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Daily E press

man is
Monday, April 10, 2023 No: 20,019 40 Pages Page 3

...AN EASTER TRADITION: Children make
a dash to catch the wind and raise
their kites as they enjoyed a picnic day
together yesterday at the Queen’s Park
Savannah, Port of Spain. Kite-flying is a
popular tradition during Easter.

After murder of Chinese grocer, Supermarket

Association, business group appeal again to CoP:

GUNS Story by
on Page 3

LOTTO: 2, 18, 23, 27, 32 P: 3

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2 \ Daily Express \ Monday 10 April 2023 \
NEWS \ Daily Express \ Monday 10 April 2023 \ 3

‘We are
Alex Cooper, inset, is taken
away yesterday in Tobago.

Diptee and others call for guns
\\\\\ Alexander Bruzual

BUSINESS owners who qualify for li-

censed firearms should be given the
weapons to defend themselves.
This is the recommendation of
Supermarket Association of Trinidad
and Tobago (SATT) president Rajiv
Tobago records second murder
Diptee. \\\\\SCARBOROUGH identified as 22-year- walking along a drain
“First off, we would want to ex- old Alex Cooper, who near Keens Dumas
press our condolences, thoughts and A MORUGA man is had moved to Tobago Lane, Logwood Park,
prayers for the family of the Gold- Tobago’s second mur- sometime ago. Scarborough, when he
en City Supermarket. It’s one of the der for the year. The incident oc- was shot in the neck.
prominent groceries in the San Juan
area. The association has been high-
Police suspect he
was gunned down af-
curred shortly after 6
a.m. on Easter Sun-
The Scarborough
Homicide Bureau is
lighting the recent slew of these inci-
dents as it pertained to armed robber-
ies of supermarkets and the various
vulnerabilities that they face. We
have also been trying to work more
ter a dispute with a
group of men yester-
The victim was
Police said Coop-
er, of Samuel Cooper
Trace, Moruga, was
This incident took
the murder count for
the country to 156.
closely with the Trinidad and Tobago
Police Service to see how more resil-
ient crime-fighting measures can be
put in place because we have been
noticing this increase in robberies
date, dozens of law-abiding citizens
have been issued firearm user’s li-
...No ID as yet for dead suspect
and larcenies since the reopening of cences (FULs) and have used them to \\\\\SAN JUAN ants dressed in dark clothing. street and a message from the
the economy last year following the defend themselves, their loved ones These three men were hid- Command Centre indicating
Covid-19 pandemic,” he told the Ex- and their assets,” he said. POLICE have not yet identified ing behind an ice storage unit the suspects were seen enter-
press in a phone interview yesterday. the bandit who was killed in a on the western side of the ing the San Juan River. The
Diptee was referring to the mur- More police/army patrols confrontation with police on building. officers started searching for
der of Golden City owner Bing Zhu Friday night in San Juan follow- A struggle ensued between the men.
Zhang, 49, during an attempted rob- Secretary of the San Juan Business ing the murder of Chinese busi- Bing and the bandits and one of Police said they were con-
bery on Friday night. Association Abrahim Ali said he be- nessman Bing Zhu Zhang. the men shot the supermarket fronted by one of the suspects,
“What we will suggest is that lieved more joint police/army patrols Investigators said they were owner. leading to an exchange of gun-
law-abiding business owners who are are needed to combat crime. given intelligence that the sus- The suspects then grabbed fire.
suitably qualified within the remits of While he did not object to busi- pect was from the Laventille an envelope he was carrying The bandit was shot and
the law be granted their (firearm us- nessmen applying for and getting area. and jumped over the gate of the a Glock pistol loaded with 12
er’s licence). The most complaints we firearms, he suggested that firearm Up to last night, no one had compound. rounds of 9mm ammunition
get are from supermarket owners who owners needed to train with their come forward to positively This part of the incident was was seized at the scene.
have applied, and not getting approved. weapons continuously, something he identify the man. captured by CCTV cameras. The other two were later de-
Some are even saying their applications felt many firearm owners did not do. Around 10.20 p.m. on Friday, The police were notified and tained.
or even applications for variations are “It’s not just about having a firearm. Bing had returned to his Golden a team of officers, under the su- The injured bandit and Bing
not even being acknowledged in recent You need the appropriate training and City Supermarket on the East- pervision of ACP Wayne Mystar were both taken to the Eric Wil-
times. And given the current crime sit- it’s a continuous thing. And sadly, many ern Main Road after dropping and Senior Supt Ramphall, re- liams Medical Sciences Com-
uation in the country where criminals businessmen don’t do that. They will get off an employee nearby. sponded. plex in Mt Hope.
have easy access to illegal firearms, then their firearms and think that is the end Upon exiting his vehicle, he The officers received tips Both men died of their
it’s time that businessmen find ways to of it. And you can run into situations was confronted by three assail- from eye-witnesses on the wounds.
properly defend themselves. Because where, if for instance, you don’t treat
we are helpless. And most of us cannot with your weapon continuously, the
afford 24/7 armed security personnel,”
Diptee said.
He called on the police to increase
ammunition can go cold and the gun
can jam on you. And then it’s nothing
more than a paperweight to throw at the
Woman locks herself in during burglary
patrols in hotspot areas, and to work criminal elements. So persons who have WOMAN locks herself in bath- She listened as the sounds of and secured.
closely with the business community. and are applying for firearms need that room during home invasion. drawers being opened and items The victim reported to the
Diptee also asked business own- constant training,” Ali told the Express in An 18-year-old woman had to being moved around could be police that a quantity of gold
ers to conduct vulnerability assess- a phone interview yesterday. lock herself in the bathroom of heard downstairs and later up- and silver jewelry, as well as
ments on their own compounds so “Outside of that what we think is the her home as bandits broke into stairs. cash, was missing, but the to-
they would know exactly where safe- police should now have the joint police/ her apartment in Mausica. The noises continued for ap- tal value has yet to be deter-
ty issues were. army patrols revisited and be conducted The incident took place proximately ten minutes before mined.
Former police commissioner Gary continuously throughout the communi- around 8.45 p.m., on Saturday, suddenly stopping. The victim, police said, had
Griffith agreed yesterday with Diptee, ties. There needs to be a greater police along Seelall Avenue in Mausica. After waiting a few mo- been shaken by the ordeal, but
saying it was a citizen’s right to apply presence and visibility on the streets. The victim told police she was ments, the victim cautiously left was physically unharmed.
for firearms. So that criminals know that they will in the bathroom of her home, the bathroom and checked the Police are actively investigat-
“We have laws that allow citizens be caught when they decide to do their when she heard a noise coming house, discovering that it had ing the burglary and have as-
the right to apply to be armed, and deeds. There needs to be a public show from the back door area of the been ransacked. signed PC Babwah to the case.
so long as they meet all necessary re- of force that will limit deviant behaviour. house. The back door had been Anyone with information re-
quirements, then the police commis- And that’s the best option I think we can Sensing danger, the victim pried open, but all other doors garding the incident is asked to
sioner would give such approval. To use for now,” he said. locked herself in the room. and windows remained locked contact the police immediately.

Got news? Call us at: 62-PRESS (77377) or 623-5337 (TV6 News) or e-mail us at:
4 \ Daily Express \ Monday 10 April 2023 \ NEWS

Walker hits n KITES, ANYONE? n n n n n

Brown displays his handmade

back at pundit
mad bull kites for sale
yesterday at the Queen’s Park
Savannah, Port of Spain. Kite
flying is a pastime enjoyed by
many during the Easter holiday
\\\\\ Susan Mohammed “Are you suggesting that our period. —Photo: JERMAINE national leader choose persons to CRUICKSHANK
FORMER United National Con- serve who will bend to your views
gress (UNC) candidate for Diego only? Why must I be forced to ac-
Martin West and former tempo- cept your belief? Have I ever been
rary senator Marsha Walker has disrespectful to Hindus?”
responded to the spiritual leader of Walker then went on to ex-
the Satya Anand Ashram in Aran- plain why she made the post in the
juez, Pundit Satyanand first place, saying it was
Maharaj, who has called calling for kindness all
on UNC leader Kam- around.
la Persad-Bissessar to “Because I was ask-
address Walker’s com- ing Christians to be more
ments about Hinduism. kind in the way they dis-
Walker’s comments agreed. Now here you
have led to the resigna- are doing the same thing
tion of Leisha Dhoray as I was asking of Chris-
secretary of the UNC’s tians. Yes, we disagree
Publicity Standing Com- about our spiritual belief,
mittee and drawn the ire but I do not require you
of social media users. to pronounce John 14:6,
‘VERY UNFORTUNATE’: so why do you require
In a social media post Marsha Walker
in response to Pundit me to denounce it?”
Maharaj, Walker wrote,
“This is very unfortunate. The post can’t we
Walker asked, “Why
simply respect that we are 15-year-old among 7 held over weekend
to which you speak was made dur- different, but we unite based on A 15-YEAR-OLD was among sev- He is expected to appear before of 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. on Saturday.
ing Divali which was months ago. common denominators. Denomi- en people arrested in several ex- a Couva Magistrate tomorrow. During the search of an aban-
In fact, it was in reply to a Chris- nators such as freedom of speech, ercises that took place over the Officers then proceeded to an doned lot of land in an area known
tian who was upset with me for freedom to practise one’s religion weekend across seven policing area in Chaguanas known for the as ‘Gaza’ they allegedly found one
defending Hindus’ right to practise without fear of persecution.” divisions. sale of illicit drugs where, with the Steyr Mannlicher .40 calibre pistol
their faith without Christians being In a WhatsApp message to the
Express, Walker said she hoped the According to the Trinidad and assistance of the Canine Unit, they fitted with a magazine containing
nasty.” Tobago Police Service, a quantity allegedly found 288 grammes of five rounds of 40 calibre ammuni-
Walker also had some ques- media was also paying attention to of ammunition and drugs were marijuana in an abandoned build- tion hidden behind a galvanised
tions for Maharaj. the prime minister.
“I hope the media is pursuing also seized during these opera- ing. fence.
“Did you seek to find the link tions. Exercises in the North Eastern
to the entire post? If Christians are updates from the prime minister Officers of the Chaguanas Po- Marijuana seized in Division also led to the recovery
not permitted to partake in some- with regard to the multiple inves- lice Station are continuing enquir- Carapo, Toco of a white Nissan Tiida vehicle
thing, are you saying I should go tigations of which he is currently ies after a report of robbery with reported stolen in Chaguanas on
against my belief to ensure your the subject with as much vigour. violence at a bar located on the Northern Division officers also Saturday.
belief is respected? Why can’t you I think the citizens would agree Chaguanas Main Road. seized 776 grammes of marijuana The car was searched and a
practise in peace and allow me to that a sitting prime minister being According to police, around during the execution of a search rectangular object wrapped in
do the same? investigated by multiple agencies
1.30 a.m. yesterday, a 15-year-old warrant at a home in Carapo, red tape containing 533 grammes
“If you come to my home and would be more newsworthy than allegedly attempted to grab cash yesterday. The search also result- of marijuana was allegedly found
refuse to partake in the beef I my religious beliefs, especially in from a patron, while announcing ed in the seizure of ten rounds of under the left front passenger seat.
cooked for you, who would be in a country where all citizens are a robbery. A struggle ensued and nine-millimetre ammunition. The One of the vehicle’s occupants
the wrong? Me, because I hosted allowed to practise their religion the patron was allegedly dealt sev- 27-year-old occupant of the home was subsequently arrested in con-
you and did not think about your without fear of persecution.” eral blows about his face with a was arrested in connection with nection with the find.
faith, yes? So, why can’t you allow Calls yesterday to UNC’s public
relations officer Dr Kirk Meighoo broken glass bottle. the find. Two men were also detained
me to practise my faith without vic- The teen fled but was held a Exercises conducted by Eastern on Saturday night, following a re-
timisation? about the matter went unanswered.
short distance away by the bar’s Division officers led to the arrest of port of robbery with violence in St
security and taken to the Chagua- a 32-year-old Mayaro man for pos- Mary’s Village.
nas Police Station. session of two rounds of 12-gauge According to police reports,

Shooter opens fire An exercise conducted in the

division the previous day also re-
sulted in the arrest of a Couva res-
Five pounds of cured marijua-
na and 160 fully grown marijuana
around 7 p.m. that day, a 32-year-
old man was sitting in his parked
vehicle outside a supermarket in

on limers: four shot

FOUR men were shot in liming in the vicinity of of the building while
ident after 4.2 grammes of cocaine
was allegedly found during the ex-
ecution of a search warrant at the
man’s home.
trees were also seized in a separate
exercise conducted by officers in
the Toco district.
Members of the Western Di-
the area when he was approached
by three men who allegedly dealt
him several blows about his body
and robbed him of a quantity of
Maloney on Saturday af- Building 17 around 4 a 20-year-old was The suspect, Roger Ramper- vision Task Force conducted an cash and other items.
ternoon. p.m. flying a kite nearby sad, was subsequently charged for anti-crime exercise in Bagatelle, Enquiries into these incidents
The victims, who are According to the po- with relatives. possession of cocaine. Diego Martin between the hours are continuing.
between the ages of 19 lice, two of the men were One of the vic-
and 38, were said to be seated near the staircase tims then observed

a masked man
walking towards the
stairwell holding a
Cops search for 4 after home invasion
Partly cloudy, hazy and breezy despite firearm. \\\\\ Alexander Bruzual nounced a robbery. an entire camera system.
brisk, light to moderate showers. Mostly Gunshots were The men then forced the victim The perpetrators also made off
settled night. Winds can become gusty fired and in the after- inside his home. with the couple’s black Mitsubishi
at times, especially near showers. A mild math, four men were POLICE are searching for four men They found his wife and tied up Axis SUV vehicle.
concentration of Saharan dust is present found on the ground following a home invasion where a the couple. They then proceeded Eventually, the husband and
in the atmosphere. to ransack the house searching for wife were able to untie themselves
bleeding from multi- 51-year-old man and his 46-year-
ple gunshot wounds. old wife were assaulted and tied up. items of value. and raised an alarm.
Seas: Moderate Sunrise: 5.58 a.m. The suspect ran The incident took place around During the ordeal, the suspects The police were notified and a
Waves: 1.5m to 2.0m in open Sunset: 6.16 p.m. assaulted the couple as they de- team of officers led by PC Chance
waters. Below 1.0m, away. The police 7 a.m. on Saturday at the couple’s
occasionally choppy in and paramedics home on Caratal Road in Cumuto. manded they hand over all their responded and are continuing en-
sheltered areas. Port of Spain Tides:
were notified and The Express was told that the cash and valuables. quiries. The police are urging an-
High: 6.16 a.m. 7.29 p.m.
Rainfall: 1.0 (Piarco) Low: 12.06 a.m. 1.12 p.m. the injured men man was in his garage when he The suspects eventually relieved yone with information about the
Cumulative: 2.6 (Piarco) were all taken to the was approached by the four men the couple of various items, includ- robbery or the whereabouts of the
Scarborough Tides: ing a 55-inch television, a power stolen items to come forward and
Maximum Temp: 31oC High: 5.50 a.m. 6.54 p.m. Arima District Hos- dressed in black clothing, one of
Minimum Temp: 22oC Low: ---- a.m. 12.38 p.m. pital for treatment. whom brandished a gun and an- saw, a grinder, four cellphones, and assist with the investigation.
NEWS \ Daily Express \ Monday 10 April 2023 \ 5

n Tragic end to Easter outing n TRADITION n n n n n

Teen drowns at beach
\\\\\ Alexander Bruzual He disappeared, and his The search resumed at a well-loved, and caring friends raised an alarm. about 6 a.m. yesterday, and young man, who was very
However, Estrada could within two hours, police ambitious and working to-
THE body of a 18-year-old not be located. found Estrada’s body a short wards his dreams.
man was recovered at Pen- The police were notified distance away from where They said that they were
zance Beach in Rampan- and a team of officers led by he was last seen. grateful to all who respond-
algas yesterday morning, Sgt Edwards responded. The body was viewed by ed and aided in finding Es-
several hours after he disap- The officers were joined the District Medical Officer trada.
peared while swimming. by personnel from the and ordered removed to the However, they also
Declon Estrada, of Fitts Hunters Search and Rescue Sangre Grande Mortuary. claimed that social media
Trace in Sangre Grande, was Team, along with family A post-mortem has been posts about his death had
said to be enjoying a day out members and villagers. ordered to confirm the cause contained several incorrect
at the beach with a group However, Estrada’s body of death. articles of information that
of friends and family when could not be found up to 7 When the Express visit- had hurt the family, and
around 3.30 p.m. on Satur- p.m. on Saturday and due to ed Estrada’s home yester- they did not wish to discuss
day, he encountered difficul- poor lighting the search had day, relatives spoke briefly, anything further with the
ties while in the water. to be called off. saying the 18-year-old was public.

Busy weekend for ferries and CAL

\\\\\ Susan Mohammed “Everyone is being taken “So far on the return to Trin- CAL’s head of Corporate on board, and there is still idad, there are a lot of empty Communications Dionne Li-
some extra capacity. There seats. Just this past week one of goure told the Express via a
IT has been smooth sailing for have been no hiccups or the vessels returned to Trinidad WhatsApp message on Sun-
the inter-island ferries on the problems so far. If there is a with nine people. But we antic- day, “Operations have been
seabridge for this Easter holi- problem on a flight to Tobago, ipate that by Wednesday that good so far.
days, and whoever wants to go there is capacity on the ves- would change. We have quite a From Friday to Mon- FIRST HAIRCUT: Barber Sookoo Bridgemohan cuts the hair of
to Tobago or Trinidad there is a sels to take anyone across,” lot of capacity on the seabridge. day, we have 118 flights in three-year-old Kaiden Sahibran during last Friday’s Siparee
vessel for them. Sinanan told the Express in a Since 2018 things have been the system providing 8,024 Kai Mai festival in Siparia. Bridgemohan said, for the past 45
This is from Minister of phone interview yesterday. running very smoothly on the seats. Any other capacity years, he has participated in this Hindu tradition of cutting
Works and Transport Rohan Si- He added that the sched- seabridge. The new vessels – adjustments will be handled young boys’ hair for the first time during the festival to allow
nanan who said the vessels APT ule is expected to continue the APT James and the Buccoo operationally (meaning) on them to grow into strong, healthy men.
James and the Buccoo Reef had to run on the double capac- Reef - have been doing very the actual day,” said Lig- —Photo: TREVOR WATSON
doubled their sailing scheduled ity until Wednesday when well. The Galleons Passage has oure.
times since last Wednesday and it is anticipated that there also been doing a single trip.
were working at full capacity. would be fewer travellers to We expect that things will con-
“Usually, each vessel does Tobago and more returns to tinue well in the coming days,” Sweet seizure: Customs finds $.25m in honey
two trips up and two trips down Trinidad. he said.
between the islands every day. Sinanan said that the vessels And Caribbean Airlines OFFICERS from the Cus- lease, officers assigned cargo is approximately
But for Easter, they are go- were each about 75 to 80 per Ltd (CAL) also reported toms and Excise Division to the Marine Interdic- $250,000.
ing four trips up and four trips cent filled, especially headed to smooth operations for the have seized a quarter of tion Unit stationed at The release said in
down. Tobago since last week. Easter holidays. a million dollars worth of the Cedros port, acting close proximity to the
honey in Cedros. on information received, interception were seven
In a release to the me- proceeded to the old jet- Spanish-speaking men
dia yesterday, the Cus- ty located at Bonasse Vil- who were not in pos-
30 motorists ticketed for traffic breaches toms and Excise Division
said the seizure of what
lage, Cedros.
There officers inter-
session of any identifi-
THIRTY motorists were ticketed on Saturday during Police Service would be out in its numbers it described as “a large cepted a truck with 60 The officers detained
police operations in the Arima and La Horquetta dis- this long weekend. quantity of honey” was five-gallon buckets load- the men and handed
tricts. The operations took place between 8 a.m. and made on Thursday. ed with honey. The esti- them over to the Immi-
3 p.m. that day, and were supervised by ACP Mystar, —Alexander Bruzual According to the re- mated street value of the gration Division.
Senior Supt Francis, Supt Revanales and ASP Rajku-
In Arima, seven people were issued tickets for
breaching traffic signs, five for failing to wear seatbelts
whilst driving; five drivers for parking on a public taxi
stand; two for driving a motor vehicle without a valid
inspection sticker and certificate; and two others for
using a vehicle with defective tyres.
Similarly, in La Horquetta, an operation took place
where eight people were issued fixed penalty tickets
for breaching traffic regulations including driving de-
fective vehicles, and driving without certificates of in-
surance or driver’s licences.
On Thursday, the public was warned that the T&T
6 \ Daily Express \ Monday 10 April 2023 \
NEWS \ Daily Express \ Monday 10 April 2023 \ 7

n HOT FROM THE POT n n n n n

Bishop: Stop

the grudges
Berkley preaches forgiveness
\\\\\ Michelle Loubon

LET go of grudges and work on

forgiving those who have wronged
That was the Resurrec-
tion-themed message yesterday
from Anglican Bishop Rev Claude
Berkley, at Holy Saviour Anglican
Church, Frederick Street, Curepe.
He also urged the congregation
and citizens at large to “press on,
even in difficult circumstances”
while delivering the Easter Sunday
Berkley also based his sermon
on Matthew Chapter 28: verse 10,
which said: “Then said Jesus unto
them, Be not afraid: go tell my
brethren that they go into Galilee,
and there shall they see me.” READY FOR IT: Members of the Pois Casse Curry Duck Crew look on in eager anticipation yesterday as their cook,
The congregation recited the Kamal Bridglal, readies the pot of curry duck during the MP for Diego Martin North/East Colm Imbert and Buy Brown’s
Lord’s Prayer and sang songs in- STRIVE FOR NEW BEGINNINGS: annual curry duck cook-out. The venue was the Maraval Community Centre car park. —Photo: JERMAINE CRUICKSHANK
cluding “Because He Lives”, “Jesus Rev Claude Berkley
Christ Is Risen Today”, “Halleluia”
and “Jesus Is Alive.” sus gives up hope. He is working sins. The Resurrection is a “Christ was ready to ask his Anglican church.
In a phone interview yesterday, out his purpose. Notwithstanding very big moment for Christians disciples to meet him in Gal- “A quiet man. He did not
following the Easter Sunday ser- the disappointment of Good Fri- worldwide. As Apostle Paul ilee (famous for its olives) so make much noise when he
vice, Berkley explained what the day, when our Lord was crucified, said ‘If our Saviour was not they could continue the mis- needed to get things done. He
Resurrection means for Christians. we can look forward to an Easter raised from the dead, then our sion and receive new instruc- got things done. He shared
“I invited the congregation to with new beginnings. We have re- preaching is in vain.’ tions to lead people to his his calling for the Lord and he
celebrate Easter like Jesus cele- newed hope. We have the blessed “You may have been found Kingdom. Encourage others to gave tremendous service to the
brated it. The Resurrection will en- assurance from a God who will not to be misrepresenting God start anew. Strive for new be- church. He was a devoted An-
able Christians and people from all forsake us when buffeting storms this Easter as you celebrate. ginnings.” glican and he possessed great
walks of life to trust in God even assail us. When we say ‘Happy and You may have not come full knowledge and understand-
under difficult circumstances or tri- Holy Easter,’ let us mean it.” circle if you fail to forgive Tribute to Douglin ing of the Anglican faith and
als. Because we serve a risen God, those who have wronged you. church.
we have that confidence to boldly Importance of forgiveness Let us encourage others to be Meanwhile, Bishop Berkley “He prayed fervently. A man
approach the throne of God. We as forgiving as Jesus was. He paid tribute to former Anglican given to prayer and reflection.
have a God we can trust. A God Speaking on the topic of for- was forgiving even as he lay bishop of Trinidad and Toba- He exercised great empathy
who has not let us down. He sacri- giveness, the Anglican Bishop said dying on the Cross At Calva- go, Rev Rawle Ernest Douglin, for the poor and needy. He
ficed his life us. He was raised up it is an important aspect of life and ry. When he arose from the who died on Thursday. imparted wise counsel. He was
to give the assurance of Redemp- the Easter message since without dead, he did not bear a sin- He was 90. an asset to the clergy and laity.
tion.” forgiveness people may not be tru- gle grudge against those who Berkley described him as a I want to extend condolences
Berkley added: “When trying ly practising their faith. caused him suffering and man who got things done, add- to his wife Janice and brothers.
times come, the resurrection of Je- “Christ forgave people for their pain. ing his death is a loss to the May he rest in peace.”
8 \ Daily Express \ Monday 10 April 2023 \ NEWS

‘Pain, evil do not

have the last say’
RIO CLARO begin a significant re-
\\\\\ Susan Mohammed lationship. God sends
susan.mohammed shock waves through us when he wants to
get our attention. The
MODERATOR of the resurrection of Christ
Presbyterian Church is, therefore, confron-
Rev Joy Abdul-Mohan tational that even na-
said pain and evil do ture is overwhelmed.
not have the last say Christian faith is not
in the lives of citizens, subtle but begins with
and the resurrection of a bang,” she said.
Jesus Christ declared Abdul-Mohan said
that. she recognised that
In her Easter Sun- some people are afraid
day message at the of death, which was
Rio Claro Presbyterian understandable. BLESSINGS: Archbishop Jason Gordon blesses the congregation yesterday during Easter
Church, Abdul-Mohan She added, howev- Mass at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Port of Spain.
said people endure nu- er, that she believed —Photo: JERMAINE CRUICKSHANK
merous types of pains, the greater curse was

‘Trust in Christ, live

traumas, and experi- when people fear life
ences in their everyday and dare not embrace
lives, but the resurrec- the fullness of their life

as people of faith’
tion rekindles hope,
brings new life, and
recreates circumstanc- ‘A living saviour’
es that would seem to
be the most hopeless. “Our saviour is a liv-
“People suffer the ing saviour. Our resur- ognise that death has no power over
trauma of being made rected Lord has prom- them.
\\\\\ Michelle Loubon
redundant, thrown ised that he would “Peter and the disciples know if
onto the scrap heap walk with his disciples you are stealing a body, you need
‘NO LONGER HOSTAGES OF FEAR’: Rev Joy Abdul-Mohan all their days in this
after years of faithful to grab the clothes and go. You
service. Some suffer “a hostage to fear”, but Freedom from fear is life. He answers our THE faithful and people who are
wrestling with “circumstances,” or have to cover it. Jesus Christ is risen
the pain of broken re- the message of Easter the achievement of prayers. He is ready to from the dead. He (Peter) saw and
lationships, and the shows that people can the resurrection–not use His power in those “drama” in their lives should trust
in the risen Christ. he believed. The truth of the res-
pain is so intense that break free from this. freedom from death circumstances that fill urrection is to recognise that death
it seems it will never “Whenever I talk but freedom from fear. us with fear. He gives So said Roman Catholic Arch-
bishop Fr Jason Gordon yesterday has no power over us.”
go away. People suf- with some of my We do not fear death, us courage when our Gordon added: “Open your heart
fer abuse, poor health, friends from various death is the incarna- knees would buckle as he delivered the Easter Sunday
homily at the Cathedral of the Im- to God, who is risen from the dead.
mental problems, and professions, medical, tion of our fears. Jesus beneath us. Our resur- He wants to show us the depth of
death, as an ever-pres- legal or clergy, the one took away the fear and rected Lord brings new maculate Conception, Independ-
ence Square, Port of Spain. love and understanding. Say to Him,
ent reality. Some feel fundamental thing that sting of death when he life, rekindles hope, ‘I want to know you, God. I want to
the pain that grief defines all our relation- rose from the dead. He sustains us, recreates Gordon also said: “We must live
as people of faith, hope and love. know your love and the power of
brings—a pain that ships is fear. Every- had victory over the us in circumstances your resurrection in my life’.”
never seems to go body is fearful about grave and death, and that would seem to be But the greatest is love. Love con-
away. something. Fearful gave everlasting life to the most hopeless,” quers the tomb.”
Easter Sunday was observed af- ‘Gave up bread and fish’
“We cannot min- that they may not live all who believe.” she said.
imise the suffering to see their children Abdul-Mohan said “Thus, as we come ter 40 days of prayer, fasting, and
alms-giving known as Lent. Through For the Easter Sunday service,
that these people ex- grow up, fear of death, the resurrection of Je- to the Lord’s table on the Cathedral of Immaculate Con-
perience but Easter, fear of violence and sus is God’s way of this Easter/resurrec- spiritual struggle and self-denial of
food, drink and pleasures, Chris- ception was decorated with gigantic
the resurrection of Je- crime, fear that they getting the attention tion morning, we must bouquets sprouting sunflowers and
sus declares that pain will be hurt by friends of people, God’s way remember when Jesus tians prepared themselves to “die
spiritually” with Christ on Good ginger lilies.
and evil do not have and family, fear that of getting people to rose from the dead, he Hymns including “Hosanna”
the last say. We are they might lose their “look, listen and live”. proved that the sacri- Friday, the day of the crucifixion, so
they could “rise again” in new life and “Amen” were sung lustily. Con-
amazed how people jobs, fear that they will “And once God gets fice of his life on the gregants recited the Lord’s Prayer
can rise above all this not accomplish much our attention, there is cross was acceptable on Easter.
Also officiating at the service and partook in Holy Communion.
and live creative, pro- in life; fear of losing a nothing vague, subtle, for all our sins. Jesus Prayers were said for Pope Francis
ductive lives. The res- friend if they speak the or ambiguous about is our living Lord. If he were Ugandan-born priest Fr Kin-
tu Augustine and Deacon Malcolm and the country. Another highlight
urrection is having a truth, and fear that the Easter. God does not had remained in the was the blessing pronounced upon
powerful effect in our truth will offend. Every begin Easter as a slow grave, then his death Job.
Several members of the congre- the congregation by the priests.
lives right now, that one of us, from time to gradual triumph of the would not be any dif- Armed with green palms, they gen-
we can move from be- time, becomes a hos- dawn over darkness, ferent to that of any gation were dressed in red, signify-
ing the blood of Jesus Christ and his tly flicked holy water on believers.
ing hostages of fear to tage of fear. rather, God begins other human. But his After the service, Gordon greet-
witnesses of faith,” she “But Jesus says, Easter with an earth- death was for our sin, victory over death and sin. Others
were decked off in bright colours ed everyone and wished them a
said. ‘Do not be afraid, you quake. It is true to say and his resurrection happy and holy Easter.
The Presbyterian have nothing to fear.’ that God knows how shows that the debt and donned dresses with floral
prints to mark the beauty and re- One worshipper who made the
moderator added that These are the empow- to get our attention. for past sins has been trek from Chaguanas to Port of
people have become ering words of Easter. God knows how to paid.” birth at Easter.
Gordon’s message was taken Spain for the service, Zulan Belcon,
from John 20 verses 1 to 9, which who was accompanied by her son
made reference to Mary Magda- Jahsiah Belcon, six, explained why
lene’s visit to the tomb and then she came to the church and what
she sacrificed for Lent.
The latest in fleeing to Simon Peter and other dis-
ciples when she saw the stone had “I gave up bread and fish during
been taken away from the tomb and Lent. I gave up peas. I like to come
world news the linen cloths were lying there. to this church because I was bap-
During his homily, Gordon urged tised here; m son was baptised here.
on Page 17 citizens to not live in fear and to rec- I want to draw nearer to Christ. He
is the way, the truth and the ife.”
EXPRESS YOURSELF \ Daily Express \ Monday 10 April 2023 \ 9

Water racket
The BIG Shan Mohd or ill will.

