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Module 1: The Teacher

WHAT IS COMPETENCY? 4. Being flexible and capable to adjusting to a novel

 Competence is understood as excellent capability. situation
 Ability to perform or carry out defined tasks in a  Teachers are able to respond to the changing nature
particular context at a high level of excellence. of teaching and navigate a complex workplace.
1. Mastery of the subject  Allows teacher to understand students' perspective,
 The teacher must be the ones to be the most read their nonverbal signals and react with concern
knowledgeable character. to students
2. Professional training 6. Having a positive regards for students
 Helps reduce the gap by updating educators with the  Leads to increased cooperation and engagement in
latest trends and resources. the classroom
3. Knowledge of students’ mother tongue THE TRAITS OF THE 21ST CENTURY OF
 Language is a key to inclusion. TEACHER
4. Attitudes toward professional growth ➢ Flexible and adaptive
 Having a positive attitude allows people to gain The 21st century teacher is expected to be
confidence and developed towards becoming a more flexible and adaptive enough to emerging
qualified professional. teaching/learning environments
5. Knowledge of psychology of learning ➢ Lifelong learner
 Helps teacher to know that how learning takes place. It is critical to understand why knowing thing is
6. Skillful use of audio-visual aids no longer enough
 Enable the teacher to make his lesson effective and ➢ Tech-savvy
interesting. For the teacher, it calls for the readiness to try
7. Personality attributes out new technology devices and to discover the right
 Have a positive attitudes. balance between old learning models and emerging
PERSONAL COMPETENCY learning realities.
1. Establishing high but achievable expectations ➢ Team leader and collaborator
 Believe that students should always strive to achieve Reflect the working environment in the real
their best. world.
2. Encouraging a love for learning ➢ Creative and Innovative
Help learners cultivate original thought and
 Teachers use a thoughtful approach that improves
students' motivation and creativity while helping
➢ Mentor and a Role Model
them establish strong relationship with peers.
The teacher of the 21st century is meant to be
3. Listening to others
someone they can lean on, to model the responsible
 Helps teacher to make a more powerful connection
citizen of the 21st century.
with students.

Module 2: The Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST) and The Types of
Curricula in Schools
WHAT IS PPST? Domain 3: Diversity of Learners
 Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers 1. Learners’ gender, needs, strengths, interests and
(PPST) is a public statement of what teachers need experiences
to know, value, and be able to do in their practice. 2. Learners’ linguistic, cultural, socioeconomic and
 PPST defines teacher quality in the Philippines. The religious backgrounds
standards describe the expectations of teachers’ 3. Learners with disabilities, giftedness and talents
increasing levels of knowledge, practice and 4. Learners in difficult circumstances
professional engagement. 5. Learners from indigenous groups
7 DOMAINS Domain 4: Curriculum and Planning
Domain 1: Content Knowledge and Pedagogy 1. Planning and management of teaching and learning
1. Content knowledge and its application within and process
across curriculum areas 2. Learning outcomes aligned with learning
2. Research-based knowledge and principles of teaching competencies
and learning 3. Relevance and responsiveness of learning programs
3. Positive use of ICT 4. Professional collaboration to enrich teaching practice
4. Strategies for promoting literacy and numeracy 5. Teaching and learning resources including ICT
5. Strategies for developing critical and creative Domain 5: Assessment and Reporting
thinking, as well as other higher order thinking skills 1. Design, selection, organization and utilization of
6. Mother Tongue, Filipino and English in teaching and assessment strategies
learning 2. Monitoring and evaluation of learner progress and
7. Classroom communication strategies achievement
Domain 2: Learning Environment 3. Feedback to improve learning
1. Learner safety and security 4. Communication of learner needs, progress, and
2. Fair learning environment achievement to key stakeholders
3. Management of classroom structure and activities 5. Use of assessment data to enhance teaching and
4. Support for learner participation learning practices and programs
5. Promotion of purposive learning
6. Management of learner behavior
Domain 6: Community Linkages and Professional 2. Written Curriculum
Engagement A document-based curriculum in a form of
1. Establishment of learning environments that are course of the study.
responsive to community contexts 3. Taught Curriculum
2. Engagement of parents and the wider school Defined as that which teachers actually teach
community in the educative process day-by-day.
3. Professional ethics 4. Supported Curriculum
4. School policies and procedures Support materials that teachers need to make
Domain 7: Personal Growth and Professional learning and teaching meaningful.
Development 5. Assessed Curriculum
1. Philosophy of teaching An assessed curriculum is also known as a tested
2. Dignity of teaching as a profession curriculum. It refers to quizzes, tests and other kinds of
3. Professional links with colleagues methods to measure students ' success. This can
4. Professional reflection and learning to improve encompass a number of different assessment techniques,
practice including presentations, a portfolio, a demonstration as
5. Professional development goals well as state and federal standardized tests.
6. Learned Curriculum
TYPES OF CURRICULA IN SCHOOLS Refers to what students walk away with from a
What is Curriculum? course. This includes the subject matter and knowledge
It refers to the lessons and academic content they learned from a course, but it can also include
taught in a school or in a specific course or program additional changes in attitude and emotional wellbeing
1. Recommended Curriculum 7. Hidden Curriculum
A curriculum that is recommended by governing A curriculum that is recommended by governing
bodies in education such as DepEd, CHED, and TESDA bodies in education such as Deped, CHED, and TESDA
and comes in the form of a memo or policy. and comes in the form of a memo or policy

