Church of Christ: Lebanon Road

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2307 Lebanon Road Nashville, TN 37214 Non-Profit Org US Postal Paid Nashville, TN Permit 2464

Lebanon Road

Church of Christ
2307 Lebanon Road; Nashville, TN, 37214 * (615) 883-6918

Current Resident or

Volume 59, No.37

September 11, 2011 Elders

Joe Adams 773-2331 Johny Baker 758-7654 Ralph Brewer 871-4849 Wayne Davidson 758-2705 Earl Flynn 889-1659 Steve Ledbetter 889-8614 Jim Schroeder 754-8990 Cliff Wilson 889-6477

More Than Just Another Date

Certain dates stand out on our calendar for different reasons. Maybe a date in the spring jumps out at you because it is the anniversary of when you proposed. Maybe a bittersweet winter date is the anniversary of when a dear, faithful loved one passed from suffering on this earth to the glorious bliss of Paradise. Nationally, we mark certain dates intentionally as holidays, but other dates become ones we remember. For decades, December 7 has jumped off the calendar for those who listened and read with horror about the attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. November 22 stands out for many baby boomers as the date President John F. Kennedy was assassinated. For nearly all Americans, September 11 stands as one of those dates that has become one of memory. Like December 7 and November 22, it didnt start out to be any special date, but it has come to mean something very important to us. It was a clear wake up call, and it has changed our nation in a very real way in the intervening, and eventful, decade. While today is the Lords Day, we, as Americans, will take note of that now-

Adam Faughn

infamous date (9/11), and remember where we were, what we were doing, and what we saw. It is only natural, and it is fitting to do so. Memory is a God-given gift, and it helps us to stay grounded in what is truly important. Today, reflect on those events from 10 years ago, but do not lose sight of even greater events that occurred 2 millennia ago just outside the gates of Jerusalem. Because of those events, we can have glorious memories of a life changed, from one of hopelessness to one of fulfilled hope in Christ. This morning, brother Kamar Blackford will be preaching, and will further be teaching a combined adult class. Brother Blackford is from Jamaica, and has been supported through the years by Lebanon Road. Make sure you are here to listen to him, as he presents a lesson to us from Gods Word. We are 2 weeks away from our Gospel Meeting. Postcards are available for you to use to invite others, and a Facebook event page has also been set up to help you spread the word. Lets invite all we can to our meeting, and lets pray for its success!

Worship With Us Sunday: Worship 9 AM & 6 PM * Bible Classes 10:20 AM Wednesday: Bible Classes 7 PM

Gospel Meeting

East Tennessee Evangelist Eddy Craft will conduct a 4-day Gospel Meeting September 25-28. Craft is the host of a weekly television program, Biblical Viewpoints, that airs in Tennessee, Kentucky, Virginia, West Virginia, and Mississippi. He also hosts a weekly radio program, Arise To Truth, that is aired over several radio stations. Everyone Is Welcome!

Seeking Jesus
Sunday 9AM: Three Days Without Jesus Bible Study: Wise Men Still Seek Jesus Sunday 6PM: Jesus: The Light Of The World Monday 7PM: Jesus' Baptism Tuesday 7PM: Jesus' Death Wednesday 7PM: Jesus' Resurrection

Pulpit Minister
Adam Faughn 973-4483

Outreach Minister
Harry Middleton 292-3164

Sunday Sermon Preview

AM: Kamar Blackford PM: Where Will You Be? (Adam Faughn)

Youth Minister
JD Buckner (731) 336-4768

Sick List
Nettie Rose Flippen is recovering from back surgery and staying with her daughter, Debbie Sawyers. Nita Johnston is recovering at home. No Visitors Please. Jim Oakley began his chemo treatments on Thursday. Tina Rich had surgery in Memphis and is staying with her son while she recuperates. Hilda Thomas is recovering from knee surgery at McKendree. No Visitors Please. Cliff Wilson has returned home. No visits please.