After road-paving
exercises, all the Keith Arjoonsingh
valves are covered Look at the persons
up, too. Why blame who get the contracts
the employees? Are and you’ll see why it

Do you think all the valves digitised

to identify the valves
that are closed? The
won’t stop.

Kaiza Souze
population is being WOWWWWWW. We
WASA can put billed as though
they receive water
24/7, and now you
did not know this,
but thanks for finally
telling us. Wonder
an end to indicating that valves
have to close off. So
many missteps to be
if this will stop if it’s
privatised, though.

water corruption/ corrected, and it’s the

same old same old.
Vedavid Manick
So minister, if you
know this what are you

water rackets? UP IN THE AIR: Suresh

Birbal runs to lift his
mad bull kite into
the air at the Kiwanis
Lovely Josephine
Who owns the water
trucks? Laugh hard,
doing about it?

Derrick Ohree
people, because guess Where are our
Margaret Kinsale Club of St Augustine’s what? If not for the policemen? Set up
Not WASA alone. Kite Construction & honest, praying people a sting and lock
Flying Competition, in this country, God up corrupt people
Jonathan Aaron Bridgemohan at Constantine would get rid of us involved. Allyuh only
They charging me per drop. Park, Macoya Road, already. know how to give
Tunapuna, on ticket.
Kieta Celestine-Austin Saturday. —Photo: Tapesh Sookram
This been happening for decades... it will take more CURTIS CHASE Great is the PNM. Asha Bassaw
than one man. Geez, he know realised
Vish Vish that? How long have
Yousuf Hosein Is there anything at all, the citizens been
Preysal need pipe-borne water now. any, anything that is complaining and
From our Facebook readers: not corrupted in T&T? speaking about this?
Ada Mohammed

‘You all did not give

Imagine we live on an island , yet we always have Shan Durant Praky Dooks
water issues! No water, but they This is 2023. People
have restrictions. still relying on truck-
Ronnell Mahabir borne water...
This is nothing new, has been going on for many
many years.

Donna Ramnarine
life so do not take life’
Olgar Jairam R.I.P brother my and prayers to your
Dorian Gray
Now that you have
that information,
Mr Minister, put
Phillip Ramdass
Remember this saying:
“if you have evidence,
Hope people affected will be getting a rebate on their Sad sad sad rip. family comfort and strength. country before party bring it to the police”.
WASA bill for not getting pipe-borne water regularly. and deal with the
Can’t pay for something you don’t have. Zsa Zsa Augustine Bibi Bisnath [particular] WASA Tricia Mystrixxa
So sick of this! Rip. Never a good news from Trinidad, workers immediately. Basket and racket
Shanele Figaro always crime. Administrative leave cannot hold water.
I believe that there are some truth to this. In Moruga Jean Roopnarine one time to all, and Sad, though, that
for example, we get water every 14-21 days. The This is so sad. Donna Bissoon Mohammed start the investigation. certain other State
supply would only last for two days sometimes one Why sooooo much killings? No re- Replace with the next enterprises seem to be
so if you don’t have sufficient tanks to full ”crappo Harry Lalee spect for life. senior competent untouchable.
smoke yuh pipe”. As a result residents are “technical- Rip. employees who are
ly forced” to purchase water before the next supply. Charmaine Rodriguez Debique impartial and just want Rawle Rambarran
As for me, when my tanks are empty, I call WASA a Jasmin Mohammed Hmm so sad. to do their jobs without We’ve been saying this
million times every day until I get some results. fear or favour, malice since ever...
10 \ Daily Express \ Monday 10 April 2023 \ BUSINESS

n Central Bank manager:

Crypto still has issues Verdel Bishop innovation. We want to see ally look at the existing legisla- “Some of the best developers growth. We want to see develop- ture that we have right now and in the world are still working on
ment, but it has to be balanced try to adjust or we could do a Ethereum and there is a roadm-
IF cryptocurrency is to be fur- with responsible financial devel- brand new set of laws which will ap to make it better and faster
ther developed there must be a opment. We want to ensure that require time and effort,” he said. and more scalable. However, that
sense of market integrity. there is financial stability, we roadmap is several years long.
So said Terrence Clarke, sen- want to see some limited con- Bitcoin, Ethereum In the meantime, there could be
ior manager, Macroeconomics/ trol.” dominate market some other crypto or some other
Finance at the Central Bank of He added, “We want to see blockchain that comes in that has
Trinidad and Tobago. minimised volatility in the mar- Karim Hamasni, director of a stronger value proposition and
Clarke, who was speaking at ket rate and we want to see crypto asset innovation at RBC that may start to take market share
Thursday’s webinar hosted by that there is a sense of market Global Asset Management, said away and see more adoption.
the Institute of International Re- integrity and not feel that there bitcoin is a decentralised money “Today, however, the cryp-
lations (IIR), on the topic “Cryp- is someone playing around in a system with benefits. tocurrency space is really dom-
tocurrencies and their Potential market forcing market prices to Hamasni said, “A lot of differ- inated by both bitcoin and
Impact in the Caribbean”, said go up and we want to ensure ent blockchain competitors have Ethereum.”
there are people who see cryp- that there is no illegal activity come out that we’re looking to in- He said bitcoin is still number
tocurrency as competition for taking place.” crease throughput, increase speed one and Ethereum is number two.
regular banking. Clarke said existing legisla- and increase scalability to more “There hasn’t really been a true
“A lot of people see crypto- tion is not effective. than what something like Ethere- threat to the dominance of both
currency as competition for tra- “I am personally being told um can do. And so the race is on bitcoin and Ethereum. But substi-
ditional banking, and there are about people having been in- to find out which standard is really tution risk is everywhere in this
benefits to the Caribbean, but vested in cryptocurrency and going to be the one that takes over. space. It’s still such a new industry,
there are also issues,” Clarke they can’t get their funds out. Ethereum has a lot of advantages it’s such a new space that you nev-
said. What do we do? We could con- in that most of the activities still er know what’s going to happen.
CHANGES NEEDED: Terrence Clarke He added, “We want to see tinue to monitor, we could actu- exist on it. So it’s too early to tell.”

World food prices fall for 12th month running

\\\\\ ROME month-on-month in March, with wheat reg-
istering a 7.1 per cent drop, maize a 4.6 per
THE United Nations food agency’s world price index cent decline and rice easing 3.2 per cent.
fell in March for a 12th consecutive month, and is now Vegetable oils fell three per cent, some
down 20.5 per cent from a record high hit one year ago 47.7 per cent down on the level the index
following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. hit in March 2022, while the dairy index was
The Food and Agriculture Organisation’s (FAO) down 0.8 per cent.
price index, which tracks the most globally traded By contrast, sugar rose 1.5 per cent to its
highest level since October 2016, hit by con-
cerns over declining production prospects in
India, Thailand and China. The meat price
index rose by 0.8 per cent.

Higher wheat production

In a separate report on cereals supply and

demand, the FAO raised its forecast for world
wheat production in 2023, now pegged at
786 million tonnes -- 1.3 per cent below the
2022 level but nonetheless the second largest
outturn on record.
“Near-record sown areas are expected
MAIN PROTEIN SOURCE: Fishmongers cut and clean fish at the Soumbedioune fish market in Dakar, in Asia, while dry conditions are impacting
Senegal, on May 31, 2022. In Senegal, fish and seafood represent more than 40 per cent of the animal North Africa and southern Europe,” FAO
protein intake in the diet. According to a US report, one in six people work in the fisheries sector. said. FAO also raised its forecast for world
cereal production in 2022 to 2.777 billion
food commodities, averaged 126.9 points last in sugar and meat prices. tonnes, just 1.2 per cent down from the pre-
month against 129.7 for February, the agen- “While prices dropped at the global level, vious year. World rice production in 2022/23
cy said on Friday. It was the lowest reading they are still very high and continue to in- was seen at 516 million tonnes, 1.6 per cent
since July 2021. crease in domestic markets, posing additional below the record 2021/22 harvest.
A combination of ample supplies, sub- challenges to food security,” Maximo Torero, World cereal utilisation in the 2022/23
dued import demand and the extension of FAO’s chief economist said in a statement. period was seen at 2.779 billion tonnes, FAO
a deal allowing the safe export of Ukrain- “This is particularly so in net food im- said, down 0.7 per cent from 2021/22. World
ian grain via the Black Sea contributed porting developing countries, with the situa- cereal stocks by the close of the 2022/2023
to the drop, FAO said. The Rome-based tion aggravated by the depreciation of their seasons are expected to ease by 0.3 per
agency said the decline in the index re- currencies against the US dollar or the euro cent from their opening levels to 850 million
flected lower prices for cereals, vegetable and a mounting debt burden,” he added. tonnes.
oils and dairy products, which offset rises The FAO cereal price index fell 5.6 per cent —Reuters
BUSINE$$ EXTRA \ Daily Express \ Monday 10 April 2023 \ 11

n Effort to lure new buyers

Tesla makes 3rd price cut

\\\\\ DETROIT analyst estimates of 432,000 for put pressure on start-ups and leg- The Model 3 rear-wheel-drive
the quarter, according to FactSet. acy automakers now rolling out saw a 2.3 per cent price cut to
TESLA cut prices on its entire US A message was left on Friday EVs. US$41,990, with the 3 Perfor-
electric vehicle model line-up for seeking comment from the Aus- On Twitter on Friday, Tesla mance version falling 1.9 per cent
the third time this year in an ap- tin, Texas-based Tesla on why the CEO Elon Musk wrote that de- to US$52,990.
parent effort to lure more buyers prices were cut. mand is limited by affordability. The most recent cuts came on
amid rising interest rates. Guidehouse Research e-Mo- “There is plenty of demand for Good Friday when the markets
The largest of the cuts that ap- bility Analyst Sam Abuelsamid our products, but if the price is are closed.
peared on Friday on Tesla’s web- said the cuts are a sign of slowing more money than people have, Tesla cut prices in ear-
site were US$5,000 per vehicle demand for Tesla. The company, that demand is irrelevant,” he ly March on the S and X,
for the company’s slower-selling he said, needs to sell more vehi- wrote. by US$5,000 to as much as
more expensive models, the S cles to keep its factories running The biggest of Friday’s cuts US$10,000. In January it
large sedan and the X big SUV. at full capacity to protect high came on Tesla’s aging S and X, slashed the sticker numbers
The company lopped profit margins. “Overhead of un- which saw sales drop 38 per cent on several versions of its EVs,
US$2,000 off the price of the derutilised plant eats up margin from January through March. The making some eligible for a US
Y small SUV, its most popular extremely quickly,” he said. Model S two-motor price dropped federal tax credit of US$7,500.
model, and added a lower-cost Tesla has added a huge plant 5.6 per cent to US$84,990, while Some versions Model Y saw
dual-motor version priced at near Austin to its US factory the S tri-motor Plaid was trimmed price trims of nearly 20 per
US$49,990. The 3 small sedan footprint, in addition to its origi- four per cent to US$104,990. The cent, and the base price of the
saw a US$1,000 price cut. nal plant in Fremont, California. company cut 5 per cent from the Model 3 small car was dropped
SLOW DEMAND: Tesla CEO Elon Musk
The moves come as Tesla’s The company also has built new X two-motor price, to US$94,990, by six per cent.
first-quarter sales grew 36 per plants in Shanghai and near Ber- while the X Plaid saw a 4.6 per The price cuts appeared to
cent but fell short of analysts’ ex- lin. cent drop to US$104,990. have raised demand despite in- from 4.5 per cent to 7 per cent, according to
pectations. The company said on Other analysts have speculat- Tesla added a dual-motor creasing interest rates designed Edmunds data.
Sunday that it delivered a quar- ed that Tesla was cutting prices to Model Y for under US$50,000 and to slow the economy and curb Analysts are watching to see if the price
terly record of 422,875 vehicles take advantage of its profit mar- cut prices on the Y Long range by inflation. Since the US Federal drops cut into the company’s profit and mar-
worldwide from January to March, gin per vehicle, which is larger 3.7 per cent to US$52,990 and Reserve began raising rates in gins per vehicle. Tesla says it will release
up from just over 310,000 a year than most automakers. The move by 3.4 per cent on the Y Perfor- March of last year, the average first-quarter earnings after the markets close
ago. But the increase fell short of could increase market share and mance, to US$56,990. new vehicle loan has jumped on April 19.

Call for Peeps to

change its ingredients
\\\\SACRAMENTO ed headlines around the sell their products over-
world declaring Califor- seas, according to the
THIS Easter, Americans nia wants to ban Skit- trade group.
will devour more than tles and other candy. “There’s a lot more
1 billion Peeps — those Assemblymember Jesse here at play than a
radiant marshmallow Gabriel, a Democrat who simple soundbite solu-
chicks whose appear- authored the bill, said he tion,” said Christopher
ance on store shelves wants to ban the chem- Gindlesperger, spokes-
each year is as much a icals, not the candy. He person for the associa-
herald of spring as azal- said plenty of alternative tion. “We need a com-
eas at the Masters. ingredients are available, prehensive look at this
What makes the noting the chemicals are to make sure there aren’t
treats so vibrant is eryth- already banned in Eu- unintended consequenc-
rosine, a chemical that rope and that companies es for chocolate and can-
shows up on ingredient still find a way to sell dy companies.”
labels as Red No. 3. It’s candy there. In addition to eryth-
one of several chemicals, “They still produce rosine and titanium
along with titanium diox- Skittles in other parts dioxide, the bill would
ide, used to colour some of the world. What they ban potassium bromate CANCER CONCERNS: US Easter favourite Peeps.
of the most popular can- do is they take out these and propylparaben, two
dy in the country — in- toxic ingredients, and chemicals used in baked other health problems rubber, toothpaste, soap banning “have been thor- Scott Faber, senior
cluding Skittles and Hot they replace them with goods, and brominated besides cancer, including and food colouring. The oughly reviewed by the vice president for gov-
Tamales. something else,” Gabri- vegetable oil, which is hyperactivity and other International Agency for federal and state systems ernmental affairs for
Both chemicals have el said. “What we really used in some store brand neurobiological behav- Research on Cancer has and many internation- the non-profit Environ-
been linked to cancer. want is for these compa- sodas. iours in some children, listed titanium dioxide as al scientific bodies and mental Working Group,
More than 30 years ago, nies to make the same The US has allowed according to a 2021 re- a possible carcinogen in continue to be deemed said the only reason the
US regulators banned minor modifications to dyes like erythrosine in port from the California humans. The Titanium safe,” according to a let- chemical is still deemed
Red No. 3 from make- their recipes that they food since 1907. Dec- Environmental Protec- Dioxide Manufacturers ter signed by various in- safe by federal regulators
up. The US still has not made in Europe and ades later, researchers tion Agency’s Office of Association maintains dustry trade groups. is because of a loophole
banned the chemical elsewhere.” found rats exposed to Environmental Health there is no evidence of “These scientifically that has been exploited
from food, to the dismay The National Confec- lots of erythrosine over Hazard Assessment. it causing cancer in hu- based regulatory pro- by chemical companies.
of some consumer safety tioners Association, the a long time developed The International As- mans. cesses should be allowed He says regulators have
groups. trade group that repre- thyroid cancer. In 1990, sociation of Colour Man- The candy indus- to continue without sec- not reviewed their prior
Now, a state lawmak- sents candy companies, based in part off of that ufacturers argued in a try insists the chemicals ond guessing their out- decisions in light of new
er wants to ban eryth- says it’s not that easy. research, the US Food 2021 statement that Cal- California is considering comes,” the letter stated. science.
rosine and titanium di- Tastes vary across cul- and Drug Administration ifornia study was “based
oxide in California, plus tures, it said, meaning banned erythrosine from on insufficient scientific
three other chemicals just because a candy is cosmetics. evidence.”
used in everyday fa- accepted by Europeans Consumer safety Titanium dioxide is
vourites like tortillas and doesn’t mean it will be groups have tried for a white powder that,
some store brand soft received well in the Unit- years to get the agen- because it scatters light,
drinks. ed States. Plus, changing cy to ban the chemical can make colours appear
The bill, scheduled ingredients would be in food to no avail. Re- brighter. It’s been used
for its first public hearing a hardship for regional searchers have since for 100 years in prod-
next week, has prompt- candy makers who don’t linked the chemical to ucts like paints, paper,
12 \ Daily Express \ Monday 10 April 2023 \ OPINION

Opinion 10/04/2023 Comment

Daily Express
KEEP MOO-VING: A villager
leads his cow along Diggity
Branch Trace, Penal, on
Saturday, while riding his
I want to go
this way!


Deliver water not —Photo: TREVOR WATSON

excuses, WASA
HE speculation by Minister Marvin Gonzales and the chair-
man of the Water and Sewerage Authority about employee
involvement in sabotaging the nation’s water supply is reck-
less in the absence of evidence. This is the kind of loose talk
that creates more problems than it solves, especially in an
environment of strained industrial relations as currently exists at
WASA. It also smacks of scapegoating by a public utility with a long
track record of poor service that current managers are so far unable
to solve despite repeated promises.
Water is a precious resource that is the very lifeblood of humans
and other species. In the context of an erratic and undependable
national water supply, people will do anything to secure it. Nobody
chooses to fork out hundreds and even thousands of dollars for
private truck-borne water when they are already paying WASA.
There is no doubt that WASA’s failure to provide this essential
service has long been exploited as a lucrative business opportuni-
ty by private operators transporting WASA water from areas that
have water to areas that don’t. However, as the architect of the
problem in the first place, WASA does not have the moral authority
We need attention
W Think
to complain. Not only are people paying private operators to bring HAT are the basic complaining about some-
them tanks of water from WASA’s taps but a large segment of the physiological needs to thing. Women save up stuff
population secures drinking water from private water bottling com- sustain human life? It to complain about. The num-

panies. In areas not serviced by private trucks, residents are also seems the five abso- ber one reason why women
known to buy large bottles of water for cooking, personal hygiene lute basics are food, water, sleep, complain is that their guys
and dish-washing among other things - so intense is the despera- air, shelter. If we want to go on to are not talking to them.” Es-

tion for water. the top seven, we can add touch sentially, the women he is
In trying to cast blame, Public Utilities Minister Gonzales and and personal space to that top talking about are just trying
chairman Nanga should recognise that people bereft of a water five. If we look at Maslow’s hier- to fulfil their need for atten-
supply are among the “sufferers” that Black Stalin sang about. They archy of needs, the bottom level tion.
don’t care who is to blame or not; the only thing they care about is
where the next cup of water is coming from.
starts off with the physiological,
which includes the previously by Dr Joanne Paul If we now realise how
much we as human beings
If, as the chairman and minister seem to imply, WASA employ- stated top five and adds repro- need and crave love and
ees are involved in a racket with private water truckers to create duction. The next level is safety and Research from the 1930s showed attention, we will understand how
demand by maliciously locking off the water supply, then where security, then the level with love and that orphaned children who were it explains almost everything we
is the internal investigation that has located the culprits and dealt belonging, then self-esteem, and the top given food, water and shelter still had do. How we behave in work, with
with them? In any case, the public is aware that negligence and not one being self-actualisation. a high mortality rate and required at- family, with friends. General media
corruption is one of the causes of unnecessary lock-offs. There are There is, though, a new theory that tention like touch and love to survive and social media, especially Face-
known cases of employees assigned to manage the water supply in the top six basic, most absolute needs and grow. In the 1960s, this research- book and Twitter, are all built on
certain districts who, having turned off the water, simply forget or are food, water, sleep, shelter, air, AND er called Harlow did some experi- this basic attention paradigm where
are late in physically turning it back on. attention. Yes, would you believe it ments on baby monkeys. He gave we need followers, likes, shares and
We are thrilled to hear from chairman Nanga that WASA is seems we need attention to survive? them a choice of a doll made of wire comments. Persons like their atten-
working on improving its truck-borne water-delivery service and If we do not get food, our blood sugar mesh that had a bottle attached to it tion in three main types: via words,
that a new and improved WASA app will soon be launched, al- goes low, we use up our glycogen stores and another doll made of foam rub- deeds or touch. Either you tell the
lowing customers to more efficiently report supply disruptions and and by day two without food, we start ber covered by a soft terry cloth. The persons something or do something
request truck-borne delivery. breaking down our fat stores and our baby monkeys surprisingly became for them or show them love and at-
In the absence of details, WASA’s customers would be hop- protein stores like muscle. attached to the cloth mother, needing tention with a hug, some physical
ing that until WASA can assure them of a reliable truck-borne If we do not get water, our kidneys touch and comfort, even over food. touch or appropriate intimacy.
supply, it will not disrupt their private supply system. Until stop working and once that happens, Research has also shown that Today is Easter Monday. It is
then, WASA should work with private suppliers to streamline we go into multi-organ failure. We can happily married persons (who were the end of Lent where we have sac-
their role in delivering a more reliable and less costly water probably survive up to eight to 15 days getting positive attention) live longer, rificed and reflected on ourselves
supply to those in need. without food and water, but most figures have fewer strokes and heart attacks, and our spirituality. We are also in
say no more than one week. If we have and are less likely to have advanced the Holy Month of Ramadan where
Trinidad Express Newspapers Ltd no food but we have water, we can sur- cancer at time of diagnosis. So, it persons are fasting and reflecting on
Opened June 6, 1967 vive for a longer period, and some say seems we need touch, love and atten- themselves and their spirituality. It
Registered offices: 35-37 Independence Square, Port of Spain; even up to two months, maybe. Essen- tion—not just because it is nice, but may be a good time to look around
4 Charlotte Street, Port of Spain; 70-76 Pointe-a-Pierre Road, tially without either, we would die. because we need it to survive. at your family and friends and, es-
San Fernando; Centre City Mall, Chaguanas; After three days without sleep we The more fascinating thing, pecially, look at yourself.
Wilson Road, Tobago. are irritated, paranoid, we hallucinate though, as adults is how we fill that How do you ask for, or seek,
General Manager: Douglas Wilson and have illusions. Usually after three basic need of attention. Like healthy attention? Are you getting enough?
Editor-in-Chief: Omatie Lyder days the body forces sleep, and persons food versus junk food, positive at- Do you need more? The law of would be unable to stay awake. Shel- tention is better, of course—more reciprocity is that when someone
Publications Editor: News, Sunday Express: Curtis Rampersad ter, it seems, is another crucial need. It nutritional, and healthy. But negative does something for you, you feel
Multi-media Editor: Richard Charan provides security, safety and protection attention is better than no attention obligated to reciprocate or do some-
Managing Editor: Curtis Williams from the sun, insects, wind, rain, snow, at all. So, often persons try for either thing in return for them. So may-
Sports Editor: Garth Wattley
hot and cold. There is this cute set of positive or negative attention, any at- be the twist of this is that instead
Group Sales Manager: Charlene Gaspard-Johnson; threes to encompass the four basic tention, just to fulfil that basic human of seeking attention, give positive
Advertising Manager: Michelle Lee; Circulation Manager: Rodwell Bobb;
Retail & Key Accounts Manager: Nadine Hall;
needs. It says a human being can survive need. It seems the common conduits attention via your words, deeds
Group Marketing Manager: Marcus Chin-Aleong. three minutes without air, three hours to get attention are anger, unsolicit- and touch. Small things. Do or say
Phone (PoS) 623-1711/8; (South) 652-2900, 2875; without shelter, three days without wa- ed advice, playing the sick role, and something nice every day. And like
(Chaguanas) 671-4725; (Tobago) 660-7003. ter and three weeks without food. complaints, the latter being the most spiritual blessings, you would be
Fax: News Desk (PoS): 625-8897; South: 652-7395; Tobago 660-7002 So now, on to this attention thing. I popular. showered in return.
Customer Service Complaints: understand that the body cannot survive In his 1999 Bigger and Blacker without the top five physiological needs Netflix comedy special, Chris Rock —Dr Joanne F Paul is an emergency
A member of Trinidad Express Newspapers is a subsidiary but, surely, we can survive without at- said, “It’s impossible to make a medicine lecturer with The UWI and a
the OCM Group. of Caribbean Communications Network. tention. woman happy. Women are always member of TEL institute.
\ Daily Express \ Monday 10 April 2023 \ 13

Ministryof Sport and Community Development  Ministry of Education
The funding was disbursed through The Sports Company Approved by Cabinet, these interventions are aimed at
of T&T to assist with several administrative and increasing student
 achievement and equality of
competition-related expenses incurred over the past few educational opportunities, which includes a focus on
months. TVET subjects in Form 1.


 of Tourism Culture and the Arts Ministry ofYouth Development and National Service
Refurbishment works on the facility were completed with  Cummings and Chief Secretary Farley
Minister Foster

the installation of a new waste water treatment plant, 
Augustine discussed high-priority youth initiatives such as

repair and refurbishment of the life guard headquarters MiLAT, YAHP, YASHP and the re-establishment of Youth
and installation of a children’s park & information booth. Development and Apprenticeship Centre.



Ministry of Works and Transport Ministry of Planning and Development

Relief will be provided to residents of The Marine Resilience Initiative is an 18 month pilot
project and is set to restore the corals and sea grasses
Naparima/Mayaro as extensive road rehabilitation
and is a collaboration between the IMA, with support
works were underway to repair a major landslip.
from British Petroleum Trinidad and Tobago.


Ministry of Foreign and Caricom Affairs Ministry of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries
Discussions were held with Her Excellency Candace A. The Drone was donated by the Ministry of Digital
Bond on bilateral issues including national security Transformation to assist the division in achieving
challenges, the impact of hemispheric migration on progress in land management and to fulfill obligations
recipient countries, and trafficking in persons. under the Land Surveyors Act.

For More Details Please Visit

@ttgovcommunications @ttgovcommunications
@ttgovcommunications @ttgovcomms
14 \ Daily Express \ Monday 10 April 2023 \ LETTERS

What’s On Your Mind?

Write to us at The Editor, Daily Express, 35-37 Independence Square, Port
of Spain, Trinidad. Please e-mail letters to the editor for publication to Readers are reminded their letters will not ot
be published without the writer’s name and address.