Module 3: The Teacher as a Knower of Curriculum

Curriculum from different points of view Curriculum from Traditional Points of View
a. Traditional View Robert M. Hutchins views curriculum as “permanent
b. Progressive View studies” where rules of grammar, reading, rhetoric,
Curriculum logic and mathematics for basic education are
➢ According to the New International Dictionary, emphasized. The 3Rs (Reading, Writing, Arithmetic)
curriculum as the whole body of a course in an should emphasized in the basic education while
educational institution or by a department. liberal education should be emphasis in college.
➢ According to the Oxford English Dictionary, Arthur Bestor as an essentialist believes that the
curriculum as courses taught in schools or mission of the school should be intellectual training,
universities. hence curriculum should focus on the fundamental
➢ Curriculum is planned and guided set of learning intellectual disciplines of grammar, literature and
experiences and intended outcomes, formulated writing. It should include mathematics, science,
through the systematic reconstruction of history and foreign language.
knowledge and experiences under the auspices Joseph Schwab thinks that the sole source of
of the school, for learners’ continuous and willful curriculum is a discipline, thus the subject area such
growth in personal social competence.” (Daniel as Science, Mathematics, Social Studies, English
Tanner,1980) and many more. In college, academic disciplines are
➢ It is a written document that systematically describes labelled as humanities, sciences, languages,
goals planned, objectives, content, learning mathematics among others. He coined the word
activities, evaluation produces and so forth. (Pratt, discipline as a ruling doctrine for curriculum
1980) development.
➢ A curriculum includes “all of the experiences that Philip Phenix asserts that curriculum should consist
individual learners have in a program of entirely of knowledge which comes from various
education whose purpose is to achieve broad goals disciplines.
and related specific objectives, which is planned and Traditional View
terms of a framework of theory and research or past 1. The are not active participants in the learning process.
and present professional practice.” (Hass, 1987) 2. It more passive.
➢ It is a plan that consist of learning opportunities for a 3. The teacher are the source of information and the
specific time frame and place, a tool that aims to students are graded based on their understanding of
bring about behavior changes in students as a result subject matter.
of planned activities and includes all learning 4. Curriculum from Progressive Points of View
experiences received by students with the guidance ▪ John Dewey believes that education is
of the school. (Goodland and Su,1992) experiencing. Reflective thinking is a means that
➢ It provides answers to three questions: unifies curricular elements that are tested by
1. What knowledge, skills and values are most application.
worthwhile? ▪ Holin Caswell and Kenn Campbell viewed
2. Why are they most worthwhile? curriculum as all experiences children have
3. How should the young acquire them? (Cronbeth, under the guidance of teachers.
1992) ▪ Othaniel Smith, William Stanley and Harlan
Shore likewise defined curriculum as a sequence
of potential experiences, set up in schools for the Progressive View
purpose of disciplining children and youth in 1. The learners are the active participants.
group ways of thinking and acting. 2. It is experiential curriculum.
▪ Collin Marsh and George Willis also viewed 3. Allowing the students to draw connections between
curriculum as all the experiences in the them together.
classroom which are planned and enacted by the 4. The teachers are the facilitator.
teacher and also learned by the students.

