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First Shot: 1/1d4 SAN

Arrival The Daniel W. Abril Sandra S. Abril Grace W. Wright only that the word ?Dagon? is
The Desert Forensics footprint
the words DAGON and HYDRA are drawn in
colored letters consuming nearly a whole STAKEOUT/ Possession Taunt: 'nother
government man prodding after me Leads in... Welcome to HUMINT/ against Violence Encounters
(Father, 45 YOA) (Mother, 46 YOA) (G-ma 66 YOA)
the name of an ancient deity match/tracks cycle
wall. The word Y'HA-NTHLEI is also drawn 'gin? Tell me, flattie, where's your cage Alertness Being Watched The Ritual
July 11 "HOME DAGON Murders
worshipped by the Phoenicians
and Philistines, and mentioned Ruins Mustang to Yuma
in a mural of an odd, vast, underwater city of
coral and rock, with ghostly blue lights. The
ASSAILANTS gone, eh? Oy can't seem to find it no
more, even with all these oyes"
bike tracks Mustang Effigy Sacrifices: 1/1d8 and Events
HOME HOME in the Old Testament. One of
high creatine piss lettering is convoluted, strange, and difficult SAN against Violence
Cierra Abril
stabbed at least 60 times
each/The lips, eyelids and ears
Beth Ryan
(g-daughter, 5 mo.)
the oldest known gods, Dagon
is often portrayed as a man Naval Medicine from metabolic
to read, but it appears to match the word
carved in the wall of the Abril?s house
EVE ?EVEY? ALEXANDER RODRIGO CALLIS (After ritual prep) kid testimony Mustang is a forgettable bump in a road that almost no one outside of town uses. The only road into Mustang is
Self Sacrifices: 1/1d6 SAN (p. 192)
with the lower body of a fish. It Annex BRIGHT-WOURNOS: LONISKY about Marsh hiding in Izaldo against Violence
Abril Residence Mom 17 YOA) of the victims had been
was a god linked to the sea Akron Road, a three-lane flattop that can handle trucking from Yuma. Once it enters Mustang, Akron Road
removed. Strange, striated (1.4 km Southeast of Theater
Ivan Serrano (711 Palama Avenue, and agriculture becomes Sixth Avenue. On this strip are a diner, a general goods store, a stationery store, a small grocery store,
marks were carved into their 11/ Blonde/ Overalls, 13/biggest/blank
(DG Friendly Pvt. Homer Ryan Abril Home) Forensics Occult/ (if hostage) proof of life call from and two closed store fronts (one of which was a movie theater). On the other streets are small, one- or two-story
Desert Sunrise Estates, limbs post-mortem t-shirt and deck shoes/ look/shorts and 14/ small/ bulging eyes/
(Fiance 21 YOA) theater
66 YOA) Yuma, AZ) ALLLLLLLLLL Unnatural teddy bear/print match sleeveless shirt/ cat in a leads ritual/ print match houses on wide-spread lots, some boxed in with cyclone fencing, or mobile homes crammed together. The Marine Roadblocks
and on nanny cam backpack/print match Corps Publications building is a three-story, squat, 1,600-square-meter (17,000-square-foot) facility to the Car Trouble:
Search A coyote, three dogs, and more than 10 cats
"come and get me" call from
southwest of the town, at First Avenue and First Street. Abraham Lincoln Elementary school is a small, U-shaped Marsh puppets
Izaldo Theater
this large, cement building is in ruins, with
cement collapsed down into several sub
have been ritualistically slain here all with
something like a machete. The newest dead
Cat sacrifice: 0/1D4 SAN from violence.
Fight: 1/1d10 SAN to kill
brick building to the northwest, on Seventh Street. sabotage the cars
He has a reputation as someone floors, exposed rebar, and toppled cinder Craft/ DAMAGE AND ARMOR: Each targeted Agent who fails a
who understands the occult. Right animal has been here for perhaps weeks.
blocks, all covered in decades of graffiti. All Victims Fleeing Luck roll takes 1D6 damage as one or more bullets slam into
after the Yuma killings, a friend of the windows have long since/ Many bike
THEY LOOK HARMLESS: The children seem bewildered them, or 2D6 if the Luck roll fumbles. If the Agent?s Luck roll is
a friend took him out for a beer Footprints in the 40% those who committed the crime tracks can be found coming and going in the
and showed him the Abril case Children's Bike
paid little attention to being
and confused if confronted before the cat is killed. If that Gunshots: a critical success, the townfolk are distracted and the next
NE corner of Trail Criminology dust around the facility. Most either head off Despite its strangeness, it seems few intruders visit the annex?s sub-basement. There
file, hoping Serrano might have fence, by the subtle or controlled about it. into the desert to the northwest (towards are not many signs of human activity. The sub-basement is one huge room containing causes a moment?s hesitation in the Agents, that gives the Distractions in the Agent?s Luck roll automatically succeeds.
some special insight watered Bird of The crime scene speaks of Yuma) or southeast (toward Mustang). 344 glass containers with wrought iron seams. Each is the size of a king bed. The 10 kids a turn to act before the Agents can act. If an Agent is
Paradise plant rage and random, uncontrolled cm (4-inch) glass on each side of the seams of these containers is smashed or cracked holding a gun, or a gun is visible, Rodrigo lunges for it while
violence. in almost all of them. Chunks of the glass are all over the floor. The purpose of the
Bodies in street: The townfolk often aim for the Agents?legs. That has two
the other two flee. Once Rodrigo has a gun, he uses it on the effects. First, an Agent?s body armor applies only if the damage