Fewer guns, One can’t escape consequences

IS the allegation recently in narcissism, so that they can turning his back on them when

safer society
the media of general medical acquire a sense of power and that is accomplished: Julius
practitioners claiming to be control over others, with the self- Caesar—Act 2, Sc 1, 21-26.)...
specialists a symptom of how interest in serving themselves Or on the same continuum,
the old-time self-respect that we trumping the self-respect that politicians who support such
once valued, to mean a sense should show remorse over leaders assuming leadership
n LETTER OF THE DAY n n n n n of remorse over wrongdoing,
is now something of an
This is a deeply complex
roles as rewards for their
slavish loyalty, with hardly
THE recently reported incident in ability remain supreme for those anachronism? issue to which the best of us and the knowledge or will to serve
which a prison officer was relieved of bearing arms. A firearm is destructive It may be accepted that all the worst of us, indeed all of us, the people; or the law, being
both his vehicle and firearm vividly and lethal, and the bearer is not auto- of us in our vulnerability as succumb at some point or the the travesty it has become,
demonstrates the ineffective and matically protected. On the contrary, humans, whether deliberately or other—but the evidence suggests with justice bleeding as its
counterproductive nature of decisions his personal risk is increased. inadvertently, are susceptible to that at the upper echelons of highest advocates betray an
to increase the number of persons Should we understand this prin- compromising our self-respect the society, this indifference to unimaginable indifference to its
who are legally entitled to bear arms. ciple, there is only one conclusion to for self-gain in some form or self-respect and personal dignity, fulfilment...
Additionally, the death of a pre- be drawn on this issue. another, but one would have to “what the people will say” or And these “noble”
vious commissioner as well as other Majority interest is better served expected professionals of such what will history say, or what professions aside,
incidents involving members of the when there are fewer firearms within ilk would have acquired not only your legacy will be, seems a notwithstanding the politics as
uniformed services support this claim. civil community, whether legally a sense of the moral implications normative behavioural pattern the art of manipulation to serve
Most societies have recognised issued or illegally available. of their wrongdoing, but also that hardly augurs well for the the self, there are the price
that this urge to “bear arms” is driven All available data clearly show that the possible consequences leadership roles people of such gougers who would “dig out
by the profit motive, and least on the well-being and security of society to themselves and their intellect are expected to play in your eye” without batting an
concerns for personal or societal is infinitely greater where the availa- professional integrity and to a developing society. eyelid; and as for the murderers
security. bility of firearms is at a minimum. desist from such behaviour. Like our young “specialists” among us, we are to them as
Fundamentally, the base premise There is no need for additional One can hardly expect the who, allegedly, tried to buck the “flies to wanton boys... they kill
argued is that ever since mankind studies, nor do we have to copy the average Joe or Beharry on stages of specialisation without us for their sport”. (Lear on the
moved from being hunter-gather- misguided practices adopted in some the street to engage in such a a thought about the injury heath having been abandoned
ers to settlements there have been other jurisdictions. balancing mode of thinking in that could be inflicted upon by his two daughters: King
responses to that development. Both local and foreign statistics trying to satisfy his immediate the people who trusted their Lear—Act 4, Sc 1, 37-38); and
Generally, the responses have been show that societies are far safer when needs at the expense of his expertise; or our politicians in then the unconscionable at its
encoded into rules, regulations and the availability of firearms (legal and intended wrongdoing. But leadership positions who use worst, the perpetrators leaking
what we call laws. illegal) is minimal. why such contradiction in the the people as “ladders” to gain the SEA exam to serve their own
Societies recognise and agree on It is this sole premise that ad- behaviour of those who are the utmost ground, but then and themselves, with no thought
these arrangements, and identify the vocates a reduction in issuance of expected “to know better”? scorning the base degrees by of the other hard-working
benefits that accrue to the majority. FULs, and a corresponding increased Is it the art of connivance and which they did ascend. (Brutus children so disadvantaged...
Notwithstanding convention, even concentration on the reduction of manipulation that a superior pointing to Caesar’s use of the And I can write a journal with
though assigned and legally entitled illegally available firearms. intellect often spawns in some, “base degrees” as a ladder this all-pervasive manifestation
to bear arms, control and account- Samuel B Howard feeding their egos, indeed their to fulfil his political ambition, of self-worth and dignity lost,
but the lack of space
forbids me.
It seems as if
paradise is truly lost
in this once-beautiful
land of ours, and the
evolving paradigm shift
from the old moral
compass to serving the
self with little remorse
or shame seems to have
come full circle.
But there is
hope yet. No matter
how cunning or
unconscionable you
can be in beating the
system, the issue of
having to account is
an undeniable human
principle you cannot
escape, for it is simply
not logical for you to
assume you can exist
only for yourself ad
infinitum; somewhere,
somehow, with your
hands behind your
back, you will have to
answer and face the
Dr Errol Narine

Wh ’
Curtis up to?
— See Page 22 —
LETTERS \ Daily Express \ Monday 10 April 2023 \ 15
‘Majority interest is better served when E-mail or old-fashioned regular mail? We will print
WKHUHDUHIHZHU®UHDUPVZLWKLQFLYLOFRPPXQLW\ your contributions. Please remember your letters will
not be published without your name and address.

Thank you, Toco Temporary fix for BEST BAKE AND

SHARK: Afiya Gray
fire-tender issue told the Express:

Health Centre IT IS now a known fact that the Trinidad and

Tobago Fire Service does not have a minimum of
“What is there not
to love? Trinbago’s
culture is so rich
LAST week, I read an article by Carlyle Houlder, one fire tender for each of the 25/26 fire stations. and dynamic with
complaining about treatment at one of our health While many will debate whether it is five or a diverse heritage.
institutions. Fortunately, I experienced the exact eight fire stations without a tender, the recent I love being able
opposite at the Toco Health Centre. statement of the Chief Fire Officer that there are to reconnect with
Recently I checked at this centre to see if I only 12 to 13 functional fire tenders is of concern. the home of my
could have an X-ray done, on the recommenda- And if a purchase order for fire tenders is made birth through our
tion of my doctor. The clerk referred me to the as of today, the earliest arrival is late 2024/2025. cultural arts such
technician to verify if it could be done, and the A possible solution might be the immediate as soca, calypso
technician promptly acceded to my request. purchase of water trucks with a water cannon and and chutney soca.
Since it was not a clinic day, I was sent to the hose reel, having the capacity of at least 3,000 The best thing
emergency doctor. Thinking the X-ray would have gallons. about Trinidad and
to be developed and then sent to the doctor, I These water trucks must be able to navigate Tobago, of course,
was indeed pleasantly surprised to find that the narrow roads and rural roads. is the food, I enjoy
picture was already on her computer screen and A minimum of 26, one for each fire station. doubles, roti and all
she kindly and efficiently proceeded to explain my These can be new or used. The quickest solution. the bake and shark.
condition. This may be a temporary and quick fix, if Nowhere in the
Is this technology available throughout our possible. world it tastes like
health system? More importantly, are the care Later, it can be used in water distribution, for home.” —Photo:
and attention I received from the staff at the THC both domestic use and to supplement the fire TREVOR WATSON
universally available at all our health institutions? tenders.
Thank you, Toco Health Centre! Whatever the plan, the long-term solution must
Stanley Lee Pow be a minimum of two
Toco fire tenders per fire
Follow the ‘Express’ on Twitter Dr Philip Ayoung-Chee
@expressupdates San Fernando
16 \ Daily Express \ Monday 10 April 2023 \ NEWS

‘Love The

Dark Days’
wins hearts
...Ira Mathur takes top prize
at 2023 Bocas Lit Fest
\\\\\ Verdel Bishop

LOVE The Dark Days by India-born

Trinidadian journalist-turned-au-
thor, Ira Mathur, has not only won
the 2023 Bocas Lit Fest, but the
memoir has also won the hearts of
those who have read it.
It is the story of a girl, Poppet, of
mixed middle-class Hindu and elite
Muslim parentage and looks at her
move from post-independent India
to her family’s migration to post-co-
lonial Trinidad.
The memoir, set in India, Eng- HUMBLED BY OUTPOURING TAMING THE BLAZE: Members of the Trinidad and Tobago Fire Service battle a bush fire at the Beetham landfill yesterday along
land, Trinidad and a weekend in St OF LOVE: Ira Mathur the Beetham Highway. Bush fires have grown more frequent amid the current dry season. —Photo: CURTIS CHASE
Lucia, is Mathur’s debut book. She
began writing the book as a way to space and I feel like I have Carib-
remember the language of India, bean citizenship. The prize is for all
her childhood, and the people.

Samantha back home

of us who love our island,” Mathur
In a recent interview with the said.
Express, Mathur said it took 28 Love The Dark Days explores
drafts before the book finally came post-colonial themes common to In-
to fruition. dia and the West Indies and draws \\\\\ Susan Mohammed Ramjit, while at the Cunupia
“I was forgetting. I felt the world on the years of being a practising Police Station told the Express in
slipping away from me and also had journalist in Trinidad, and on hun- ONE day after her birthday, a phone interview that she was
to understand how my identity had dreds of interviews countrywide. It missing Samantha Ramjit, who happy and relieved to be reunit-
evolved into this new world. It was was chosen as a top 2022 memoir lives with Down Syndrome, was ed with her missing daughter.
a way to find my way home to To- by the UK Guardian before copping found on Saturday morning. The mother said that she
bago and Trinidad, which is where I the prestigious OCM Non-Fiction Ramjit, of Esperance near believed she needed assistance
belong as a new-world person. Prize for English Literature. San Fernando, who turned 23 with her special needs daugh-
“I’ve been thinking of the book years old on Friday, was found ter, who is an outpatient of the
for years. The actual writing took “A compelling memoir” in Cunupia. psychiatric clinic of the San Fer-
five years and over 28 drafts. It was Members of the Hunters nando General Hospital.
a task to cover continents and ages The memoir has been hailed Search and Rescue team in- “I am glad to find her and
and find a unity of theme. I think by Earl Lovelace as “a compelling vestigated the case, and found see she is okay and safe. But
Derek Walcott helped me look to memoir of the binding power of Ramjit and informed police she is acting hyper and crying
the present and this is when things love and the liberating beauty of officers of the Cunupia Police and needs help. But I am very
locked into place,” Mathur said. forgiveness”. Station. relieved that the rescue team FOUND ON SATURDAY:
Mathur said there were count- The UK Daily Telegraph hailed Ramjit’s mother, Radika found her,” said the mother. Samantha Ramjit
less lessons learned in her journey the book as a “heady brew that
to completing the book. “It’s vital stays with you,” and Monique
for each of us to look at ourselves Roffey, 2013 OCM Prize for Eng-
without flinching and with honesty.
It allows us to see our own flaws
and break the colonial inheritance
of loss and damage. “Tolstoy is said
lish Literature, said, “No memoir
like this has torn itself out of the
Caribbean. A blaze of a book. Ma-
thur deftly yokes together parallel
Good Samaritan robbed,
to have claimed that some flesh
must come off a writer’s hand to
be able to produce something uni-
versally raw and authentic. Naipaul
worlds, colonial India and post-co-
lonial Trinidad.”
VS Naipaul’s cousin Vahni An-
beaten with rock: two held
\\\\\ PENAL wagon headed along Penal Rock ly with a rock, then robbed him of
thony Ezekiel Capildeo, Fellow
and Wordsworth wrote of being of the Royal Society of Literature, Road when two men flagged down his wallet, identification and bank
meticulous to the craft and form of pronounced it “stranger and more AN elderly man who was being his vehicle around 9.15 p.m. cards and a cellphone valued at
writing, which we must do without compelling than any fantasy.” a good Samaritan and offered a The elderly man stopped and $2,000.
sentimentality in a state of reason. Michael Portillo of Times Radio lift to two men was robbed and spoke to them. They sped off with the victim’s
“Writing demands it all—the called it “one of the most beautiful beaten with a rock in Penal on They asked him to take them vehicle.
flesh and the heart, form and rea- books I have read for a long time.” Friday night. to Coqueran Trace on Penal Rock The elderly man sought help
son. But in the writing, I found my Love the Dark Days was The 61-year-old man from Pe- Road and he agreed. from residents and made his way
way back from the difficult and sad launched in Trinidad at the Derek nal was thrown at the side of the Police were told that he turned to the Penal Police Station where
spaces of my life back to my heart Walcott Theatre in Nalis, in Novem- road as the criminals sped off with into Coqueran Trace and had he reported the incident.
and back to my beloved T&T,” Ma- ber 2022, and in London at Water- his car and valuables. reached approximately 120 metres PC Nanan and WPC Hom-
thur said. stones, and The Nehru Centre in Police later detained two men, (400 feet) into the roadway when er conducted investigations and
She said she is humbled by the July 2022. both aged 21, of Penal, in connec- they requested that he drop them the vehicle was found burnt and
outpouring of love and acceptance The book is available at Paper- tion with the report. off. abandoned not far from the crime
for her memoir. based at the Normandie and NEX- A police report said the victim When he stopped the vehicle, scene. Further investigations led to
“This prize means that I have GEN Mayaro and on Amazon UK had visited a friend and was driv- both men announced a hold-up. the arrest of the two suspects. PC
been accepted into the Caribbean and US. ing his green Nissan Wingroad The two men hit him repeated- Nanan is continuing investigations.
WORLD \ Daily Express \ Monday 10 April 2023 \ 17

WORLD What you think you

know about autism
\\\\\ SEE PAGE 24

Tensions rise
itary reported. In the second round,

two of the rockets crossed the bor-
O der into Israel, with one being inter-

cepted and the second landing in an


open area, the Israeli military said.

Israel responded with artillery

fire into the area in Syria from where
the rockets were fired. Later, the
Jewish-Muslim conflict at Jerusalem shrine military said Israeli fighter jets at-
tacked Syrian army sites, including

Ruling on
a compound of Syria’s 4th Division
\\\\\ JERUSALEM terday. The two discussed “the most and Israel. No group has officially and radar and artillery posts.
important developments in occu- claimed responsibility for the rocket Turkish President Recep Tayyip

abortion pill ISRAELI warplanes and artillery

struck targets in Syria following rare
pied Palestine, the course of events
at al-Aqsa Mosque, and the escalat-
attacks, but Israel has accused Ha-
mas of being behind them.
Erdogan discussed the violence in
a telephone call with Israeli coun-

‘not America’
rocket fire from the north-eastern ing resistance in the West Bank and Late on Saturday and early Sun- terpart Isaac Herzog late Saturday,
neighbour, as Jewish-Muslim ten- Gaza, in addition to general political day, militants in Syria fired rockets telling Herzog that Muslims could
sions reached a peak yesterday at a developments in the region, the in two salvoes toward Israel and the not remain silent about the “prov-
volatile Jerusalem shrine with simul- readiness of the resistance axis and Israeli-annexed Golan Heights. A ocations and threats” against the
\\\\\ WASHINGTON taneous religious rituals. the cooperation of its parties,” the Damascus-based Palestinian group Al-Aqsa Mosque, and said the hos-
Thousands of Jewish worship- statement said. loyal to the Syrian government tilities that have spread to Gaza and
THE TOP health official in the Unit- pers gathered at the city’s Western Haniyeh, who arrived in Leba- claimed responsibility for the first Lebanon should not be allowed to
ed States said yesterday that a court Wall, the holiest place where Jews non last week shortly before rockets round of rockets, saying it was retal- escalate further.
ruling threatening the availability can pray, for a mass priestly bene- were launched at Israel from south iating for the Al-Aqsa raids. In addition to the cross-border
of a main drug used in medication diction prayer service for the Passo- Lebanon, had been scheduled to In the first salvo, one rocket land- fighting, three people were killed
abortion was “not America” and he ver holiday. At the Al-Aqsa Mosque make a public appearance in Beirut ed in a field in the Golan Heights. over the weekend in Palestinian
did not rule out defying the judge’s compound, a walled esplanade on Friday. But it was cancelled for Fragments of another destroyed attacks in Israel and the occupied
order if necessary. above the Western Wall, hundreds security reasons following the ex- missile fell into Jordanian territory West Bank.
“We want the courts to overturn of Palestinians performed prayers as change of strikes between Lebanon near the Syrian border, Jordan’s mil- —AP
this reckless decision,” Xavier Bec- part of observances during the Mus-
erra, President Joe Biden’s health lim holy month of Ramadan. EASTER
secretary, told CNN’s “State of the Hundreds of Jews also visited the MESSAGE: Pope
Union.” “We want, yes, that women Al-Aqsa compound under heavy Francis bestows
continue to have access to a drug police guard yesterday, to whistles the ‘Urbi et
that’s proven itself safe. Millions of and religious chants from Pales- Orbi’ (to the
women have used this drug around tinians protesting their presence. city and to the
the world.” By sundown, the observances had world) blessing
He stressed that for now, women passed without serious incident. yesterday at St
do have access to the abortion med- Such tours by religious and na- Peter’s Basilica
ication mifepristone after a federal tionalist Jews have increased in size at The Vatican
judge in Texas, Donald Trump-ap- and frequency over the years, and during the
pointee Matthew Kacsmaryk, put are viewed with suspicion by many Easter Sunday
his ruling from Friday on hold for a Palestinians who fear that Israel mass.
week so federal officials could file a plans one day to take over the site —Photo: AP
challenge. The drug was approved in or partition it. Israeli officials say
2000 by the Food and Drug Admin- they have no intention of changing
istration, which is overseen by the
Health and Human Services Depart-
ment headed by Becerra.
long-standing arrangements that al-
low Jews to visit, but not pray in the
Muslim-administered site.
Pope prays for Ukrainians, Russians, refugees
“For America’s sake and for However, the country is now \\\\\ VATICAN CITY and the world.” war in Ukraine and “all conflict
women’s sake, we have to prevail in governed by the most right-wing Since Russia invaded neigh- and bloodshed in the world, be-
this,” he said. government in its history, with ul- IN AN Easter message highlight- bouring Ukraine in February ginning with Syria, which still
Biden has said his administra- tra-nationalists who seek changes ing hope, Pope Francis yesterday 2022, Francis has repeatedly awaits peace.”
tion would fight the Texas ruling. in the arrangements in senior posi- invoked prayers for both the called for the fighting to end and Francis also prayed for those
Kacsmaryk’s 67-page order gave the tions. Ukrainian and Russian people, sought prayers for the “martyred” who lost loved ones in an earth-
government seven days to appeal. Tensions have soared in the past praised nations which welcome Ukrainian people. quake that struck Syria and Tur-
“We intend to do everything to week at the flashpoint shrine after refugees and called on Israelis Ukrainian diplomats have key two months ago, claiming
make sure it’s available to them not an Israeli police raid on the mosque. and Palestinians wracked by the complained that he hasn’t come tens of thousands of lives.
just in a week, but moving forward, On several occasions, Palestinians latest surge in deadly violence to down hard enough in his state- With a renewal in deadly vio-
period, because mifepristone is one have barricaded themselves inside forge a “climate of trust.” ments on Russia and particularly lence affecting both Israelis and
of the safest and most effective med- the Al-Aqsa Mosque with stones Francis, along with dozens of Russian President Vladimir Putin Palestinians in recent days, Fran-
icines that we have seen over the and firecrackers, demanding the prelates and tens of thousands of as the Vatican tries to avoid alien- cis called for a “resumption of di-
last 20 years to help women with right to pray there overnight, some- faithful, celebrated Easter Mass ating Moscow. alogue, in a climate of trust and
their health care, especially abortion thing Israel has in the past only al- in a flower-adorned St Peter’s “Help the beloved Ukrainian reciprocal respect, between Israe-
care,” Becerra said. lowed during the last ten days of the Square, affirming the Christian people on their journey towards lis and Palestinians, so that peace
Asked whether he might recom- Muslim holy month of Ramadan. belief that Jesus rose from the peace, and shed the light of East- may reign in the Holy City and in
mend that the FDA ignore a ban, Police removed them by force, de- dead days after his crucifixion. er upon the people of Russia,” the entire region”, a reference to
Becerra said, “Everything is on the taining hundreds and leaving doz- The 86-year-old pontiff Francis implored God in his East- Jerusalem.
table.” ens injured. topped the celebration with a er speech, which he delivered But Francis also noted pro-
There is uncertainty about access The violence at the shrine trig- traditional speech about troubled while sitting in a chair on the gress on some fronts.
to the most commonly used method gered rocket fire by Palestinian mili- places in the world. Encouraging central balcony of St Peter’s Ba- “Let us rejoice at the concrete
of abortion in the United States fol- tants from the Gaza Strip and south- “trust among individuals, peoples silica facing the square. “Comfort signs of hope that reach us from
lowing two separate and conflicting ern Lebanon, starting Wednesday, and nations,” Francis said East- the wounded and all those who so many countries, beginning
court rulings in Texas and Washing- and Israeli airstrikes targeted both er’s joy “illumines the darkness have lost loved ones because of with those that offers assistance
ton over the legality of mifepristone. areas. and gloom in which, all too often, the war, and grant that prisoners and welcome to all fleeing war
In Lebanon, Hezbollah’s media our world finds itself enveloped.” may return safe and sound to and poverty,” he said, without
—AP office announced that the militant The pope’s Easter message is their families.” naming any particular nations.
group’s chief, Hassan Nasrallah, known by its Latin name, “Urbi He urged the international
received a delegation headed by et Orbi,” which means “to the city community to work to end the —AP Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh yes-
18 \ Daily Express \ Monday 10 April 2023 \ ENTERTAINMENT

\\\\ AP Toussaint God’s love

“Silver and gold have I none. But such as I us that there were two daily sacrifices taking
have, I give unto you! In the name of Jesus place at the temple. A morning sacrifice and an
Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk.” Acts 3:6

“THE book of Acts records that Peter

and John were going to the temple for
evening sacrifice. Now the early Jewish follow-
ers of Christ would participate in all the Jewish
worship and celebrations like all the other
Jews. Peter and John were no exception and
and giving
worship at the 9th hour. Whenever would have continued to be part of the temple
you find time mentioned like this in worship till the temple itself was destroyed in be a big crowd at this time. Also, according to the
the Bible you have to remember that 70 AD putting an end to the temple sacrifices Rabbinic teachings there were three pillars of the
the Jewish people would consider the which were no longer necessary because of Jewish faith. The Torah or the first 5 books of the
start of the day at 6 a.m. So, the 9th Christ’s own sacrifice. Now usually people Old Testament, worship and showing kindness.”
hour is indicating 9 hours from 6 a.m. would gather to watch the ceremonies and pray End of quoted text.
which is 3 p.m. Also, historians tell during the daily sacrifices and so there would “Each of you should give what you have decided
in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under com-
pulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
2 Corinthians 9:7 NIV

There is a video that went viral on Facebook

from/of this lady – from her accent, I think that
she is a Jamaican – telling of how she realised
how blessed she is after a man begged her for the
scraps of food that she considered garbage and
was about to throw away. She did not give him
the scraps, but instead she asked him to go with
her to a mall and proceeded to buy him some
food with what money she had. Many thou-
sands have viewed and shared that video, which
surprised her! Ah, but people are longing for good
news! I was shocked that they pay thousands for
a meal in their currency, and that made me realize
how blessed we are here in T & T!
Giving from the heart – in whatever way(s) we
can, is the best way to live my friend. So ‘whatever
you give, give to the best of your ability.’ Opportu-
nities abound for us to bless others the way(s) we
would like to be blessed!
How I hope and pray that we do not drop our
loving and giving standards. Our standards cannot
be divisive, but of uniting one another.
Giving is not as hard as some of us think. I
know for a fact that giving ‘such as you have’ is
something that all of us can do from the heart.
And that is what really counts. Giving is not to be
considered as only of the materialistic kind. And
while that kind of giving is equally important,
not having something material to give should not
hinder us from giving to our fellow humans.
I will admit to you that - at times, my personal
stuff, coupled with what is taking place nationally
and internationally, is allowed to get me numb,
and I lose my giving focus. Then I would have to
take the swift turn, and pull up my faith by re-
membering that God loves ME! And yes, HE loves
YOU! What else can we hold on to my friend?
What else?
Yes, I will admit that times are indeed hard/dif-
ficult. But our faith in God must stay strong!
Interestingly enough, I have wanted to share
on today’s topic for a few days. And then, as
divine (provisional) order would have it, someone
sent me a story captioned – ‘God loves you’. And
all I said was – ‘thank you FATHER!’
There are times that we can recall saying – ‘if
it had not been for the Lord on my side, I would
have perished!’ Or similar words, yes?
So, I highly recommend to you that you
personalise that fact every day by declaring ‘God
loves me!’ Doing so can be therapeutic and em-
powering. In times of darkness and despair, that’s
what we need to remember – that God loves us.
I remember how comforting when – as a child
– I would sing along to the song that was so com-
forting/reassuring to me, as it was being played on
the radio, and sung by the one and only powerful
Mahalia Jackson – “Yes, Jesus loves me, yes Jesus
loves me, for the bible tells me so.”
We have the perfect example to follow in Jesus
the Christ. And He told us that we can do even
greater things! So, let’s love and give!
In everything give God thanks!
Be blessed!
Much love!
HEALTH \ Daily Express \ Monday 10 April 2023 \ 19


n Parkinson’s disease...
A neurological movement disorder
\\\\ Kimberly Wallace The diagnosis ment for PD typically includes
of PD typically a combination of medications

HE moment Sukdeo involves a sup- that either increase dopamine
(not his real name) was portive history levels in the brain or reduce
diagnosed with Parkin- and physical the breakdown of dopamine,
son’s disease (PD), he examination as lifestyle modifications such as
was determined to lead well as response exercise, therapy and a bal-
an active life. But despite his best to dopamine, said anced diet, sometimes surgery
efforts, he knows that he is up the neurologist. such as Deep Brain Stimulation,
against a formidable, progressive He added that speech therapy and occupation-
disease that knows no cure. Dopamine Spect al therapy, explained Maraj.
As the disease progresses Suk- scans can help to “The treatment of Parkin-
deo’s symptoms have worsened; confirm a diag- son’s disease is individualised
his sense of smell has been lost, nosis but these and the specific treatment plan
his gait has become unsteady and are not readily may vary depending on the
because of his tremors he can no available and not individual’s symptoms, age and
longer write his name but must routinely used. overall health,” said Maraj.
instead provide a thumbprint for “It is important “The goal of treatment is to
certain documents. The daily ef- to note that Par- manage symptoms and im-
fort it takes for Sukdeo to do what kinson’s disease prove one’s quality of life and
he loves — tending to his plants, is a complex and healthcare providers will work
leaves him feeling drained and variable condition with the individual to develop a
even a bit depressed. and the diagnostic treatment plan tailored to their
This Parkinson’s Day, internal process may take specific needs.”
medicine/neurology specialist time and involve For PD patients, Maraj rec-
Dr Nicholas Maraj sheds light multiple evalua- ommends the book Living with
on this chronic and progressive tions,” said Maraj. Parkinson’s Disease - A Complete
neurological disorder that affects “A comprehensive Guide for Patients and Caregivers
movement. evaluation by by authors Michael Okun, Irene
“Parkinson’s disease is caused an experienced Malaty and Wissam Deeb.
by the gradual loss of dopa- healthcare pro-
mine-producing cells in a specific vider is essential
region of the brain called the for an accurate
substantia nigra,” said Maraj. diagnosis and
Dopamine is a transmitter that appropriate treat-
plays a crucial role in regulating ment.”
movement and coordination, said There is no
Maraj. But it also has several cure for PD.
other important functions. It is Centre and Westshore Medical. abnormal protein clumps, called But there are several treat-
involved in the brain reward lewy bodies, can disrupt the nor- ment options available
system and is released in response The symptoms of Parkinson’s mal functioning of neurons and that can help manage
to pleasurable experiences, it is disease are typically divided into lead to cell death. the symptoms and
also involved in regulating mood two categories: In addition to dopamine improve one’s
and emotions and is important for deficiency, Maraj said Parkin- quality of life.
attention and learning. Motor symptoms: tremors son’s disease is associated with Treat-
Because dopamine is a critical (usually present at rest), stiffness other changes in the brain,
neurotransmitter that is involved or rigidity in the muscles, slow- including the loss of other
in many different aspects of brain ness of movement and difficulty neurotransmitters such
function, the loss of dopamine with balance and coordination. as norepinephrine, sero-
producing neurons in Parkinson’s Non-motor symptoms: a tonin and acetylcholine.
can have widespread effects on decrease in the ability to smell, “These changes can
these functions and contribute to constipation, problems sleeping, contribute to the wide
the diverse symptoms associated mood disorders such as depres- range of symptoms as-
with Parkinson’s. sion and anxiety and cognitive sociated with the disease,
The incidence of PD varies impairment (trouble with thinking such as tremors, rigidity
across different populations and and memory). and cognitive
age groups, but it is estimated Many patients report in- impairment,”
to affect about one to two per creased stiffness in their muscles, said Maraj.
cent of people over the age of 60 trouble turning in bed at night,
worldwide. tremors, taking longer to put on
“It is slightly more common in their clothes and come out of the
men than in women and the risk car.
of developing PD increases with
age. Even though this is the case, What exactly causes
in my clinic, I do see people in Parkinson’s?
their 30s with Parkinson’s,” said
the neurologist and consultant Maraj explains that the ac-
physician at EWMSC, St Augus- cumulation of the protein called
tine Private Hospital, Southern alpha-synuclein in the brain is
Medical Clinic, St Clair Medical thought to play a role. These
20 \ Daily Express \ Monday 10 April 2023 \ MOVIES

