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Conversation Between a Doctor and a Patient

Patient: Hello Doctor.

Doctor: Hello, how are you feeling today?
Patient: Not very well, Doctor
Doctor: Ok, tell me about it
Patient: Well, I have a terrible headache.
Doctor: How about your throat?
Patient: It hurts a little.
Doctor: Ok. Do you have a cough?
Patient: Yes, I have a cough, too.
Doctor: Do you feel weak?
Patient: Yes, I get tired very quickly.
Doctor: Let me take your temperature. Hmmm, you
have a little fever. It seems that you have the flu.
Patient: Oh, that’s terrible.
Doctor: Don’t worry. Take this medicine and rest.
Patient: Ok. I understand.
Doctor: Please, come back next week for a checkup.
Patient: I will. Thank you Doctor.
Teacher: (With anger) Why you have not
completed your homework?
Student: Sir, I had a critical headache
yesterday after I left home from school.
Teacher: Do not lie to me.
Student: No, Sir, I am not lying.
Teacher: May I contact your parents and
tell them about this?
Student: No, Sir. (Students speak with low
sound). Please don’t say to my parents.
Teacher: Then, when will you do the
homework properly?
Student: Sir, from now onwards I will finish
it without any obstruct.
Teacher: if you have any difficulties
regarding homework, ask me, and I will
clarify your doubts.
Student: Ok sir, I will ask my doubts from
Teacher: And do not repeat this. Is it clear?
Student: Yes, Sir, I will not repeat this.

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