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Hey everyone its Allysa from Bsn4-1

And im here to tell u all the need to know about Disaster preparedness the things u need to prepare
what to do during disaster do we call for help and some quick facts of disaster without forthere a do
lets start.

What are the thing we need to prepare before hand first inmost important water, for drinking and
sanitations Food, at least 3 days of supply of non perishable food and we need radio cellphone with
chargers and back up battery’s for contact purposes. Flashlight incase its get dark. First aid kit whistle
mask wipes for personal sanitation local maps and finally a bag and duck tape for shelter proposes.

Next what todo before during and after the disaster. BEFORE A DISASTER u should create a emergency
plan for ur own family at home make sure that everything u need is easily accessible incase of sudden
disaster also u should be knowledgeable of what protective measures to take before during and after

This is for preparation or what ever type of evacuation that would be carried out in ur specific area lastly
u should put in ur mind ur local emergency contact numbers or better to list them in place where u can
easily to see them incase a disaster strike and ur family needs immediate help the earlier call the faster
u would taken care off or rescued.

Now during a disaster firsting u should always put in ur mind is to stay calm because if u are calm u think
more properly and u make more wise desition that would reflect on ur action. Next thing u need to do is
wait for further instruction and follow ur areas protocolls on how to evacuate this is to ensure that
everyone is safe and no one would go missing.

Finally after the disaster strike u should find safe place to stay and check in with ur local officials for
there instructions

Second before u return home u should make sure it is safe.

If u encounter problem financially ritch out ur local service relief organization for assistants.

Most importantly check in with ur family members ask them about how they feel and comfort them
when they needed. This is important that each member would know how to open there feelings after
the disaster.

Know after I told u the things u need to before during and after disaster

Here are the contact person to list down incase of emergency number 1 ur immidiate family number 2
ur local barangay number 3 the fire department number 4 ur local police sation number 5 ur local
hospital number 6 your national emergency hotline.

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