Must watch movies about autism

that is often
when people
hear the diagnosis
of Autism Spectrum
Disorder (ASD), is that
some individuals devel-
op fixations or special
interests which could
potentially lead them
to develop extreme
knowledge around a
topic, setting them up
to perhaps become
an industry leader in A scene from the movie Love in the Spectrum.
that field. For instance,
Pokémon’s Satoshi Tajiri had a Based on a true story, this
fixation with video games and heart-warming tale is truly one
bugs growing up and some think of overcoming diversity, and is
his nickname of Dr Bug was a key a great pick-me-up film as you
inspiration for the Professor Oak watch as Temple learns to focus
character. on what she can do rather than on
The actor and writer Dan what she can’t.
Aykroyd also proudly states that
being on the spectrum helped #2 – Jack of the Red Hearts
him create the blockbuster hit While a lot of movies around
Ghostbusters. Dan attributes his autism focus on the experiences of
obsession with law enforcement high functioning children on the
as well as his fixations with the spectrum, Jack of the Red Hearts is a
supernatural for sparking his idea great movie displaying what it’s like
for the film. Dan also explains for individuals who are low function-
that his success in writing the ing and how it’s still possible to have
series Blue Brothers, a story of two a fulfilling life. As the mom from the
recidivists, was propelled by his movie explains that while she may
extensive knowledge of crimino- not be a savant, “she has an extraor-
logical terms. dinary personality”.
Temple Grandin, an autistic
individual specialising in ani- #3 — Love on the Spectrum US
mal husbandry, had a knack for While it’s not a movie, this
summing it all up, saying: “The wholesome reality TV show follows a
world needs different kinds of series of individuals who are on the
minds to work together.” Which spectrum as they work through the
is why I recommend you put all ups and downs of their budding rela-
the movies listed below on your tionship, practising social interaction,
watch list. Each movie will explore and finding their love story. The best
how different everyone is and why part about this show is the variety of
there is a spectrum. From high individuals’ stories and lives you get
functioning asperger’s syndrome to see, and how ultimately every-
to low functioning (if you choose one just wants to feel accepted and
to use those terms), let us have connected.
fun learning and bonding in this
epic movie marathon! #4 – Atypical
Another series I wanted to
#1 – Temple Grandin include in this list is Atypical. A
As one of the most prominent great thing about this show is that
and famous figures in the autism it hired individuals with autism for
community it’s a no-brainer that roles both on and behind the cam-
the movie based on Temple Gran- era. Even if the characters weren’t
din’s life snags the top of the list scripted as having a disability,
for best autism movies. The film the Netflix producers noted that
is based on the life of a young au- they wanted to have an inclusive
tistic woman who overcomes the environment and create something
limitations and barriers facing her that anyone who felt different
as a result of her diagnosis. could relate to.
PASTIME \ Daily Express \ Monday 10 April 2023 \ 21

Crossword clues Saturday’s solution EXPRESSTV


5:25Am Sign On (Anthem & Prayer)

5:30 Universal Kingdom Of God
6:00 Movie: Water Is Wide
8:00 Omega Xl
11 Senator Specter; 8:30 Moments Of Inspiration
12 Flip out;
13 Fast fliers; 9:00 Documentary
18 Impertinence;
23 Buddy; 10:00 Universal Kingdom Of God
24 Bunch;
25 Implore; 10:30 Movie: We Bought A Zoo
26 Perform;
Across 47 Main stem of a tree; 27 Swedish auto; 12:35Pm CSI (Rpt)
1 Garfield’s middle name; 50 Neck part; 28 ___ uncertain terms;
6 Atlantic food fish; 51 Molars, e.g.; 29 Last letter of the Greek alphabet;
1:20 Becker (Rpt)
9 Hauls; 52 Gator’s kin; 30 Ingot; 1:45 The Mentalist (Rpt)
14 Merchandise; 54 RR stop; 33 Snare;
15 Pay stub?; 57 Sister of Thalia; 34 Hardware fastener; 2:40 Movie: Epic
16 Continental cash; 58 Memory; 35 Dynamic beginning;
17 Meet; 61 Fall flower; 37 Film director Lee; 4:30 Heartline Youth
19 __ once; 62 Shoebox letters; 39 Georgia, once: Abbr.;
20 Hi-___ monitor; 63 Seeped; 41 Small-time; 5:00 Universal Kingdom Of God
21 School founded in 1440; 64 Pick up; 42 Cuttlefish excretion;
22 Vast extents; 65 They loop the Loop; 43 Expeditiously; 5:30 Movie: Jane Doe 5:
23 Gillette brand; 66 Apparel; 44 Atlas item;
25 European capital; 47 Brief; Harder They Fall
26 “I, Robot” author; Down 48 Rodeo rope;
29 Follow orders; 1 Antiquing agent; 49 Say; 7:00 The Tv6 News
31 Like a dog; 2 Tibia, e.g.; 50 Short letters;
32 Purplish red; 3 Fabled fliers; 51 Bluey-green color; 7:30 Movie: Man of Steel
36 Zingy taste; 4 Flurry; 52 Canadian tribe;
37 ___ Lingus; 5 East Lansing sch.; 53 Winder for holding flexible material; 10:00 The Tv6 News (Rpt)
38 Change for a five; 6 Terra ___; 54 Dimensions;
40 Kicking; 7 Bread spread; 55 Some digits; 10:30 Burn Notice (Rpt)
43 Love affairs; 8 Phooey!; 56 No ifs, ___...;
45 Actress Swenson; 9 Expert marksman; 59 Affirmative action?;
11:15 Documentary
46 Priest; 10 Sovereign; 60 Rocky pinnacle; 12:00Am Prime Time Overnight
@ 10.30 a.m.
22 \ Daily Express \ Monday 10 April 2023 \ COMICS



Today’s Birthday (April 10) To find out more

ELCOME to a year of incredible focus. Fortune favours about Holiday Mathis
you because you choose wisely what to take on. You’ll and read her past
put hundreds of hours into a special project, but it
won’t feel like work because the pursuit speaks directly to columns, visit the
strengths. You’re solving problems, and the energy comes Creators Syndicate
back to you tenfold. More highlights: deep conversations, a Web page at
sweet pet and the key to an amazing getaway. Cancer and Leo
adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 8, 10, 4, 14 and 34.

n HAPPY BIRTHDAY n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n
ARIES (March 21-April 19)

THE day seems specially designed to shake up the assumption that
power is located somewhere outside ourselves. While you can’t control
everything about your experience, you still have way too many untried
options to worry for even one moment about options you don’t have.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20)

YOUR exceptional taste will play into the day’s events. You recognise
how it’s particular to you and don’t impose it on anyone else, which
makes you not only stylish but classy.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21)

WHILE there are those who say a lot but don’t act, you will provide a
contrast by acting without much to say about it. You’ll also inspire the
action of others with very little explanation or fanfare.

CANCER (June 22-July 22)

WHAT you imagine and what you can do won’t match up. It only means
you’ve a strong mind and, when it all shakes out, a new goal. You’re up
to this, and you’ll nail it. Don’t doubt that for a minute.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)

WHETHER or not you have enough will depend solely on what metric you
use. If the metric is material, there will always be someone with more or
less than you have. The amounts in and of themselves aren’t necessarily
better or worse. It’s how they fit the recipe that matters.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

SOME leaders ignore the junior’s ideas and concerns, hoping they’ll
pass. They will. So will loyalty, contribution and engagement, though.
You’ll keep all of this in mind as you lead today.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23)


IS it too restrictive to label some emotions as bad and others as good?

Of course negative emotions hurt, but they also offer useful information
about what to change.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21)

YOU’LL be cleaning, beautifying and fixing things. Most of this is easy
and inexpensive, except when it comes to relationships. Those are
harder to fix and come at a high emotional cost, too, which is why
you’re so careful not to break them in the first place.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

FINALLY, procrastination will work in your favor, or at least give you
different insights on the task at hand. Oscar Wilde confessed, “I never
put off until tomorrow what I can possibly put off until the day after

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

WHEN you find yourself in a defiant mood, there’s a reason for it. You
may not be fully aware of it, but you’re subconsciously resisting au-
thority. You want to know you have as much power over your life as you

possibly can.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

THE relationship that feels stuck will finally move forward when you say
what you mean. Conversations don’t need to be long and drawn out;
they just need to be specific. Try not to guess what the other person is
thinking. Ask.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)

YOU’VE a unique collection, obsession or study, and there are a few
people out there who share it. You’ll keep finding them. The more you
add to your network the better your collection will be. The real prize is
always relationships.


T HIS is Us star Mandy Moore is an enchanting

presence on screen and off screen, too, as a voice-
over queen with several major credits including
Rapunzel in Tangled and the adorable kitty Sheriff
Callie in Sheriff Callie’s Wild West. Next up for Moore is
the animated comedy #1 Happy Family USA. Moore is
an Aries with a natal Leo moon, the luminary of show
business and entertainment.

Would you like a mention in our birthday column? e-mail us at (Be sure to include ‘Birthday’ in the subject line).
COMICS \ Daily Express \ Monday 10 April 2023 \ 23

n CROSSWORD n n n n n

n n n n n n GIANT

ACROSS n Yesterday’s PUZZLE SOLVED n n n n

1 True statement
5 Apple pie à la __
9 Travesty
13 Hate
15 Fills with wonder
16 Sit for an artist

17 Small blackboard
18 Sofa that seats
20 Two-digit
21 Plopped down
23 Aim; objective
24 Merchandise
26 Porch pad
27 Shoplifts
29 India’s national

32 Speak before a 63 Drove 90 mph 28 Mountain road

crowd 64 Comedian’s 29 Striped __; So.
33 Maine or Montana repertoire Car.’s state fish
35 Excavate 65 Counts up 30 Privileged
37 Blood analysis 31 Dorothy, to Em
sites DOWN 33 __ guards; soccer
38 __ out; eliminate 1 Observe Yom player’s gear
slowly Kippur 34 Edison’s initials
39 Put one __ on; 2 Up to the task 36 Writer Zane

dupe 3 Fickle 38 Spurring on

40 Wesson product 4 Add up 39 Daytime shop
41 Uses a crowbar 5 Sail supports sign
42 Part of NASA 6 Have unpaid bills 41 Docks
43 American __; vets’ 7 Calendar pg. 42 Scheduled work
group 8 Rough guess periods
45 VP Dick __ 9 Not consistent 44 Forbid to fly
46 Scarlet 10 Improve, as one’s 45 Baseball’s Ripken
47 New Orleans skills 47 Tries to find
athlete 11 Act __ agent for; 48 Jungle beasts
48 Of one __; in represent 49 Crash of thunder
agreement 12 Become liquid 50 Doesn’t __ for;

51 Aide to Santa 14 Do a shoemaker’s dislikes

52 Muhammad __ job 53 Go before others
55 Possible 19 Nutty 54 Aggravates
58 Wild feline 22 Billboards 56 Deadly critter
60 Bring home the 25 Cheerios 57 Journal
bacon ingredients 59 Once __ blue
61 Kitchen area 27 Sing alone moon
62 Scoundrel
24 \ Daily Express \ Monday 10 April 2023 \ HEALTH

10 things you think you know

about autism, but really don’t
AUTISM AWARENESS raises with ASD are usually nonverbal or people express empathy, some
awareness for autism and Asperger’s they have restricted or repetitive be- don’t. Just like all humans. But the
syndrome during April. Autism is a haviours. ASD also affects people of ones who do express it will often
complex brain disorder that often all racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic experience a physical reaction to this
inhibits a person’s ability to commu- backgrounds. powerful emotion and for those who
nicate, respond to surroundings, and When it comes to the myths appear not to it’s because the autistic
form relationships with others. surrounding autism and neurodiver- person is protecting themselves, but
The month-long observance takes sity, wrong information can lead to it looks like they don’t care. The reason this one hits the myth actually give a very clear picture of what
place during World Autism Aware- isolation, cruelty and even the use of headlines so often is that it used to be a life is like for that person, or who that
ness Day (WAAD), celebrated each harmful therapies. 2. Autism can be cured hard and fast part of a doctor’s checklist person really is.
year on April 2. WAAD was adopted Below the team from NEAS share Well if autism was a disease – used to identify autism… until we realised
by the United Nations in 2007 to their top ten fake facts: maybe it could be cured. But as two things: one – it’s not true for everyone 7. Autism only
shine a bright light on autism as a it’s just the word used to describe (especially if you are diagnosed as an affects white people
growing global health crisis. WAAD 1. Autistic people a normal variation in human brain adult and have learned how to cope with Do you know what, we won’t even
activities increase world knowledge can’t show empathy “wiring” it can neither be “cut out” what society expects) and two – every give this one air time. Here’s who can
of autism and impart information OK; so forget Sheldon Cooper or treated away. autistic person is unique and there are as be autistic: anyone. Why? Because we
about the importance of early for a moment and replace autistic Let’s be clear; autism can some- many children, young people and adults all have brains. And what else? Putting
diagnosis and early intervention. with the word “humans”. Some hu- times sit alongside other challenges who can make eye contact as there are people in boxes doesn’t help anyone.
Additionally, WAAD celebrates the mans can sometimes find expressing and conditions, meaning life for an that can’t. Seriously, why are we still talking
unique talents and skills of persons empathy difficult. But others don’t. autistic person, and their families, It’s also true to say that most of us can about this one?!
with autism around the world. And therein lies the crux of myth can be a challenge. There is no cure. learn to behave in a way that helps us “get
According to WHO, about one in fake fact number one. by” in life. 8. Only boys can be autistic
270 people in the world has Autism It is true to say, however, that 3. Autistic people Let’s start refuting this one off the bat.
Spectrum Disorder (ASD). ASD is a one commonality that some autistic can’t make eye contact 4. Autistic children are naughty It’s nonsense. But this is why it’s important
group of developmental disabilities people share is that they often find So let’s be frank, looking some- Wait while we giggle at this one. The to talk about it: if girls don’t know, and
that causes challenges in many areas reading social situations tricky and one straight in the face can be a reality: ALL children can be naughty. But parents of girls don’t know, autism applies
of one’s life. Some of the profoundly can struggle to “put themselves in challenge for anyone and for some we think what this one is referring to is to them too then life will be a series of
affected areas include social, com- someone else’s shoes”. autistic people eye contact is not just the snap judgment offered when autistic hurdles and no one will understand why
munication, and behaviour. Children In a nutshell: some autistic difficult, but downright painful. children may be struggling to deal with a anyone is struggling.
situation or some kind of change in their It’s also important to note that the
environment. way girls ‘mask’ things they struggle with
While all autistic people process the often aligns with social expectations of
world around them in a way unique to what girls should be doing. So an autism
them, there are some commonalities. Sen- diagnosis may present itself earlier with
sory overload is one. Often referred to as a boy, but we certainly hear from a lot of
a “meltdown”, if a child who experiences women diagnosed later in life, who felt a
sensory stimuli in a powerful way is taken weight lifted when they now had a word
to an unusual or unfamiliar environment to describe who they really are.
this can be an assault on their senses.
To sum up – some autistic children 9. Autistic people can’t tell lies
are naughty, because some children are Maybe this would be better expressed
naughty. But often times what’s perceived as autistic people are often honest. Very
as naughty is a set of behaviours in honest. Where we think this stems from is
response to sensory changes. known communication challenges around
reading and understanding social cues,
5. Autistic people language nuances and body language
can’t make friends making it tricky for some autistic people to
We get why you might think this, but pick up when a gentler approach could be
we’re happy to say this isn’t true either. the softer option
Again, as humans, some of us are so-
cial pinballs bouncing off each other and 10. Autistic people are like
enjoying the buzz… but others of us need jigsaw puzzles
to work harder at making and sustaining So you’ve heard about autism. You
our relationships. A lot of autistic adults google it, and up comes a multi-colour-
count their online communities as their ed image of a jigsaw puzzle piece. It’s
friendship circles, and with the young peo- beloved the world over – even by parents
ple we work with they are only too keen of autistic children, but actually what is it
to make friends, especially with other really saying?
autistic children who “get them”. We’ve banned jigsaw imagery and this
For those people who can’t communi- year we’ve even stepped away from being
cate verbally or who have other associated happy with just autism awareness. Aware-
challenges, friendships will be more ness requires no action. Acceptance, on
difficult – but by no means impossible. the other hand, means all of us making a
shift in how we see and value each other.
6. All autistic people
are geniuses! If you know someone living with autism,
Move over Rain Man, stand aside here are some useful organisations that provide
Turing, there’s room for us all here. No, support:
absolutely not, this simply isn’t true. • Autism Tobago (1-868-462-5054)
In years gone by autism was described • Support Autism TT (1-868-791-1320)
as a spectrum with the diagnoses of • Autistic Society of Trinidad and Tobago
Asperger’s being given to people at the (1-868-646-5506 / 1-868-225-6808)
“higher end” of the spectrum. We hate • Right Start for Autism (Pre-school) (1-868-
that language. And thankfully some of this 678-1793)
terminology is changing. • Autism Parents Association of Trinidad and
What it implies, however, is that some Tobago (1-868-489-1673)
people who are autistic are super intelli- • Student Support Services Division’s Spe-
gent, and others are at the polar opposite cial Education Unit (868-622-2181 ext. 1030)
of this scale. That’s not helpful and doesn’t • Child Line (Hotline 131).
\ Daily Express \ Monday 10 April 2023 \ 25


Home Construction ........................................................1 Tobago Guide .................................................................2 Car Rentals .....................................................................6

Business Prop Rental .....................................................2
Business Space Rental ...................................................2 Transport .........................................................................6
Apt For Sale...................................................................2
Apt Rental Furnished.....................................................2 Heavy Equipment...........................................................6
Apt Rental Semi Furnished ...........................................2
Apt Rental Unfurnished.................................................2 Auto Repairs...................................................................5
Studio Apt For Rent ......................................................3 Business Opportunity .....................................................7
Rooms For Rent.............................................................3 Auto Parts.......................................................................5
Visitor Accomodation ....................................................3 Appliance Repairs ..........................................................7
Homes For Rent.............................................................3 Maxi Taxi .......................................................................5
Miscellaneous .................................................................7
Hardwares And Construction ........................................1
Apt Rental Furnished.....................................................2 Notices ............................................................................7 Cars For Sale..................................................................5
House Rental Semi Furnished.......................................3
House Rental Unfurnished.............................................3 Flowers & Plants............................................................7 Trucks & Vans ...............................................................6
Townhouse For Rent......................................................4
Livestock & Poultry.......................................................7
Townhouse For Sale ......................................................4
House For Sale...............................................................4 Animals ...........................................................................7
Land For Sale.................................................................4
Land For Rent ................................................................5 Wholesalers.....................................................................7
House & Land For Sale ................................................5
Counselling Services ......................................................8
Wanted To Buy Real Estate ..........................................5 Employment....................................................................6 Functions.........................................................................8
Warehouses .....................................................................5 Singles.............................................................................8
Beach Resorts.................................................................5
Foreign Resorts ..............................................................5 Personals .........................................................................8
Garage Sales...................................................................7 Employment....................................................................6
Swimming Pools ............................................................1
Real Estate Agencies .....................................................1 Skills & Services for hire .............................................7
Building For Sale...........................................................1
Business For Sale...........................................................1 Tuition.............................................................................7 Tuition.............................................................................7
Business Prop For Sale .................................................1 Business Services ...........................................................7


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CARPORTS We solve problems with Painting, Plumbing, Masonry 4 APARTMENT building on 1-954-773-1439.
&216758&7,21 WAREHOUSES TTEC, Inspection etc. & Carpentry 8,000 sqft, Chase Village.
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Paving of Driveways, GENERAL CUTTING/ A FULLY Tenanted 8
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Gypsum $7.99 Tel: 361-4798. 24/7. 774-2361 322/6 *Car Tyre Changer
plex Piarco. 327-4819
#1 A AFFORDABLE *Jacks & Lift
Builders Masonry, Carpentry, Affordable plans, engineer- CONSTRUCTION SER-
*New Tyres
Plumbing, Tiling, Fabricating, ing, construction. 305-3275 VICES: From Foundation to
Construction/ Maintenance.
Electrical. Renovation 772-7834 Apartments beachhouse
Finish. Masonry, Tiling etc. 330-5057, 689-7305.
F o u n d a t i o n - F i n i s h . ALICK CONSTRUCTION 796-9752
Roofing, Tiling, Plumbing,
277-2420, 742-5730
Renovations, Foundation to 5($/ (67$7(
Finish. 794-3879 DECKING $*(1&,(6 GREAT BUSINESS Street, 16,500 sq.ft. $5M.
30x30 $20,000, OPPORTUNITY!!
#1 AFFORDABLE APPROVED HOUSE Plans $27,000, 40x40 $34,000. Efficient 494-2184 SELLING Your Turn Key, Profitable, Foreign 759-0358, 319-0336.
CONSTRUCTION. Drawn. 750-9625. Service. 394-1876 Property in East? We have Used Auto Parts Business. A
Flat Houses from- Buyers waiting. steal @ $150,000 with over
$250,000 up. ARCHITECTURAL TECH- $350,000 in stock! Owner
Retainer Walls. NOLOGIST House Plans. BUYING SELLING Renting M i g r a t i n g . 7 0 9 - 2 7 7 6 ,
Renovations. 393-7296. 292-0948 664-0028, 774-5084. 344-0114.
26 \ Daily
2 Daily Express
Express \ Monday
Classifieds 10 April
Monday 10th2023 \
April 2023
dens, studio apartment, Sce-
Unfurnished. Gasparillo. APT RENTAL SEMI 1 & 2 Bedrooms, Pasea
Tunapuna & Kelly Village.
Commercial Space/ Office. 3 APARTMENTS. nic, aircondition, hot/ cold, 784-3513. FURNISHED 374-1608
F u l l y A i r - c o n d i t i o n e d . Carey Street, Diego Martin. parking, kitchenette/ laundry,
720-6566, 653-9607. electronic gate, all amenities, LARGE 1 Bedroom Trincity. 1 & 2 BEDROOM 1 BEDROOM, $1500.
Spacious rooms and com- LARGE APARTMENTS.
pound, automated gate. $3,500. 376-6095 $3,000-$3,500. Utilities In- Morvant. 349-2231
cluded. New Appliances. VALSAYN NORTH.
CHINESE RESTAURANT/ $2.1M. 290-6270 CCTV includes utilities.
Diner Parlour Princes Town. 2 BEDROOM, 2 bathroom, 461-6130. 1 BEDROOM. $1,800.
TUNAPUNA: fully furnished, Santa Rosa Serious inquiries. 645-5754, Cunupia. 728-7178.
For More Info Contact: 305-8918
383-0797. 5 Brand New Condos. Heights, Arima. $5,500, MT. LAMBERT Beautiful,
$5.5M. 375-9395. 680-9125 Modern, Well-secured Fully- 1 BEDROOM $2500 Bara-
1 BEDROOM and 2 bedroom taria. 472-1286
COMMERCIAL SPACE for TUNAPUNA, MODERN 2 furnished 2 Bedroom, 1 Toi- Apartment for rent, Couva,
rent Tunapuna, $2,500. 2 BEDROOM, 21⁄2 bath let & bath Annex. Air- 327-8499
Bedroom, 2 Bath Apt, Air-
townhouse, Curepe, gated, conditioned. Convenient 1 BEDROOM apartment
250 sqt. to 400 sqt. conditioned, $1,000,000, $1,500 Upper 6th Avenue
Call: 329-5426/ 227-7883/ 685-9040. fully-furnished including location. $4,000. 755-5562. 1 BEDROOM, Belmont
washer/ dryer. Preferably. Malick Barataria. 738-1386
362-0238 Aircondition. 374-2856
short-term rental. 290-2897 NEAR UWI- gated,
APT RENTAL single or student, 1 bedroom, 1 BEDROOM Apartment,
1 BEDROOM St. James. Freeport. 735-6598
Rent, #129 Union Road, FURNISHED 2 BEDROOM Chin Chin wifi, electricity included. Safe
Road, Cunupia. Safe and se- and quiet. $1,500 and
Marabella. 658-1909 1 BEDROOM apartment,
1 BEDROOM apartments, cure. 341-3320 $2,200. 773-1624. 2 BEDROOM Apt. & 1 Tunapuna. 470-8111
Furnished $1800./ Room, Cocoyea. 398-7229
COMMERCIAL SPACE, Unfurnished $2000. utilities 2 BEDROOM El Dorado SANTA ROSA HEIGHTS, 1 1 BEDROOM apt. Santa
miste, South. $3,000.
included, parking, Spring Vil- $4,000. A/C. Utilities in- bedroom Apt for rent, fur- 2 BEDROOM semi-furnished Monica Gardens. $2200.00.
RENTAL RENTAL lage Valsayn. 361-5185, cluded. 367-1002, 743-7808 nished. 346-6128 apartment, A/C, $2,800. Unfurnished. H/ C, wifi, ca-
377-1966, 365-6514. 218-7134 Peytonville Road, Arima. ble, etc. Call: 781-0128
2 BEDROOM Furnished ST. ANNS 1 bedroom, 797-7080
Suitable for Church, School, Curepe. $20,000. 328-0763 COMMERCIAL SPACES 1 BEDROOM APT. apartment, Sea View Gar- utilities included 1 BEDROOM Arima $2,500,
Upstairs, EMR Tunapuna. d e n s , P o i n t C u m a n a . $4,500. 730-9512 C H A G U A N A S St. Helena $2,000. Utilities
Office, Gym, Salon, Retail
$4,000 Monthly. Air-
Fully Furnished 727-1588, 324-0374
Stores etc. 689-6164 213 EMR Cane Farm, 400 ENDEAVOUR Gardens 2 included. 367-1002
conditioned, Utilities. Utility Bills Included. ST. AUGUSTINE. 1 Bed- Bedroom Unfurnished &
sq.ft, 500 sq.ft. Upstairs.
EASTERN MAIN Tacarigua, 678-3344 678-8678 St. Joseph Village, 2 BEDROOM furnished room apartment, fully- Semi-Furnished Apts; From 1 BEDROOM, Belmont.
San Fernando. downstairs apartment, Main furnished, A/C, parking, re- $3,500.00, 497-7712 $2,000.00. 712-5742.
Upstairs of 2 Storey Building, Road Longdenville, air- mote gate, non-smoking
$13,000. 1 Section Down- 2 COMMERCIAL Spaces for COMMERICAL SPACES 461-1280.
SAN FERNANDO: c o n d i t i o n e d , $ 3 , 0 0 0 . 327-2741 EL DORADO, 2 bedroom, 1 BEDROOM, Chin Chin
stairs available $6,500. Ideal Rent Cocorite Street, Arima 341-8791, 771-1375
for Lessons, Barbers, Beauti- $4,800. & 5,000. 781-0128 Scott Street- $3,700, $9,300. $ 3 , 5 0 0 , p a r k i n g , A C . Road, Cunupia. 780-6632
cians, Nail Technicians, Hair- Cipero Street- $4,500, 1 BEDROOM Arima $3,000, 2 BEDROOMS Arima. UWI STUDIO. 308-0770
dressers, Variety Store. #3 MT. HOPE Road, $10,000 St. Helena $2,500. Utilities $2,650, 488-3113 Student Accommodation. 1 BEDROOM Don Miguel
755-5562. Business/ Office Spaces MUNROE ROAD- included. 367-1002 $3500. Electricity included. S A V A N N A H V I L L A S Road, San Juan. 486-6914,
742-8005, 726-2275 $4,500, $6,500. 755-3287/ 735-3757. Araguez, 2 bedroom, fuly air- 733-8801
LONGENVILLE: $10,000. 1 BEDROOM fully furnished 2 B E D R O O M S , conditioned. Fridge, stove,
4100 SQ.FT. 2 floors, next to 479-0403. apartment. Freeport, utilities Westmoorings Townhouse, washer & dryer only. 1 BEDROOM, large, Mc
NIB Office, Couva. 685-8283 included, $3000/ mth. Job Airconditioned. No kids/ pets. 388-3027, 266-2724 Bean, Couva, A/C, Tiled,
$6,000. 774-9169. Covered Carpark, Cameras.
FURNISHED P.O.S. Office letter. 497-8778
80 EMR Arouca, 2 Spaces
Upstairs, 1 Space Down-
available for young male A F F O R D A B L E APT RENTAL $2,200. Negotiable.
Attorney. $3,000. 734-7498 1 BEDROOM, furnished APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED
299-2528, 707-3652
stairs. 678-3344. apartment, San Juan.
$1,850. 674-8882. Students/ Professionals. 1 BEDROOM, living room,
98 EMR Tunapuna, 2 PRIME OFFICE space for St Augustine. $1,400 up. 1 & 2 bedroom apartments, kitchen, bedroom, toilet,
GERIATRIC HOME Rent-to- Spaces Upstairs. 678-3344 rent at St Marys Junction, 1 BEDROOM opposite UWI. 465-2285, 308-6126 Cunupia. 277-0990 bath, laundry, parking, utility,
own. 488-1276. Freeport. $6,500. Whatsapp 682-6047. $2,700. Arima. 383-8553
AROUCA MAIN road up- 310-5591 1, 2 Bedroom Chaguanas.
RESTAURANT/ BAR, stairs, $4,000, 732-7493 1 BEDROOM small, Arima. 365-8786 1 BEDROOM, Petit Valley.
San Fernando. 385-8725. RIO CLARO- Prime Office/ 367-1002 VALSAYN $8,000/ 321-7642
BUSINESS SPACE Commercial upstairs, heart of $8,500. 1 & 2 BEDROOM spacious,
Available for rent. $1,500. Town. Small- $2,000. Bigger- UNFURNISHED $7,000. hot/ cold, utilities included. 1 BEDROOM, Roystonia,
Main Road, Vistabella. $3,500. 306-0740. AFFORDABLE, MODERN. 2 Bedroom Townhouses. Nelson Street, Longdenville. Couva, spacious, new, safe,
753-5954. Sando/ Debe. 746-2355. 755-3287/ 735-3757. 665-1947, 389-2981. parking. 732-7090