Module 4: Approaches to School Curriculum Approaches to Curriculum

➢ Curriculum as content or body of knowledge value will the contents have in the present and future
➢ Curriculum as product life of the learners?
➢ Curriculum as process Guide in Curriculum content selection
Curriculum as Content or Body of Knowledge ❖ Commonly used in the daily life.
▪ set/collection of topics that the school and ❖ Appropriate to the maturity levels and abilities of the
teacher intend to teach and be learned. learners.
▪ It is quite common for traditionalists to equate a ❖ Valuable in meeting the needs and competencies of
curriculum to a topic outline, subject matter, or the future career.
concepts to be included in the syllabus or a ❖ Related to other subject fields or disciple for
book. complementation and integration
4 ways in Presenting the Content of Curriculum ❖ Important in the transfer of learning to other
❖ TOPICAL APPROACH - where much content is disciplines
based on knowledge, and experiences are included. Fundamental Principles for Curriculum Contents
❖ CONCEPT APPROACH - with fewer topics in ▪ Palma, in 1952, proposed that the contents in the
clusters around major and sub-concepts and their curriculum should be guided by Balance,
interaction, with relatedness emphasized. Articulation, Sequence, Integration, Continuity
❖ THEMATIC APPROACH - curriculum is seen (BASIC)
through themes and the underlying concepts where ▪ However, Hunkins and Ornstein (2018) added an
topic are clustered together it integrates different important element to it and became Balance,
learning areas. Articulation, Sequence, Integration, Continuity,
❖ MODULAR APPROACH - Topics clustered into Scope (BASICS)
concepts then theme until it become the module we Balance - Content should be fairly distributed in depth
use. and breadth. This will guarantee that significant contents
Criteria in the selection of content should be covered to avoid too much or too little of the
❖ Significance - Content should contribute to ideas, contents needed with in the time allocation
concepts, principles and generalization that should Articulation - As the content complexity progresses with
attain the overall purpose of the curriculum. the educational levels, vertically or horizontally, across
❖ Validity - The authenticity of the subject matter the same discipline smooth connections or bridging
forms its validity. Knowledge becomes obsolete should be provided.
with the fast-changing times. Sequence - The logical arrangement of the content refers
❖ Utility - Usefulness of the content in the curriculum to sequence or order. This can be done vertically for
is relative to the learners who are going to use these. deepening the content or horizontally for broadening the
Utility can be relative to time. same content.
❖ Learnability - The complexity of the content should Integration - Content in the curriculum does not stand
be within the range of experiences of the learners. alone or in isolation. It has some ways of relatedness or
Appropriate organization of content standards and connectedness to other contents. Contents should be
sequencing of contents are two basic principles that infused in other disciplines whenever possible.
would influence learnability. Continuity - Content when viewed as a curriculum
❖ Feasibility - Can the subject content be learned should continuously flow as it was before, to where it is
withing the time allowed, resources available, now, and where it will be in the future. (Constant
expertise of the teachers and the nature of the repetition, reinforcement and enhancement)
learners? Are there contents of learning which can Scope - The breadth and depth of the curriculum content.
be learned beyond the formal teaching- learning Scope consists of all contents, topics, learning
engagement? Are there opportunities provided to experiences comprising the curriculum (coverage). The
learn better. scope shall consider the cognitive level, affective domain
❖ Interest- Will the learners take interest in the and psychomotor skills
content? Why? Are the contents meaningful? What

