamics are believed to occur in
Walker and Meyers 2004). a variety of systems, including lotic invertebrate
Under some conditions, thresholds may be rec- communities in freshwater streams (Palmer and
ognized when changes in the rate of fine-scale others 1996), lakes (Stoffels and others 2005),
processes within a defined area propagate to mouse populations in forests (Tallmon and others
792 D. P. C. Peters and others

2003), soil microbial communities (Smithwick and example, in arid systems, disturbance to grass pat-
others 2005), coral reef fish recruitment in the ches via heavy livestock grazing can reduce the
ocean (Cowen and others 2006), human diseases competitive ability of grasses and allow shrub col-
(Rodó and others 2002), and grass–shrub interac- onization. After a certain density of shrubs is
tions in deserts (Peters and others 2006), it is crit- reached in an area and vectors of propagule
ical that ecologists find ways to measure CSI. We transport (for example, livestock, small animals)
hope that the ideas presented in this and the fol- are available to spread shrubs to nearby grasslands,
lowing set of papers facilitate this endeavor. shrub colonization and grass loss can become under
the control of dispersal processes rather than
competition. Shrub expansion rates can increase
FRAMEWORK FOR CROSS–SCALE dramatically (Peters and others 2006). As shrub
INTERACTIONS AND CHANGING colonization and grazing diminish grass cover over
large areas, broadscale wind erosion may govern
PATTERN–PROCESS RELATIONSHIPS subsequent losses of grasses and increases in shrub
We hypothesize that intermediate-scale properties dominance. These broad-scale feedbacks ‘‘down
of transfer processes and spatial heterogeneity scale‘‘ to overwhelm fine-scale processes in rem-
determine how pattern–process relationships nant grasslands. Once erosion is an important
interact from fine to broad scales (Figure 1). landscape-scale process, neither competition nor
Although we recognize that a continuum of scales dispersal effects have significant effects on grass
exists and our framework is sufficiently general to cover. Second, direct environmental effects on pat-
accommodate additional scales, we focus on three tern–process relationships at broad scales can sim-
domains of scale: ‘‘fine‘‘ at the scale of individual ilarly overwhelm fine-scale processes. For example,
plants and animals, ‘‘intermediate‘‘ at the scale of regional, long-term drought can produce wide-
groups of individuals of the same or different spread erosion and minimize the importance of
species, and ‘‘broad‘‘ refers to large spatial extents local grass cover or shrub dispersal to patterns in
such as landscapes, regions, and the globe. Fine- grasses and shrubs.
scale pattern–process relationships include both Under the conditions that intermediate-scale
biotic (for example, recruitment, competition, transfer processes and spatial heterogeneity are not
mortality) and abiotic processes (for example, important, then linear extrapolation can be used to
sediment loss, soil water dynamics) that influence aggregate information from fine to broad scales
the distribution and abundance of individuals. (Strayer and others 2003; Peters and others 2004b;
Intermediate-scale pattern–process relationships Turner and Chapin 2005). Alternatively, if transfer
refer to the spatial patterns of groups of individ- processes are negligible yet spatial heterogeneity is
uals (for example, patches or populations) that important, then an area can be stratified to obtain
both influence and are structured by transfer homogeneous, independent cells where linear
vectors (for example, wind, water, fire, dispersing extrapolation can also be used to aggregate within
animals) that move materials and effects hori- each cell. Aggregation to the entire spatial extent is
zontally and vertically (for example, propagules, typically accomplished using weighted averaging or
nutrients, disturbances). Broad-scale pattern–pro- similar techniques.
cess relationships include atmospheric circulation However, when connections among spatially
processes that influence pattern from landscapes heterogeneous areas via transfer processes are
to regions and continents. Environmental drivers, important, then a spatially-explicit approach is
such as climate, disturbance, and human activities, needed that accounts for the rate, magnitude, and
influence pattern–process relationships at each direction of materials being transported (Strayer
domain of scale. and others 2003; Peters and others 2004b; Turner
In our framework, within a domain of scale (that and Chapin 2005). Under these conditions, exam-
is, fine, intermediate or broad), patterns and pro- ination of patterns and processes at a single scale or
cesses can reinforce one another and be relatively even multiple scales is insufficient. Studies are
stable (Figure 1A). Changes in external drivers or needed that include pattern–process relationships
disturbances can alter pattern–process relationships interacting across a range of appropriate scales. For
in two ways. First, altered patterns at fine scales can example, recent studies show that the cross–scale
result in positive feedbacks that change patterns to relationships between cholera and the change in
the point that new processes and feedbacks are frequency and intensity of ENSO events since 1976
induced. This shift is manifested in nonlinear, can only be determined using nonlinear statistical
threshold change in pattern and process rates. For techniques that include data collected at appropri-
Cross–scale Interactions and Pattern–Process Relationships 793

