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Christian D.

Corpuz BSIT-1A



TRUE 1. Technology is the application of science.

TRUE 2. Scientific theories are much less valid than scientific laws.

FALSE 3. Science and technology has potentially negative societal impacts. 990

TRUE 4. STS is a multidisciplinary study and draws heavily on the social sciences.

FALSE 5. Science mainly concerns on the acquisition and production of knowledge from the
natural world.

FALSE 6. Though the knowledge generated by STS is important, it has little bearing on
government policy-making.

FALSE 7. The study of STS is important for both the natural science community and the social
science community.

TRUE 8. The domain of science requires skills such as critical thinking and problem-solving but
less on creativity and imagination.

TRUE 9. When we try to look into how various social factors affect the development of science
and how developments in science affect human society, we are delving into the STS territory.

FALSE 10. STS deals mostly with historical developments of science and technology and its
impact to society and less with the philosophical implications of these developments.



1. Describe the issue or dilemma in the photograph. How did this issue come about? Why
do you think this is a significant issue?

The issue showed in the image that I have chosen is that business industries, especially
industrial plants, energy plants, and factories emits harmful toxins in our environment. This is
the problem that will always been discussing by world leaders on how to stop and have a best
form of clean energy production and clean producing goods plants.
The industrial revolution has bought about new technologies with immense power, these
technologies damaged our world in two main ways; pollution and the depletion of natural

2. How do you think the study of STS will help address the issue you chose?

Science contributes to technology, STS is an important subject to be learned not just in the
academic field but also in addressing the issue depicted in the photograph because it aims to
develop the social responsibility of students, develop critical thinking and decision-making
skills, the ability to formulate sound ethical and moral decisions about ...
Christian D. Corpuz BSIT-1A
Learning Activity 1


The History of Science is the study of development of science and scientific knowledge while

the history of technology is the study of the advancement of the World. In the talk of Hannu

Rajaniemi about the History of modern science, he discussed the scientist who has made a

great contribution in relation to science as well as technology. For me, it is important to study

the importance of science and technology for us to know the origin of everything that exists in

the world, and make us realized that science is everything “we are science”. And studying the

history of science allows us to have a glimpse into both the history of the world and into just

how we discovered everything we know about the world. The facts that we need to study the

history of technology to learn or understand the changes and the causes of changes in

agriculture, production, medical, engineering, architecture, etc. because the knowledge of

science and technology is essential for more discoveries.



Heavy Gunpowder Paper Mechanical Spinning

plough Money clock wheel

Developer/inventor Charles Alchemist China Henry De Vick James

Newbold Wei Boyang Hargreaves

Origin Medieval East Tang Europe India

Northern Dynasty

Europe China

Time of invention 1000 AD 9th Century 7th century 14th century 500 and 1000


Impact or It led to Made warfare It was easier Enabled Revolutionized

contribution to prosperity all over the to carry people to the production

mankind and created world very around and measure time of yarn, which

a breeding different, the copper in ways that increased

ground for affecting the and iron were not productivity

economic way battles could be possible and led to the

growth and were fought saved for use before establishment

cities and borders in everyday of a thriving

were drawn objects medieval

throughout textile

the middle industry





It has been widely used as a propellant in firearms, artillery, rocketry, and pyrotechnics,

including use as a blasting agent for explosives in quarrying,minning, and road building. The
inventor of GUNPOWDER is Wei Boyang, the development of gunpowder sparked the

restricting of institutions, bureaucratic administrations, and the central conscription method in

order to organize bigger and professional armies capable of large-scale warfare.


It was used to record a variety of information such as temple activities, business, and trade.

Cuneiform was also used to write stories, myths, and personal letters. Sumerians are the

inventor of Cuneiform. It is important because it provides inforsmation about ancient

sumerians history and the history of humanity as a whole.

The system developed to incorporate signs that represented sounds, and soon all of

Mesopotamia was taking notes, making to-do lists and writing love letters.