Curriculum as a Process active process with emphasis on the context in which

➢ Is seen as a scheme about the practice of teaching. It the processes occur.
is not a package of materials or a syllabus of content ➢ Instruction, Implementation, and Teaching
to be covered. These three words connote the process in the
➢ As a process, curriculum links to the content. While curriculum.
content provides materials on what to teach, the When curriculum is approached as a PROCESS,
process provides curriculum on how to teach the guiding principles are presented.
content. 1. Curriculum processes in the form of teaching methods
➢ As a process, curriculum happens in the classroom or strategies are means to achieve the end.
as the questions asked by the teacher and the
learning activities engaged in by the students. It is an
2. There is no single best process or method. Its Curriculum as a Product
effectiveness will depend on the desired learning ➢ Besides viewing curriculum as content that is to be
outcomes, the learners, support materials and the teacher. transmitted, or process that gives action using the
3. Curriculum process should stimulate the learners' content, it has also been viewed as a product. In
desire to develop the cognitive, affective, psychomotor other words, product is what the students desire to
domains in each individual. achieve as learning outcomes.
4. In the choice of methods, learning and teaching styles ➢ Curriculum product is expressed in the form of
should be considered. outcomes which are referred to as the achieved
5. Every method or process should result to learning learning outcomes. There may be several desired
outcomes which can be described as cognitive, affective learning outcomes, but if the process is not
and psychomotor. successful, then no learning outcomes will be
6. Flexibility in the use of the process or methods should achieved.
be considered. An effective process will always result to ➢ When the product is quality across an entire class,
learning outcomes. you know that you have done your job as an art
7. Both teaching and learning are the two important educator. The students have learned in the process
processes in the implementation of the curriculum. and as a result created a great product.

MODULE 5: Curriculum Components and Approaches

What is Curriculum Development? ➢ Taba believed that there is a definite logical and
➢ It involves or focuses the implementation of sequential order in creating a curriculum.
different types of instructional strategies and ➢ She promotes the “Down-Top model” or Grassroots
organizational methods that are focused on approach.
achieving optimal student development and student ➢ Taba defines ‘curriculum’ as a document containing
learning outcomes. a statement of the aims and of the specific
What is Curriculum Development Process? objectives; it indicates some selection and
➢ It is a dynamic process involving many different organization of content; it either implies or manifests
people and procedures. Development connotes certain patters of learning and teaching.
changes which is systematic. Steps of Hilda Taba model of Curriculum Development
➢ It will systematically organizes: 1. Diagnosis of Learners’ Needs
▪ What will be taught? 2. Formulation of Objectives
▪ Who will be taught? 3. Selection of the Content
▪ How will be taught 4. Organization of the Content
Four Phases in Curriculum Development Process 5. Selection of Learning Experiences
1. Curriculum Planning 6. Organization of Learning Activities
The planning phase lays the foundation for all of 7. Evaluation
the curriculum development steps. The steps in this The Tyler Model (Ralph Tyler)
phase include: ➢ The Tyler Model, developed by Ralph Tyler in the
a. Identify Issue/Problem/Need The need for 1940’s, is the quintessential prototype of curriculum
curriculum development usually emerges development in the scientific approach.
from a concern about a major issue or ➢ The brilliance of Tyler’s model is that it was one of
problem of one or more target audience. the first models and it was and still is a highly