APPLIANCE BUSINESS SPACE furnished, Saltwater Pool, 15
Minutes Drive from Airport.
1 LOT Tobago, Top Hill.
Reasonably priced. 701-5555
PAIRS. TOOLS, SERVICE $ 1 , 2 0 0 . D o w n p a y m e n t
11⁄4 LOT. All amenities. RE-
$1,000. Lowlands. 760-6503. EQUIPPED WITH POOL- CORAL RIDGE SUITES
294-3330 DUCED $690,000 NEGO-
→ We Offer Expert Advice All room Self-contained TIABLE. 748-5028 for more
on Repairs 678-7254. POOL, WIFI, summerlandsuitestobago- info. SUNNYSIDE HOLIDAY
Self-contained with pool.
LP# 75 Friendsfield Road, Rainbow-Villa 290-1578.678-7254
Calder Hall, North Tobago FURNISHED (Facebook).
2 minutes- Airport.
FB: Summerland Suites
Prospect AFFORDABLE CROWN POINT: Seafront. 708-1968/ 772-1984,
APARTMENMTS. Air- Hot/ Cold,
868-478-8832 Direct TV, King Beds. 10,000 Sq.Ft. $1.6MIL Nego- 750-0276
2 BEDROOM, Bacolet. conditioned. cable, Wi-fi, tiable. 272-2858. 736-5164.
662-1305, 487-8137 kitchen. $100 per person. 752-4854, 331-0897. THE PRETTY HOUSE
302-6027 Nice, Clean and Spacious. 3
MISCELLANEOUS Minutes to the Beach.
LAND $150,000 Cash. Mo-
VISITOR 489-0112, 755-8692.
riah. 376-8045.
Chairs. Threadmill TWILIGHT INN
Glass Showcase. . 786-1703. 1 & 2 BEDROOM Self-
Englishman’s Bay
containied Apt. Wi-fi, Park- A L L F I E L D ’ S Villa Escalante SANDY POINT LOWLANDS
ing. Buccoo. 689-8609 APARTMENTS 4 Bedrooms VILLAGE TOBAGO,
PERSONALS Pool, Wi-Fi, 1(281)793-7170. sandypointvillagehotel@ PORT, CABLE, WI-FI, A/C rooms. From $200. Pool,
1- 3 Bedrooms, Fully Fur- 639-8937, 767-7656. 1(868)741-3350. POOL. 639-0917, 474-0917. Restaurant Bar. Bookings
nished, Storebay, $100. per Search Google vescalantetobago@ TWILIGHTINN1@GMAIL. Whatsapp 678-1685.
24/7 FANTASY 354-4147 person. 271-8367. COM Facebook.
\ Daily Express \ Monday 10 April 2023 \ 27
1 BEDROOM PINTO: 2 unfurnished 1/ 2 BEDROOM. $1,500/ 3 BEDROOM Upstairs, FURNISHED ROOM with a
Curepe, $2,000. No Parking. apartments for rent. $2,200. Electricity, WiFi, Union Hall. Small family. great view, amenities in-
764-6205 A One bedroom @ $2,200./ Water Included. St. John, $3,000. 301-5507, 763-5725. 2 BEDROOM cluded, East Dry River,
month, Two bedroom @ San Fernando. 387-1096, Apartments in P.O.S. Details & viewing
$2800./ month. Inclusive of 386-6498. APARTMENT IN South. Cunupia area. Fully contact Cheryl whatsapp
1 BEDROOM upstairs, D’ABADIE, BEHARRY 1 BEDROOM, El Socorro. electricity. Each apartment 312-7912, 225-8427. tiled, air-conditioned, +447880563478/ 738-5736
apartment Chase Village, Trace. Beautiful, modern, 674-3849 has a living room, kitchen, 1/ 2 BEDROOM APT cupboards, laundry,
kitchen, living room, $2,300. well secured 3 Bedrooms, 1 bathroom, hot/ cold water. Kitchen, Living-room. APARTMENTS Union Hall. patio, secured park- ROOM IN Aranguez. $1,200.
With electricity. 732-7067 Bathroom, Downstairs 1 BEDROOM, Malabar, Fenced property, secured $1,200-$2,000 Monthly. Plus 304-6814 ing. $3,000. Tel: 371-5929
Apartment. $3,800. No Park- Quiet. 334-7007 parking, CCTV Camera. Downpayment. Lengua 760-2141/ 689-0908.
1 ROOM apartment, Mission ing. 755-5562. Road. Princes Town. BACHELOR ROOM, SAN JUAN- Rooms.
Contact 760- 2040 687-9448
Road, San Juan. $2,000. 1 BEDROOM, SANGRE 321-8304. Marabella. 376-0966.
638-2842, 296-8198 MARAVAL 2 bedroom/ 1 GRANDE. 374-8458. SANGRE GRANDE, Foster 2 BEDROOM apartments
bath apt, quiet, gated,
$ 2 5 0 0 . 0 0 2 B e d r o o m burglar-proof, A/C, tiled, hot/ 1 BEDROOM, single/ couple Road, 2 bedroom. $2,200. Palmiste. 795-7187. nando, 1 Bedroom. Hot/
Preysal, $3,000, fully air- La Romain. 397-1346.
Apartment. Kleinsworth St, cold, assigned parking, o n l y , A / C , p a r k i n g . 304-4070 Cold. Utilities. $2,200.
condition, hot/ cold, secure
parking, remote gate.
C a r a p i c h a i m a . C a l l $4,200. 478-3871 1 BEDROOM Apartment, 620-5742. 344-1597 furnished, toilet/ bath,
462-4379/ 469-6069 744-6464 for enquiries, after Tunapuna, 2 Bedrooms, Gasparillo. 305-1292.
4pm Weekdays. internet, fridge, gated. $1800.
$3,500. 678-3344 GOPAUL LANDS, 2 BEDROOM, Balmain 743-7359
$2,600. 1 Bedroom Bara- MAYARO- TWO Bedrooms, 1 BEDROOM Apartment, Marabella. 2 Bedroom Couva. 372-9832
taria. 329-3588. Negotiable. 751-6734 1 ROOM Studio Tunapuna. Palmiste. 726-8779. apartment, A/C, Parking,
703-1023 Quiet neighbourhood, close 2 BEDROOM, Chase Village. 9,6,725
2-BEDROOM ($2,700.00), SANGRE GRANDE. 2 bed- 1 BEDROOM apartment, Pe- to all amenities and highway,
2 baths, hot/ cold, A/C, room Apt. Close to all 2 BEDROOM $2,500, nal and La Romaine. 327-2741.
753-3834. $&&202'$7,21
washroom, park, Amenities and all Utilities Tacarigua. 640-7439 395-8031, 733-5958. 2 BEDROOM Longdenville. 2 BEDROOM, 21⁄2 bath
near Main Rd, Claxton Bay. p a i d . A v a i l a b l e f o r GORGEOUS 3 bedrooms. 398-9091 townhouse, Curepe, gated,
Call: 736-5799, 730-3308. Immeditate Occupancy. 2 BEDROOM apartment, 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT, Marabella. 267-1927
$2,500. 668-2739, 397-3663. El Socorro, San Juan. fully-furnished including
Princes Town. $1,500. 2 BEDROOM Peterville off washer/ dryer. Preferably.
2 BEDROOM, 2 baths, hot 460-1073 INCLUDING UTILITIES. J O R D A N H I L L , Chin Chin Road, Cunupia, $1900 short-term rental. 290-2897
water, AC, parking, near ST. AUGUSTINE Studio 358-7850 Manahambre Road. 3 Bed-
utilities included. 478-3973,
PBR. D’abadie. $3,600. apartment. $2,500 Wi-fi & 2 BEDROOM apartment, liv- 685-1916
ing room, kitchen, burglar- rooms, AC, parking, modern. ACCOMMODATION STU-
291-2858/ 730-0591 utilities included. 678-7748 ST AUGUSTINE $6,000. 1 BEDROOM, Claxton Bay. 726-5022.
proof, carpark, $1,800. St.
Electricity included 765-8500. 2 BEDROOMS, Cunupia. DIO, St. James. 395-6144
2 BEDROOM apartment, built- STUDIO $1750. EMR Bara- Helena Junction. 766-1337. 2 Bedroom Apartments.
in cupboards, kitchen, laun- taria. 472-1286 MARABELLA, BATTOO ALICIA’S PALACE
2 BEDROOM Apt, El 755-3287/ 735-3757 1 B E D R O O M , D e b e . Avenue, 2 Bedroom 2 BEDROOMS, Endeavour,
dry, garage, hot/ cold, 2 760-8316. Chaguanas. Spacious, Up- ACCOMMODATIONS
toilet/ bath, floor terazzo, AC, Socorro $2,700. Couples Apartments. 471-4175 or
only 742-1603. TUNAPUNA 2 bedrooms 1 BEDROOM, Marabella. WhatsApp 1-868-268-7893 stairs, Air-conditioned, well-
LP 117 Munroe Road STUDIO APARTMENT, E.M.R. maintained, Porch, Secured
Cunupia, 292-8863. Silvermill San Juan, $1700, 2 BEDROOM Apt. Secure,
near PBR/ Main Road, air- $1,800. 390-6738.
620-8400 condition, parking. 496-0903 SAN FERNANDO: 3 Bed- parking, Indoor laundry.
A/C, Unfurnished. D’Abadie. $3,500. 283-4555
2 BEDROOM apartment,
318-3322. 1 BEDROOM, Marabella, room, 2 baths, Unfurnished
Don Miguel Road, San Juan. downstairs Apartment, A p a r t m e n t . F u l l y 2 BEDROOM upstairs
268-2777 2 BEDROOM, D’Abadie, Utilities Included, $2,600. burglarproof, secured car- apartment Warrenville,
754-8646, 712-4078. port. 764-1400. Lady Chancellor Rd.
2 BEDROOM apartment, A/C, Cable, Wi-Fi, Parking. $2,300. 638-6330, 230-6270 Above the Zoo
Enterprise Street. Secured, 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments. $3,300. 689-3966. 1 BEDROOM Apartment, 1 BEDROOM, Penal. $2,000.
3 BEDROOM, Couva. Open 24/7 free Wi-fi
fenced. 763-9241 C u r e p e , S t . H e l e n a . 2 BEDROOM, El Socorro. Nicholas street, Maraval. 298-0702. 228-2277/ 231-1587
$2500. 629-2751. 715-9709, 770-3227.
767-3215. Couple/ Single, No Children.
2 BEDROOM apartment, Las 1 BEDROOM, 3 BEDROOMS Lappai Gar-
Lomas #1 $3000. 680-5439 $2,200. 689-9949 1 BEDROOM apartment, Princes Town. 273-8020. 1, 2 BEDROOM Felicity,
Petit Valley $2000. new, aircondition, secured dens. 753-1032. CARIBBEAN TOURIST Villa
2 BEDROOM Apartment 1/ 2 BEDROOM 2 BEDROOM, Ramnath Street, Woodbrook, Port-of-Spain.
Malabar. 347-2953, 667-0983 466-5407, 633-8715 1 BEDROOM, Vistabella. No p a r k i n g . 6 7 1 - 8 0 1 7 , 3 B E D R O O M u p s t a i r s Pool, Wifi, Air-conditioned,
opposite Grand Bazaar, APARTMENTS MODERN. parking. Single Person. 334-2825. apartment, secure parking for 2 Starting: $250.00
Bamboo 1, hot/ cold, 3 mins walk to Sangre 2 BEDROOM San Juan. 2 BEDROOM, 2 bathroom, $1,900. 763-5216. vehicles, $2500, Preysal, Couva.
air-condition. 788-4296, Grande Police Station. 306-4858 air-condition, Diego Martin. 1 BEDROOM, Aircondition, 303-6483 623-9164, 627-5423,
742-9903 794-9676/ 281-9815 721-5211 WhatsApp/ Call: 367-3061
2 BEDROOM Apartment, Electricity, Hot/ Cold, Park-
2 BEDROOM Santa Rosa Borde Narve, Princes Town. i n g . $ 2 , 0 0 0 . P r e y s a l . APARTMENT FOR rent,
2 BEDROOM apartments, 1 & 2 BEDROOM, El $2,200 (utilities included). 1 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT, 335-3412, 346-4375. 282-5091. Main Rd, California, Main
upstairs/ downstairs, Upper Socorro, $1,800/ $2,800. Bedroom Brazil, $1,300 ST. FRANCOIS VALLEY Road Couva. 763-4007,
Laventille. $2,000/ $2,300. 758-1999/ 758-8752 (utilities included). 620-0145 B E L M O N T . $ 2 2 0 0 . 2 BEDROOM Apartment. 1 BEDROOM apartment 271-3925
747-7717 352-8786/ 467-3563 Dumfries Road, next to Pal- Longdenville $2,300. utilities
$1,800. 1 BEDROOM 2 BEDROOMS apt, off CARAPICHAIMA: 3 bedroom.
2 BEDROOM Barataria. NEW Apartment, Single, El Boundary Rd, $2700, utilities miste entrance. Working included. 475-2009. Ideal for storage and living.
2 BEDROOM, Diego Martin, Couples only. $3800. 762-7614 CUNUPIA
743-9904, 726-2275 S o c o r r o . 7 4 1 - 1 9 9 1 / included. 748-9122 Diamond Vale, $4,500/ 657-6552. 1 BEDROOM apartment op- 6 BEDROOMS
2 BEDROOM Curepe, 675-4603. month. 708-2589/ 687-5583 posite Lange Park. Available CHARLIEVILLE,
2 BEDROOMS, gated, newly immediately. 774-1300 HOUSE.
$3,200, 1 bedroon Tunapuna 1 and 2 bedroom, St Helena. built, Sooknanan Street, 2 BEDROOM Apartment PRIME LOCATION ♦POOL
2 BEDROOMS. Crystal L a l t o o T r a c e , P e n a l . 2 Bedroom Apartments. ♦HAVE FUN/ RELAX.
$ 2 , 5 0 0 , 2 b e d r o o m . 388-9547 Aranguez. 395-7948. Drive, Lady Young Road, 384-1039, 295-9160. 1 BEDROOM Chase Village,
Tunapuna $3,500, 732-7493 Air-conditioned Bedrooms, 722-5112, 627-9006
Morvant. Parking. 218-6562. $1,600. McBean, $1,800. remote gate, spacious.
2 BEDROOM El Socorro 1 B E D R O O M A n n e x . 2 BEDROOM Spacious, 2 BEDROOM Apartment, 712-4481 653-9607, 720-6566.
476-1894 Curepe. Utilities Included. $4,000. 21 First Street, San 2 BEDROOMS Petit Valley. Marabella. Secured parking.
Juan. 680-1621.
Whatapp 416-856-5407. 725-1262. 750-9566 715-4606. 1 BEDROOM, Chase Village. NEW 1 BEDROOM, Chase +20(6 )25 5(17
2 BEDROOMS, Tacarigua. 753-3834. village. Air-conditioned,
2 BEDROOM hot/ cold, 1 BEDROOM apartment, AC, $3,300. 678-3344 2 BEDROOM St. James. 2 BEDROOM Apartments, Utilities Included. $2,500. 3 BEDROOM upstairs
Chaguanas New Brand F o s t e r R o a d , S a n g r e 354-7178 Marabella. 728-4132. 1 BEDROOM, 476-5473. 727-8512 house, Caroni Savannah
$2500. 734-5773 Grande, $1,800. 757-8841, 3 BEDROOM, 2 baths, CLAXTON BAY. 317-2184 Road, Chaguanas. 753-0964
273-7678, 668-2171 $3,200. San Juan. 674-8882 2 BEDROOM, Waterwhell 2 BEDROOM apartment- ONE BEDROOM for rent in
2 BEDROOM, Las Lomas, Rd Diego Martin, $3,000. tiled, fully burglar proof, 1 BEDROOM COUVA the Central area. Chase Vil- +286( 5(17$/
$2,200 negotiable. Cable. 1 BEDROOM Apartment A/C 3 BEDROOM apartment, 496-0328 San Fernando. 301-3962. Electricity, wifi, air-condition, lage or Longdenville, $1900
Utilities included. 758-7292 Remote Gate, Barataria. Five Rivers, Arouca. $3,500. hot/ cold. $2,500. 746-1100 -$2200, 338-2440/ 365-2311 6(0, )851,6+('
$2,300. 674-3411. 785-8907 640-3659. 3 BEDROOM, Diego Martin
2 BEDROOM (New) Up- M a i n R o a d , $ 4 , 0 0 0 . 2 BEDROOM Apartment/ 1 BEDROOM, Cunupia. W A R N E R V I L L A G E WESTMOORINGS 3 bed-
Charlieville. 302-7604 room. Negotiable. 370-5593
stairs, quiet, parking. St 1 BEDROOM apartment, AC, ARIMA- MALABAR, 2 Bed- 496-0328 Townhouse (bedroom up- 730-4481.
Helena, $2,500. 681-2507 utilities included in rent, rooms $2,500.00/ $2,700, All stairs), Marabella, AC, hot/
El Socorro shopping area. utilities included. 787-7668 cold, secure parking. 1 BEDROOM, Freeport, 678',2 $37 )25 +286( 5(17$/
2 BEDROOM San Juan. $2,000- $2,300. 379-3866 $1500. 344-8112 81)851,6+('
$3000. secured parking. ARIMA NEAR Larry Gomes 741-1800 5(17
386-6102. after 4pm. 1 BEDROOM Apartment, Stadium, new spacious 3 2 BEDROOM APTS 1 BEDROOM Freeport. STUDIO, MALABAR Arima 1 BEDROOM, Wallerfield.
Arima. 469-6373 bedroom, hot/ cold, a/c, laun- Kitchen, Living-room. $1700 $2,300. 701-5203 321-4539, 271-0157 $1900. 683-3738
2 BEDROOMS Apt dry, parking. 774-1604 1, 2 & 3 BEDROOM
Aranguez. Parking, Quiet 1 BEDROOM Apartment. Monthly. Plus $500 Down- 2 BEDROOM house, Santa
APTS & STUDIOS 1 BEDROOM, Kelly Village,
S t r e e t . C l o s e t o a l l L i v i n g - r o o m . K i t c h e n . BARATARIA 1 Bedroom. Gated, Secured Com-
payment. Lengua Road.
777-1735. 52206 )25 5(17 Rosa Arima, fenced, parking,
Amenities. A/C. Hot Water. Mausica Road, D’Abadie. Brand New. Spacious. Close Princes Town. 372-7676. air-condition, kitchen/ bed-
plex with Pool, Akal $900. SELF-CONTAINED, room cupboards, hot/ cold,
$3,500. 610-5129. Email: Parking. All Utilities Included. to PBR. Hot/ Cold $3,000. Trace, Santa Cruz. 1 BEDROOM upstairs, AC, California. 346-6946
2 BEDROOM Gasparillo, for $2,200. 304-1064. 289-8336. 685-5254. 774-0599. Starting from $2,500 couple/ 1 child, no pets. hot/ cold, 2 mins walk from No Pets 717-3561 8:00am-
2 BEDROOM St. Augustine. 1 BEDROOM apartment per month. 291-7054, 325-8276 Chaguanas Health Centre ARIMA AIRCONDITIONED, 6:00pm Monday- Saturday
BARATARIA 355-5128. 468-2675, 773-3002. Parking, Hot/ Cold. Shared 2 BEDROOM, Maloney sub-
349-7811 Tunapuna $1,800. utilities in- 2 BEDROOMS, Ideal loca- 2 BEDROOM Penal. Hot/ A m e n i t i e s , I n t e r n e t . urb, 792-2184
tion, secured parking, 1 L A R G E b e d r o o m 378-9816.
2 BEDROOM, tiled, secured, cluded, cable, Wifi, Single automatic gate. 680-2952. Cold, Parking, Remote gate
p a r k i n g , T u n a p u n a . only, no parking. 479-5682. 1 BEDROOM Barataria, $3,000. 680-0137 apartment, St Helena, 2 BEDROOM Single House,
766-5705 gated, air-conditioned $1,700. 313-3075 BACHELOR ROOM for rent, Penal. Secured area, AC,
1 BEDROOM apartment BARATARIA 2 Bedrooms. $3,000. 762-7697, 724-5570 2 BEDROOM Pointe-A- 757-8311 Diego Martin. Parking. $2500. 745-0369.
Spacious. A/C. Remote 2 BEDROOM apartment at $1000.
2 BEDROOM Townhouse upstairs, San Juan $1800. Gate. Secured Parking. NO Pierre. 289-9141, 288-9173 771-0756.
Aranguez $4,000. No Children. 388-0287 CHAMP FLEURS, Hilltop Pierre Road, Charlieville.
Agents. $3,800. 685-5254. Drive. 3 Bedrooms, 3 Baths, 2 BEDROOMS. 3/4 Mile $2,600. Call: 794-8816
Valsayn 2 Bedroom $3000. FURNISHED ROOMS 2 STOREY, 3 bedroom
328-0763 1 BEDROOM Apt., Guaico, 774-0599. Gated. Cameras, Cupboards, Rock Road, Penal. $2,200. FOR RENT near UWI. house, 11⁄2 baths, Diego.
Sangre Grande. 732-9348 EL DORADO 3 Bedrooms. Parking. Laundry area. Ceil- 359-9922. 2 BEDROOM apartment, Shared facilities and Wifi 637-0730/ 798-6919
BALMAIN, COUVA 2 mins 461-5124 ing fans. $5,000. 306-9050 Chaguanas. 478-9266 $1,500.- $1,800. 468-6710,
to Highway/ Pt. Lisas. 2 bed- 1 B E D R O O M , A r i m a . after 5pm. 2 BEDROOM, South, Gol- 689-4857 3 BEDROOM House,
rooms, single/ couple- $1,800. 378-0199. conda. Hot/ cold, remote 2 BEDROOM Apartment, Laurence St. San Fernando.
$2800. tiled, aircondition, gate. $3,000. 374-2233. Pokhor Road, Longdenville. FURNISHED ROOMS, St. 376-0660.
cupboards, hot/ cold, se- 1 BEDROOM, Arouca. 265-6633 Joseph, close to main road.
cured parking, veranda, laun- 329-6262 2 BEDROOM Unfurnished $1,800, $2,200, $2,800. 3 BEDROOM
dry area. 396-8574. Apartment, Coconut Drive, 2 BEDROOM apartments, 704-4850/ 726-3322 House, Tunapuna 759-1533
1 BEDROOM, Champs 1, 2, 3 & 4 Bedroom San Fernando (behind Hal- Charlieville. air-condition,
CUREPE 1 & 2 bedroom, Fleur, Near SBCS/ Hospital Apartments. Sando/ Environs liburton). $4,500, WASA Bill hot/ cold, remote gate, park- FURNISHED ROOM 3 BEDROOM,
$2,500, $3,000. 337-6122 and EWMSC. 620-6782. and Claxton Bay. 302-2811. included. 340-2377. ing, $2,700. 339-6574 UWI. 312-1419. Princes Town. 273-8020.
28 \ Daily Express \ Monday 10 April 2023 \
FREEPORT NEW 4 bed- 2 LOTS, Realize Junction
room house, all amemities, Road, Princes Town
$2.85M, 268-5371 $320,000. Negotiable.
GULF VIEW 6 bedroom,
3 BEDROOMS, 2 Bath- POINT LISAS 2 bedrooms. 7500 sq.ft, fixer upper, $3.5M
rooms, Marabella, AC, ga- 730-9512 or nearest offer. 350-5091
rage, patio. $5,000.
2 bedroom, 2 bath, MARACAS ST. JOSEPH
3 BEDROOMS, 2 Baths, Air- $975,000. 469-4629 multi-family home, gated 2 UNAPPROVED Lots,
conditioned, secured parking. community, 3 separate 3 Jaipaulsingh, Barrack-
Open plans. Available bedroom units, gorgeous 10 ACRES, LA VEGA, pore $180,000 per lot.
immediatley. Lower Santa +286( )25 6$/( mountain view, $3.70M GRAN COUVA, $1M 275-9361. email:
Cruz. 488-5310 negotiable. 710-9094. NEGOTIABLE
2 BEDROOM, 1 toilet/ bath,
3 BEDROOM spacious k i t c h e n , l i v i n g r o o m .
downstairs, Freeport. Fully $350,000. 348-7792 347-772-4445
30 ACRES South
aircondition, 2 baths, hot/
cold, laundry, parking, 2 BEDROOM lovely, house, 10 ACRES, semi agricultural. Manzanilla, 780-8442
$3,500. 313-3042. all amenities, Balandra. Talparo. $1.6M. 709-3008,
$495,000. 378-5734 705-2848. 3 LOTS & Building. Goodwill
BLUE BAISIN Gardens- 3 land. $350,000 negotiable.
bedrooms, 2 baths. Newly 2-STOREY FIXER-UPPER 11.2 ACRES: Boys Town, 382-2401.
renovated. Hot/ cold, master with Apartment Near Food Sangre Grande. Ideal for 6300 SQ.FT., Rochard Road, FREEHOLD PROPERTY for LOTS FOR Leasing
NEW HOUSE for sale development. 665-1260, 3 LOTS for sale $575,000 Penal Rock Road. 736-1463. sale- 2 lots, all amenities, $200,000.
bedroom air-conditioned. Basket, Arima. $1Mil. located, Ragoonanan
765-7453 494-2184. 678-9624. TTD Road access, Lights & 11⁄4MM Caigual Road via Lots for sale $400,000.
Road, Chaguanas. Sangre Chiquito, $325,000. 680-5411
For more info contact water nearby. Located in Las
6 LOTS: Road Frontage, Las
12,000 SQ.FT Main Road, Lomas #3 (No Financing)
HOUSE FOR rent, Penal. $300K HOUSES 275-0255, 331-5915 Lomas #2. $1.2M. 678-9624, N e g o t i a b l e . 3 4 4 - 2 6 0 2 /
F r e e p o r t . 6 6 5 - 1 2 6 0 , Contact agents 313-0369/
647-9321. CONCRETE BUILT 665-1260. 287-3223 LOTS/ PLOTS/ ACRES
678-9624 484-2966 SANGRE CHIQUITO area,
327-4819 FREEPORT 10,000 sqft
MARABELLA: 3 Bedrooms, $175,000.- $475,000.
1/2 ACRE Aranguez. 709.18 SQ.M #3 GOOKOL Land for Lease $2/ sqft. Layaway. No Town/ country.
2 bathrooms, Safe Parking. 3 BEDROOM Flats, Bregon SANGRE GRANDE, gated 736-3046, 678-9261 3 LOTS of Land. $160,000
767-0315. Park, D’Abadie, 2 toilet/ bath. LANDS, Valencia $650,000. 771-3295 754-6793
community, $1.55M. Value negotiable per lot. 275-1211.
negotiable. 781-0128
746-5584 $2.3M. Owner migrating. 13,000 SQ.FT. Tortuga, FREEPORT MISSION Road,
SANTA ROSA, 3 bedroom. C l a x t o n B a y F l y o v e r . 41⁄2 ACRES with Foundation LOTS & Plots, Icacos.
264-1344 379-0904. $1.175MIL. 707-0781. 731-0209.
3 BEDROOM Home, Avocat. 475-0510. 1⁄2 ACRE Manzanilla ex-
Cunaripo area. $625,000.
$1.1M negotiable. Cash Buy. 754-6793. cellent hilltop view, school/ FULLY APPROVED Land.
TRINCITY- 3 Bedrooms, 2 748-1021. SAVANNAH VILLAS 2 bed- MARABELLA,
toilet/ bath, parking, excellent room condo for sale & rent. gas station area, $75,000. St. Helena. 10,800 Sq.ft.
16,000 SQFT Freeport, RESIDENTIAL Area. 1 Lot-
condition. 5 minutes from 3 BEDROOM house Call 234-4814 4 LOTS for sale. Penal, off down 5 years no interest. Contact 346-1912 (5,000 sq.ft.). $800,000 or
Tel: 270-1705 Mon- Fri San Francique Rd. $375,000. 754-6793
Mall. $5,000. 354-8356. #35 Cedar Wood Drive, Mor- 8:00am-3pm GASPARILLO MAHOGANY nearest offer. 275-3031.
T/ C Approved. 477-0162 Ave $295,000, 707-0781
vant Laventille, Good con- TACARIGUA TOWNHOUSE
UNFURNISHED 3 bedroom, dition. Burglar Proof. as is 2 bedrooms 2 baths, ARIMA, SANTA Rosa MUST SELL
De La Marre, Trincity. Resi- $850,000. 769-7681 $975,000. 469-4629 1 ACRE Point Fortin, with 50 ACRES Agriculature Heights. Approved, 7,338 sft. GRAN COUVA/ Tortuga, 1 LEAVING COUNTRY
dential neighbourhood, outline approvals. 665-1260, land, Mundo Nuevo, $850,000. 682-HOME(4663), acre with panoramic view, $1.2m, 6 ACRES LAND,
conveniently located to three 678-9624 Central, $1.5M. 384-1318 464-HOME(4663) 343-5003 Williamsville area. $750,000.
malls, airport, and many 355-3808, 375-9395.
conveniences. Well secured 13⁄4 AJODHA Road, Warren. GRANDE RIVIERE, Toco: 12
with CTV cameras, 3 A/C 665-1260, 678-9624. Lots $60,000 each. Cyril
units, 2 toilets and baths, 610-4858, 683-0306.
spacious laundry/ utility 1 LOT- $225,000. 1-1/4 LEAVING COUNTRY
Acre- $1.5M. Payment Plan. INDIAN TRAIL 1.2MM free-
room, covered parking, well hold Agricultural/ Residential. $450,000
maintained property, $6,500. Town/ Country approval. 14,000 SQ.FT LAND
Residential. Claxton Bay. 6 3⁄4 a c r e s , $ 7 M .
For domestic purposes only. 868-709-5809 Central (Todds Road).
682-9036 746-8819. Water, Lights. 375-9395,
1 LOT Commercial Land KANHAI SOUTH Trace, Bar- 355-3808.
UNFURNISHED HOUSE, rackpore, 1-1/2 Acres-
Petit Valley. 321-7642 Near Arima Hospital.
Fenced. $2.5MIl. 494-2184. $1.3M. 1 Lot- $350,000. OVER 31⁄2 freehold lots in
781-3356. Preysal, road frontage.
72:1+286( )25 1 LOT Gajadhar Road WASA clearance. Lights,
LAND FOR Sale Plover
5(17 Sangre Chiquito 10 minutes water, $600k negotiable
Gardens, Morvant. 271-2121 465-5537, 638-5489
from Sangre Grande.
3 BEDROOM, 21⁄2 Bath $275,000. Negotiable. No LAND FOR sale, Toco. 495-3341
Townhouse apt, fully air- payment plan. Great Invest- PARLATUVIER TOBAGO. 1
conditioned St Joseph. ment. 744-5596, 792-0068 1/4 Acres. Seaview, Main
LAND IN Kelly. 467-4292
$6,500.00 unfurnished. CARNBEE, TOBAGO Road. Minutes to beach/
291-6072/ 350-5334 11⁄4 LOT. All amenities. RE- LAND, LONGDENVILLE, $250K. waterfall. $800,000. Email:
1 LOT, Kowlesser Road 5250 SQ.FT Fanny Village DUCED $690,000 NEGO- 707-7396
3 BEDROOM, Reform Sangre Chiquito, $150,000. Point Fortin. 684-9506, TIABLE. 748-5028 for more
$3,500. 790-5386. No Town & Country. 760-4616. info.
LA ROMAIN Chin Aleong,
683-5681 12,000 sq.ft. sea view, PRINCES TOWN Lot.
53,000 SQ.FT- Tumpuna $1.550M 350-5091 $105,000. 724-8254.
3 BEDROOMS 21⁄2 Bath
Luxury Townhouse. St 1 LOT land Cunupia. Road, Arima. 665-1260,
478-0868 678-9624. LA ROMAIN Dumfries Road,
Augustine. Newly built, End CHAGUANAS lots, fully approved,
Unit, Perfect for 1 LOT Williamsville Gas- 5426 SQ.FT Land. CENTRAL $650,000, 350-5091
Professionals. $9,000/ parillo. 665-1260, 678-9624 Seunarine Road. Kelly Vil- 5,000 sq.ft. freehold
Monthly. 733-9642. lage. Water, Lights. Commercial/Residential LAS LOMAS, Mc Lean
1 PLOT: Fonrose Street, No approvals. $300,000. Serious enquiries Street. 6400 Sq.Ft.
CHAGUANAS, $5,000. San Fernando. $1.1M, 399-1177, 789-4220. 707-8889 $500,000. 709-3008,
317-9024/ Whatsapp 665-1260, 678-9624. 705-2848.
CUREPE- 2 Bedroom
3 BEDROOM New Home on TRINCITY 25,000 SQ.FT. Residential CORNER QUARRY & Diego LA VIDA Development Lots
Townhouse. A/C, security
6000 sq.ft. land, fenced, re- EXQUISITE 2 STOREY Land. Approvals. Martin Main Road after for sale. $400,000. 1 minute
mote control gate, AC, cup- 3 Bedrooms, 21⁄2 Baths. Ex- Manahambre Road, Princes Church. 778-7036 from Sangre Grande. (NO
cameras, secure parking. boards, Roadside Boodoo Town. Sell by Owner. FLOODING) 678-9979. PROPERTY FOR Sale
662-9188. cellent, access to Main
Highway Grande area, all Road, PBR, Highway, All 390-8530. 5500 SQ.FT. Redhill 7,714 sq.ft San Fernando
COUVA 10,000 sq.ft. (2 lots), LONGDENVILLE. GATED $ 8 0 0 , 0 0 0 . N e g o t i a b l e .
approvals. $1.275M Amenities, 2 Porches, Gran- D’abadie fully approved, flat approved, freehold,
72:1+286( )25 754-6793. ite, AC, Automatic Gate, 25 ACRES: Plum Mitan land, road footage, wasa
community. All approvals/ 721-4962
Road, Manzanilla, 665-1260, connected, easy build, going amenities 5752 sq.ft.
6$/( 4 BEDROOMS, 2 baths,
$2.1M. 726-3430.
678-9624. 682-HOME(4663), $750,000, 768-3155 TABAQUITE 7 lots, 2 Road
fast. Call for price- 760-0934 464-HOME(4663).
3 BEDROOMS Executive, house for sale, Curepe. TUNAPUNA NEW Frontage $625,000.
$2.1MIL. 740-6625 27.75 ACRES, Erin. $2.9M. LOT #6B Mangray trace, 707-0781.
Modern Townhouse in Desir- Townhouses, 2 bedrooms, 2 724-8254. Endeavor in the ward of
able, Secured, Gated baths. $1.2M. CUNUPIA: 6,000/ 8,000
4 BEDROOM Trincity. 2 Sq.Ft. 272-2858. Chaguanas. 407.2 Metre
Community. Cunupia. Mo-
toilet/ bath, attached 1 bed-
682-HOME(4663), 2 APPROVED Lots, 5,800 SQ.FT. Rampanalgas, square, $500,000. Nego- TALPARO 31 ACRES
tivated Seller. $1,590,000. 464-HOME(4663) Mandingo Road. $560,000. Toco. All Approvals, Fruit tiable. 493-9463 $1.6M. 272-7008
620-8518. room apartment, 5 mins from Trees. $375,000. 494-2184.
P.B.R. 10 mins from Mall, 393-2544, 369-3692.
AROUCA 3 bedroom New $2.3M, 768-2569 $4.9M, 462-1630/ 784-9405 2 LOTS freehold land, Cen- 5 ACRES- $450,000
Townhouses, gated com- tral. Electricity, street lights, 2 ACRES- $180,000 FOR SALE 11⁄2 acres
minity, $1.35M 710-9094. BRAZIL, NEW of Land in Las Lomas 3 bedrooms, 2 baths homes,
/$1' )25 6$/( water. 780-6056 Freehold, Chatham.
No 3. Call 680-0747
CHAGUANAS LONGDEN- 682-HOME(4663), 10,000 Sq.Ft Arena Junction, 2 LOTS, Freehold, Sangre
Freeport $275/ sqft. Grande. $275,000 per Lot. 5 ACRES Cedar Hill Road
VILLE, $1.6M. Whatsapp 464-HOME(4663). 496-4196. Manzanilla. $450K. Cyril
724-7613 All approvals. 680-7700 FREEHOLD LAND, 1 Plot (4
610-4858, 683-0306. Lots). $150,000. Antoine
D’ABADIE 3 bedroom, 2 2 LOTS Fully Approved. In-
LA ROMAIN baths. 1500 ft. 2 Phase 1 dian Trail Couva. $750,000 5 ACRES Fishing Pond, Trace, Lengua Village,
New Townhouse For Sale, Estuary Unit in Gated River- 10,045 SQF. Araf Drive Grande area, near lights/ Princes Town. 392-6552,
Las Lomas. T/ C Negotiable. 701-5095.
3 bedrooms, 3-1/2 baths, en- Woods Development. Near Water. Excellent for anything. 345-9855.
closed garage for two, teak PBR. Owner migrating. approved, including 2 LOTS Land. Aranguez. $575,000. 754-6793.
and granite cupboards, fully TT$1.725M neg. 468-4229. architectural drawings. 750-2684 FREEHOLD LAND
air-conditioned, porcelain $650,000.00 Nego- 5 ACRES, St. John Trace, Approved, 8137 Sq.Ft.
tiles, $1.85M. DIGITAL MORTGAGE tiable. 328-1484 2 LOTS, Las Lomas#1. Avocat. 1.3M negotiable. Beaumount Road, Mayaro.
683-0541, 480-9659 Income Card. 730-3216 785-2873 748-1021. Contact: 371-9939.
Daily \Express
Daily Express \ Monday
Classifieds 1010th
Monday AprilApril
2023 \
2023 295
Damaged Vehicles. Best
Prices! Contact: 299-9579,
House and Cabin Air-
TOCO OPPOSITE Mission JAADE PROPERTIES conditioned. 482-2833.
Bay Beach 20,000 sq.ft. VALSAYN North 2200 sq.ft., FB: Sound of the sea
Ocean Views $1.1M neg. 6 bedroom, 5 baths, pool, beachhouse. BUYING USED
678-2843 $7.5M. and DAMAGED vehicles,
TUNAPUNA 3 storey, 100k, IMMEDIATELY. Best prices
TOWN/ COUNTRY approved monthly $18M. Offered Nationwide.
Lots/ Plots $275,000.- DEBE Road LCM, income Efficient Services Provided.
$875,000. Grande area. property 10,000 monthly 709-5068.
754-6793. $2.2M
LAND FOR RENT baths, Edinburgh Gardens, New Shape E-13.
fully-furnished, $3.2M
CHAGUANAS. 5400 sqft LAS LOMAS lands 750 sq.ft. CALL BOX:
Property for Rent/ Lease. No Town/ Country. 400K. 333-7714, 751-3379.
771-3295 680-5411 CASUARINA
HOUSE & LAND ECCLES ROAD, Benz type. 793-8925
Beachfront House and
2 STOREY. Spacious rooms Luxury Townhouse For
and compound. Carey Street, Rent. For Availablility and
Diego Martin. 2 apartments Reservations. Please
downstairs. $2.1M 290-6270 M A N Z A N I L L A B E A C H Call: 663-2534. for In-
House 6 apartments, 3 formation and Photos PDB HYUNDAI Santa Fe PCA BJ 323, Original Con-
3 BEDROOM house on 2 storey building. 381-2580, Check. 2014. 7 seater, diesel, dition, Fully Powered,
lots+, Town/ Country ap- 499-9241 C A S UA R I N A sunroof, low mileage, lady $22,000 Negotiable.
proved, need repairs, Grande BEACH RESORT driven. $135,000. 756-7077. 347-8213
area. $850,000. 754-6793 ON FACEBOOK
MAYARO, SEA BREEZE PDD H1 Bus Local, White, PDR MAZDA-2, parts/
4 LOTS Residential Land a n d O c e a n L a n e o f f 85k km. $185,000. Excellent whole. 765-8079, 314-8568
and House, Penal. All Plaisance Road, 3 Bed- A4 AUDI $55,000. 326-2481
Amenities, Main Road, rooms, 2 bathrooms 2-storey AUTOMOTIVE Condition. Serious Enquiries.
$1.550M. All Approvals. House, ocean view. $1Mil HOUSE & LAND GUIDE PDN AUDI Q3. Excellent 756-9021
756-2754 Negotiable. 755-5562. FOR SALE Condtion. Serious Inquiries.
5 BEDROOMS, 2 storey, 4 AUTO REPAIRS 786-1703.
488-1276. Original Owner, Immaculate MERCEDES BENZ 202
toilet/ bath. Gasparillo. Condition, New. 680-7700 C class, Original condition,
293-3209, 345-5702. A U T O M A T I C $28,000 negotiable.
TRANSMISSION Repairs, 795-7878
Scanning 342-6245 PBD HONDA Accord.
$800,000 houses built PCT MERCEDES, $150,000
ON REQUEST CASH buy only PBK E200 Avantguard Benz. $16,000. 779-4791.
Piarco: 327-4819 AUTO PARTS Immaculate. $120K neg. Negotiable. 742-8277.
680-7700 PDP JAGUAR F Pace SUV,
SCRAPPING AUDI, SKODA, leather, excellent, $450,000
VW, Peugeot, Renault, Focus,
Fiesta, etc. Buying damaged CARS FOR SALE CARS FOR SALE negotiable, 733-8303
none working Euros. 781-4093.
2 MITSUBISHI Lancers for
SCRAPPING MATRIX, parts sale, $30,000. each.
793-8925 747-7717