This invention was inspired to my personal situation, for me it is important for everyone

to scan the nutrition information. The purpose of my invention is to help anyone who has need

to measures the nutrition of any product to take and have their freedom to buy. It worked in a

situation that need to measure the nutrition of product based on the needs of consumer.
Christian D. Copuz BSIT-1A

a r c e l i g y m e l o t p r
l i v i n g s t o n e k g s s
c o p e r n i c u s l o v y u
h a h a n s d a i l g o h c p
e c c i r t n e c o e g e h e
m f a e r a y l i l s e l o r
y r b v o d d e m i c o i a e
r e v o l u t i o n j j o n g
p u w l c o v i g v m n c a o
s d e u c u t e a m o d e l t
u o t t a z c o r o n a n y s
s u o i c s n o c o a r t s t
c t s o c i e t y a g w r i a
c e t n u d a v i d r i i s t
c i s a a c n e w t o n c u e

COPERNICUS – was a Renaissance polymath, active as a mathematician, astronomer,

and Catholic canon
PARADIGM - a typical example or pattern of something; a model

HELIOCENTRI - means that the sun is at the center

EGO – a person’s sense of self-esteem or self-importance

PSYCHOANALYSIS – emphasizes unconscious mental process and is sometime described as
EVOLUTION – the process of growth and development or the theory that organism have grown
and developed from past
STATE – the particular condition that someone or something is in at a specific time
ISAAC NEWTON – revolutionized our understanding of our world
REVOLUTION - a forcible overthrow of a government or social order, in favor of a new system.
SOCIETY – the uggregute of people living together in a more or less ordered community
DARWIN – British naturalist Charles Darwin is credited for the theory of natural selection.
MODEL – a system or thing used as an example to follow the or imitate
ERA - a long and distinct period of history with a particular feature or characteristic.
"his death marked the end of an era"

CORONA - Most people who fall sick with COVID-19 will experience mild to moderate
symptoms and recover without special treatment


Pre-colonial period Even before the Spaniards came to the The importance of Pre-
Philippine Islands, early Filipino settlers Colonial Philippine Literature
were already using the certain plants and is to preserve the culture
herbs as medicines. Systems of farming and and the literatures or stories
animal-raising were also implemented. made by our ancestors up to
the future readers so they can
remember and read the
stories, poems, literatures, etc.
in the past.
Spanish colonial Formal education and founded scientific Much of the archipelago
period education Spaniards has introduced came under Spanish rule,
education in the country. Method of creating the first unified
agriculture was also taught in this political structure known as
era there were universities and college the Philippines. Spanish
established. American introduced the colonial rule saw the
idea of free education to the Philippine introduction of Christianity, the
island. code of law, and the oldest
modern university in Asia.
American colonial United States improved the economy and United States improved the
period system of government, where the economy and system of
Filipinos had greater political participation government, where the Filipinos
and more economic gains. The American had greater political
rule caused great marks of “colonial participation and more
mentality” and the materialistic and economic gains. The American
individualistic ways among many rule caused great marks of
Filipinos. “colonial mentality” and the
materialistic and individualistic
ways among many Filipinos.
Post-colonial period Education in the Philippines during the Postcolonial theory thus
American Period (1898-1942) Educational establishes intellectual spaces
Goals Educational goal during the American for subaltern peoples to speak
period is to promote democratic ideals for themselves, in their own
and way of life; formation of good voices, and thus produce
citizens, including the rights and cultural discourses of
responsibilities of people. philosophy, language, society,
and economy, balancing the
imbalanced us-and- them
binary power-relationship
between the colonist and the
colonial subjects.



As of today, our world has been dependent on the technology. Technology has been one of the
major centerpiece why the world became developed. It was also the one responsible to the
arising of new advancements in material things. However for Heidegger, he said that
technology must be handled property in order to avoid mistake that could threaten us or to slip
from human control. I viewed technology in a neutral manner, as the matter of fact technology
helped us a lot. Technology may have advantages and disadvantages, it always have a
Heidegger is worried with questioning the essence of technology and in particular, modern
technology, which he recognized as something not the same to older, pre-industrialized forms
of technology. Technology itself is not good or bad, but the problem is, that technological
thinking has become the only form of thinking. It claimed that ancient and modern technology
are revealing, modern technology is revealing not in the sense of bringing forth but rather
challenging nature. I disagree with Heidegger’s assertion that technology should only be seen as
one of several methods for experiencing the reality. Whether it is for moral truth, justice,
honesty, moderation, courage, or ethics, Technology will never reveal or perceive any truth.
Technology has improved the world in so many ways, but it has also brought about a great
deal of suffering globally or maybe individually for all of us. These technologies have damaged
our world in two main ways; pollution and the depletion of natural resources. Monitor and limit
the use of technology, teach responsibility and conscious behavior, and find alternatives to
Therefore, that we can practice the questioning of technology in the hope of revealing the
truth, which modern technology habitually conceals through the order it imposes on the world.
Christian D. Corpuz BSIT-1A
Learning Activity 1 – Module 6


