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Republic of the Philippines



Adapted from: Shea et al. (2019)
Directions: Please indicate your degree of agreement or disagreement on the
statements provided below by encircling the number which corresponds to your

“Teacher Presence, Student Engagement and Student Satisfaction Questionnaire”

Rating: 5- Strongly Agree 4-Agree 3- Neutral 2-Disagree 1-Strongly


1-Strongly Disagree
Questions 2-Disagree
3- Neutral
5- Strongly Agree
Instructional Design and Organization 1 2 3 4 5

1. The instructor clearly communicated important

course topics.
2. The instructor for this course clearly communicated
important course goals.

3. The instructor provided clear instructions on how to

participate in course learning activities.

4. The instructor clearly communicated important due

dates and time frames for learning activities.

5. The instructor for this course helped me take

advantage of the online environment in a way that
assisted my learning.
6. The instructor for this course helped students
understand and practice the kinds of behaviors
acceptable in online learning environment.
Facilitating Discourse 1 2 3 4 5
7. The instructor for this course was helpful in
identifying areas of agreement and disagreement
on course topics that helped me to learn.
8. The instructor was helpful in guiding the class
towards understanding course topics in a way that
helped me clarify my thinking.
9. The instructor helped to keep course participants
engaged and participating in productive dialog.

10. The instructor helped keep course participants on

task in a way that helped me to learn.

11. The instructor encouraged course participants to

explore new concepts in this course.

12. Instructor actions reinforced the development of a

sense of community among course participants.

Direct Instruction 1 2 3 4 5
13. The instructor provided useful illustrations that
helped make the course content more
understandable to me.
14. The instructor presented helpful examples that
allowed me to better understand the content of the
15. The instructor provided explanations or
demonstrations to help me better understand the
content of the course.
16. The instructor provided feedback to the class during
the discussions or other activities that helped us
17. The instructor asked for feedback on how this
course could be improved.

“Student Engagement Questionnaire” developed by

1-Strongly Disagree
Questions 2-Disagree
3- Neutral
5- Strongly Agree
Behavioral Engagement 1 2 3 4 5

1. I listen carefully to everything that is said in

2. I ask questions about what I do not know.

3. I interact with my peers during class.

4. I strive to understand lessons during class.

5. I am alert during class.

6. I always participate in discussions with my


7. I am always eager to attend class.

8. I always complete my assignments.

9. I prefer to complete activities and

assignments during class with my instructor
and peers.
10. Enough time is provided during class for
practice activities and discussions.
Cognitive Engagement 1 2 3 4 5

11. I always ask the instructor about difficult


12. I attempt to apply things that I learned

during class.

13. I relate to my peers and discuss with them

what I learned at home.

14. I strive to acquire new knowledge about the


15. Being familiar with the content prior to

attending class motivates me and
increases my engagement.
16. Preparing for lessons enables me to
communicate better with my peers and the
17. Familiarizing myself with content prior to
attending a lecture enables me to share
what learned with others during class.
Emotional Engagement 1 2 3 4 5

18. I enjoy the class.

19. The teaching method practiced by the

instructor is enjoyable.
20. I enjoy the practice activities conducted
during class.
21. I enjoy studying content at home.

22. I like it when the instructor asks me

23. I am optimistic when I go to class with an
understanding of the content.
24. Participating in class discussions boosts
my confidence
25. Solving and sharing problems during class
in enjoyable.

Student Satisfaction Questionnaire” developed by

1-Strongly Disagree
Questions 2-Disagree
3- Neutral
5- Strongly Agree
Interaction 1 2 3 4 5

1. A blended learning session keeps me

always alert and focused.
2. Interaction is adequately maintained with
the lecturer when he/she is on the other
side of the blended learning classroom.
3. Having students from the opposite gender
on the other side of the blended learning
classroom listening to what I say might
restrict my participation.
4. A blended learning course makes it more
important for students to visit the lecturer
during office-hours
5. I cannot interrupt the lecturer to ask a
question when he/she is on the other side
of the blended learning classroom
6. I am satisfied with the quality interaction
between all involved parties.
7. I am dissatisfied with the process of
collaboration activities during the course.
8. I am satisfied with the way I interact with
others student.
9. I am satisfied with my participation in the
Instruction 1 2 3 4 5

10. The use of blended learning technology in

this course encourages me to learn
11. My understanding is improved compared to
similar courses I studied before.
12. My performance in exam is improved
compared to similar courses I studied
13. My performance in exam is improved
compared to similar courses I studied
14. I am dissatisfied with my performance in
this course.
15. I believe I will be satisfied with my final
grade in the course.
16. I am satisfied with how I am able to apply
what I have learned in this course.
17. If I had known this was going to be a
blended learning class, I would not have
taken it.
18. I am willing to take another course using
the blended learning delivery mode.
19. I am satisfied enough with this course to
recommend it to others.
20. Compared to face-to-face course settings, I
am less satisfied with this learning
21. I enjoy working on assignments by myself.

Instructor 1 2 3 4 5

22. The instructor makes me feel that I am a

true member of the class.
23. I am dissatisfied with the accessibility and
availability of the instructor.
24. The instructor uses blended learning
technology appropriately
25. Class assignments were clearly
communicated to me.
26. Feedback on evaluation of tests and other
assignments was given in a timely manner.
Course Management 1 2 3 4 5

27. Discipline is highly observed when the

lecturer is on the other side of the blended
learning classroom.
28. The lecturer, supervisor always takes
29. I attend videoconferencing classes the
same way I attend face-to-face classes.
Technology 1 2 3 4 5

30. The instructor’s voice is audible

31. Course content shown or displayed on the

smart board is clear.
32. The microphone is in good working
33. The video image is clear and
comprehensive when the lecturer is on the
other side of the blended learning
34. Technical problems are not frequent and
they do not adversely affect my
understanding of the course.
35. The technology used for blended teaching
is reliable.

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