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- Aliens won't gun for Protectorate for unlocking victory condition
- Energy Crisis: blue options cheaper, GDP losses slightly worse
- Speaking Out public opinion loss harsher (Shout out to streamer Lorem the Dragon)

- Updated Operations Controls Canvas to have animated arrows for the confirm
operation button

- prevent CTD in SimulateCombat 2761 (Many reported crashes for 0.3.23 are due to
this issue)
- fix crash when a fleet arrives at a destroyed hab
- fix crash when destroyed fleet checks its refit goal
- you can no longer release your capital region to a new nation via relase nation,
fixes crash when you try that
- Missile Tests and ASAT Tests no longer trigger for nations maxed out on Miltech
(Shout out to streamer Lorem the Dragon)
- Bugfix #2682: Prevents crash when a combined fleet loses all ships in combat
owned by the controlling faction (only leaving ships from the supporting faction).
- thrust panel now correctly shows header text
- fixed missing ship part images in post combat UI panel
- Fixed reversed research panel pip manipulation
- Bugfix #2676: Orbit phasing trajectories to planet-moon Lagrange points now
- Fixed bug in phasing math that would cause a teleport when the ordit being phased
over has eccentricity > 1. (I was using mean anomaly instead of true anomaly to
calculate the position of the fleet during the transfer).
- Bugfix #2696: No more negative DV transfers.
- Fix for missing ship parts UI in space combat UI after having multiple combats in
a session
- Fix for Veteran & Brutal win achievements not unlocking
- Fixed visual issue with incorrect weapon placement on Human Battlestations
- Fixed issue in space combat where ships with damaged bridges could lock out
player input to fleet
- Added text clarifying effects of Energy Crisis
- Effects text re: councilor stats will use proper attribute strings now (surprised
this didn't come up in localization before)
- Bugfix #2755: Appearantly stale AdHocOrbits could be "half" deleted -- contain no
information but not yet marked to archive or removed from the GameStateManager.
TryToRemoveAdHocOrbit now deletes them *without* crashing.
- Bugfix #2766: Ensure that all fleets can return some sort of orbital elements so
avoid crashing. This is used when initializing the visualizer, although fleets in
transit won't use the values directly.
- Bugfix #2697: Fleet intercepts don't inherit the target's trajectory if the
target would launch after the intercept occurs.
- Fix for crash when using mods with multiple assetbundles
- Fix for 2751 - Fixed orgs being added to faction pool while still equipped by
another councilor,. Added save repair code to remove deleted orgs from councilors
on load.
- Fix for 2702 - Fixed NRE caused by attempting to play councilor audio on a killed
- Fix for 2777 - Fixed crash in tech tree when nearing completion; caused by list
sorting and then destroying all elements, moving to coroutine to prevent
- PD will fire at antimatter missiles now
- prevent crash when decommissioning module under construction
- fix crash in rare instance when AI wants to build two stations in an orbit on the
exact same day
- you can cancel a just-placed build by decommissioning the module for a refund.
Unfortunately, this may be exploitable when pasting over an existing module and
we'll have to limit its use.
- made double-plus-sure conquering a nation ends the war with that nation. should
fix a couple of strange cases that led to crashes
- Narrowed Shipboard Mutiny alert setting #2736
- Attempt fix reported alien ship defection (which already shouldn't be possible)
- Fix designated gun-type hab module turret ignoring naval guns in favor of lasers

- Mod support for Localization is now active, just add your own Loc files(.en, .fr,
etc)into your mod folder and they will be automatically loaded when the game
launches, replacing existing entries where applicable.

-Loc files should follow the same file naming conventions as vanilla files .en for
English, .fr for French etc
-New Loc entries are added as new entries, adding Loc entries which exist in the
vanilla files will overwrite the vanilla strings.
-Loc files in the enabled mods folder will be loaded on game launch
-Loc files will be loaded regardless on the "Use Mods" setting, they do not flag
the game as modded and modded Loc will not disable achievements.
-Multiple languages are supported and will be shown to the user depending on their
selected language. (ModdedSettingsLoc.en will be shown in English and will be shown in French)
-Loc mods using languages without vanilla translations will still need to mod the
TILocalizationTemplate.json ("active": true) and add an empty folder named with the
language code in the vanilla Localization folder to get the language to show up in
the in-game menu(Russian("rus"), Korean("kor") etc).

Technical Notes
-All Loc files within the Mods/Enabled folder and all subfolders will be loaded on
launch immediately following the load of vanilla Loc with the same rules as vanilla
-Loc entries will not be added unless a folder with the language abbreviation(en,
fr, rus, kor) is present in the vanilla Localization directory(need to add for
languages not in vanilla game).
-Modded Loc does not edit or merge any files, our patches or changes to vanilla Loc
will not interfere with modded Loc.

- TINationState will record "original capital" now for eventual returning capital
to home region when it returns to nation
- update localization to 10/10 drop

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