40% tanks is baffling. Each tank has an internal drain, and once held piping which appeared 1/1d4 SAN
15% Naval Forensics Researching to feed in from the ceiling. One tank? still labeled with the number 197? is painted in Agents.
Fire: Marsh puppets roll is an even number. Second, a hit that inflicts more than
Child's Nike complex patterns like a shrine, in blue, red, yellow and green. half an Agent?s current hit points disables a leg, reducing
size 6 1/2 Girls
Medicine Annex
One: There were multiple killers. Two: the Annex WORK IN UNISON +20% bonus to their first attack
burning themselves
alive 1/1d6 SAN
the Agent to a crawl until the Agent gets help.
At least one killer was under 35 kg and
stood less than 1.5 meters tall. Three: (p. 184) Detection by Strange Animals unnatural Townfolk who get within reach attempt to restrain and capture
The weapons were all present in the
house and were taken from the kitchen. Bought 1929 as Yuma
30 DEC 1929 Yuma Sun
reports seeing truckloads March READING: Marsh can focus on anyone within its area of
effect to ?read? the entire contents of their mind. The spirit
COMBAT Agents. In that case, an Agent who fails the Luck roll is pinned
instead of taking damage, and cover offers no protection. An
40% Four: The murderers gained access Yuccaa Lot II, always an of prisoners escorted to
HUMINT through the back patio door, which is outbuilding for Fly Field the location/ Peter targets the character with an opposed test between the Spike Strips Agent who is pinned a second time before breaking free is tied
thought to have been often left open. Delgado (104 YOA) is character?s POW×5 and Marsh?s Omniscience 75%. Alertness
Airbase Peter Delgado up and dragged to await for sacrifice
Five: After the fingerprints were quoted as having seen
processed, three sets of unknown the trucks (104 YOA, Yuma)
If Marsh wins, the spirit reads the contents of the character?s Alertness
prints were recovered. These prints
Company Town p18 PDF/ 185 Print. Skirmish
failed to score any hits on national Annex operated 1930-47 mind like a book, and knows everything he or she knows. -20%
databases. Six: Victims were disabled
Records: Peter Delgado
Records imply the Fortunately, it cannot control the character. This manifests in Line/Posses:
Y?ha-nthlei and to a lesser degree
Dagon are linked to the Deep
Patterns can be deduced by the
placement of objects and the
and then killed in front of other victims,
but identifying who, when and where is
and Ophelia Winters only
surviving employees from employment of 35 doctors
and 120 support staff on
Ophelia WInters the target as momentary loss of consciousness. Stealth vs Stats and
Ones, an intelligent species that tax records. All (103 YOA Vermont) Alertness 40%
EXTERIOR haunts the oceans of the Earth.
layout of rooms. Searching
computers and web browser
impossible due to the sheer amount of
violence and blood
employees list the town of
Mustang as residence
site. Purpose was TB
research. Ophelia Winters p18 PDF/ 186 Print. The character must make a LUCK roll or suffer 1D4 damage Skills (p 198)
40% Search history turns up nothing listed in the Vermont in a fall. HOSTAGES: After Marsh ?reads? one of the Agents, it
(+20 per Time unusual. phonebook and roles.
dispatches puppets across the U.S. to seize one of the Snipers:
or checks) Manhunt: On 25 APR 1938, a
They killed Homer Ryan last, Agent?s Bonds as insurance. This takes 1D4+2 days. If Fumble Luck, then
photograph of an escaped
downstairs, and the rest upstairs
?patient? was circulated in
Marsh ?reads? multiple Agents, multiple hostages may be Stealth vs
April 3rd: May 19th. A clip of the May 21st. A clip of Cierra taken. As far as everyone else is concerned, a hostage
Cierra Abril fiddling
April 22nd: A clip of Grace Wright
door opening and then Abril changing the baby
Yuma and the surrounding
Asking DG Researching Devil's Alertness 40%
singing to the infant Beth on the areas. The photo and the simply vanishes.
four people stood with their backs
with the camera on changing table below the shelf. closing a moment later. on the changing table
patient?s name, ?Albert
Reef and Innsmoth
the shelf. No one can be identified. below the shelf.
against the north wall. All four of Marsh,? are mentioned in that p. 18 PDF/ 187 Print The night of June 20th, before the dawn of the summer
those individuals were between day?s edition of the Yuma Sun p. 19 PDF/ 185 Print
1.1 (3.6 ft) and 1.4 meters (4.5 ft) June 2nd. A clip of an unknown, caucasian girl, eight to 10 years old, naked, covered in blood (which appears black newspaper? on microfiche in
solstice, a hostage calls an Agent, terrified and weeping. Child Suicide
tall. in the camera). She is holding something heavy in her right hand, shadowed and out of sight. Her face is obscured by the public library? and in A harsh voice on the line with a New England accent tells Bombers:
bloodied, crazed hair. She turns and leaves the room, revealing that the item in her hand is the butchered body of the ancient records in the archives the Agents to come to the movie theater in Mustang if
Nanny Cam infant Beth Ryan. This is horrifying to anyone watching it, even to experienced police officers, costing 1/1D4 SAN of the Yuma sheriff?s office.
Lethality 10%
and #197 from violence. they ever want to see their loved ones alive. The Agent
in question loses 1/1D6 SAN to helplessness.
1/1d6 Violence

