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Isaac Newton: El científico

Gabriel E. Palacios Ch.
6toº PDL

Isaac Newton was physicist, theologian, inventor and mathematician, is author of the:
"Philosophiæ naturalis principia Mathematica". more acquaintance (uh•kwayn•tns): los
Principia, where it describes the laws of the gravitation universal and established the
bases of the classic mechanic through the laws that bear his name.

He was born in Woolsthorpe Manor, United Kingdom, the 4 of January of 1643, his
parents are Isaac Newton Sr. and Hannah Ayscought, his siblings are: Hannah Smith
Pilkington, Benjamin Smith and Mary Smith.

When he have 44 years old he has discovered the law of the gravitation in 1687, he
discovered the 3 laws of Newton.

He was inspired in Galileo Galilei and inspire Albert Einstein.

In 31 of march of 1727 with 84 year old when he is sleeping he died due to renal colic.

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