PDK KIA Sorento. PBG CK Mitsubishi Lancer.

8 APT Building 7000+
sq.ft. freehold land, MAXI TAXI Excellent condition. One 295-2927
Tacarigua. $4.3M Owner. $200,000 negotiable.
MODERN 4 bedrooms,
2 bathrooms house. BEACH RESORTS HAY NISSAN E24 Redband, 767-3686. PCT MITSUBISHI Pajero.
Local dealer, great condition,
Very Good Condition. $140K
Chaguanas $1.5M. negotiable. 376-9706. lady driven. Call Marcia Mon-
Contact: 774-0102 Fri, 8:00am-4:00pm.
624-4605 Ext. 29.
rooms. 5684 Sq.ft. Freehold
land. 3 Kennels, quiet neigh-
bourhood, $2.3Mil. 785-3712.
ARIMA HOUSE & land for bedroom house, St. Helena, 5 Bedrooms, BUYING USED/ DAMAGED
sale 3 bedrooms, 4 baths, 2 $ 9 5 0 , 0 0 0 . N e g o t i a b l e . Beach Front, VEHICLES.
self-contained apartments. 681-2507 Air-conditioned,
381-2580, 499-9241 Security. 678-4210. #1 BEST Prices Offered for
VALENCIA 4 Bedrooms, 4 Used/ Damaged Vehicles. PCR BMW 1 series, low
ESPERANCE: bathrooms, 2 storey ap- PDS HONDA Accord,
286-7744. mileage, $62,000, One immaculate condition, fully
San Fernando near Palmiste. proved $2M. 381-2580
5 Bedroom Flat on 18,900 MAYARO: 1, 2, 4 Bedroom owner. 465-7003 loaded/ powered, 39,000km. PDR KIA Cerato. One
sq.ft. $1.9M. Apartments. Executive 3 old, anything under $25,000. Owner. Fully loaded model, apartment building. 730-9512 Bedroom. Near Beach. PDN BMW-X5 60,000km, keyless entry, push button PCC NISSAN Tiida, local,
384-8181. immaculate condition.
759-0358. Short/ Long-term. 662-6476, 235-4884 PDY HONDA Fit shuttle wagon. start, reverse camera, park-
497-9961. 318-6783 ing sensors, power mirrors, $35,000. 735-0836
scrapping. 781-4093. power seats with memory
function, steering controls, PCM PRAIRIE, SR20 en-
cruise control, touch screen gine, $25,000 negotiable.
deck, 68,000km. On time
preventive maintenance ser-
REAL ESTATE Damaged/ Used Vehicles. PCZ FORD Fiesta, Lady
vicing. Absolutely no prob-
PCS TIIDA, excellent,
$45,000. 771-0689
701-3015 Driven. Quick Sale. 771-3295
lem. (Owner migrating).
GRENADA SELLING??? RENTAL: EXECUTIVE $85K. 724-7931, 771-8301.
ESCAPE TO Safety and LAND, HOMES, 3 Bedroom, Mayaro, on BUYING DAMAGED Ve-
Serenity. Owner Migrating. A COMMERCIAL beach, aircondition. hicles. 793-8925.
Sturdy, Spacious, Beautiful BUYERS WAITING! 636-3369, 346-1820
Mansion built atpop a plateau 375-9395, 355-3808.
with spectacular view. 2- PCX BLUEBIRD Sylphy,
Storey, 8 Bedrooms, 4 toilet/ SEAVIEW 7 ROOM BUYING IMMEDIATELY $52,000. 701-5095
baths on 19,000 sq.ft Free- Air-conditined, used, damaged vehicles!
hold land. Swimming-pool, Beach House, Best prices nationwide. PCK TUCSON excellent con- PDL WINGROAD fully
Gazebo, Solar Panel. Prop- Blanchisseuse. 379-5068 Professonal services. Call, dition. 722-5034 loaded, 715-1010.
erty being sold complete with Whatsapp 703-3551,
681-1355 PDS SYLPHY, 71,100km,
all Furnishings and Appli-
ances asking USD1.2MIL
WAREHOUSES $100,000 negotiable.
Negotiable. Please call WAREHOUSE FOR Rent. Immaculate condition. Quick
1(868)752-0618. sale! 313-2992
Approximately 3500 sq.ft. PEA LANDROVER
HOUSE AND land for sale T a c a r i g u a 6 4 0 - 0 8 2 6 / DISCOVERY SPORT
Mahaica Road, Carapichaima. 793-5016 FOREIGN RESORTS 2020 HONDA Vezel, fully
loaded, tan leather interior, HYBRID.
774-2576, 383-4981 Like new in showroom con-
WAREHOUSE RENTAL TIME SHARE for rent. 1, 2 & low mileage, still under war-
ranty. Call or Whatsapp for dition. Only 6,000 miles.
HOUSE OTAHEITE, South 10,000 sq.ft, Chaguanas, 3 Bedrooms, Orlando, 1 mile BUYING ORIGINAL Owner needs a 7 seater.
$12,000. 351-2145 viewing 794-9165
Oropouche. 746-6765. from Disney. 275-1211. Vehicles. 788-5577 Fully loaded, including R-
WAREHOUSING for rent/ PCY HYUNDAI Elantra. dynamic package, panoramic
lease, San Juan Croisee, BUYING, SELLING Excellent condition. One roof, side steps and 20” rims. PDS VERSA, Lady Driven,
13,000 sq.ft. & 20,000. sq.ft. Any Type of Vehicles. Owner. $70,000 negotiable. $ 7 2 0 , 0 0 0 N e g o t i a b l e . $ 5 4 , 0 0 0 N e g o t i a b l e .
Contact: 678-6525 769-8464 767-3686. 733-9642 373-5117.
30 \ Daily
6 Daily Express
Express \ Monday
Classifieds 10 April
Monday 10th2023 \
April 2023
TBC B25 Mazda, 4 door, TDP E25 glass panel van, ATTRACTIVE FEMALE mas- EXPERIENCED COOKS
diesel, $26,500. TBC B25 high top, $95,000. nego- seuse wanted, immediate wanted for Evening Shift at
Mazda, 4 door, gas. $23,500. tiable. 777-9977 employment. Call 354-9778 Appoos Restaurant/ Bar. St.
382-5889. ATTRACTIVE GIRLS, Mas- Mary’s Junction, Freeport.
TDP NV350 Nissan Caravan sages. $3,000 Weekly. Daily 759-6363.
PDT JUKE, $90,000 TBE TOYOTA tonne & a half GX Model Black, Dual AC, Paid. South. 363-8156
(93,000km). 723-3974 Hiace, working condition. Fully powered, Automatic, EXPERIENCED DIESEL Me-
Quick sale! 685-1826 3.0 Diesel Turbo. Good BABY-SITTER REQUIRED, chanic. San Juan area.
working condition $110k P r i n c e s T o w n A r e a . 674-3411 or Whatsapp
PBM VW Golf GTI 1.8, man- TBU 6392 Nissan Frontier, negotiable 488-7195 7 2 6 - 8 3 0 0 , 6 8 8 - 9 7 2 6 , @342-1353
ual, $35,000.00 negotiable. v e r y g o o d c o n d i t i o n , 655-3169.
342-1157 TDX D-MAX, Damaged. EXPERIENCED GLASS Cut-
$ 4 8 , 5 0 0 . n e g o t i a b l e . $48,500. 359-5669. BACKHOE OPERATOR Central ter and Aluminium Fabricator
733-4307, 709-5031. and Installer. Welder/ Fab-
ricator. Must know to build
TBX H-100 for sale. CAKE MAKER/ Decorator steel windows. Serious
1 INGERSOL RAND 6 ton dou- 774-1960 needed St James. Call enquiries only. 349-5693 FEMALE HELPER, (live-in)
PDW NISSAN Qashqai 2019 ble drum vibrator paver roller, 681-5222 8am-2pm 45 yrs+ Starting $3,500./
$110,000, 1 175 Ingersol Rand TCE MITSUBISHI L300. $4,000. WhatsApp 303-4533 HOLLYWOOD,
Model. Fully loaded, local, air compressor on wheels EXPERIENCED KITCHEN Wrightson Road, P.O.S.
low mileage. $185,000 or $60,000, 1 Lincoln portable extra Good working condition. CAREGIVER NEEDED for Assistant, Couva. 686-6757. Hairdressers & Nail Tech-
nearest offer. Call: 701-5542, large welding plant, 4 welders $35,000 negotiable. an elderly male residing in FEMALE MASSEUSE daily paid
icians wanted. 394-8273
between 8am-6pm. can use at the same time, 355-7397, 382-2401. St. Mary’s Carapichaima, 5 EXPERIENCED KITCHEN 730-7943
$60,000. 620-7235 days per week. 8p.m. to Assistant needed POS area. HOUSE HELP needed
Y11 AD Wagons $25,000, TCM FORD Ranger, Manual. 8a.m. 707-1014, 705-0664 E m a i l r e s u m e t o : FEMALES WANTED for newly Tacarigua, one half day per
366-6577 1 NISSAN CK20 flatbed, 773-3294. TEA H100, 14 months old. opened Spa, Marabella. Call/ week. 640-5205
$90,000 negotiable. Low mileage. $130,000 CAREGIVER NEEDED for Whatsapp 278-9162
781-9310 or whatsapp TCM FRONTIER, Twin Cab, negotiable. 282-3354. elderly person, La Horquetta/ EXPERIENCED LAUNDRY HOUSEKEEPER/ Attendant
377-9567 automatic, good condition. TEC TOYOTA Hiace Super Acrylic Nail Tech needed. Presser. 678-9883 F E M A L E W O R K E R S for Guest House. Wood-
$ 6 5 , 0 0 0 n e g o t i a b l e . GL, Silver, Fully powered, 688-2123, 710-4757 Wanted. 793-2266 brook. 271-8436, 367-3061
1 TON TRUCK for rent, 783-1044. EXPERIENCED LOTTO
Automatic, Dual AC, Series, CASHIERS NEEDED, Five Operator needed, Belmont,
PDH SUBARU Imperza, $1,800. WEEKLY. 487-3035 Excellent Condition $190K days a week. Salary $4,000 (Shift Work). 703-7880 or FEMALE WORKER wanted IMJIN SECURITY
black, hatchback, excellent negotiable 488-7195 monthly. 782-2649 for Mini mart, ages 27 and REQUIRES:
c o n d i t i o n . $ 4 5 , 0 0 0 . 2 ERF Trucks. 717-4376. ACCOUNTANT- $4,500 over. Must have updated SECURITY OFFICERS
361-1382. TEN WHEELER dump trucks monthly. EXPERIENCED MECHANIC resume. Call 675-3173 for work in North, Central &
A U T O M A T I C TBO 1 RF8 $325k, TBK 1 Walk-in interviews on Fridays wanted. 721-8019 Between 8-4pm South.
TRANSMISSION Repairs, RG8 $370k, 682-8121
TRUCKS & VANS Scanning. 342-6245
between 2pm- 5pm.
Contact: 299-5862 between
1. Two (2) recent passport
Dyna, SO5C engine. Selling 11am- 6pm.
2. Copy of Birth Certificate
complete or scrapping. CASHIERS, SERVERS, 3. Two (2) recent
722-5801 Cooks for St. James area. Call: Recommendation
681-5222, 378-0013 4. Vaccination Card
4X2. One Owner. 487-6432. Photo Required. Character.
J&A AUTO Rental.
andrewprince12@outlook. Training Provided
TCN RANGER, 4WD, Auto- $300 per day. 761-3043. com Early Promotion on good
matic, Good Condition, K&K CAR Rentals. performance.
$ 7 0 , 0 0 0 N e g o t i a b l e . 292-0948 CLASS 5 DRIVER Needed Call 625-0528
293-5391, 762-5982 for Containerize Haulage, for an Appointnment
RR AUTO Rentals. Central. 339-3658 Mon- Fri.- 9:00am- 2:00pm
North/ South/ Central. Free EXPERIENCED PHAR- FORKLIFT DRIVERS- Debe 31 New Street
Delivery! 469-2967/ MACY Dispensary Clerk with Port of Spain.
759-8801. MAID- San Fernando
COOK, ROTI Maker #36 Data entry experienced. Able
to work Shift. Couva area. Debe/ San Fernando IN-STUDIO PRO-
VEHICLES RENTAL: 10th Avenue Barataria.
Monday to Friday. 736-3780. Male/ Female. 733-3481 ACCOUNTS/ FESSIONAL Seamstresses
TCU NAVARA 100k. GPS, 487-2358/ 774-8150 COUVA MASSEUSE 306-0750 EXPERIENCED RELIABLE ♦Peachtree experience Skills. Woodbrook 357-4662
R-Camera, 22” rims, ex- MECHANIC NEEDED. ♦5 years plus experience
4X4 SUZUKI Grand Vitara
cellent condition. 372-5436 TRANSPORT DIESEL MECHANIC (10 735-5257 ♦Proficient in payables & KITCHEN
years experience). & receivables ASSISTANT/
PBZ $55,000.00 negotiable. TCW, TCW, TCH Mitsubushi H E A V Y - T D R I V E R . EXPERIENCED ROTI Maker ♦Type letters and respond OFFICE CLEANER
796-5102 L300 Panel Vans. Good 681-7020. & Wrapper, Cashier needed. to emails professionally Needed for company in
Condition. 633-3227. Whatasspp resume ♦Banking errands
DIESEL MECHANIC for 742-8005 Trincity. Interested person
DURUN TRUCK Trucking company. Central. ♦Must be able to provide up can contact us on 640-5344
Tyres $2,000. TDC H100, Inspected until 339-3658 EXPERIENCED ROTI to date statement and Or send your C.V. to:
710-7750 December 2024, $88,000 v.i. Maker, Fridays & Saturdays. balances hrdepartment@cadeltrading.
Negotiable. 684-8368. CHEAP CUSTOMER DOUBLES WRAPPER and Tunapuna. 484-4126 ♦Filing com
DHAITSUI SIRION, One Friendly Transport. Cashier needed urgently for CUSTOMER REP-
owner, $17,500 negotiable. 687-1283 Port-of-Spain area. EXPERIENCED ♦To target weekly sales LIVE-IN HOUSEKEEPER for
795-7878 393-1471. SALES CLERKS, ♦Target new sales POS Family, Female 25-45
23 years+, shift. ♦ E x p e r i e n c e u s i n g Duties: cook, clean and
DOUBLES WRAPPER P I A R C O A I R P O R T / Peachtree wash. 2 days off. 2
P.O.S. Contact: 348-5432 TRINCITY, C3 MALL ♦5 years plus experience references and photo with
TOBAGO STORE ♦Dynamic, respectable yet resume
669-8750, 678-9560 career driven. email: michnan16@gmail.
P Work to own. Over 45 com
357-8609 Transport, 397-1346. E L E C T R I C I A N N E E D E D . Heavy T a plus. Must have at Contact- 468-4200 Shop wanted, Princes Town.
TDD FORD Ranger WildTrak 717-2046 Email:
3.2, 4x4, automatic, alarm, least 5 years driving exper- 366-3384.
GPS, Crash Bar, Tow Bar,
local. Off road tires and rim , Anywhere. 368-5107 MAID NEEDED Sangre
black low mileage. $750k
Tray Cover, Reverse wanted for Stationary & Copy OFFICE ASSISTANT with FYZABAD FARM Worker Grande. 488-2071.
Censors/ Camera. $130,000. Store, Central. 478-9301. accounting experience.
HDB HIACE, 8-seater, mint negotiable. 488-7195
condition, Must See!
354-3349 HEAVY Knowledge of Microsoft Of- wanted. 712-7637.
$ 1 6 5 , 0 0 0 . N e g o t i a b l e . ORIGINAL TURBO Nissan TDH KIA K2700 $80,000.
Man, San Juan. 366-7902 Preferably from San Fer- GIRLS WANTED. Must be able to cook East
752-6648 Forklift 3 Ton Diesel, $110K 18-25 years. 323-5048 Indian Dishes. Couple with
778-5300 1- 329DL CAT excavator, nando and Environs.
680-7700 $1.3k, 682-8121 EXPERIENCED ACCOUNTS Please send resume to townhouse. 471-3086.
PBE TOYOTA Tercel $8000. C l e r k w i t h P e a c h t r e e GREAT PAY massage girls
TDL NP300 Frontier, 4 Door 286-6242 MALE JOINERS wanted,
479-7804 SCRAPPING WINGLE 5 Pickup. Automatic. Excellent JCB BACKHOE original knowledge. For more info call 335-0201
parts. 793-8925 starter from England. Perking Draughting Technicians must be able to fabricate
Condition. 756-9021 kitchen cupboards,
engine. 722-5801 Sales Representatives. EXPERIENCED STITCHER GROCERY CASHIER &
PBT CAMRY, local, $55,000, & Finisher. 636-8955. Male Floor Attendant, exper- Tunapuna/ El Dorado area.
Email resume to:
764-4100 HEAVY HEAVY MASSY FERGUSON 275 ience needed, West. Foward Call/ Whatsapp info to
EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT Tractor for Sale. 774-5552. resume and proof of address 744-5596 between 9am-4pm
$60,000 Negotiable EXPERIENCED AC Techni- TENER needed. Mon-Sat, to: careersatgogrocery@
cian wanted, Point-A-Pierre. 8am-4pm. 788-0266 MALE WORKER for growing
GENERAL 335-1794, 221-1207. EXPERIENCED TYRE
ornamental plants. 25 to 50
G R O C E R Y S T A F F - years. St Augustine.
EXPERIENCED BAKER Workers Needed at Kelly Chaguanas, Barataria. MUST have references and
EMPLOYMENT needed POS area. Tyre Sales & Services Ltd,
759-0883 police certificate. Six days
E m a i l r e s u m e t o : #33 EMR Petit Bourg, San per week. WhatsApp your
10 TON Truck Driver Juan. 675-6649, 748-8973. information to 662-8889
Wanted, East. 491-6000. HARDWARE CLERK
290-7145 DAILY PAID. Attractive EXPERIENCED CASHIER/ Cashier, Grillers needed East Experience & Computer
PDY YARIS, 2020 series, MasseuseTraining provided. Counter Attendant needed Maid. 380-4784.
black. No Accidents. POS area. Email resume: West corridor. Whatasspp re- Literacy required. 771 3295
sume 742-8005 MASSAGE GIRLS needed. Daily
$115,000. 758-7016/ ACCOUNTS ADMIN HEAVY-T/ SALESMAN paid. 392-8362
778-7096 with Retail Experienced, FEMALE DOUBLES Wrap-
company in Piarco. EXPERIENCED CASHIER/ per needed Arima, Evenings. Driver, Supermarket. South. MASSEUSE ATTRACTIVE Sal-
678-9560, 669-8750. Counter Attendant needed 727-9384 North. 797-2211. 499-9782. ary 397-1914
for Night Shift, POS area.
AGRICULTURAL WORKER for E m a i l r e s u m e t o : FEMALE ESCORTS Needed. HIRING MASSAGE g i r l s MASSEUSE NEEDED in the
Couva. 499-3514 284-1731. 286-6242 East. 328-9800
Daily \Express
Daily Express \ Monday
Classifieds 1010th
Monday AprilApril
2023 \
2023 317
Nuts Cart. Monday to Satur-
day. 798-8254 made sworn deposition that PLANTS
Policy No. J06012114 &
WORKERS NEEDED to as- J706004541 issued by $3 Ann’s Durantas, Etc.
MASSEUSE WANTED. Daily SALES CLERK wanted. sist in roti making, Cunupia. D.MUNGAL CESSPIT Sagicor Life Inc on the life of 655-5801
paid. 264-0665 712-7637. 283-5193 CLEANING!! DWAYNE BRYAN has been
CROCHET/ FASHION NEW STIHL, Echo lost, and having made ap-
MECHANIC NEEDED for Jewelry Courses. 745-1835, 742-8277
SCREEN & HEATWORKERS WANTED to Shindaiwa Brush Cut- plication to the Directors to
Auto Garage, Charlieville, make Saheena, Pholourie, 782-0851 ters, Chainsaws, Mist grant a duplicate of the AZ-ZAHARA GARDEN
Chaguanas. 386-5056, TRANSFER PRINTER.
Pies, etc. Hot on the Spot
GO PAPERLESS! On-site Blowers, Water Centre. 662-8889.
Document scanning. same, notice is hereby given
477-3000 EAST 678-9560
van. Pumps, Tillers at Ex- that unless objection is Open Sundays and Holidays,
329-1840 cellent Prices. 8.30am- 12.30pm.
Wrappers wanted also. raised within one month of
MOVE & Earn. WhatsApp: SEAMSTRESS NEEDED. Contact 348-5432 669-8984 728-3686.
1-868-305-4116. 624-2712/ 490-2111. SECURE YOUR loved the date hereof, the duplica-
tion policy asked for will be CLOSING DOWN SALE
ones’ future. Get a pro- Citrus, Avocados, Mangoes
N A I L T E C H S t a t i o n SECURITY OFFICERS BUSINESS fessional Will. 310-5591 issued.
& Palm plants. 728-6662
NIKON D810, drive, $9500. Dated April 06TH, 2023
available. 330-6979 K9 handlers needed for
Central and South Area OPPORTUNITY iPad Pro 12.9 2020, 512, By Order
UPHOLSTERING/ case, pencil, Wifi/ Cellular Althea Hazzard
COW MANURE, Soil, Deliv-
NOW HIRING AT: Experience an asset. DOUBLE US$ EARNINGS REPAIRS. ery. 292-9419.
$7000. (868)680-5411 Corporate Secretary
COLLATERAL SECURITY WhatsApp: 799-9648. Online. CSEC/ CAPE Mathemat-
Experienced Examiners. SAGICOR LIFE INC.
F I R E A R M O F F I C E R S Office Administrator, St. LIFE CHANGING Products! JOHANNA HILL having
Breakthrough Marketing 350-1840 (Whatsapp).
$25.50 P/HR James. Must be proficient in made sworn deposition that
System! 753-3582. 371-8015. Policy No. S05858049 issued
HEAD OFFICE SENTRIES Microsoft Word/ Excel, with Huge Compensation Plan! DRAUGHTING COURSE- 356-2015. by Sagicor Life Inc on the life
Up to $21.00 P/HR the ability to analyse and
produce reports from data. Software, $3,500. 305-3275 of JOHANNA HILL has been
CALL- 322-9496 Call 681-5222 Monday- Fri- PLASTIC TABLES lost, and having made ap-
(Between 9am & 4pm ONLY) day 8:00am-4:00pm for inter- WYN DIGITAL Income Card. HSB CLASSES. 758-6941 6ft. $475.00 plication to the Directors to
730-3216 APPLIANCE 710-7750. grant a duplicate of the
Or email: view.
MATHS, ENGLISH, REPAIRS same, notice is hereby given
WHOLESALERS Accounts, POB, that unless objection is
#1 Cochrane Street, APPLIANCE REPAIRS RESTAURANT Equipment: raised within one month of ELL’S CLOSING Down
55 YEARS OF AGE WITH REQUIRES: BUYING LARGE Quantity: Tunapuna. 689-9088 764-9581, Home Repairs. Delhi, Salad Bar, Convection the date hereof, the duplica- Sale Tunapuna.
CLEAN RECORDS »OFFICE CLERK Grafted Dwaft Pommcythere, Ovens, Sink, Char Grill, tion policy asked for will be 663-3631, 292-5454.
»INVENTORY CLERK Cut up Calabash and Long GARAGE SALES Freezer, Glass Door Chiller.
NOW HIRING Experienced »PAYROLL/ HR CLERK Mango, Sour Cherries and Dated April 05TH, 2023
Male Security Officers for Must be Computer Literate Plums. EASTER BONANZA SALE: By Order
Princes Town, San Fer- and able to work in fast Call 271-6442/ Email: NURSES’ AIDE/ Living Room set- $2,000. SINGLE DOOR Glass Althea Hazzard P R E S C H O O L Deep Freeze- $2,000. Chiller. 366-7902 Corporate Secretary
nando, Marabella & environs. paced environment.
Weekly paid. 354-4841 Apply in person COURSES Barstools- $500. each. All
#44 SMR Warrenville, Modern Business School prices Negotiable. Contact Wholesale & Retail KENT SHEPPARD having
PART-TIME DRIVERS, Cunupia Port-of-Spain and Arima. 794-9165 via whatsapp for
(Ice-cream Van). 288-8818 more info & location. made sworn deposition that O R C H I D S
May 2023 687-1383 Policy No. S00088381 issued
STITCHERS- BACK/ front Whatsapp Text/ Call: WHOLESALE $20.
by Sagicor Life Inc on the life
P E R S O N U R G E N T L Y pocket. 678-9883
needed with vast amount of
762-9738/ 328-9107/ MISCELLANEOUS YAMAHA JET Ski $16,000. of KENT SHEPPARD has
up. 665-7414.
758-6859/ 283-8360 326-2481 been lost, and having made
experience in using and op- STOP PAYING Rent! Mature !#01
erating the SMS software to L i v e - i n / S l e e p - i n application to the Directors to
SEA CLASSES ALL APPLIANCE grant a duplicate of the W E E D B L O C K /
work for a supermarket in the housekeeper, Port-of-Spain. #1 Cochrane Street & EMR, REPAIRS NOTICES same, notice is hereby given
St.Augustine area. 622-5707
E-mail resume to: Cookers, Fridge, Washers. that unless objection is
nisha.supermarketindustry@ STORE SALES CLERK SEA CRASH Course- $300.
Bodywork/ Repainting. CAROLYN JORDAN having per roll for 10 rolls Must have experienced. ELECTRONICS, Free Pick-up/ Delivery the date hereof, the duplica-
WHOLESALE. 771-6702, 346-5446 made sworn deposition that Tel: 367-5477.
Good communication skills. 760-6600, 654-0940, 314-4411. tion policy asked for will be
Able to multi-task. 5 CXC 667-5193 Policy No. U14865 & U14864 issued.
Passes. issued by Sagicor Life Inc on Dated June 04TH, 2023 LIVESTOCK &
the life of CAROLYN JOR-
11 pc Mahogany Dining Set
12,000.00 neg. Excellent DAN has been lost, and
NEEDED Althea Hazzard
Small Engine repairs SERVICES FOR condition. Owner Migrating having made application to Corporate Secretary GOAT & Goat Milk.
the Directors to grant a du-
plicate of the same, notice is SAGICOR LIFE INC.
celinasmarketingsales@ VIRTUAL ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 1 LARGE Steel Cage. Ideal
for Macaw/ Monkey $4,800
hereby given that unless
objection is raised within one
ing made sworn deposition Butcher. 304-2240.
WhatsApp: Assistance. 301-5507,
367-8665, 654-5996. Owner Migrating. 680-7700 month of the date hereof, the that Policy No. 070667675
& TAX SERVICES duplication policy asked for issued by Sagicor Life Inc on PIGLETS FOR Sale $350,
20FT CONTAINER $16,000. will be issued. t h e l i f e o f N A T A L I E 748-3625.
PRECEPTED TUITION Company Registration, 326-2481
TAXI DRIVER North. CNG Dated April 03TH, 2023 RAGOOBIR has been lost,
OFFICERS Audited Financial
By Order
SECURITY 759-0374 Statements, Annual Returns. 4 BURNER Consol stove in Althea Hazzard
and having made application
to the Directors to grant a ANIMALS
OFFICERS TRUCK DRIVERS and Load- Tax Services: Individual & good condition, $1500. Corporate Secretary duplicate of the same, notice A D O R A B L E P O M P E K /
DRIVER WANTED ers needed. Call 610-9739/ A1 Companies. 318-3818, 775-7129 is hereby given that unless Sheep puppies- $300.
NURSES’ AIDE/ 354-9184, 343-1163.
Call: 222-6101 627-4449 SAGICOR LIFE INC.
4-DRAWER FIREPROOF DAVIN MOONSAR having objection is raised within one 786-6761
P R E S C H O O L ACNE FACIALS/ Massages. FILING Cabinets. $3,000 made sworn deposition that month of the date hereof, the
PRIMARY, SECONDARY Receptionist /Office Assistance COURSES 346-5446 338-2841 duplication policy asked for BELGIAN SHEPHERD Pups
Teachers. Grande. & Office Cleaner Classroom/ Online Classes Policy No. U144410 issued will be issued. for Sale. 4 months females,
saatt2022register@gmail. Central and Environs Arima, San Fernando and by Sagicor Life Inc on the life Dated April 06TH, 2023 all shots given. $1750.
com Contact us @671-0027 All Sewing Machines of RAJKUMAR MOONASAR By Order
Tobago. Buying, Selling, Repairing. has been lost, and having 685-4332.
RESTAURANT OPER- VACANCY 393-1216 made application to the Corporate Secretary
ATIONS Manager needed, A leading Dental practice is T e x t / C a l l W h a t s a p p - Directors to grant a duplicate Pups, 15 Weeks, 3RD vac-
Must have 3 years exper- seeking a strong and exper- 7 6 2 - 9 7 3 8 / 3 2 8 - 9 1 0 7 / ANTIQUE MAHOGANY of the same, notice is hereby SAGICOR LIFE INC.
ienced. Whatasspp resume ienced individual for the fol- 758-6859 Desk $6500. 707-0781 given that unless objection is SUSETTE JACK having cination. $1,800. 462-6676,
lowing position: made sworn deposition that 689-3288.
ACCOUNTANT: CHEST FREEZERS from raised within one month of Policy No. S06568969 issued DOG KENNELS.
- 3-5 Years in a similar Specialist Course. 746-7867
(A) H.R. SEPTIC, $1500.00, Fridges from the date hereof, the duplica-
tion policy asked for will be by Sagicor Life Inc on the life 659-2428, 737-4333,
WANTED FOR NEWTOWN, position C E S S P I T $1500.00, Washers from issued. of SUSETTE JACK has
POS. MUST HAVE AT 2 - Level 2 ACCA or its CLEANING $1500.00, Standing freezers been lost, and having made FEMALE ROTWEILLER
YEARS EXPERIENCE AND equivalent ATTENTION 681-8458/ 623-6343. and Dryers, and much more. Dated April 06TH, 2023 application to the Directors to pups, 7 months $2,500.
687-5132 By Order
3 O’LEVELS PASSES. - Experience in payroll, vat, ELECTRICIANS Althea Hazzard grant a duplicate of the 682-4304
PLEASE CALL 264-4961. NIS, health surcharge, Classes for Wireman’s AIR-CONDITION AND Ref- DEWALT CHOP Saw- $900, Corporate Secretary same, notice is hereby given
payables & receivables. License and Preparation for ridgeration Servicing and In- Skill Circular Saw- $200. that unless objection is FREE KITTENS! Whatsapp
- Good interpersonal skills Government Electrical stalls. $125 Up. 317-1258. 793-8287 raised within one month of 281-8673
- Ability to work skilfully and Inspectorate Wireman’s 354-1615. For more info: the date hereof, the duplica-
effectively with the team. License Exam. icemanservicesltd@gmail. D O N A T E Y O U R tion policy asked for will be GERMAN SHEPHERD Pup-
- Ability to maintain confiden- All Training by Retired Elec- com issued. pies. Females. $1500.
tiality of issues and materials trical Inspector. CLOTHES. 273-1998 Dated June 04TH, 2023 329-7501
designated as such. For more information contact: By Order
Interested candidates can Phone/ Whatsapp 778-0965 Drawn. 750-9625. Althea Hazzard GERMAN SHEPHERD pups
send their Cover letter and Email: 75Hp & 200Hp. Stainless Corporate Secretary for sale. 744-3084, 496-8894
RETIRE EARLY Resume to jobsdental2023@ Steel water pumps. 750-3908
Earn US$ Online. EMPTY NP 20lb LPG
Please note that only can- BARBERING CLASSES: Cyclinders. $300 each.
didates that meet the 7 2 0 - 1 8 7 1 , W h a t s A p p :
ROTI MAKER, Curry Cook 719-3247 Facebook: Pro- 354-8356.
requirements will be short-
and Kitchen Assistant. listed. fessional Barbering School.
P.O.S. 388-1706 NEW IMPORTED Marquee
VACANCY FOR one (1) BEGINNER MUSIC Classes. Tents. 684-8368.
SALES CLERK for Project Assistant. Piano, Guitar. Call/
Hardware Retail Store. WhatsApp: 364-2704. NEW STEEL Beams
Send resume to: 12”x8”x20’x45lbs. 684-8368.
Mega Traders 81 Cipero hrandemployeerecruitment@
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32 \ Daily Express \ Monday 10 April 2023 \
AALIYAH’S 337-2962 HOT HANDS 730-7943 NICE SPECIALS 286-6242
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286-7744. Arouca. 684-8368/ 220-3269. 472-6906/ 669-4332 680-5411 ville. Call 716-1433
\ Daily Express \ Monday 10 April 2023 \ 33

