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Year 7 – PDHPE – Road Safety Task

Part B: Video Scaffold Name: Izzy, Grace, Maeve, and Rose

To show people how important it is to be aware of your surroundings near/crossing the road. To teach people
to be aware of their surroundings.
What is the story/scenario that
the video will depict?

Being aware of your surroundings.

How will the key message of the

video be promoted?

To show the consequences if you don’t follow road safety

lkWhat approaches are being used

to get the key message across?
e.g. humour, facts, testimony etc.

By showing the audience what will happen if you don’t pay attention or focus near/crossing a road.

How will these approaches be

used to engage the target

What is the intended effect of the

Year 7 – PDHPE – Road Safety Task

video? e.g. change behaviour, To inform the viewers on how to safely use the road when near/crossing
provide information, raise
emotions, highlight consequences

By showing the long-term consequences of your decisions.

How will this be effectively


Intro: Introducing our group.

Scene 1: Teacher is explaining road safety on the board.
Scene 1: Camera goes to people sitting in the room.
Scene 2: After the class is done two girls says, “That was so boring”, the other girl says, “I know it’s not like we
don’t know how to cross a road it’s not that hard”.
Scene 3: The same two girls are walking back home from school talking about what they are doing on the
Provide a storyboard/structure for
your video. Scene 4: A car is coming down the road where the girls are talking, the two girls go to cross without looking and
don’t even notice the car. The car hits the breaks and is surprised when the girls don’t even look at the car and
keep talking.
Scene 5: They both walk off not caring about what happened
Scene 6: A slideshow of statistics about car crashes appears.
Scene 7: The video ends

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