Figure 1. A Diagram representing cross–scale interactions. Solid arrows represent pattern–process feedbacks within three
different scale domains with one example of pattern and process shown for each domain. Green arrows indicate the direct
effects of environmental drivers or disturbances on patterns or processes at different scales (for example, patch disturbance
vs. climate). Blue arrows indicate the point at which altered feedbacks at finer scales induce changes in feedbacks at broader
scales (for example, fine-scale changes cascade to broader scales). Red arrows indicate when changes at broader scales
overwhelm pattern–process relationships at finer scales. B Our framework for understanding cross–scale interactions
focuses on the importance of transfer processes and spatial heterogeneity at intermediate scales providing the linkage
between fine-scale processes and broad-scale pattern. Environmental drivers can influence each domain of scale. Arrows
showing cross domain interactions are not shown. Authors of papers in this special issue are listed with their broad-scale
pattern and emergent behavior.

ate scales (Rodó and others 2002). Previous studies system properties increases nonlinearly. This in-
that failed to find a relationship between global crease can result from high spatial heterogeneity
climate change and human disease transmission that promotes connectivity and cascading events,
often included linear approaches and scale mis- such as in the wildfire example described above
matches (Pascual and others 2000; Patz 2002). (Peters and others 2004a). Cascading events in
Transfer processes and spatial heterogeneity can which a fine-scale process propagates nonlinearly
either amplify or attenuate system response to to have a large impact have also been documented
broad-scale drivers (Diffenbaugh and others 2005). in the climate system and in lakes (Lorenz 1964;
Amplification occurs when the rate of change in Wilson and Hrabik 2006).
794 D. P. C. Peters and others

Attenuation occurs when the rate of change de- ity in fuel loads as affected by landforms and cli-
creases through time, such as the decrease in wave mate were explicitly considered.
amplitude as the wave form associated with a tsu- In a coastal system, the apparent paradox be-
nami increases (Merrifield and others 2005). The tween expanding shrub thicket areas and decreas-
result is that the greatest effects of a tsunami occur ing island areas was explained by understanding
closest to the source of the seismic event, and the role of variability in ocean currents and sedi-
spatial heterogeneity in land or sea features become ment transport (Young and others 2007). Sediment
increasingly important as distance from the seismic movement from upland rangelands to downslope
event increases (Fernando and McCulley 2005). areas also required information about the connec-
Thus, small-scale variation in wave height and tivity of patches by water (Ludwig and others,
impact were related to coral reef heterogeneity off unpublished data).
the coast of Sri Lanka following the tsunami of Animal dynamics an also be understood within a
2005 that did not occur at closer locations such as CSI framework. Variability in the biodiversity of
Banda Aceh (Fernando and McCulley 2005). In gastropods in tropical forests was hypothesized to
other cases, the relationship between transfer pro- be explained by local demographics interacting
cesses and spatial heterogeneity is more complex. with dispersal among forest patches created by
For example, connectivity of larvae from coral reef hurricanes (Willig and others 2007). Predicting
fishes is more locally important and regionally metapopulation dynamics of muskrats in freshwa-
more variable than previously thought based on ter marshes requires an understanding of spatial
new analyses of dispersal constraints interacting heterogeneity of habitat quality and patch con-
with physical oceanography (Cowen and others nectivity (Schooley and Branch 2007).
Although each paper in this special feature has a Relating phenomenon across scales remains a
unique broad-scale pattern and emergent behavior critical problem in ecology (Levin 1992). Because
to be understood and predicted, similar fine-scale CSIs often result in nonlinear or unexpected
processes and environmental drivers are often behavior that make understanding and prediction
studied, and a small set of transfer processes and difficult, it is critical to identify the conditions or
spatial heterogeneity characteristics are required to systems that are susceptible to these interactions.
explain these dynamics (Figure 1B). This generality Approaches that have been used previously in-
suggests great promise in applying our framework clude measuring responses at multiple scales
to many other systems and questions where pat- simultaneously and then testing for significant
tern–process relationships may change with spatial effects of variables at each scale (for example,
and temporal scale. Smithwick and others 2005; Stoffels and others
Using our common framework provides new 2005). Experimental manipulations can be used to
insights into dynamics for a variety of systems, examine processes at fine and intermediate scales,
ranging from fire behavior and vegetation response and to isolate and measure impacts of broad-scale
in temperate forests (Allen 2007; Falk and others drivers under controlled conditions (for example,
2007) to gastropod biodiversity in tropical forests Palmer and others 1996; King and others 2004).
(Willig and others 2007), sediment movement from Stratified-cluster experimental designs show
rangelands (Ludwig and others, unpublished data) promise as efficient methods for considering
muskrat metapopulation dynamics in freshwater multiple scales in spatial variables, and to account
marshes (Schooley and Branch 2007), and shrub a priori for distance as related to transport pro-
thickets and barrier island dynamics (Young and cesses in the design (Fortin and others 1989; King
others 2007). For example, new insights to fire and others 2004).
behavior and forest dieback were found by con- Quantitative approaches also show promise in
sidering interactions among fire spread, water flow, identifying key processes related to CSI. Statistical
and insect pest dispersal with spatial heterogeneity analyses based on non-stationarity (Rodo and
in fuel loads, bare soil patches, and insect food re- others 2002) and nonlinear time series analysis
sources; drought and livestock grazing act to mod- (Pascual and others 2000) are useful for identifying
ulate these interactions (Allen 2007). Falk and key processes at different scales. Spatial analyses
others (2007) were able to explain the spatial and that combine traditional data layers for fine-
temporal distribution of fires only after connectiv- and broad-scale patterns with data layers that use
Cross–scale Interactions and Pattern–Process Relationships 795

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