1. What, in your opinion, does it mean for a country or individual to be deemed

“developed” or “flourishing”?

Flourishing itself might be understood as a state in which all aspects of a person's

life are good. We might also refer to such a state as complete human well-being,

which is again arguably a broader concept than psychological well-being.

2. What is your measure or standard for to be able to determine if one is flourishing or


It consists of two questions or items from each of five domains: happiness and life satisfaction,

mental and physical health, meaning and purpose, character and virtue, and close social


3. Why do you think other countries are developed while others are not?

Differences in the economic growth rate of nations often come down to differences in inputs

and differences in TFP—the productivity of labor and capital resources. Higher productivity

promotes faster economic growth, and faster growth allows a nation to escape poverty.

4. For a long time, many developing countries such as the Philippines made to become more

developed. What hinders these countries in attaining the level of development of other

countries? Do you think we would be able to become a developed country?

In the Philippines, underdeveloped competition laws and economic policies hinder the nation's

ability to move from a low growth path to a higher, sustained and more inclusive growth

trajectory in line with high-performing emerging economies.

5. Is being a developed country really important? Why or why not?

Yes, of course, being a developed country makes their more popular and Increased Economic

Resources. Developing countries can benefit from free trade by increasing their amount of

or access to economic resources, Improved Quality of Life, Better Foreign Relations,

Improved Production Efficiency.

Learning activity 2


Lewis to make the case against the proposition that science represents the sole means of

understanding reality – the concept known as scientism. Although Lewis' extensive collection of writings

contain many arguments against scientism, one work in particular focuses on refuting the power of

science. Lewis was very much skeptic and critic of scientism because he understood that there can be an

abuse of the power of a scientist. He understood that scientism creates trade-offs because not

everything in life is explained solely by science. The main arguments against scientism: Two central

arguments against scientism, the (false) dilemma and self-referential incoherence, are

analyzed. Of the four types of epistemological scientism, three can deal with these

counterarguments by utilizing two methodological principles: epistemic evaluability of

reliability and epistemic opportunism.

Science as Religion: The relationship between religion and science is the subject of continued

debate in philosophy and theology.

Science as Credulity: The Center for Science & Culture’s John West did an interesting interview

with the Australian-based commentary/news site Mercator, commenting on the recent Discovery

Institute Press book The Magician’s Twin: C. S. Lewis on Science, Scientism, and Society

(“Exposing scientism “).

Science as Power: Over the past few weeks, we’ve gotten notes from Verge Science readers

wondering why news from the incoming Trump administration has seeped into our science

coverage. I wasn’t surprised: it’s tempting to believe that science is apolitical. But science and

politics are plainly related: science is the pursuit of knowledge, knowledge is power, and power

is politics.

And I’ve also learned that The core of modernity is that “nothing is sacrosanct,” and the human

person is one of its consequences. And The video's title comes from a reference in C.S. Lewis

that science turned into religion is just a glorified form of magic.

Scientism poses a threat because it's the employment of methods of science to elucidate almost

every part of human lives. With this, people can use it to control and control others by using

information against them. Any information that goes together with the words of science people

nearly always believes it. Scientism is a made-up problem, like vaccines causing autism or

containing microchips. It’s a buzzword favored by people who have some fringe belief and are

angry that science won’t take it seriously. Learning Activity 1-Module 7


Aristotle argues that what separates human beings from the other animals is the human

reason. So the good life is one in which a person cultivates and exercises their rational faculties

by, for instance, engaging in scientific inquiry, philosophical discussion, artistic creation, or

legislation. If you say that someone is living the good life, you mean that they are living in

comfort and luxury with few problems or worries.

