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Proc 12th New Zealand Geothermal Workshop 1990


Masahiko Yagi Kunio Kai

JAPEX Research Center, Hamada, Chiba 260 Japan

ABSTRACT approximately Maximum measured

temperatures are in the range from 200 to
Petrographical and geochemical studies on The fluid discharged from the wells is
cores and cuttings from the Fushime geothermal a mixture of steam and hot water with neutral
wells were carried out using microscopy, XRD, to acidic and high
XRF, and EPMA. The petrographical studies
revealed that the alteration mineral concentrations.
assemblage in the geothermal reservoirs is Mineralogical investigations using
characterized by the occurrence of K-feldspar microscopy and XRD in the Fushime geothermal
and sericite. This assemblage is subdivided field have already been done by Yoshimura et
into three mineral zones: a K-feldspar- al. This study aims to clarify the
quartz assemblage, a sericite-quartz mineral assemblage and chemistry of the active
assemblage, 3 ) an albite-chlorite assemblage. hydrothermal discharge zone using observations
The geochemical study shows that potassium and by microscopy, XRD, XRF, and EPMA.
rubidium are enriched in the K-feldspar-quartz
assemblage zone. The authigenic K-feldspar GEOLOGY AND GEOLOGICAL STRUCTURE
observed with EPMA indicates that
precipitation of K-feldspar and sericite The geology of the field has been described
contributed to enrichment of the alkali by Yoshimura et al. (1988). The underground
elements. In comparison with the temperature- rocks are dacitic to andestic pyroclastics and
recovery survey, the alkali-enriched zone lavas (Fig.2). The geological structure is
corresponds to a hydrothermal discharge. characterized by a small-scale east-west
trending graben of Pleistocene age.
INTRODUCTION intrusive dacite lies almost in the center of
this graben. A low-permeability welded tuff
More than 10 wells have been drilled in the which occurs in the lower part of the Yamakawa
Fushime geothermal field in southern Kyushu, Formation plays an important role as a cap
Japan the deepest of which is rock for the geothermal reservoir.


-1000 -

-3 0 0 0

Figure 1: Location of the Fushime geothermal Figure 2: N-S

field, Kyushu, Japan through the Fushime geothermal field with
isotherm contour (after Yoshimura
et al. 1988).


The discharge zone of the Fushime Compositions of whole rocks derived from
geothermal field is subdivided into three the wells are plotted in The data
zones according to mineral assemblage: 1) a points are divided into the three mineral
feldspar-quartz assemblage, 2) a sericite- assemblages mentioned above. Most of the rocks
quartz assemblage, 3 ) an albite-chlorite classified to the K-feldspar-quartz assemblage
assemblage (Fig.3). are plotted in the stable area among
feldspar, albite and sericite. Composition
changes linearly from low potassium of the
albite-chlorite assemblage to extremely high
potassium of the K-feldspar-quartz assemblage.


K20 Na20

Figure 3 : Schematic model of alteration Figure 4 : Compositions of whole rocks in

mineral assemblages in a hydrothermal - -
discharge zone, Fushime geothermal field. triangle diagram. The data points are
divided into the three mineral assemblages

The K-feldspar-quartz assemblage zone Rubidium and strontium of the same whole
occurs in the center of the discharge zone at rocks are plotted in Rubidium increases
temperature above Interstitial or significantly in the rocks of the K-feldspar-
matrix-replacing K-feldspar present in quartz assemblage, while strontium decreases.
association with quartz overgrowths. The rocks of the K-feldspar-quartz assemblage
replacing albite and epidote in radial or fan are notably enriched in potassium and
shapes usually coexist with K-feldspar. In rubidium.
addition, matrix-replacing sericite, chlorite,
and pore-filling anhydrite are common
associated minerals in this assemblage. EPMA
study shows that this K-feldspar with
orthoclase composition is distinguished from I
primary K-feldspar with anothoclase
The sericite-quartz assemblage zone usually
encircles the K-feldspar-quartz assemblage
zone. In this assemblage minute crystals of
sericite fill a matrix of authigenic quartz.
Matrix-replacing wairakite, albite, and
chlorite are commonly associated minerals in
this assemblage, but K-feldspar is absent.
The albite-chlorite assemblage zone occurs
in the most outer part of the hydrothermal
discharge zone, Matrix-replacing albite and
chlorite coexist with quartz in this


Figure 5: Compositions of whole rocks in

logarithmic graph of rubidium and
strontium concentrations The data
points are divided into the three
mineral assemblages.
YAGI and

The homogenization temperatures of fluid Browne, Ellis, A . J. '(1970) The Ohaki-
inclusions in anhydrite coexisting with Broadlands hydrothermal area New Zealand:
feldspar almost equal the present temperatures Mineralogy and related geochemistry,
of the hydrothermal discharge zones. Jour. vol. 269, p.
Furthermore, the concentrations estimated
from the melting temperatures of these Hedenquist, Browne, P.R.L. (1989) The
inclusions are the same as those of the evolution of the Waiotapu geothermal
present geothermal fluids. These fluid- system, New Zealand, based on the chemical
inclusion observations show that K-feldspar and isotopic composition of its fluids,
has been precipitating from the present minerals and rocks.
hydrothermal fluid in the reservoir of the 53, 2235-2257.
Fushime geothermal field.
Authigenic K-feldspar commonly appears in Hoagland, J. R . and Elders, W. A . (1978)
hydrothermal discharge zones with good Hydrothermal mineralogy and isotope
permeability at Wairakei, Broadlands, Waiotapu geochemistry in the Cerro Prieto
in New Zealand, and Cerro Prieto in Mexico geothermal field, Mexico. I. Hydrothermal
(Steiner 1968, Browne and Ellis 1970, mineral zoning.
Hedenquist and Browne 1989, Hoagland and 2,
Elders 1978). The geothermal reservoirs of
those fields are acidic volcanic and Kristmannsdottir, H. (1975) Hydrothermal
pyroclastic rocks or sedimentary rocks which alteration of basaltic rocks in Icelandic
have relatively high potassium contents geothermal areas. United
compared to basaltic rocks. However, Dev. Use of Geotherm. Res.
authigenic K-feldspar does not commonly appear Council Trans. 4, p. 117-120.
in a basaltic-rock reservoir in Iceland
(Kristmannsdottir, 1975) . K- Steiner, A. Clay minerals in
feldspar is also found continuously in the hydrothermally altered rocks at Wairakei,
reservoirs of the Fushime geothermal field. New Zealand. and Clav vol. 16,
The reservoir rocks in the Fushime geothermal
field are acidic volcanic and pyroclastic
rocks. Yoshimura, Y. Y. and Nakagome, 0.
CONCLUSION Fushime Geothermal Field, Southern
Kyushu, Japan ; Geothermal field and
geothermal power plants in Japan.
In the Fushime geothermal field, the um on
center of the discharge zone is commonly Kumamoto and Beppu, Japan, p.
characterized by precipitation of K-feldspar,
and the high concentrations of alkali elements 144.
such as potassium and rubidium are attributed
to precipitation of K-feldspar.
We wish to thank JAPEX and JAPEX Geothermal
Kyushu Ltd. for allowing use of these
petrographical and geochemical data.

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