Bahasa Inggris

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Nama Mahasiswa :

Nomor Induk Mahasiswa/ NIM :

Kode/Nama Mata Kuliah :

Kode/Nama UPBJJ :

Masa Ujian : 2020/21.2 (2022.1)


1. a. Identify what style of language used in the conversation and explain your answer =
pada teks tersebut ragam bahasa yang digunakan merupakan ragam bahasa lisan karena
terdapat percakapan didalamnya yang melibatkan dua orang yang saling berinteraksi dan
terdapat topik pembicaraan yang membuat percakapan itu dapat terjadi. (in the text the
variety of language used is a variety of spoken language because there is a conversation
in it that involves two people interacting with each other and there are topics of
conversation that make the conversation possible.)

b. Identify the topic of the conversation = The topic of the text's conversation was about
how jane's interview went.

2. Because my boss saw my performance was good I got the trust to get promoted,
therefore I got a private office.  I worked in one of the companies in my city as an
administration before but after that I worked as a marketing manager. 
My office is not big but not small either.  the place is neat and pleasing to the eye. 
with bone white paint makes this office have a comfortable atmosphere, this office air
conditioner also functions well.  Of course I'm happy with that.  I am also grateful to
have a comfortable place to work.  in the future I will work even better to get higher

3. 1. The sender of the memo = the manager jonathan stewart

2. For whom the memo is for = to all employees
3. What the memo is about = the farewell ceremony in honour of jesse carillo, marketing

4. Dear. 
my city got talent

Good morning

First, introduce me as one of the candidates for the My City Got Talent competition who
wants to register
based on the information I heard that my city got talent held a competition, that's why I
wanted to ask about it.

I want to enter the competition but I don't get information about the registration form.  if you
like, can my city got talent tell me the link for the registration form that I can access for

Thus the letter I made, please answer the questions I ask immediately.  thank you for your

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