b. Form Curriculum Development Team simple model consisting of four steps.
c. Conduct needs Assessment and Analysis. 1. Determine the school’s purposes (objectives)
2. Curriculum Designing 2. Identify educational experiences related to
Way curriculum is conceptualized to include the purpose
selection of: 3. Organize the experiences
a. Intended outcome 4. Evaluate the purposes
b. Content The Saylor and Alexander Model (Galen Saylor and
c. Design Experiential Method William Alexander)
3. Curriculum Implementing ➢ Galen Saylor and William Alexander (1974) viewed
4. Curriculum Evaluation curriculum development as consisting of four steps.
Curriculum Models 1. Goals, Objectives and Domains: The model
➢ A curriculum model is the guideline used when indicates that curriculum planners begin by
creating subject and instruction guides. Explore the specifying the major educational goals and specific
basics of what makes up a curriculum model and objectives.
learn about the widely acknowledged product and 2. Curriculum Designing: Once the goals objectives
process models. and domains have been established planners move
➢ Before determining what goes into the guide, it is into the process of designing the curriculum.
necessary to determine what type of curriculum 3. Curriculum Implementation: After the designs have
guide to use. A curriculum guide can have several been created the next step is implementation of the
different formats, or models. A curriculum model, designs by teachers.
then, is the tool that helps those who write and 4. Evaluation: Finally, curriculum planner and teachers
develop curriculum guides. They provide a reason engage in evaluation.
for the choices made in teaching. ➢ According to them, curriculum is "a plan for
Down-Top model (Hilda Taba) providing sets of learning opportunities to achieve
➢ Hilda Taba is the developer of this model of broad educational goals and related specific
learning. objectives for an identifiable population served by a
single school center"
Oliva Model (Peter F. Oliva) 12 Specification of instructional goals and objectives for
➢ Oliva's Model is more complex than other each level taught. Instructional goals and objectives are
curriculum models consisting of 12 components that stated.
include both the planning and operational phases of ➢ This model is based on goals/objectives, curriculum
curriculum development. design/implementation/evaluation, and revision.
12 Components of Oliva Model ➢ This model takes into account not only the sources
1. Specification of instructional goals and objectives for of curriculum, but also the evaluation and the
each level taught. Instructional goals and objectives are instruction of the curriculum.
stated. Oliva’s model is Prescriptive
2. Instructional strategies are implemented with students The Oliva Model should be considered as a
in the classroom. prescriptive model because it allows, "the developer to
3. Planning ahead to consider ways to assess achieve desired outcomes in a more controlled manner"
achievement. (Gordon, Oliva, Taylor, 2019).
4. Instructional phase allows for reflection on Oliva’s model is Linear
instructional strategies and selection of the tool to Oliva's Model suggests a sequential progression
measure student performance. through the 12 components. "The term linear applies to a
5. Evaluation of instruction model whose steps proceed in a more or less sequential,
6. Evaluation of the curriculum straight-line method from beginning to end. Although
7. Aims of education, philosophical, and psychological there is a built-in mechanism for continuous revisions,
principles are stated the order of the progression through the steps remains
8. Needs of the community, students, and the subject constant.
matter are analyzed Oliva’s model is Deductive
9. Curriculum goals are specified The Oliva Model is deductive because it
10. Curriculum objectives are specified proceeds from general, the needs of the community, to
11. Curriculum is organized and implemented. the specific, the subject matter that will be taught.

