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WORKSHEET-23 Tor ay JEE (MAIN+ADVANCED) 2024 ENTHUSIAST COURSE Eee ree ELECTROSTATICS 1. A particle of mass m carrying charge q, is evolving around a fixed change ~a, in a circular path of radius Caleulate the period of revolution and its speed also. (Neglect gravitational force) a 2. Three equal point charges of charge +4 each are moving along.a circle of radius R and a point charge ~2q is also placed at the centre of circle (as shown in figure). If charges are revolving with constant and same speed in the citele then caleulate speed of charges. @ +4 3. Accharged particle a, is at position (2, -1, 3), The electrostatic force on ahother charged particle q at (0, 0, 0} is : (both positive) eis 4a8 aia 82 ij +38 8) fide (A) Sones cr ae Qe pot tap (Cl Snep 2-38) wy S64 me (-21+j-38) 4, Two similar very smalleondueting sphere having charges 40 uC and -20 uC are some distance apart. Now they are touched and kept atthe same distance. The rato ofthe inital to the final magnitude of foree between them is: (ays: (Bast (1:8 (D)4:1 5. Two point charges of sane magnitude and opposite sign are fixed at points A and B. A third small point charge is to be balanced at point P by the electrostatic force due to these two charges. The point R +Q -Q A B (A) lies on the perpendicular bisector of fine AB (B)isat the mid point of fine AB (C) les to the let of A {D) none of these 6. Ifabody is charged by rubbing it, its weight (A) remains precisely constant (B) increases slightly (C) decreases stightiy (D) may inerease slightly or may decrease slightly WORKSHEET-23 (PHYSICS) 1 7. Mark out the correct options. (A) The total charge of the universe is constant. (B) The total positive charge of the universe is constant. (C) The total negative charge of the universe is constant. (D) The total number of charged particles in the universe is constant. 8. Two insulating small spheres ate rubbed against each other and placed 1 cm apart. Ifthey attract each other with a force of 0.1 N, how many electrons were transferred from one sphere to the other during rubbing ? (a) 1.08 x 10% (B) 2.08 x 10" (C) 3.08 x 10” (D) 4.08 x 10” Qe oa 9. Point chagesare placed at the vertices of a square of side a as shown in figure. What should be the sign of charge q and magnitude of the ratio |g/Q| so that (a) net fore on each Qis zer0? (b) net force on each qs zer0? 10. A small point mass m has a charge q, whieh is constrained to move inside a narrow frictionless cylinder. At the base of the eylinder isa point mass of charge! Q having the same sign as q. If the mass m is displaced by a/small amount, from its equilibrium position and released, it will exhibit simple harmonic G) ‘motion. Find the angular freqdeney of the mass, 0 eee ee ANSWER KEY 1 (T= 4m |MOM g ye | He) 2. ) aida Frege 3. (D) 4. 5D) 6. 7. A 8. 1 9. a) 55% (b) 2yB :sianq opposite of Q 10. (w= Barve) WORKSHEET-23 (PHYSICS) 2

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