passed away peacefully on
Monday 3rd April, 2023. He
is survived by his loving
wife of 64 years, Alicia
Francois. Father of Barry,
ANDRE PATRICK Jacqueline, Janine, Jas-
#3 neckles drive carenage mine and Gisele. Father in
Sunrise: November 30th law of Christian, Derek,
1934 Robert and Lara.
Sunset: March 20th 2023 Grandfather of Blake, Ali-
Funeral Service: April son, Jonathan, Justine,
11th@9am Rc Church Sam, Blaine, Brianna,
Carenage Jerome and Julianna.
Cremation :St. James Great-grandfather of Luca
Crematorium site @11am and Leo Natoli and Luca
Funeral arrangements en- Winford. Business mentor
trusted to Dennies Funeral and friend to many. Pillar of
Home Ltd several community philan-
Lucien Road Belmont Val- thropic and sporting
ley Road, Belmont / #7 groups. The funeral will
Dinsley Road,Tacarigua take place on Tuesday
1(868)621-2628 11th April, 2023 at
10:30am at The Church of
the Assumption, Long Cir-
cular Road. Brightly col-
oured wear encouraged to
celebrate his life. Private
interment will follow at
Lapeyrouse Cemetery. For
enquiries, contact
Chancellor Walks Funeral
Services, 287-0403/04.
34 \ Daily Express \ Monday 10 April 2023 \ SPORTS

Daily Express 16 secure berths in

SPORT Kentucky Derby field
Rangers still unbeaten in Premier League

Thomas joins TERMINIX La Horquetta Rang-

ers remained unbeaten in the
Trinidad and Tobago Premier
62nd minutes, respectively. But
Daniel David’s 85th minute item
sealed the result in Rangers’ fa-
5 (Ataulla Guerra 4th, Isaiah
Raymond 29th, Isaiah Lee 45th,
Leslie Joel Russell 49th, Daniel

\\\\\ LONDON huge coup for our club to sign
Football League (TTPFL) with a
5-3 victory over Central FC on
Saturday night.
Ataulla Guerra opened the
scoring for the Rangers in the

Saturday, De-
David 85th)
Prison FC
0 vs Defence
Force 7 (Reon
Moore 18th,
someone like Oshane and we can- fourth minute but Central FC trounced Pris- 37th, Jelani
OUT-OF-FAVOUR West Indies fast not wait for him to arrive. restored parity courtesy Keron on FC 7-0 Felix 21st,
bowler Oshane Thomas has joined “It fits in with how we run the Cummings in the 28th. while Club Brent Sam
top-flight Gloucestershire cricket club and we want to ensure we Isaiah Raymond re-estab- Sando whipped W Connection 45th, Hashim Arcia 65th 73rd,
club Frocester for the region’s new give ourselves the best possible lished the lead for Rangers a 3-1 and Police FC came from a Leshawn Roberts 83rd)
league season which chance of competing back in Pre- minute later while Isaiah Lee goal down to beat Cunupia FC Club Sando 3 (Michael Bas-
gets under way next mier One. It will benefit the whole added another in first-half stop- 2-1. deo 9th, Seon Thomas 62nd,
month. club from top to bottom page time to make it 3-1. Jabari Forbes 64th) vs W Con-
Frocester de- and hopefully the wider Leslie Joel Russell added a TTPFL results: nection 1 (Dwight Pope 53rd)
scribe the signing of cricket community who fourth for Rangers in the 49th Central FC 3 (Keron Cum- Cunupia FC 1 (Ricardo
26-year-old Thom- can experience the before Central hit back with mings 28th, Anslem Jackson Williams 37th) vs Police FC 2
as, who made his club and everything it strikes from Anslem Jackson and 56th, Kesean St Rose 62nd) vs (Elijah Belgrave 86th, Kareem
international de- has to offer.” Kesean St Rose in the 56th and Terminix La Horquetta Rangers Freitas 90th)
but in 2018, as Thomas, a re-
a “huge coup” cipient of West
for the club Indies’ Emerg-
on their re- ing Player of
turn to the the Year Award
West of in 2019, has
England picked up 27
Premier wickets in 20
League ODIs, and 19
Premier wickets in 20
One, which T20Is.
takes in teams However,
from Bristol, Somer- he has been
set, Gloucestershire deserted by
and Wiltshire. form and fit-
The club, based in ness and
the village of Froces- has not
ter -- with a popula- played in-
tion 155 -- at the foot ternation-
of the Cotswolds and ally in nearly
10 miles from county two years.
town Gloucester, Thomas rep- SCREEN UP: T&T striker Aliyah
won the Premier resented the Prince shields the ball from
One title in 2007, Rajasthan Roy- a Bahamas opponent in the
2014 and 2015. als in 2019 in playoff for third-place at the
They were the Indian Pre- ANOC World Beach Games
runners-up in mier League, Qualifier in El Salvador, on
2016 and were and was also Saturday night.
promoted back with the fran-
to the top flight chise during
following rel- the 2020 sea-
egation, son in the Unit-
by being ed Arab Emir-
crowned ates, where he
champi- replaced England
ons of the
captain Ben Stokes.
Thomas has also
played for the Barbados
Beach soccer women gain consolation win
tershire/ Royals in the Caribbean TRINIDAD and Tobago’s women beach soccer penalty area and missed the target with her shot.
Wiltshire Premier League and re- team won finished third at the ANOC World Beach But T&T ended the half in front with Alexcia
Division cently Comilla Victorians Games Qualifier in El Salvador following a 4-1 vic- Ali scoring before the break in making it 2-1. T&T
last sea- in the Bangladesh Premier tory over the Bahamas in their final match on Sat- dominated the third period with Daniel Findley
son. League. urday. and Phillip scoring a goal each, extending their
C o n - Frocester, who run four Meanwhile, their male counterparts missed out lead and sealing the deal. Also, El Salvador defeat-
firming the men’s teams on Saturdays, on a podium finish after being shut out 4-0 by Cos- ed the USA 5-4 in the women’s final.
marquee open their season on May 6 ta Rica in their third-place playoff. The T&T women had lost 5-2 to El Salvador and
signing, Ali with a trip to Bath, last season’s In the women’s competition, the game between 7-2 to the USA in earlier group matches, before
Downey, champions and 11 times winners the Bahamas and T&T provided an entertaining beating Bahamas.
Frocester’s since the competition’s inception spectacle. Bahamas’ Taleah Thompson earned a In men’s competition, Costa Rica saw off T&T
committee in 1999. penalty but failed to convert when she sent her with a brace from Medina, while Guatemala fin-
chairman, shot over the goalpost in the first period. ished fifth following a 2-1 win over the Bahamas.
said: “It ‘HUGE COUP’: File photo shows West However, Bahamas eventually took the lead Belize ended in seventh place.
just makes Indies’ Oshane Thomas in action against three minutes into the second quarter when Jane- The USA won the men’s tournament, beating
me want England in an ODI match at Kensington ka Edey scored with a free-kick, as they opted for hosts El Salvador 4-2 in the final. The top two teams
to smile. Oval, in Barbados, February 22, 2019. shots from distance. T&T’s Adanya Phillip levelled in both men’s and women’s competition qualified
It’s a —Photo: AP the score at 1-1 before Ketara Munreo reached the for the World Championship in Bali later this year.
SPORTS \ Daily Express \ Monday 10 April 2023 \ 35

Jabeur wins
over Bencic

TUNISIA’S ONS Jabeur won the

championship rematch with Belinda
Bencic at the Charleston Open yes- RESTORING PARITY: Liverpool’s Roberto Firmino, left, unleashes a header to level the scores at 2-2 during their English
terday 7-6 (8/6), 6-4 for her third ca- Premier League match against Arsenal, at Anfield in Liverpool, England, yesterday. —Photo: AP
reer WTA title.
Jabeur, seeded second in the sea- The Premier League leaders continued to
son’s first clay-court event, defeated
the fourth-seeded Bencic of Switzer-
land, who had won the event title
a year ago in three sets and started
Liverpool push and looked to have put their Anfield curse
firmly behind them as Jesus doubled their lead
on 28 minutes.
Martinelli burst beyond Trent Alexander-Ar-
strongly in seeking a second straight
Jabeur turned things around while
stall Arsenal’s nold to latch onto Granit Xhaka’s searching
ball. He found space to swing in a right-footed
cross perfectly on the head of Jesus, who direct-
trailing 5-3 in the opening set, a rally
that included a between-the-legs re-
turn and saving two set points to win
title push ed his effort in beyond Alisson to strengthen
Arsenal’s title bid.
However, a clash between Xhaka and Alex-
the tiebreak. ander-Arnold lifted the Liverpool crowd and
Jabeur broke Bencic’s serve three
times in the final set. When Bencic hit
...2-2 draw sees the hosts rallied to claw a goal back three min-
utes before half-time. Diogo Jota’s cross was
her service return wide, Jabeur raised
her arms in triumph for her first EPL race tighten deflected by Jordan Henderson into the path of
Salah, who swept home and tipped the momen-
victory in the United States. “I wish tum of the game in the favour of Jurgen Klopp’s
every tournament is like this, really side.
(mean that) from the heart,” Jabeur A LATE Roberto Firmino header helped Liv- Liverpool started the second half on the
said in accepting the trophy. “Really erpool come from two goals behind to secure front foot and were handed a golden chance to
amazing tournament and I hope I can THIRD WTA TITLE: Tunisia’s Ons Jabeur with a stunning 2-2 comeback draw with Premier level the score on 52 minutes when Rob Hold-
come back.” the championship trophy after prevailing League leaders Arsenal at Anfield, yesterday. ing clumsily fouled Jota to earn the hosts a pen-
When she does, it’ll be as defend- in straight sets against Switzerland’s Arsenal pulled six points clear of sec- alty. Salah, however, fired wide. It was the sec-
ing champion. Belinda Bencic, in yesterday’s final of the ond-placed Manchester City after first-half ond successive penalty the Egypt forward has
Bencic advanced to the second Charleston Open tennis tournament in goals by Gabriel Martinelli and Gabriel Jesus missed, following his blazed effort at Bourne-
straight final about 30 minutes before Charleston, South Carolina, USA. were cancelled out by Mohamed Salah and mouth in March.
it began, finishing off a straight set —Photo: AP Firmino. The result adds significance to Arse- Darwin Nunez wasted a great chance to
victory over No. 1 seed Jessica Pegula nal’s title-defining clash with City on April 26, equalise ten minutes from time after he was set
by winning the final five points of a Bencic held two set points in the as Pep Guardiola’s side have a game in hand on through on goal by Salah, but his tame effort
tiebreaker. tiebreaker that Jabeur fought off. the league leaders. was thwarted by Aaron Ramsdale. The “Reds”
Jabeur looked like the one who Bencic watched a Jabeur’s ball hit the Arsenal had not won at Anfield since Sep- continued to push and Firmino headed home
might have needed more rest early line and threw her racket. Jabeur’s tember 2012—a game which manager Mikel Alexander-Arnold’s floated cross to stall Arse-
on. She lost her serve in the opening hit another sideline on set point that Arteta played in for the London side—but they nal’s Premier League title hopes.
game of the finals and struggled to Bencic thought was out, but the chair started strong and opened the scoring on eight Arteta’s side had to rely on last-ditch defend-
figure out Bencic’s serves. umpire ruled it in as Bencic pleaded minutes through Martinelli. ing and goalkeeping heroics from Ramsdale to
It changed for good with her mi- her case to no avail. Bukayo Saka initiated a blistering surge avoid losing more ground on second-placed
raculous return, down 5-4, on a ball Jabeur took a 4-1 lead in the sec- forward and Jesus’ pass was deflected into the City with Liverpool probing for a winning goal
Bencic hit from the net right at her ond set and held on for her first ti- path of Martinelli by Virgil van Dijk. The Bra- deep into stoppage time.
opponent. Jabeur jumped with legs tle since winning on grass in Berlin zil winger, under pressure from the recovering The draw extended Liverpool’s winless run
apart and the racket behind and last June, also defeating Bencic. The Liverpool back line, kept his composure and to five matches, with the Merseyside club re-
down between them to get the ball defeat ended Bencic’s ten-match win prodded the ball under the advancing Alisson. maining eighth in the Premier League.
back over the net. streak on Charleston’s green clay.