» SEAN M. ROSEN: Roofer, age 33.

Rosen was present on the days
leading up to the murder, working on Locating these
773 Palma Avenue, roofing. He individuals requires Yuma County ME
reported family members coming and access to the police or (141 S. 3rd Ave
going from the house on June 2, but their casework Yuma, AZ) 40% Homer Ryan and Cierra Abril, had multiple
left before Homer Ryan returned home HUMINT defensive wounds, as well as wounds to
and the murders apparently took place.
their sides and backs, indicating they
He also saw kids riding bikes out in the
attempted to block the attacker, turn, and
desert to the north. If asked to describe Dr. Albert P. Norris
40% run away. It also likely means they ran into
the kids, he says: ?I dunno, a couple of (Medical Examiner
Forensics the attacker and had an exchange before
boys and girls on dirt bikes. Little. Like 62 YOA)
the attack took place.
twelve or something.?

40% 40%
JULI N. MAXWELL: Masseuse, age 21. Maxwell Criminology
responded when the police put out a call for possible
witnesses. She said that on June 2, she became
turned around while leaving a client and drove down
Palma Avenue at about 5:50 P.M. Near the
earliest wounds (indicated by clotting
construction site of 773 Palma Avenue, she saw four removal of eyelids and
factors) occurred on the victims?thighs,
children on bikes on the desert side of Palma the carving of
lower body, hands, and forearms. Later,
Avenue, adjacent to the Abril house. Her description ritualistic ?scales? and
vast trauma was inflicted on the chest,
matches Rosen?s description. ?gills? are elements of
neck, and face with knives, many of which
sacrificial rites of a
were bent in the frenzy. Spatters on scene
stone age culture on
indicate that the victims collapsed to the
LON STROEBEL: Construction foreman, Ponape, a South
floor before this final trauma was inflicted
age 45. Stroebel arrived at the work site at Pacific island. The
773 Palma Avenue at 6:45 A.M. on June 2. rites are associated
He found a BMX-style bike tipped over on with an unnamed
the work site, sized for a child. He fish-man or merman
searched the site but didn?t find anyone god. the person(s) handling the murder
there, so he put the bike on the edge of the weapons had little experience with such
street. He saw Homer Ryan leave for work implements. They bent or broke multiple
in the morning. Later, when he returned weapons during the crime. One of the
from lunch, the bike was gone victims, Daniel Abril, had three quarters of
a knife blade bent in between two ribs and
broken off in his body. The removal of
GILBERTO D. CAMERON: Mail carrier, age eyelids and patterns ?drawn? on the
51. Cameron saw Cierra Abril twice in the victims shows an unusual amount of care
week of June 2. She was waiting for junior when compared to the murder itself.
college applications in the mail. Cameron also
reported someone setting off fireworks in the
desert to the northwest: he saw bottle rockets
launching and heard M-80s being set off. He
didn?t see anyone.

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