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Plumbing Engineering Sarvicas Design Guide Hot and cold water supplies tse of ary part he elton Table 2 Day water demand cored rappapats a rtesir Water storage ae The storing of water has a number of Dwellings Woter regulations guido = OE Trecoon | [Pear regulations gut 2 beeroorn 4130, | Bedroom: 1. Providing fran interuntiono supaly — ate 1S Bas Te Water Requatons AevsoryStheme pi ees Free cata ser Sone 2. aqcommodalon peak demand ‘Set cso com tral urtancs vt ecarmendatone 3, Providing a pesairo thead fx =i corsa] | Bat ease onnow ts oguaons anode apoied °* brevty Sesto, =hutsweHone | 720 [Berspaes {One acta water staat an he ier one —| 10 Ba ac include the Water Byelaws 2000 peas ri recommend “porate = Ewerly sheltered | 120 | Bedroom, (Seotend inoring mains supp, n erert -Eestyoaetone [18s [Betas ital a to upp tothe ting, =P Matson congas ar emponend Sie 7a Tenoon Since on spec rms, neucrg ine SUH a Water demand wolume orperod clatorage, win ine, —revelinnasse | ted Borer ‘Stole sappy agiecnent th a consumer. However many water supply ner woh Te water doman or a aug is Gea ear ne eas cemmpaies ony recommend met arabe dependant on a number of factors. cervparies ony recommen thet serage — i eanges | a" [Pera 1 Tipe otauking andits‘uneton ——Brorplaong Hwresponety ar SS 2» Nomoer atonement permanent or dation my one corsumers Shonen [rm ‘transitional ‘Table 2 provides guidance on typical iow canteen 4¢ [Person 3. Requirement for fire protection hour ae ‘within bulldings over a 24 syne our vecagesrdwatertexures, S68 sorGD capac, aceOWrt 4. Landscape and water feat needs to be taken of the bullding and its In duetngs te escent water Weta wa Creumpon saved sornce fe i mary appliances. A typical percentage: 1. Period and hours of occupation = Seoondlary 20 rock denn proved bye Eonment 2. Pete of water usage ah fom Colge |= oncy 6 2. Potential for an interruption of supply Eesti 0 1. WCsute 2% Heep 4, Avgibie mans presse, and ary Sane raat —[ ae 2, Weshing maine 12% hrageqaces angie rouse ounce 3 3, Kitchen sink 15% ‘aulicing use = Medics! ware 220 | Bed 5. Moat & Sate prevenon of Pedals vad — | 000 [Bad & Bath 19% bactaria, including legione'!ta, Geriatric ward 140 [Ben 5. Basin om ir ‘Shorts Changi Watuiking is cecuried 24 nous = dy Seu Crwmang 6 Shower 3% ‘then an intoreuption of supply willhave a _- Sootts Hal 35] Porson } fetar pat har tat say at oft, Sem Peo 20 Pen 7, Outside upp ion any en be ovauped br egho”| Fall Spens | ~25 [ron 8 Miscotrmous 9% Tenors, Were bald occupied ~atuatnernra,—| ~35 [pon Overall consumption ircreases by around bY eldely oF inttmed people then Places of Assembly fea st) 10% during warmer monins when out aveKding any disruption of the waler ‘An Galley [Parson door usage insteases to over 25%. In supply is an important consideration 3s Lie [Person they would be Unable to easiy leave the Pet general, Consumption per person building should water become seu 5 _}Petean decreases with an increase in dwelling vee Theatre 3. [Person size given the shared facitios, unavailable “ines 2 [Pest Cora ch asthe Nona Heath ue ean Fo guidance orto foal water dearer Sores roqute Mebane tobe Feral pes of nay een te right Gxa | — =f Peon 2 tor daiy water demand, The figures, Brovigeg wat storage to safeguard Restaurant 7 [Cover ‘stated have been assembled from 4 against an interruption of the mains: Std na ae ee Se ete ey Gaeerns woman reer eer eat 2702, Senge oerare bat ate ac ee wt Crowd kis Fautang Soe: FguEeTonatal mes ariel cencon din oem Fa eee emenmenta| eases to be avaiaiie within a building folowing entsna can te used, soon nasen ec ae ala i ng tn pe " as toilet facilities will become unusable. It &tlkting flocs ave. is likely that whan an interruption of Perpignan court Supply eceurs then the water evalable 2 PEY PEAY chon maxim wood socoeenesemirnae ging cena amc see eet NE agg Mconnsmnalcoe mony es eee ae rrr eee a 3 Hot and cold water suppiles Plumbing Engineering Services Design Guide ‘A Wears Fett, persons par teams ger rows sed ‘Musou, Art Galenas, Lear, Gre pevscr par Sor ofa gre sang Noor ‘Restaurants, One pecon ger 1.0m" of the ‘ining aren ‘Bars, One person por 0.8m ofthe pubic baraoating rea. Winen the water supply companies, rogaiations, of chent requiremonts do not specifically dictate the period to cover an Interruption of a mains supply then Table S provides recommendations for reasonable periods of storage, expressad 