Narine, Joseph amongst the wickets as KKR pinch thriller

\\\\\ AHMEDABAD and captain Nitish Rana’s 45, KKR en 48 off 21 balls and Man-of- Sudharsan struck three fours ply, KKR were stumbling on 28 for
still entered the final over at the the-Match honours, his four and and two sixes and put on 67 for two in the fourth over before Ven-
SUNIL NARINE starred with ball Narendra Modi Stadium requiring half-dozen sixes undoing the good the second wicket with Shubman katesh and Nitish came together
but then failed with the bat, along 29 for victory. work done by leg-spinner Rashid Gill (39), before adding a further to stabilise the run chase in a 100-
with Andre Russell, but Kolkata A single off the first ball Khan (3-37) and fast bowler Jo- 35 for the fourth wicket with run, third wicket partnership.
Knight Riders withstood Alzarri brought Rinku Singh on strike, seph (2-27). Shankar, who then combined with Venkatesh struck eight fours
Joseph’s excellence to chase down and the 25-year-old then cleared Choosing to bat first, Titans David Miller (two not out) in an and five sixes while Nitish belted
a difficult target in a grand-stand the ropes with the next five deliv- gathered an impressive 204 for unbroken fifth wicket partnership four fours and three sixes, both
finish, yesterday. eries from left-arm seamer Yash four from their 20 overs, Vijay of 51. Shankar smacked four fours eventually succumbing to the
Set 205 to win by Gujarat Ti- Dayal, to earn KKR a sensational Shankar top-scoring with an un- and five sixes. stellar Joseph. Rashid Khan then
tans, the left-handed Narine got three-wicket win and their second beaten 63 from 24 deliveries and Off-spinner Narine, who last wrecked the middle order to send
a one-ball “duck” while Russell of the new Indian Premier League 21-year-old left-hander Sai Sud- played for West Indies four years four wickets tumbling for just
managed only one, and even after campaign. harsan lashing 53 from 38 deliv- ago, was outstanding with three one run before Rinku rallied the
Venkatesh Iyer’s top score of 83 Singh finished with an unbeat- eries. for 33 from his four overs. In re- chase.
36 \ Daily Express \ Monday 10 April 2023 \ SPORTS

16 secure berths in SEASON-HIGH 21 POINTS:

Denver Nuggets guard
Kentavious Caldwell-Pope
goes to the basket during
the first half of an NBA

Kentucky Derby field

SIXTEEN horses have
game against the Utah
Jazz in Salt Lake City, Utah,
on Saturday. —Photo: AP

clinched berths in Ken-

tucky Derby 2023. The
question now is whether
all of them will show up.
Practical Move and
Tapit Trice, already as-
sured before Saturday
of places in the 20-horse
starting gate, main-
tained their momentum
with major-prep victo-
ries headed to Churchill
Downs. Practical Move
won the Santa Anita Der-
by (gr.I), and Tapit Trice
finished first in the Blue
Grass (gr.I).
Lord Miles was the
party crasher on Sat-
urday, going from zero
points to 100 and into
Utah Jazz beat
sixth place in the quali-
fying standings with his
59/1 shocker in the Wood
Memorial (gr.II).
Nuggets 118-114
Since Continuar got HAPPY CAMP: Practical Move co-owners, Pierre and Leslie Amestoy, congratulate jockey Ramon \\\\\ SALT LAKE CITY Western Conference.
an invitation via the Ja- Vazquez after the Tim Yakteen trainee won the US$750,000 Santa Anita Derby at Santa Anita Park The Clippers can finish no
pan road to the Derby, in California, USA, last Saturday. --Photo: AP OCHAI AGBAJI scored 28 points lower than seventh, but their
only the top 19 would be to lead the Utah Jazz to a 118- best hope of avoiding the play-
assured of being among Grass, is just below it at ington were not to pro- non-restricted stakes. 114 victory over the Western in game was by beating Phoenix
those invited via the main 46. One way he could duce a horse who cracked In reality, attrition may Conference leading Denver yesterday. Kevin Knox II had
path to Louisville. The be bumped would be if the top 19, Blazing Sevens eliminate any worries Nuggets on Saturday, snapping 30 points, Shaedon Sharpe 26
mathematical cut line three horses just behind would be in, Reincarnate about the math and tie- a four-game losing streak. and Trendon Watford 24 for the
dropped to 47 points Sat- him were to compete in and Jace’s Road would breakers. For now, these Luka Samanic finished with Trail Blazers, who have dropped
urday with Wild on Ice Saturday’s Lexington (gr. be just above the bubble, are the updated clinch a career-high 23 points and three straight and eight of their
and Mage just above it III), a 20-8-6-4-2 race, and Skinner would be scenarios with the stand- eight rebounds for Utah. Kris last nine.
at 50. and earn enough points on the outside looking in ings confirmed Saturday Dunn chipped in 19 points, a
Blazing Sevens, who to pass him. because of the tiebreaker evening by Churchill season-high 14 assists and eight TIMBERWOLVES 151,
finished third in the Blue If, however, the Lex- based on earnings from Downs. rebounds. Simone Fontecchio SPURS 131
added 15 points.
Kentavious Caldwell-Pope In Austin, Anthony Edwards
Woods withdraws from Masters scored a season-high 21 points
for the Nuggets. Jamal Murray
added 20 points and five assists.
had 33 points in 25 minutes and
Minnesota routed San Antonio
at the Moody Center. Karl-An-
TIGER WOODS, who looked to be 6-over through his first seven com- the second nine Saturday, Woods
Aaron Gordon and Michael thony Towns added 22 points,
in serious pain during a rain-filled pleted holes of the third round. He made consecutive double bogeys
Porter Jr. chipped in 15 points Mike Conley had 20 points and
Saturday at the Masters, withdrew was 9-over through 43 holes, which on holes 15 and 16 after putting two
apiece. Nikola Jokic tallied 10 Rudy Gobert had 10 points and
from the tournament because of a was worst among the 54 players balls in the water. It was the first
rebounds and 10 assists. 13 rebounds for Minnesota.
foot injury before play resumed yes- who made the 36-hole cut, and 22 time in the 15-time major champi-
Denver lost for the fifth time The Timberwolves shot 56
terday morning at Augusta National strokes behind leader Brooks Koep- on’s storied career that he recorded
in six games. per cent on three-pointers in
Golf Club. ka. back-to-back double bogeys in the
winning for the sixth time in
In a statement posted to his Woods faced the prospect of Masters and only the fourth such
CLIPPERS 136, TRAIL nine games. Minnesota will fin-
Twitter account yesterday, Woods finishing the 17th hole and playing instance in a major championship.
BLAZERS 125 ish no lower than ninth in the
said he aggravated a previous plan- 28 more holes yesterday. It is the Play was suspended at 3.15 Western Conference but still
tar fasciitis injury in his right foot— second time in the past year that p.m. on Saturday after heavy rain-
In Los Angeles, Kawhi Leon- have a chance of passing New
the same injury that caused the five- Woods has withdrawn from a major fall left water pooling on greens. ard scored 27 points, Norman Orleans for eighth.
time Masters champion to withdraw championship because of injury. Woods had just hit his second shot Powell added 23 and the Los Julian Champagnie had 24
from the Hero World Challenge—an In May, he pulled out of the on the 17th hole, his eighth hole Angeles Clippers solidified their points to lead San Antonio,
unofficial event he hosts in the Ba- PGA Championship at Southern of the round. The next major, the hopes of avoiding the play-in which will finish with one of the
hamas—in February. Hills Country Club in Tulsa, Okla- PGA Championship, is scheduled game. Russell Westbrook had league’s three worst records. Kei-
Woods, 47, was limping bad- homa, after posting his worst score for May 18-21 at Oak Hill Coun- 20 points for the Clippers, who ta Bates-Diop added 22 points
ly as he played many of the first in the event, a 9-over 79 in the third try Club in Rochester, New York.
have won four of their last six and Tre Jones had 21 points, 12
eight holes of the third round in a round. Woods hasn’t said whether he in-
and hold the fifth spot in the assists and 10 rebounds.
downpour on Saturday. Woods was After starting the third round on tends to play in that event.

Stevenson defeats Yoshino in dominant fashion

\\\\\ NEW JERSEY hometown, and midway through WBC junior lightweight champion Haney and Vasiliy Lomachen- er really even seen Devin Haney
the sixth round, it was over. The of the world—has looked. ko are scheduled to fight on May really even hurt anybody before.
SHAKUR STEVENSON was referee stopped the fight. Ste- “I think I’ve even been sharp- 20 for the undisputed lightweight He ain’t really got the punching
relentless. Punch after punch venson picked up win No. 20 of er,” Stevenson said. “But I was title. Stevenson said he believes power.
thrown, punch after punch land- his career and his first as a light- very focused, very focused on Haney will win that fight—and “So if he watched that, he
ed—the audible pop clear to all in weight, defeating Shuichiro Yoshi- what I was supposed to do and he’ll then end up taking Haney on. could tell that I could punch. I
the Prudential Center what was no in the sixth round. sticking with what the game plan “Tell him come on,” Steven- don’t know what would make him
going on. It was potentially the best Ste- was.” Stevenson also said he son said. “If that’s what he want say, ‘Let’s do it.’ Maybe he’s just
Stevenson (20-0, 10 KOs) was venson—the 25-year-old former would like to face Devin Haney to do, I don’t know why he would a competitor. Maybe I just got to
dominant Saturday night in his WBO featherweight and WBO and next. watch that and say that. I’ve nev- respect it.”
HORSE RACING \ Daily Express \ Monday 10 April 2023 \ 37


Super Bird to taste ‘Champagne’

\\\\\ Shammi Kowlessar since then, but he has finished sec- to catch him in the Sian’s Gold, to the surface as he is a full broth- long absence and has ridden only
ond in three of the eight outings, but he should have a much better er of his fellow chestnut. five winners in a brief career which
SUPER BIRD will attempt to be- including when he failed to catch chance of turning the tables over Just Exhale and Soca Harmony began eight years ago.
come only the third horse to win General JN by a short head, over the longer trip. are both in fine form and if the lat- The Chief Commander Stakes is
the Champagne Stakes for a sec- 1,100 metres in the Sian’s Gold Stroke Of Luck and Soca Har- ter acts on the surface and should billed to take place 40 minutes be-
ond successive time when horse Sprint last time out in January. mony, winners of the last two edi- their riders prove to be as capable fore, at 3.45 p.m. Eight locally-bred
racing resumes after a 44-day ab- Seven will be in opposition in tions of the Trinidad Derby Stakes, as their mounts are, the pair could three-year-olds are expected to
sence at Santa Rosa Park, Arima, today’s penultimate event, includ- as well Crown Prince and Just Ex- be fighting it out for the lion’s face the starter in the Grade Three
today. ing the “General”—the runner-up hale, winner and runner-up, re- share of the spoils with the light contest for the $23,000 winners’
In addition to the open Grade in 2021—and Cool Cat, who spectively, in last year’s Gold Cup, impost of around 45 kilos apiece. cheque, but five of them, including
Three contest, the seven-race placed second last year, after both are also involved in the $47,000 Last year’s Midsummer Classic last year’s St James/St Ann’s Stakes
Easter Monday holiday card will had won the Sian’s Gold. contest. and Derby winner Soca Harmony heroine Firecracker and Royal Col-
contain the Chief Commander The latter was the best off at Stroke Of Luck has performed will be attempting to complete a ours Classic winner In The Head-
Stakes, also over 1,600 metres on the weights among the three at very creditably on turf, but last hat-trick of wins, but she has nev- lines, are novices on grass.
turf. the entry stage with 51 kilos, but year’s Independence Cup winner er even raced on turf and will have Princess Royal, a full sister of
One-kilo claimer Andrew Poon he could end up the worst as his will have questions to answer after Kiran Razack in the irons. Stroke Of Luck and Crown Prince,
is back to partner Super Bird af- booked rider Nobel Abrego could extremely disappointing perfor- Just Exhale, the 2021 Guineas is the only horse in the $39,000
ter not being aboard since guiding take up at least five kilos over- mances in his last two starts. winner and Derby runner-up, was contest to have raced around two
him to victory at odds of 9/2 eight weight. Crown Prince, who has won a respectable fourth in a stakes on turns before.
days shy of a year ago. Super Bird was again handed half of his ten career outings, grass last year, but his pilot is the Post time for the third round of
The Hugh Leong Poi-bred and six kilos less that the top-weighted has never raced on grass, but he inexperienced Darcelle Rodrigo, the Arima Race Club’s 2023 Sea-
owned five-year-old has not scored (57 kilos) General JN after failing should have no problems adapting who recently returned from a very son is 1 p.m.


experts say
Advance track conditions; Main course: FAST; Turf: FIRM D MAN

RACE 1 – 1.00 - MODIFIED BENCHMARK HANDICAP – RATED 70-55 – 1350 Metres - $17,710. 3665 9. MAN ON FIRE 48 T. Phillips ** Could hit board 1.00 -- Top Of The Game - Pawan
0667 1. LEONARDO ANGEL 54 D. Rodrigo Unplaced in last six 4446 10. FULFILL 57.5 Rico Hernandez Could bounce back Putra - Princess Aruna - Marvel
2411 2. PRINCESS ARUNA 52 T. Phillips ** Wait for turf Vigor
1.40 -- Schwarzenegger - Atta Girl
6266 3. PAWAN PUTRA 57 R. Jadoo Could take advantage RACE 5 – 3.45 - CHIEF COMMANDER STAKES (GRADE III) – NATIVE-BRED 3 Y.O. – 1600 Metres
Silvy - Country Sign - Emotional
1221 4. TOP OF THE GAME 54 A. Poon * Out for three months (TURF) – $38,524 ($23,114; $7,705; $3,852; $1,926; $1,156; $771). Damage
3214 5. MARVEL VIGOR 56.5 D. Khelawan Could go close 5 1. MISS SUNAK (TO) 54 N. Flavenney Far behind on debut 2.20 -- Sexy Eyes - Happy Bird -
560 2, PRINCESS ROYAL 54 Rico Hernandez Has shown nothing yet Thunderbird - Angry Bird
RACE 2 – 1.40 - MODIFIED BENCHMARK HANDICAP – DIV I – RATED 40-25 – 1500 Metres 73 3. BEEP BEEP 54 O. Mohammed First time on turf 3.05 -- Empress Hasan - She WBO
(TURF) - $13,915. On Time - JCPeyton - Mona Lisa -
332 4. BLINDING LIGHTS 54 A. Poon On the improve
Pure Strike
3412 1. SCHWARZENEGGER 57 T. Phillips ** Could take this 1 5. FIRECRACKER 54 D. Khelawan Bullet gallop last week 3.45 -- FIRECRACKER - IN THE
1169 2. MAGICAL WORLD 57 A. Poon * Could find a place 6 6. STAR ATTRACTION 54 R. Jadoo Going well on turf HEADLINES - BLINDING LIGHTS -
7631 3. D’HUMMINGBIRD 50.5 R. Jadoo Needs a shorter trip 5 7. NUCLEAR WAR 57 N. Abrego Decent debut effort BEEP BEEP
2155 4. ATTA GIRL SILVY 55.5 D. Butcher Could be dangerous 1 8. IN THE HEADLINES 54 T. Phillips Sire loved grass 4.25 -- SOCA HARMONY - GENERAL
5865 5. MARKET LEADER 54.5 J. Arneaud Could hit board JN - CROWN PRINCE - SUPER BIRD
4044 6. COUNTRY SIGN 56 D. Khelawan Eachway chance 5.10 -- Blue Agave - C’est La Vie
RACE 6 – 4.25 - CHAMAGNE STAKES (GRADE III) – 3 Y.O. & OVER – 1600 Metres (TURF) -
664 7. EMOTIONAL DAMAGE 54 Rico Hernandez Not ready for this - Comandante - Manos Ariba –
$46,920 ($28,152; $9,384; $4,692; $2,346; $1,408; $938). Davindra
7 8. MIKE JR (TO) 51 N. Flavenney Well beaten on debut
4568 1. STROKE OF LUCK 51 T. Phillips Deserves another chance BEST BET: SCHWARZENEGGER
1933 2. COOL CAT 51 N. Abrego Danger despite overweight
1512 3. CROWN PRINCE 51 Rico Hernandez First time on lawn
(TURF) - $13,915.
8576 4. CP JET 45 N. Mohammed Up in class
7375 1. BAY VIEW 58 A. Poon * First time on grass 1.00 –- Pawan Putra – Marvel
4042 5. SUPER BIRD 51 A. Poon Could take this Vigor – Top Of The Game – Leonar-
5242 2. ALPHA CENTAURI 54 R. Jadoo Could be dangerous
6911 6. GENERAL JN 57 D. Khelawan Could score again do Angel
2173 3. THUNDERBIRD 55 N. Mohammed Eachway chance
4311 7. SOCA HARMONY 45 K. Razack Turf novice in light 1.40 –- Schwarzenegger – Atta
444 4. ANGRY BIRD 48 Rico Hernandez Novice on turf
1754 8. SUPREMACY 45.5 R. Jadoo Hard-pressed here Girl Silvy – Country Sign – Market
6108 5. MAFIA MAN (B’DOS) 58 N. Flavenney Won 12 on grass Leader
3223 9. JUST EXHALE 45 D. Rodrigo Winner at weights
21 6. HAPPY BIRD 56 N. Abrego Could be anything 2.20 –- Happy Bird – Sexy Eyes –
3589 7. MAHA RAJA 56 D. Blackman A sprinting sort Alpha Centauri – Thunderbird
RACE 7 – 5.10 MODIFIED BENCHMARK HANDICAP – RATED 50-35 – 1200 Metres – $13,915. 3.05 –- Empress Hassan – Mona
6488 8. SEXY EYES 58.5 O. Mohammed ** Could go close
0500 1. TWITTER KING 54 K. Chandler Unplaced in last five Lisa – Kobe – Fulfill – She WBO
RACE 4 – 3.05 - MODIFIED BENCHMARK HANDICAP – RATED 30 & LOWER – 1350 Metres - 4911 2. C’EST LA VIE 55.5 O. Mohammed ** Should be respected On Time
1235 3. ZELDA 55 Rico Hernandez Could hit board 3.45 –- IN THE HEADLINES – FIRE-
5759 1. PURE STRIKE 53.5 J. Arneaud Not up to much 3362 4. DAVINDRA 54 T. Phillips ** Needs a longer trip
3772 2. MONA LISA 54.5 D. Khelawan Could score here 5593 5. DAVINCI CODE 55 K. Razack Facing uphill task 4.25 –- SUPER BIRD – JUST EXHALE
0580 3. ZIAH 57 K. Chandler Yet to earn a cent 9634 6. STAR OF WONDER 57 A. Poon * Not his best trip – SOCA HARMONY – CROWN
3653 4. JCPEYTON 57 A. Poon * Could be a threat 6920 7. PRINCE CONNOR 51 N. Flavenney Up in class PRINCE
7088 5. QUASIMODO 56 N. Mohammed Needs to improve 1247 8. BLUE AGAVE 58 N. Abrego Could take this 5.10 –- Blue Agave – Smooth
Sailing – C’est La Vie – Comandan-
1254 6. SHE WBO ON TIME 52.5 O. Mohammed ** Eachway chance 28P6 9. MANOS ARIBA 57.5 D. Butcher Back in his class
te – Manos Ariba
137R 7. KOBE 58.5 N. Abrego Could be dangerous 4435 10. SMOOTH SAILING 58.5 D. Khelawan Could go close
2608 8. EMPRESS HASSAN 58.5 D. Khelawan Could take advantage 2419 11. COMANDANTE 57.5 R. Jadoo Could be dangerous
38 \ Daily Express \ Monday 10 April 2023 \ SPORTS

n Carifta Aquatic Champs:

medal haul local swimmers continue strong showing
TOP TTO youth swimmer Cayman Islands (50.99) and sponding event for the girls.
Nikoli Blackman won two gold Marvin Johnson of the Baha- Christian Rivas also climbed ATOP THE PODIUM: Trinidad and Tobago’s Akil Campbell, centre, on the podium during the
and two silver medals on Sat- mas, who clocked 51.16 sec- the podium in the Boys 13-14 second day of the Easter International Cycling Grand Prix at Skinner Park, on Saturday.
urday as Trinidad and Tobago ond. 200-metre butterfly, claiming
continued their strong showing
at the Carifta Aquatic Champi-
onships, currently taking place
in Curacao.
In the 50-metre breast-
stroke, Blackman just missed
out on the top spot with a time
of 29.88 seconds to come in
the bronze medal in a time of
2:21.04 while Liam Carrington
copped a couple of two silver
medals-- first in the Boys 13-
Campbell stars in
Blackman started the third
day of the championships with
a silver medal in the Boys 15-
17 200-metre IM (individual
just behind Braynsly Dirksz of
Antigua Barbuda, who touched
the wall in 29.02 seconds.
Blackman clocked 2:10.36 in
14 100-metre freestyle (54.54)
then in the 13-14 200-metre
IM (2:13.15).
Liam Roberts captured sil-
Easter Grand Prix
medley) and followed up with the 200-metre IM to finish be- ver in the Boys 13-14 50-metre AKIL CAMPBELL won the Interna- International Men’s eight-lap race on
silver in the 50-metre breast- hind Nigel Forbes of the Baha- breaststroke while Anpherne tional Men’s UCI points race on the Saturday, finishing ahead of Eastman
stroke. mas who had a time of 2:06.72. Bernard secured the bronze. second night of the Easter Interna- and Peru’s Luis Bareera.
He ended the day on top, Also claiming gold on Sat- And Tyler Marchan clinched tional Cycling Grand Prix at Skinner Campbell finished second in the
bagging gold in the 100m urday was the Boys 13-14 bronze in the Girls 11-12 Park on Saturday. Elite Men UCI elimination race with
freestyle and in the 800-me- 800-metre relay squad of Liam 200-metre IM. And he followed up with another his teammate Adam Alexander tak-
tre freestyle relay. In the final Roberts, Darren Belfon, Isaiah After Saturday’s perfor- gold-medal performance, in the elim- ing the gold and Eastmond captur-
event on the day, Blackman Alexander and Liam Carring- mance, T&T were third on the ination event on yesterday’s final day, ing bronze. T&T’s Tariq Woods was
swam the lead-off leg of the ton. T&T clocked 8:34.53, well medal table with 41 (16 gold, as the curtain came down at the Cy- fourth in that race but won the Elite
relay while Giovani Rivas went ahead of second-placed Baha- 12 silver and 13 bronze). The cling Centre in Couva. and International Men’s UCI scratch
second, then Zachary Antho- mas (8:41.02). Cayman Islands are second, In yesterday’s elimination race, race.
ny with Zarek Wilson on an- In the individual events, also with a total for 41 (20 Campbell was always at the fore of In the Junior Elite and Internation-
chor. The T&T quartet clocked Zachary Anthony secured gold, 12 silver, 9 bronze) while the peloton and when it came down al Ladies two-lap race, Suriname’s
7:58.66 to finish ahead of the bronze in the Boys 15-17 the Bahamas lead the stand- to the final three, there was no stop- Tachana Dalger took the gold while
Bahamas (8:03.32) and the 200-metre butterfly in a time ings with 65 medals (28 gold, ping the T&T rider who finished Mexico’s Maria Gonzales took silver.
Cayman Islands (8:04.22). of 2:05.86 while Zarek Wilson 21 silver and 16 bronze). ahead of the Barbados pair of and T&T’s Alexi Ramirez and Adrianna
In the 100-metre freestyle, finished sixth in the race in a Blackman and company Jamol Eastmond and Edwin Suther- Seyjagat placed third and fourth, re-
Blackman touched the wall in time of 2:15.26. were due to compete in multi- land, second and third, respectively. spectively.
50.07 second to clinch gold Meanwhile, Zoe Anthony ple finals after press time yes- Campbell, who also won the Dahlia Palmer of Team DPS won
ahead of James Allison of the placed fourth in the corre- terday. Men’s international ten-lap race on the Elite Women’s UCI keirin fi-
Friday night, continued to fly the red, nal with Dalger placing second and
white and black in the southland on Ramirez and Seyjagat coming in third

Dottin outshines Matthews Saturday, finishing ahead of Suth-

erland and his own TTO teammate
Liam Trepte in the points race -- one
of the highlights of the second night
and fourth, respectively.
Brazil’s Flavio Cipriano and Joao
Da Silva finished one-two in the Elite
Men’s UCI keirin final while T&T’s

in Barmy Army 17-run win of racing.

Campbell was also golden in the
Quincy Alexander and Zion Paulido
were third and fourth, respectively.

\\\\\ KOWLOON of the six-team table on 15 points, up one wicket.

RETIRED West Indies women’s

after suffering their first defeat.
Barmy Army were struggling
Chasing a tricky target, Warri-
ors were quickly in a slump at 22
Historic day in ‘Catch’ tourney
all-rounder Deandra Dottin struck on 26 for two at the end of the for two in the third over before \\\\\ Shammi Kowlessar Alexis, who beat Wong in the 16 &
a half-century and grabbed two fifth over before Dottin pulled Matthews lashed three sixes in an under final in 2019 and for the 18 & un-
wickets in a Player-of-the-Match them out of trouble, punching 18-ball 28, as she put on 29 for the TODAY in an historic day in the Catch der title in the last edition two years ago,
performance, as she propelled Bar- three fours and seven sixes to third wicket with Yasmeen Khan National Junior Tennis Championships. is the only one of the four not in the 18
my Army to a 17-run victory over inspire a 99-run, third wicket (21). Matthews perished in the sev- The country’s leading junior tourna- & under draw.
Hayley Matthews’ Warriors in the stand with Rumana who count- enth over, lbw to Dottin, leading ment has been going on for over three The Tobagonian Ready is the No.
Fairbreak Invitational, yesterday. ed half-dozen fours in a 28-ball to a collapse which saw Warriors decades, but today will be the first day 1 seed, but Wong, doubles champion
Sent in at the Kowloon Cricket knock. labouring at 79 for six in the 11th of action ever in the girls’ 21 & under in the last two editions of the Tran-
Club, Barmy Army stormed to 163 Dottin was eventually third out over. division. quillity Open Tournament, is also on
for six from their 20 overs, Dottin in the 16th over, triggering a slide Bryce intervened, slamming 45 The four participants are in a the top half of the draw and she is
top-scoring with 69 from 48 balls which saw four wickets go down from 26 balls with four fours and straight round-robin event and all expected to tackle second-seeded
and Rumana Ahmed getting 37 for 37 runs, Scottish seamer Kath- two sixes, and inspiring a 38-run, four will be in action today when two-time ‘Tranquil” runner-up Car-
from 28 balls. ryn Bryce finishing with two for 29. seventh wicket partnership with the second stage of the tournament rington in Thursday’s final.
In reply, Warriors were dis- Dottin’s former West Indies captain Sindhu Sriharsha (14) and gets going at the National Racquet In the girls’ 16 & under division, De
missed for 146 off 20 overs with teammate, fast bowler Shamilia a 22-run eighth wicket stand with Centre, Orange Grove Main Road, Gannes-Maillard twins, Laura Li and
Dottin snatching two for nine from Connell, produced a superb four- Mariana Martinez (seven not out). Tacarigua. Abigail, are seeded first and second, re-
three overs of medium pace and over spell which yielded only eight However, the last three wickets Charlotte Ready will come up against spectively.
24-year-old American left-arm runs and a single wicket, while the tumbled for seven runs with Dottin Aalisha Alexis around noon, and then The 10, 12 and 14 & under catego-
pacer Tara Norris claiming two for current West Indies captain Mat- picking up a second scalp, that of Ella Carrington will face Cameron Wong ries took place last week.
39. Barmy Army lie second on 10 thews sent down four overs of off- her former teammate Connell for in a match which is expected to deter- There are 16 matches on today’s
points while Warriors remained top spin which cost 41 runs and served nought. mine the eventual champion. schedule and first serve is at 9 a.m.
\ Daily Express \ Monday 10 April 2023 \ 39
Daily E press Narine, Joseph
amongst the

wickets as KKR
pinch thriller
Page 35

$4 Monday, April 10, 2023 No: 20,019 40 Pages


\\\\\ Kwame Laurence 54.71 seconds. Kaori Robley was fifth in the
girls’ Under-17 400 hurdles in 1:09.18.
gained his rhythm in round three with a 6.91
leap. Matthew then jumped 6.78 and 6.81, be-
spot in the girls’ Under-20 discus. Her T&T
teammate, Jinell Campbell was sixth with
KALEB CAMPBELL struck silver for Trini- Jinell Campbell threw 10.83 metres for fifth fore closing off at seven metres flat. a 41.74 effort. Gold went to Abigail Martin
dad and Tobago on Day 2 of the 2023 Carifta in the girls’ Under-20 shot put. And Andrew After press time, on Saturday, Sanaa Fred- at 53.30 and silver to her Jamaica teammate
Games in Nassau, Bahamas, yesterday. Camp- Steele’s 7.16m leap earned him fifth spot in the erick added to the T&T medal tally, bagging Cedricka Williams (53.08). Guadeloupe’s Jack-
bell cleared the bar at 1.87 metres to secure boys’ Under-20 long jump. girls’ Under-20 100m bronze with an 11.65 ie Princesse Hyman (48.81) claimed bronze.
the runner-up spot in the boys’ Under-17 high Late on Saturday, Imanni Matthew seconds clocking. Alana Reid was unchal- A 10.66 seconds run from Revell Webster
jump. emerged as the T&T Day 1 standout, win- lenged for gold, the Jamaican sprinter stop- earned the T&T sprinter seventh spot in the
There was silver too in the girls’ Under-17 ning the boys’ Under-17 long jump with a big ping the clock at 11.17 seconds to finish well boys’ Under-20 100m final. Davonte Howell
4x100m relay, the T&T quartet clocking 46.18 7.13m leap. Barbadian Aaron Massiah jumped ahead of her teammate, Alexis James, the sil- of the Cayman Islands won in 10.30, from
seconds. 6.49 to finish a distant second, edging Cayman ver medallist in 11.53. Bahamians Carlos Brown (10.38) and Adam
Natasha Fox finished just outside the Islands athlete Anthony Chin (6.48) into third Shelbourne produced an 11.95m effort Musgrove (10.44).
medals in the girls’ Under-20 400m hurdles, spot. Matthew’s teammate, Jahaziel David was to finish fourth in the girls’ Under-20 triple In the boys’ Under-17 100m, T&T’s Ka-
the T&T athlete getting home in one minute, seventh at 6.13. jump. Jamaican Jade-Ann Dawkins (13.05), deem Chinapoo was seventh in 11.02 seconds.
00.29 seconds. Her teammate, Keneisha Shel- Matthew stamped his class on the com- Bahamian Lanaisha Lubin (12.40) and French Tramaine Todd grabbed gold for Jamaica in
bourne was fifth in 1:04.12. Dorian Charles, petition in round one, disturbing the sand Guiana’s Kayssia Hudson (12.22) earned gold, 10.52. Bahamian Ishmael Rolle (10.62) picked
the silver medallist in the boys’ Under-20 jave- at 7.13m to put gold out of his rivals’ reach. silver and bronze, respectively. up silver, with bronze going to Grenadian
lin, claimed fifth spot in the one-lap hurdles in He jumped 3.95 in the second round, but re- Lalenii Grant threw 43.05m to secure fifth Ethan Sam (10.71).

TOP OF THE CLASS: Immani Matthew leaps to gold on

the opening day of the 2023 Carifta Games in Nassau,
Bahamas, on Saturday. The Trinidad and Tobago athlete
disturbed the sand at 7.13 metres. —Photo: PAUL VOISIN


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