Module 6: Foundation of Curriculum

Foundations of curriculum are the considerations Progressivism
of educational programs and policies in the light of an An educational philosophy emphasizing real-world
interdisciplinary endeavor involving philosophical, problem solving and individual development
psychological, sociological, and historical, ➢ Aim: Promote democratic social living
understandings. ➢ Role: Teacher leads for growth and development
Philosophical Foundation of lifelong learners
➢ Curriculum decisions involve a wide range of ➢ Focus: Interdisciplinary subjects.
considerations that anchor on several issues in Learner- centered. Outcomes-based.
education ➢ Trends: Equal opportunities for all,
➢ Philosophy helps us to handle our own personal Contextualized curriculum, Humanistic
system of beliefs and values, that is, the way and education
manner that we perceive the world around us and Reconstructionism
how we actually define what is important to us. An educational philosophy asserting that schools,
➢ The various philosophical thoughts that influence teachers, and student should take the lead in addressing
curriculum are perennialism, essentialism, social problems.
progressivism and reconstructionism. ➢ Aim: To improve and reconstruct society.
Perennialism Education for change
The educational philosophy suggesting that nature- ➢ Role: Teacher acts as agent of change and
including human nature- is constant and schools should reforms
teach content and topics that have withstood the test of ➢ Focus: Present and future educational landscape
time. ➢ Trends: School and curricular reform, Global
➢ Aim: To educate the rational person; cultivate education, Collaboration and Convergence,
intellect Standards and Competencies
➢ Role: Teachers assist students to think with Historical Foundations
reason (critical thinking HOSTS) ➢ History is the creation resulting from human
➢ Focus: Classical subjects, literary activities through participating in different events.
analysis. Curriculum is enduring ➢ It is important to understand the influence of history
➢ Trends: Use of great books (Bible, Koran, on curriculum because there are many competing
Classics) and Liberal Arts visions of teaching and learning that affect
Essentialism curriculum today.
The educational philosophy suggesting that specific ➢ The following persons are contributed in Historical
knowledge and skills exist that all people should possess. Foundation:
➢ Aim: To promote intellectual growth of learners Franklin Bobbit (1876-1956)
to become competent ▪ He started the curriculum development movement.
➢ Role: Teachers are sole authorities in the subject ▪ Curriculum is a science that emphasizes students’
area needs.
➢ Focus: Essential skills of 3R’s; essential subjects ▪ Curriculum prepares learners for adult life.
➢ Trends: Back to basics, Excellence in education, ▪ Objectives and activities should group together when
cultural literacy tasks are clarified.
Werrett Charters (1875-1952) Education in the 20th century was dominated by
▪ Like Bobbit, he posited that curriculum is science behaviorism. The mastery of the subject matter is given
and emphasizes students’ needs. more emphasis.
▪ Objectives and activities should match. Subject ➢ The following persons are contributed in Historical
matter or content relates to objectives. Foundation
William Kilpatrick (1875-1952) Ivan Pavlov (1849-1936)
▪ Curricula are purposeful activities which are child- ▪ He is the father of classical conditioning theory, the
centered. S-R theory.
▪ The purpose of the curriculum is child development ▪ The key to learning is early years of life is to train
and growth. them what you want them to become.
▪ He introduced this project method where teacher and ▪ S-R theory is a foundation of learning practice called
student plan the activities. indoctrination.
▪ Curriculum develops social relationships and small Edward Thorndike (1874-1949)
group instruction. ▪ He championed the connectionism theory.
Harrold Rugg (1886-1960) ▪ He proposed the three laws of learning:
▪ Curriculum should develop the whole child. It is • Law of Readiness - This principle states that
child-centered. motivation is needed to develop an
▪ With the statement of objectives and related learning association or display changed behavior.
activities, curriculum should produce outcomes. • Law of Exercise - This principle states that
▪ Emphasized social studies and suggested that the the S-R connection is strengthened by use
teacher plans curriculum in advance. and weakened with disuse
• Law of Effect - Learning experiences and
Hollis Caswell (1901-1989) other activities must be meaningful and
