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MOOC Econometrics

Training Exercise 1.4

Consider the situation where the x -variable is observed with measurement error, which is rather common for complex
macroeconomic variables like national income.

Let x ∗ be the true, unobserved economic variable, and let the data generating process (DGP) be given by yi =
α + βxi∗ + ε∗i , where xi∗ and ε∗i are uncorrelated.

The observed x -values are xi = xi∗ + vi , with measurement errors vi that are uncorrelated with xi∗ and ε∗i . The
signal-to-noise ratio is defined as SN = σ∗2 /σv2 , where σ∗2 is the variance of x ∗ and σv2 that of v .

The estimated regression model is yi = α + βxi + εi , and we consider the least squares estimator b of β.

(a) Do you think that the value of b depends on the variance of the measurement errors? Why?
(x −x̄ )(εi −ε̄)
(b) Show that b = β + Pn i
2 .
i=1 (xi −x̄ )

(c) Show that εi = ε∗i − βvi .

(d) Show that the covariance between xi and εi is equal to −βσv2 .

(e) Show that for large sample size n we get b − β ≈ σ∗2 +σv2

(f) Compute the approximate bias (b − β) for β = 1 in the cases SN = 1, SN = 3, and SN = 10.

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