Happiness consists in achieving, through the course of a whole lifetime, all the goods health, wealth,

knowledge, friends, etc. That lead to the perfection of human nature and to the enrichment of human

life. The good life consists of wanting to get out of bed every morning, excited to take on whatever each

day has in store for you. Here are several simple ways to live the good life; Slow Down, Appreciate

Life’s Simple Pleasures, Foster and Nurture Relationships, Be Self Sufficient, Learn About

Different Things, Concentrate on Your Passions, Use What You Have, and many more.

We learn moral virtue primarily through habit and practice rather than through reasoning and

instruction. Virtue is a matter of having the appropriate attitude toward pain and pleasure. For

example, a coward will suffer undue fear in the face of danger, whereas a rash person will not

suffer sufficient fear. It is appraised by experts that continual progression of new technology

and science made human life simpler. Works can be done easier through high-tech machines

and equipment. It gives less work for humans and job can be done faster. It makes human to

feel comfortable and easy to live.

Yes, technology has always brought us to a wonderful life, but it also has the potential to bring

us to a bad life. Individuals have a proclivity to pursue and bring pleasure to oneself through the

invention and advancements in technology. Technologies enable our work and allows us to

achieve more.
Republic of the Philippines
Pangasinan State University
Urdaneta City, Pangasinan

1ST SEMESTER S.Y. 2022-2023

Submitted by:
Christian D. Corpuz
Bachelor of Science in
Information Technology 1-A
Christian D. Corpuz BSIT-1A


1. Without a human rights approach to science, technology, and development, the uneven

distribution of goods from services and natural resources to intangible resources such as

human dignity and autonomy would only grow exacerbated, resulting in further

environmental degradation and, above all, heightened. And to science can ensure inclusive

access to the benefits of scientific advancements, foster the place of women in sciences,

and guide the establishment of sound policies in ethical issues in science, innovation and


2. There is, Human rights are rights inherent to all human beings, regardless of race, sex,

nationality, ethnicity, language, religion, or any other status. Human rights include the

right to life and liberty, freedom from slavery and torture, freedom of opinion and

expression, the right to work and education, and many more.

3. A human rights based approach empowers people to know and claim their rights. It

increases the ability of organizations, public bodies and businesses to fulfil their human

rights obligations. It also creates solid accountability so people can seek remedies when

their rights are violated.

Submitted to:
4. (1) A human rights-based approach to science can ensure inclusive access to the benefits of
scientific advancements, foster the place of women Jame
sciences. (2) Can guideL.
Teacher Education Department College of
establishment of sound policies in ethical issues in science, innovation and technology.
Arts and Education
5. Yes, we all know that during the pandemic our front liners do their job for us to protect

from COVID-19 Pandemic, we call that human rights. In addition, there is a lot of

technology was implemented during the Pandemic.


1.a. What is the document all about?

the importance of a human rights-based approach to science and technology.

1.b. What section or article of the document focuses on science, technology, and human rights?

UNESCO Declaration on the Use of Scientific Knowledge -1999. This document touches on
several important issues that touches both humanity and science and technology.

1.c. How does the document ensure that human rights are being protected in the context of
science and technology?

Universal Declaration of Human Rights (article 27): affirms everyone's right to participate in
and benefit from scientific advances, and be protected from scientific misuses. This Declaration
encompasses issues such as pollution-free production, efficient resource use, biodiversity
protection and brain drains

2. what do you think are the challenges in implementing the contents of these documents? how
can we overcome these challenges?

Identifying some international statutes, declarations, and decrees to ensure human rights are
protected in the pursuit of science and technology development.


1. Three challenges focus on fundamental problems in robotics: developing robot swarms,

improving navigation and exploration, and developing artificial intelligence that can
“learn how to learn”, and use common sense to make moral and social decisions.