▪ Curriculum is organized around social functions of understandable in terms of the personal life
themes organized knowledge and learner’s interest. of the learners
▪ Curriculum, instruction and learning are interrelated. ▪ Specific stimulus has specific response.
▪ Curriculum is a set of experiences. Subject matter is Robert Gagne (1916-2002)
developed around social functions and learners’ ▪ He proposed the Hierarchical Learning Theory.
interests. Learning follows a hierarchy.
Ralph Tyler (1902-1994) ▪ Behavior is based on prerequisite conditions.
▪ Curriculum is a science and an extension of schools’ ▪ He introduced tasking in the formulation of
philosophy. It is based on students’ needs and objectives
interests. Cognitive-information processing theory
▪ Curriculum is always related to instruction. subject Cognitive theorists focus on how individuals
matter is organized in terms of knowledge, skills, process information, monitor and manage their thinking.
and values Jean Piaget (1896-1980)
▪ The process emphasizes problem solving. ➢ Theories of Jean Piaget
Curriculum aims to educate generalists and not 1. Cognitive development has stages from birth to
specialists. maturity:
Hilda Taba (1902-1967) Sensory motor stage (0- 2), preoperational stage
▪ She contributed to the theoretical and pedagogical (2-7), concrete operation stage (7- 11) and formal
foundations of concepts development and critical operations (11- onwards)
thinking in social studies curriculum. ➢ Keys to learning
▪ She helped lay the foundation for diverse student 1. Assimilation
population. 2. Accommodation
Peter Oliva (1992-2012) 3. Equilibration
▪ He described how curriculum change is a Lev Vygotsky (1896-1934)
cooperative endeavor. ➢ Theories of Lev Vygotsky
▪ Teachers and curriculum specialist constitute the 1. Cultural transmission and development
professional core of planners. 2. Learning precedes development
▪ Significant improvement is achieved through group 3. Sociocultural development theory
activity. ➢ Keys to Learning
Psychological Foundations 1. Pedagogy creates learning processes that lead to
➢ Educational Psychology as a discipline advances development
principles of teaching and learning that influence 2. The child is an active agent in his or her
teacher-student behavior within the context of the educational process
curriculum Howard Gardner
➢ Psychology in general and educational psychology ➢ Gardner’s multiple intelligences
in particular contributes to appropriate decision ▪ Humans have several different ways of
making in curriculum regarding selection and processing information and these ways are
organization of appropriate objectives, learning relatively independent of one another
experiences and methods of evaluation as well as ▪ There are eight intelligences: Linguistic, logico-
decisions regarding the scope of the curriculum. mathematical, musical, spatial, bodily or
Learning Theories kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and
❖ Behaviorism or Association theories naturalistic.
❖ Cognitive – information processing theories DANIEL GOLEMAN
❖ Humanistic theories ▪ Emotion contains the power to affect action.
Behaviorism or Association theory ▪ He called this emotional quotient.
Humanistic Theory Schools And Society
➢ This theory is concerned with the development of ❖ Society as a source of change
human potential. ❖ Schools as agents of change
➢ In this theory, curriculum is after the process, not the ❖ Knowledge as an agent of change
product; focuses on personal needs, not on the John Dewey (1859-1952)
subject matter; and clarifying psychological ➢ Considered two fundamental elements- schools and
meanings and environmental situations. civil society- to be major topics needing attention
Social Foundations and reconstruction to encourage experimental
➢ Schools are part and parcel of society and exist for intelligence and plurality.
society. Society influences society through its Alvin Toffler
curriculum. Schools, through their teaching of the ➢ Wrote the book Future Shock
curriculum, can shape and mold society and society ➢ Believed that knowledge should prepare students for
in turn can impact the curriculum. the future.
➢ Knowing the social foundations of curriculum is ➢ Suggested that in the future, parents must have the
crucial in making decisions about what should be resources to teach prescribe curriculum from home
included in the curriculum and eventually what as a result of technology, not in spite of it. (Home
happens in the classroom. Schooling)
➢ Foresaw schools and students work creatively,
collaboratively, and independent of their age.