1s a porcentage of the dally water ddomand. Tablo 3 Period of storage ‘The type of water system veil ged to be (ono oF @ combination of the following: 1. Diroct mah fod 1b High level storage with gravity down, feed 6 Pumped trorn a break astern oF storage provsion Potentialy @ one or two sterey building in locally where on interruption of watar ssupoly is very infroquant and causing lite inconvenience, there i an opvfon for tho walor suppy to be altoct from tno ‘mains without storage bang provided. the provision of storage fs possibie at high fovol then the system could bo ‘enhanced to provido storage coupied with # becoming a gravity down feed system. See Figure? | Option af erat fens wet ca | Hay” > [0 25%, 2s L ‘SoortsFacities | + 25% Ground (ave _ ‘Sohoois, Goteges, Universifies | 0% uly op, Water distribution ‘The water dstiaution installation requiras to be able to deiver the correct ‘tow and volume of hot and cold water ‘whan and whore itis needed. The mains pressure can previde the inital means of Seivering water into the bulding. The water supply companies are cequired fo ddalivar their water fo the bourcary with a ‘rinimum pressure of 10 bar. Often thelr deivery pressure oan be higher, however al times of high demand, the prossuro Wil bo closer to the minimum provision. Type of system “To typo and ete of water dsttaston needed fora paricular bung wll depend mainly on fhe bulking neigh and ts use ‘The building height il determine ‘hater pumping wil be required to Salve water the highest lve b, The buiting use i determine the amount of Sorage that wll be required. Figure 1 Supely lo 3 tro storey buicing Storage tanks ‘A building requiring a large wator storage provision may not ke able fo ‘accommodate tat high feel, in which ‘case 2 low love location wil be needed, inconunction with a pumped distribution system ‘A combination of high and low storage can be consigered ita gravity cistabuion |S pretend for al cr part of the aulling. ‘This nas an advantage of providing some slorago in the event ofan intrruption of the water supp'y, or power supply to the pumps. A storage raio of 2: 1 iowihigh levelis 2 typical aurangement ‘Storage can comprise of two Compartments or eistensitanks in order thal maintenanco can be carted out wathout interrupting distbuton, For smal siorage quantities one piece CGsterns can be used, wich generally are ofa for height construction. For storage of 2500 litres or more, sectional ‘ano! tanks may be considered more appropriate with a centre divi. ‘Above 4000 fires storage twin Cisternsitanks may be consigered appropriate, See Figure 2 (ibe ppiat ea ‘ters, rami, ingarst ates, en appa fone at nat a J ‘Bret anes ming Schouten nore ‘ls ab rode to nadie ore osama to telat nine ohare Figure2 Stage cstoratank layout ‘Sectional tanks commanly have flanges, being internal er external, External anges permit tigntening without needing to enter the tank, and on the base permit tho lark to be sell draining through @ sngle drain point wthou! further draining ‘ol any entiapped water between flanges Such'a feature duces mamienanca and assists the prevention of water stagnation ‘wnion can lead to narmtul Bacteria ‘growth, including lagonolla tn calculating the storage capacity 4 tree board allowance Is necessary ‘accommodate the faa! valve, over flaw Installations and any expansion from the ot water system. Dspending on pipe ‘8266, commonly a 250 - 300 mm free board dapth is required on cisernsfanks having a capacity greater nan 2500 res. Raised ball (Rca) valve housings in ‘conjunction with a weir overion can provide an increased depth of water ‘Stored ovor the main area of the ‘ostorntank(s), “The location of me inist and outlet ‘connections is important. Across fw Ucugh tie cstorrtank needs to bo ‘achieved to assist the complote ragulat {tn aver of water throughout the storage period, ‘Sub divided, twin and multiple cistarstanks ideally should be installed In paral to each ofner The inlets roquite to bo positioned at the camo level to ensure they supply the cistornrtanks Tn-unigon, and as fer as passibio the ‘same flow rale Io ascist a balanoed ‘throughout, The outlet connections and manitld pipo work needs to be arranged ‘ath symmetical and equal iengins, iso 1 provide, as far as i possible a Dalanood flow trom the tanks. ‘The use of a delayed action float valve ‘may also be considered fo ensure a ‘grealo: lum aver of wator.

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