2. We all have a human right to enjoy the benefits of scientific progress (the Right to Science [RtS]).
The right has its origins in Article 27 of the United Nation’s (UN’s) 1948 Universal Declaration of
Human Rights, which was adopted in the wake of World War II (2). In 1966, the UN turned these
commitments into binding obligations under international law. The implication is that, just as
governments are expected to respect the rights to, say, freedom of speech and due process, so
they must also adopt measures to respect and ensure the RtS


A human rights perspective also affirms that access to scientific information is a human right.
This implies that the benefits of scientific advancement should be shared openly, free from
restrictions by social groups, corporate entities or states. Above all, a rights-based approach to
science seeks to create the conditions for equitable participation. There are certain issues on
humanity on robotics. Issues on safety, blame, rights, and value of humanity are just some of
the issues that can one can identify. He said that some are concerned regarding robots that can
show and perceive emotion, which might make us feel more machine-like. He questioned on
whether imposing the right of humans to robots might decrease our own specialness. He was
also worried on the use of robots in the military.

Human rights are central to discussions on how science, technology, and development can
promote human well-being. Human rights are also rights to sustainability, serving to protect the
poor and vulnerable from the excesses of market-driven science and technology. Without a
human rights approach to science, technology, and development, the uneven distribution of
goods from services and natural resources to intangible resources such as human dignity and
autonomy would only grow exacerbated, resulting in further environmental degradation and,
above all, heightened vulnerability. In other words, human rights-based approaches should not
be treated as merely decorative moral dimensions to policy or scientific and technological
innovation. They can form the very heart of sustainable futures.
Christian D. Corpuz BSIT-1A

1. Is there possibility for a future where humans will cease to exist and will be replaced by robots?

For me it is not because, Robots Don't Understand Customer Service, Robots Lack Creative

Problem Solving, robots' lack of imaginative capabilities means they're no good with anything

that requires creative thought, People Prefer to Talk with A Human. Which means there is no

chance for robots to exist for a long time without humans.

2. Can you even call the earth “world” after human extinction?

For me, you cannot call it as earth without humans. Humans is a part of earth which is represent

life included with other living things.

3. Do you think technology can eventually take control of humanity?

Yes, as of the present people cannot live without internet, applications, social media and others

that steels much of their time. So, as we noticed there’s a possibility of technology taking

control of us.

4. Is there a possibility for a future where humans will cease to exist because of medical

breakthoughs that resulted to drg-resistant virues?

No, because that’s not how it works. Bacteria and parasites can evolve to become drug-

resistant. The action of the drug is to kill the invasive organism in the body, and if you don’t kill

all of them, they can pass their resistance to their progeny.

5. Do you think that this occurrence might be prevented? If so, how?

Learn about negative effects of technology on the physical, mental, social. And find out how to

reduce these negative impacts of technology.


1. GNR technologies have many positive impacts, such as reducing energy consumption, helping

the environment, and creating new jobs. They also have negative impacts, such as posing safety

concerns and creating moral issues.

2. Joy concludes that we ought to relinquish these technologies before it's too late. Yes, GNR may

bring happiness and immortality, but should we risk the survival or the species for such goals,

Joy thinks not.

3. Technology affects the way individuals communicate, learn, and think. It helps society and

determines how people interact with each other on a daily basis. Technology simplifies our lives,

and in the high-tech world that we live in, it can be hard for people to imagine a world without


4. I believed joy is wrong, Joy is questioning the long-term moral implications of his life’s work, and

this is a valid pursuit for all who work to advance the science of technology.

5. Joy argues that developing technologies provide a much greater danger to humanity than any

technology before has ever presented.

6. Neo-Luddism is a leaderless movement of non-affiliated groups who resist modern technologies

and dictate a return of some or all technologies to a more primitive level.



The Internet Revolution and Digital Future Technology as time runs, development crawls. as we live in

this world, we encountered lot of developments. The positive impacts of the revolution of the digital

technology include the fact that it has enhanced interconnectedness among people. The

interconnectedness has reduced costs and time as far as sending and receiving the information is

concerned. The digital revolution made the lives of everyone in society a simple one. A majority of

people have smartphones and other mobile phones for browsing the things with ease. They even

provide methods to connect with others as soon as possible when users want to convey important

The other negative impact as far as the revolution of digital technology is concerned is that there is less

privacy because the information that is stored in the digital devices is susceptible to be accessed by

people who were not intended to view it. Digital technology is increasingly making machines smarter. In

some cases, the machines no longer need humans to operate them, freeing up workers from often

repetitive tasks for more interesting jobs. In other cases, smarter machines mean better standards of

safety or a better experience for the user. Social media and mobile devices may lead to psychological

and physical issues, such as eyestrain and difficulty focusing on important tasks. They may also

contribute to more serious health conditions, such as depression. The overuse of technology may have a

more significant impact on developing children and teenagers.