Module 7: Crafting the Curriculum

Ten Axioms of Curriculum Design which are too basic or too advanced for the
1. Curriculum change is inevitable, necessary, and development levels of learners make students
desirable. either bored or baffled and affect their
2. Curriculum is a product of its time. motivation to learn.
3. Curriculum changes made earlier can exist c.) Subject matter should be up to date and, if
concurrently with newer curriculum changes. possible, should reflect current knowledge and
4. Curriculum change depends on people who will concepts.
implement the change. III. References
5. Curriculum changes is a cooperative group activity. ➢ The references follow the content. It tells where
6. Curriculum development is a decision- making the content or subject matter has been taken. The
process made from choices of alternatives. reference maybe a book, a module, or any
7. Curriculum development is an ongoing process. publication. It must bear the author of the
8. Curriculum development is more effective if it is a material and if possible, the publications.
comprehensive process, rather than a "piecemeal". IV. Teaching and Learning Methods
9. Curriculum development is more effective when it ➢ These are the activities where the learners derive
follows a systematic process. experiences. The teaching-learning methods
10. Curriculum development starts from where the should allow cooperation, competition as well as
curriculum is. individualism or independent learning among
Elements or Components of Curriculum Design the students.
There are many labels or names for curriculum design. V. Assessment/Evaluation
Some would call it a syllabus, or a lesson plan. Lesson ➢ Learning occurs most effectively when students
plan as a miniscule curriculum. receive feedback. The process by which this
For a Lesson Plan includes: information is generated is assessment. It has
I. Behavioral Objectives or Intended Learning Outcomes three main forms:
➢ The objectives or intended learning outcomes a.) Self-assessment, through which a student
are the reasons for the undertaking the learning learns to monitor and evaluate their own
lesson from the student’s point of view. As a learning.
curriculum designer, the beginning of the b.) Peer assessment, in which students provide
learning journey is the learning outcomes to be feedback on each other’s learning.
achieved. c.) Teacher assessment, in which the teacher
➢ The statement should be SMART: Specific, prepares and administers tests and gives
Measurable, Attainable, Result Oriented and feedback on the student’s performance.
Time Bound. Assessment may be:
II. Subject Matter/Content Formative - providing feedback to help the student learn
➢ The content of the lesson or the unit is the topics more
or subject matter that will be covered. In Summative - expressing a judgment on the student’s
selecting content, you should bear in mind the ff. achievement by reference to stated criteria
a.) Subject matter should be relevant to the Application of other Concepts to other Curriculum
outcomes of the curriculum. An effective Design
curriculum is purposive, clearly focused on the Major Components of a Course Design/Syllabus:
planned learning outcomes. 1. Intended Outcomes (Objectives)
b.) Subject matter should be appropriate to the 2. Content/Subject Matter (with references)
level of the lesson or unit. An effective 3. Methods/Strategies (with needed resources)
curriculum is progressive, leading students 4. Evaluation (means of assessment
towards building on previous lessons. Contents
Module 8: Approaches to Curriculum Design
Six Features of Curriculum ➢ The following persons are contributed in
1. The Teacher Historical Foundation
➢ Quality education requires quality teacher Variation
➢ With the advances in communication Subject Design
technology, good teachers are needed to sort out ❖ The traditional approach to teaching and
the information from the data that surround the learning
learners. ❖ The oldest and most familiar design for all
➢ The right individuals who are expected to be people
recruited are those with excellent and relevant ❖ Learning is compartmentalized.
preparation. Discipline Design
➢ These teachers should be given support with ❖ Focuses on Academic Disciplines
their continuing development in order to keep ❖ Used in college than in elementary and
abreast with the changing demands of a learning secondary
society. Correlation Design
2. The Learners ❖ Links separate subject design from a core to a
➢ The learners are at the center stage in the variety of subjects
educative process. Interdisciplinary Design
➢ Teachers should understand and accept the ❖ Sometimes called Holistic Curriculum
learner’s diverse background. ❖ A variation of the subject-centered design
➢ Considering the domain of diversity of learners ❖ Made to cure compartmentalization
will allow the individual learner to develop his
multiple intelligences at his own pace. 2. Learner-Centered Design
➢ Their needs should be addressed and be met. ➢ Emphasizes on the elementary level
3. Knowledge, Skills and Values Child-Centered
➢ It should be remembered that what students ❖ Anchored on the needs and interests of the child
learn will be obsolete in ten years, and half of ❖ Learners interact with teachers and the
what they need to know to succeed in work and environment
in life has not yet been fully developed and will Experience-Centered
have to be learned as they go along in the future. ❖ Experiences of the learners become the starting
4. Strategies and Methods point of the curriculum
➢ For teachers to teach effectively, they must use ❖ Learners are made to choose from various
appropriate methodologies, approaches and activities that the teacher provides
strategies “capped with compassionate and ❖ Learners are empowered to shape their own
winsome nature”. learning from different opportunities.
➢ Situations should be created to encourage Humanistic Design
learners to use higher order thinking skills. ❖ Stresses the whole person and the integration of
➢ Good teachers utilize information derived from thinking, feeling and doing
assessment to improve teaching and learning and ❖ Stresses the development of positive self-
adopt a culture of excellence. concept and interpersonal skills
5. Performance
➢ A curriculum should be clear at the beginning 3. Problem Centered Design
with what knowledge, skills and values should ➢ Deals with the social problems, needs, interests
be developed by the learners. and abilities of learners
➢ At the end of the teaching act, it is necessary to ➢ Content cuts across subject boundaries and must
find out if the objectives set were accomplished. be based on the needs, concerns and abilities of
➢ Performance is a feature of a curriculum that students
should be given emphasis. Life-Situations Design
6. Community Partners ❖ The contents are organized in ways that allow
➢ While teachers are the focal point in the learning students to clearly view problem areas
process, they must draw upon the resources of ❖ Emphasizes on activities that sustain life,
their environment and of their partners to be enhance life, aid in rearing children, maintain
effective. individual's social and political relations and
➢ Partnership is a means and not an end to be enhance leisure, tasks and feelings.
pursued in itself. Core-Problem Design
➢ However, as society changes, teachers will have ❖ Centers on general education and the problems
a new beginning, an opportunity to recast their are based on the common human activities
role in their communities, to change their ❖ It includes common needs, problems, concerns
attitude to their communities, to change the of the learners
attitude of their communities and societies about
Approaches To Curriculum Design
1. Subject Centered Design
➢ Focuses on the content of the curriculum
➢ Corresponds mostly to the textbook
➢ Aims for excellence in the subject matter

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