Worship Leaders
Sunday Morning (Contact: Carlos 889-3185) Opening Prayer: Sammie Hunter Read Scripture: Sonny Gossett Closing Prayer: Gavin Hammers Sermon: Kamar Blackford Song Leader: Lynn Wright Serving Lords Supper: (Contact: David 754-7085) Joel Ledbetter 1 Greg Holland 2 Tim Ledbetter 3 Joe Adams 4 David Cook 5 Lon Keele 6 Tim Mullican 7 Adam Wilson 8 Sunday Evening (Contact: Cary 883-5909) Opening Prayer Tim Roberts Closing Prayer: Tommy Moore Read Scripture: Billy Hutchens Sermon: Adam Faughn Song Leader: Lynn Wright Serving Lords Supper (Room) Ronnie Oakley 1 Michael Rader 2 Wednesday, September 14th (Contact: Tim 883-4343) Read Scripture: Alex Witt Opening Prayer: Wayne Gordon Speaker: JD Buckner Song Leader: Lynn Wright Announcements: Harry Middleton - Wayne Davidson Nursery Attendant: Nancy Markwood

by Harry Middleton
A Jewish gentleman took a trip to a strange land. He took a donkey, a rooster, and a lamp. Since he was a Jew, he was refused hospitality in the village inns, so he decided to sleep in the woods. He lit his lamp to study the holy books before going to sleep, but a fierce wind came up, knocked over the lamp and breaking it. The gentleman decided to turn in, saying, All that God does, he does well. During the night some wild animals came along and drove away the rooster and thieves stole the donkey. When the gentleman woke up, saw the loss, but still proclaimed easily, All that God does, he does well. The Jewish gentleman then went back to the village where he was refused lodging, only to learn that enemy soldiers had invaded it during the night and killed all the inhabitants. He also learned that these soldiers had traveled through the same part of the woods where he lay asleep. Had his lamp not been broken he would have been discovered. Had not the rooster been chased, it would have crowed, giving him away. Had not the donkey been stolen, it would have brayed. So once more the gentleman declared, All that God does, he does well! (Anonymous)

JDs Jargon
"Seek you first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you." Matthew 6.33 What's in your box? Mike Kami was a business strategist in the 70s and 80s. He played a pivotal role in the success of such companies as IBM and Xerox. Kami was also integral in the failure of Coca-Cola's "New Coke" and the companies quick journey back to success when Coke re-released their original product. Mike Kami brought these businesses unprecedented success by asking their executives one question: What's in the box? Kami would set a box on the table and tell the businessmen to determine what their one desire or goal was for their company and place it in the box. Once the leaders decided what their most prized possession was, Mike Kami would lay out a plan to help them succeed. What's in your box? As you look at your life, what is the one thing you want to accomplish above all other things? What plans have you made in attaining your goal? Thank you very much! --JD :)

Thank You

Thanks for all the visits to Donelson Care, prayers and loving kindness given to my Aunt Rachel by all of our brothers and sisters in Christ at Lebanon Road. A special thanks for Brother Middletons service. Well Done. David & Faye Loyd - Winfield Loyd

Ladies Retreat
The Ladies Retreat is October 21-23 If you would like to be a part of the planning process Please attend the planning meeting Today at 4:30.

Young Adult Ladies Game Night

All the Young Adult Ladies are invited to Game Night Saturday, September 17th 6:30PM In the fellowship hall.

Mark Your Calendar...

Today: Ladies retreat planning meeting 4:30 Tonight: Visitation team #2 and letter writers will meet September 13: Class on Public Prayer 7PM September 20: Class on Public Prayer 7PM September 24: Elders, Deacons & Preacher Workshop September 25-28: Gospel Meeting with Eddie Craft

The Record
Wednesday Night 08/31: Sunday Morning Worship Sunday Evening Worship: Sunday Bible Study: Contribution:
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Mens Breakfast
All men are invited to breakfast Saturday, October 1st At 7:45AM In the fellowship hall.

207 342 250 267 $11,063.00

October 1: Mens Breakfast October 1: Senior Adult Rally at West 7th Church in Columbia October 21-23: Ladies Retreat

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