Because of technology, millennials were the first generation to grow up without learning how to
maintain eye contact, become adept at reading facial expressions, or deepen awareness of the textures
of emotions within themselves or others. There is a great influence of technology on youth today.
Modern Technology has saved our valuable time by automating so many manual tasks while on the
other hand technology made the younger generation lazy. Modern Technology has enabled efficient
communication but has affected social and interpersonal skills badly.

Christian D. Corpuz BSIT-1A


1. Do you think thought experiment is still useful in science in the present time?

I think yes, experiment is still useful nowadays because there are some things that we

need to find out by using an experiment. Thought experiment is still useful and will remain

like this for the rest of the time as it helps people in all the things in life not just science.

2. Do you think the Church should intervene in scientific activities and government


I think the church should not intervene in scientific activities. Like oil and water, Religion

and Science do not merge as one. And Science is based on evidence while religion is

based on faith so they are different perspectives. And also church shout not intervene in

global policies because the relationship between them should be clearly engrossed in

the government’s articles of constitution.

3. How Darwin's evolutionary theory influence the following fields in modern times?

Economy, Agriculture, Medicine, Religion, and Research.

Nevertheless, because the theory of evolution serves as the foundation for

contemporary biology, it has an impact on everything related to biology.

Agriculture: A lot in agriculture has been touched by evolution, and since ancient times.

The reason that we have wheat and not grass, or why the dessert banana you eat is not

green, small, bitter and full of seeds, or why you have broccoli and cauliflower instead of

wild mustard, is due to selection. With the understanding of the mechanisms involved in

evolution, mapping of genes and gene editing, agricultural scientists can now create

entirely new crops, like golden rice (rice plus a gene for beta carotene) or wheat crops

that can survive saltier soil.

Economy: The effects of the understanding of evolution has not only resulted in

agricultural giants in economy, but also medical giants. Both of these are major

influences in local and global economy. Trade deals are done around protection of

medical intellectual properties and agricultural produce.

Religion: With the exception of a few extreme groups, primarily among the US

Evangelical and Middle Eastern Muslim populations, religion has largely been shrugged

off. Those extremists have their knickers seriously in a knot.

Political science: Influence has minimal direct effect. The impact is significant indirectly

(see Economy and Religion). These trade agreements affect the global economy and, by

extension, the global political system.

4. How did society shape science and how did science shape society?

Science influences society through its knowledge and world view. Scientific knowledge and

the procedures used by scientists influence the way many individuals in society think about

themselves, others, and the environment. The effect of science on society is neither entirely

beneficial nor entirely detrimental.

5. How can science influence government policies?

Science can analyze and implement fruitful policies in politics by working in non-profit

think tanks, non-governmental organizations, trade organizations and etc. Scientists can

suggest proactive measures in order to increase the impact of their work policy. It plays

a vital role in influencing the policies

6. How does Science High Schools and Science, Technology and Engineering (STE)

Program shape science and technology in the Philippines?

Through observation, experimentation, and/or the pursuit of knowledge, science

creates the systematic knowledge that shapes each person's natural potential.

Formally, each student is referred to as a studious who is educating themselves to learn

and explore many fields of knowledge. Students are shaped by science to widen or
improve their knowledge of or awareness of national development. It makes many

breakthroughs in the technology improvement procedure that depend on the

requirements of the nation. Technology also encourages positive benefits for other

people. As a result, science and technology today, in the midst of the pandemic, greatly

aid our nation through observation, analysis, investigation, and research into the drug,

or so-called vaccine.




We, BSIT-1A signed our printed name for the STS Receipt.


We did an exercise in which we had to make the sound of an animal that

was meant in the activity we chose.


We did an exercise in which we all shared our ideas on a certain topic.


We signed an acknowledgement receipt for final requirement.

Republic of the Philippines
Pangasinan State University
Urdaneta City, Pangasinan



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