Final Exam Duarte Martinez

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Water is the most valuable because of its fundamental nature for life on the planet, a
resource responsible for the biodiversity and integrity of ecosystems '' An essential,
limited, vulnerable and unequally distributed resource, the discussions around its
use, its preservation, its characteristics and its management have dominated the
international scene in recent years. '' However, due to the pandemic, the importance
of our daily lives has become more evident since human beings need to consume a
quantity of it to live, for this reason it would be one of the scarcest resources in the
future, as well as some raw materials that would take great value.
Consequently, the great shortage and drought of these resources has been seen as
consequences of climate change, fracturing as economic, social and agro-industrial
aspects, losing even large crops. Therefore, around this new market could be a
possibility to preserve, care for and learn to give optimal management of the
Faced with this new market there are many speculations since the mode and or
value per milliliter is unknown, it will probably be a great investment in the future and
that will allow us to take care of and even take our actions and the use of this
invaluable as concern.
‘’It is necessary to be aware and consider that the value of water does not mean the
same as its price. value, cost and price are terms with very different meanings.
Market rules cannot be used to price water, since in many cases this has caused
populations with fewer resources to be unable to access a fundamental good for life,
especially when this resource is a human right. However, there are some economic,
financial and legal instruments that are used for water management: fines,
ordinances and restrictions should be used as tools that facilitate and ensure its use
and protection’’ (Indij, 2007).
From my point of view, water should not be a commercial good for the population
due to its importance and its intrinsic relationship with life, however, if it is necessary
to start implementing controls in agro-industrial industries, crops, etc., they make use
of intensive use of this. On the other hand, given that it is a limited resource and the
most unequal in terms of access, it can be said that low-income communities will not
be able to access it if it is limited to the entire population. It is also probable and
evident that the numerous agreements, treaties in which countries undertake to
reduce, reduce pollution so that water and ecosystems are not affected, have been
insufficient, such as the United Nations with its UN-Water delegation as well as
Unesco and the World Water Council undertake hundreds of actions to promote a
sustainable use of this resource. These international organizations have launched
various programs to increase awareness of the importance of this resource, such as
the declaration of the International Year of Fresh Water (2003), However, the current
situation regarding this resource is discouraging since citing shows the current
situation. of the planet and its future, although it is a violation of human rights since it
is fundamental for life, in relation to large industries they see insufficient controls
against them and want to have control of their resources, as we well know there .
There are many consequences as a result of climate change. so it would be limiting,
valuing for its use.

It could be a positive consequence if after this, people begin to value the precious
liquid, placed in places that benefit from it, they do not take advantage of it, wasting
it. Therefore, this result would be the most expected to change the rules of the game
and learn to manage how significant this resource is in the life of the human being.

The reality that the present leaves us is overwhelming, it is devastating ... for many it
seemed that this was impossible for it to happen started trading water, we used
many resources as if they did not have an end, living in the present and we did not
even bother to imagine the future of the following generations in worse conditions
than at present, it is necessary that we create awareness and sustainability in this,
finally it is never too much to take into account the recommendations for the use and
care of water.

Kayna Vanessa Duarte Martínez

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